Notch gets removed from his own game for owning the libs :'(

notch gets removed from his own game for owning the libs :'(

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did they actually remove his name from minecraft?

/pol/ boiz coming in.

Get ready for racism.

I want to live in his mansion. Bet he'd let me stay there for free until he's dead.

Trigger the libzzzz
Own the libzzzzz

If nothing else, I appreciate the man's ability to make people mad. That screen-cap of that tranny twitter-bashing him then asking for Paypal donations is surreal.

wow, what a bunch of niggers.

King of Incels

Are people here actually mad that he made fun of trannies?

Notch is unironically going to kill himself within the next 5 years. He also may or may not somehow lose the vast majority of his wealth by doing something stupid.

I was always fond of this one

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I bet he'd tell you to get the fuck out.


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References to Notch were removed because his own public persona damages the public perception of things associated with him. Regardless of what one thinks of Notch removing refences to him was a wise business decision, or are fans of him going to not buy the minecraft copy they already purchased/pirated?

What are you even talking about?

He's 100% right
Also why hasn't he bought Yea Forums yet?

he should give me a million dollars

Three orders of Minecraft coming up

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I don't get it.

Had a conversation with somebody like this, who thought that the history of man was just a power struggle between oppressive white men oppressing everybody else. These people are down-right pathological. The guy said "All human interaction is based on power and control" and "thats not a Marxist viewpoint, thats anthropology" and I wasnt sure if he was an incredibly gifted troll or just that retarded

Nah, OP's just doing some drama queen rutine.

oh, i get it

>Notch literally gets un-person'd
We /orwell/ now bois

I hate the modern world. The fact that she can unironically type and think that upsets me

by becoming a max level neet, he realized the world is clown.

>pro gay
>anti tranny
based for me

I wish I had this much fuck you money

wait is he calling being Gay a fetish

the only people actually killing trans people are themselves through suicide and self-harm
I like the occasional strip with deeper meanings like this

If it's just anthropology, then I suppose it's also just not an issue.

to be honest I'd apreaciate more minecraft if it was related or asociated with a man who bashes sodomites and call out their vile acts.

>every day on Twitter costantly shouting that trannies are destroying western culture, getting into fights and attention whoring
We /retard/ now bois



He isn't anti-tranny though.

>It's okay to censor people if I don't like them :^)

t. brainlet or pretending to be a retard

Notch is pretty cool and he seems reasonable if you actually listen to what he's saying. I hope he finds happiness in life

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>trans people commit suicide at a rate higher than all of the rest of the population
>gender change surgery does nothing to reduce the suicide rate among trans people
>a large percentage of people who transition at a younger age come back to their senses and regret it later on
>african slaves in the US had a lower rate of suicide than the trans people of today
and we're supposed to believe that these people are being helped by being coddled and treated like a special minority? what the fuck is going on in this world, how is it a controversial opinion to tell people that they shouldn't permanently alter their body or put their kids on puberty blockers?
every doctor who partakes in this kind of practice execute, altering the human body is against God's design.

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You had me until God's design.
Just say unnatural.

Don't make me say the N-word, lefty/pol/!

Aye, he deserves it.
I do also hope he finds some projects that he considers worthwhile for investment of his fortune.
He could do a lot of good if he felt a bit better about himself.


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You wouldn't dare.

Trannies are not destroying western civilization but they are a signal of civilozation collapsing. Check that Camila speech.

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Oh Spurdo, I can't get mad at you.

100% this, their corpse should be paraded as an example of what happens when you go against God's will.

No, user, that's stupid.

Imagine if they did it with Kojima.

I doubt he gives a shit you know considering he sold the game for a billion dollars.

Holy fuck reddit does it again.
You'd think for once they'd have different opinions on the matter, but once again they prove they only know how to jerk each other off.

TWO billion dollars. For the whole company.

And did it deliberately to get away from Minecraft.

Lmao he's still the creator, they're never gonna erase his connection to the game

Kojima doesn't make games with kid-friendly fanbases and spend his time being a bitter imbecile on Twitter

Despite ma-

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Haha, it's funny how we've come fucking nowhere.

Open your eyes

>"Meanwhile Notch has become a conspiracy theorist whose increasingly erratic twitter behaviour has led to a situation best described as:"

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Well neither does Notch.

>Whites kill more whites than blacks
>Blacks kill more blacks than whites
Holy shit, we need more blacks!


b-but, systemic racism!

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I guess he's getting "un-perssonned"

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>with kid-friendly fanbases
Explain Quiet.
>spend his time being a bitter imbecile on Twitter
Instead he spends his time paying to his celebrities friends to make cool photos with on Twitter.

Haha, classic.

>All human interaction is based on power and control
It is true for the most part, it's just that the people who spout this shit conveniently forget that It applies to some of their "oppresssed" groups as well as they can exercise oppression as well

>BTW try Americone Dream! It tastes like freedom!

Did they remove "Hello Yea Forums"?

There's not much evidence to suggest that, the clinical psychologists, especially Piaget, would say that human interaction is pre-dominantly based on competition and cooperation, which is not the same as power and control at all.

This. Did they?


How the fuck has disagreeing with trans people and women become something only white supremacists do? I thought that word was reserved for racists and violent people.

You realize that you're the one fueling this behavior? The more you bitch and moralfag about it the more people will do it.

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>He's kind of awful, so I'm ok with this
I hate this kind of response so much. Don't bother telling anyone why you think that, just expect them to also hate said person because everyone should keep up on retarded Twitter drama. Either way, just listen and believe!

>being this cucked and brainwashed by white supremacy, you try to bring in /pol/ cuckery on a videogame board
back to your containment board incel.

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White people kill ten times as many whites as they do blacks, whereas blacks kill five times as many blacks as whites!

If we cultivate this the right way, the problem will solve itself.

How about you both fuck off to /pol/ you know the board that's for any and all politics

He may have made the game, but he also said a lot of really not good stuff (ie. transphobic comments). It is only logical for him to be removed for his rude comments and unprofessional behavior.

He deserved it for taking public transport

systemic disparity is not evidence of systemic oppression, jerome

So how long until we start claiming that H.P. Lovecraft didn't exist and his books are rewritten by a group of trannies ala SCP because he was a racist?

do you think that he played video games?

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Don't fool yourself. Trans are the last bastion of conservatives because everything else is near to being normalized. And white supremacy became so ambiguous and fragmented it's impossible to distinguish who is who, which is what they want.

t. 1984

You hear facts you don't like and the response is that you wish harm on people?

Oh no, honey.

Now, everyone who doesn't immediately agree with the utterings of a self-proclaimed feminist/liberal/righst-activist is racist, sexist, fascist, or sepremacist.

And THAT'S freedom.

What the fuck? How is he so based? Do I need to but Minecraft again now?

I'm surprised this didn't happen yet. I mean, better writers have been edited already.

Can't find any evidence that it's removed.

Lmao it's still in there probably. Thanks, Notch.

Anyone who dresses up like that deserves to be beat up though.

He's too good for us. Maybe things would've been different years ago before the politics, phone posting, and spam got truly out of hand.

Funny how people dislike notch, he got attacked by the tranny cunt that made df on twitter, and when he (the tranny) got called out he shit himself, because notch offered to pay money for that tranny health, its hilarious, it's funny they are after all his money but won't take it from him if offered because it would hurt they're tranny stuck up sjw ego's

anybody else here like Jordan Peterson?

>bigoted rich white man
Yeah, because that doesn't sound bigoted too.
These fucking people, man. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

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this post was made by a redditor on a Minecraft discord

Unless they do it ironically, then it's ok.
Or Halloween.

Yes, it's like he was asking for it, amirite?

That's not really how personal freedom and equality before the law works, user, but you're entitled to your opinion anyway.


If there was a god there wouldnt be trannies.. cause he creates people in his own image.. maybe god is a tranny and that's why there is so many of them or maybe there is no grand design and it's really just population control that evolution has jumpstarted because out planet is full


Don't try to make sense of them, they lump anyone who disagrees with them for any reason even ones that conflict like libertarians and fascists, into the same category.

Why yes, he's pretty based. I also like Sargon of Akkad

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Never heard of him

>Anyone who dresses up like X deserved to be shamed
Where did I hear this before?

He's a kike and a commie shill, so no.

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Yeah, it sucks, I would go right-wing but they do the same with different things.

No they don't, you can't honestly believe that can you? Where is your sense of decency and civility?
Words are met with words, only violence is met with violence.

>every day on Twitter costantly shouting that trannies are destroying western culture

what the fuck lads

You think the same about trannies and furries, don't fucking try that shit
Find a manchild who dresses up like that just to piss people off and whine all the time about muh ethnostate and tell me he doesn't deserve a healthy dose of loving dad spanking

Are these numbers supposed to be surprising or upsetting?

But in the end it has to be this way

>muh rich white man
How can you be such a loser to make this argument. He created a work of art, it got successful amongst the common people, and then got paid handsomely for it. He worked for it and earned it fair and square.

theyre supposed to be big, if true

The average American thinks a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when in reality, the number is approximately 4 percent.

Attached: gallup gay.png (527x413, 26K)

You're generalizing quite heavily.

He’s literally the least on the left out of all the contemporary right wing populists.

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>Sóygoy of Mossad

So violence is on the table for differing ideas, so would a guy like that then be justified in harming you for what you believe?

The graph itself suggests that it's been going on for a while though.

Why would it be big if true now?

David Icke was unironically right


I hear lies by nazis who feel good about cherrypicking numbers and drawing conclusions from correlations. Your "le its not tolerance if you dont tolerate intolerance" meme got old. Get cucked nazi.

They are quite queer. Look at the older generations. Percentage drops over time which means LGBT people die more frequently in older age.

Haha, that's pretty funny.

If everyone had fuck you money there would be no wars or struggle because everyone would be too preoccupied with not giving a shit to actually give a shit.

Shame that if you even imply the same treatment when dealing with a skimpy dressed thot, a furry or a tranny horribly dressed you would be considered a terrible person and literally worse than Hitler

>Jordan Peterson
>right wing populist
What the fuck are you smoking? You really believe that shit? Nothing he believes is right wing at all.


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Its fucking minecraft

That is not surprising or newsworthy at all.


What about God and Christianity


>The average American
>The graph explicitly states 61% of Americans think otherwise
So this is the power... of /pol/ spamming.

You are not better than them, though.

>the more he complains the more i will prove him right

Since when was common doctrine and compassion exclusive to the right wing?


>owning the libs
I don't remember him ever writing own libraries.

There is no better side in a war

>proto globalist commie religion

The average American thinks 20% or more of the country is gay or lesbian, when in reality, the number is approximately 4 percent.

Why does that even matter, I'm not even the person replying to and don't k ow that ecelb cancer but your obviously grasping at straws like an african near water so shut the fuck up and kill yourself

Assumptions, assumptions.
It has nothing to do with tolerance, I don't know what country you live in but if you live in the US it's called the first amendment, it's not illegal to be racist but it is illegal to attack people because they hurt your feelings, which absolutely is pathetic and uncivil, it shows at what level you operate, your feelings are justifications for violence, even things that are allowed by law you feel you have the right to react to with violence.
It's a good thing more people don't act and agree with you, the country would be a much more violent and terrible place, you are not the moral person you think you are.

Do you think so? They weren't supposed to live that long to begin with. LGBT people who lived into their seventies were supposed to be more austere people who lived more cautious life style. But even they live less than normal people.

Well yes. As humans we're likely to fill out the role we are given. Ask someone who's in a reasonably good mood why they are mad. Then interrupt them to ask the same one more time.

My bet is they will be mad.

But that's about half of the Americans, not "the average". Can you understand your own graph? :)

Fact: Gender Dysphoria and The LGBT+ Agenda are all mental illnesses used for political purposes.

Do not apologise for calling out this degeneracy. Your detractors most of the time polar opposite to you do not want to be reasoned with, they only want you destroyed. This same principle goes for every other vector used for attack by those who want to destroy our people.

50% is average user

I'll say whatever I want, hedonist. Chimps bludgeon members of their own pack before cannibalizing them and that's technically natural but not an example we should follow and not part of God's design. Bet you don't even understand that last part do you, theologylet?

These are strictly averaged numbers, user, so you cannot really deduce lifestyle mysteries from them in such a fashion.


What war? Internet shitposting?

it says 20% to 25% which includes 25%
"more than 25%" is > 25%
also it's not a graph

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You don't understand where you are do you? ss

It was a meme you dip.
But jokes aside we are reaching a point where violence is becoming the only way to defend ideas, dress like a nazi and expecting to be punched is the physical representation of It but there is also the guy whose only crimen is wrongthink on Twitter that gets lynched by a mob, gets doxxed and fired thanks to that mob and in some of the greatest bastions of the free world you even get jailed.

Why is Yea Forums the only board with blatant /pol/ threads like this? Cant we just talk about video games?

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>and not part of God's design

>racism bad
kys mutt

Then you don’t understand what right-wing means. Peterson is more on right-wing in social, economic and cultural values than Ben Shapiro, that Christchurch shooter or /pol/’s squad of 56% NEETSoc regulars will ever be.

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>misogynistic language
>aimed towards men

"No, honey, people like bacon and video games, and we don't make those."

Notch to redistribute his wealth.

To me.


Hahaha seething tranny, kill yourself you fucking pedo and stuff the bible/quaran up your arse and jesus arse at that :)

t. mutt

>peterson followers believe unironically believe in god now
the absolute state of the right

Oh noes, do you think it's really that bad, furry?

kill yourself trannies

user said nothing like that.
He just called for preparations to be made for its arrival.

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>Which frustrates me so much
Is Notch a literal cuckold?

Hoho, user you card.

this is good

based tranny

I feel like if you look at this guy piece by piece you would say he has attractive features, however looking at him as a whole makes me think he has a strong case for ugliest human alive.

No wonder they did that, he's speaking the truth.

>I'm a retard spouting buzzwords and trying to flamewar people in a pol esq thread for you because I'm that brain dead, yes I'm a black tranny gay frying pan muslim

Saudis love strawberries.

I think everyone does.



Are you even aware who you're replying to anymore?

>peterson followers believe unironically believe in god now
Tranny, are you having a seizure?

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How can he be a cuck if he doesn't has a gf in the first place

How the fuck did my post imply that I am in favour of that shit, specially the last part.
>some of the greatest bastions of the free world you even get jailed.
This was supposed to be satiric

That IS pretty funny, even if it's a low blow.

>everyone that disagrees with me is trans and i hate trans people even thought i can't explain why

Why are white on black murders so rare?

Apparently not.

I follow Notch, his posts are always reasonable. These people clearly just want to label those they disagree with with the "Spreading misinformation" tag.

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Why does it trigger you, tranny?


Fapping to cuck porn. Also wasn't he married and thus the 110813?

based mutt

I don't trans people, I feel sorry for them, I hate the people who refuse to give trans people the help they need because it serves their political platform.

>everyone that agrees with that guy is right and i hate right people even thought i can't explain why
Funny how it works both ways

Imagine going to jail because you killed a nigger.


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Blatantly being autistic and a tranny isn't normal

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as expected

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Whites typically kill out of jealousy.
Not much to be jealous of that black people have.


FUCK trannies, FUCK libtards and FUCK cuckservatives

He got paid billions to relinquish control of the game. Kind of amazing it took this long to remove his name from the game.

he doesn't even care about it on Twitter because he knows this was the deal from the get go.

Get a life polacks.

>refuse to give trans people the help they need
doctors say transitioning is the best. so you disagree with medical professionals?
sounds like anti-vaxxer tier shit to me
yet to hear why being trans is bad

why does the image look like that

Man, that guy looks like he's been shutting down to a lot of fucking regret about his decisions in life.

If it occurs in nature and not subjected to free will it's a part of God's design. Deal with it.

Nobody on Yea Forums dislikes Notch.

Anything that's natural is by definition part of god's design.

You can apply ideals wrong and right on all sides of the spectrum. For example:
North Korea is the worst application of economic far left.
Ann Raynd and burgerland to some extend is the worst case of far right economics.
SJWs - far left cultural ideals
Vaarg -far right cultural values
Axis nations - unholy abomination of worst aspects of leftist and rightist traits in economics, cultural and political values. Burn them with fire.

Mighty presumption and strawman.

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statistics disagree
trannies are mentally ill, they need mental help, not encouragement

Jesus Christ, how do Americans still get blamed for slavery but Muslim terrorism has been a threat for the past 3 decades? I understand there's a huge distinction between two branches of the religion, but when you wear your muslim faith proudly, you cause people to react as they might to say... a skin head or neo-nazi because they have the opportunity of carrying violent ideologies towards any group of peoples in the U.S.

It's not fair towards the good people who are Muslims and I've met plenty, but you should expect to illicit a reaction when you partake in controversy.

>doctors say transitioning is the best
Post your sources, faggot.

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Not even a mutt, but your reading comprehension is below americlap standards

You cannot claim that without paying heed to the fall of the natural world when it became corrupted by man's sin. Get schooled bucko

again, doctors say transitioning is the best. so you disagree with medical professionals? you're anti-vaxxer tier its embarrasing

Him getting paid to do something is somewhat opposite of what happened.

He was determined to sell the whole company. Exactly because he wanted to get away from Minecraft. Microsoft wanted it for reaching the younger generation and for advertising hololens. Notch said "Sure, I'll sell for two billion." and Microsoft said yes.

He got it his way from the beginning.

This is him after one more game on cod

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See brainlet

He literally did
He’s on some 4D chess that Yea Forums doesn’t understand

Does nobody see how retarded this ad is? Statistics are wrong, off the bat.

It comes off like we should be incarcerating more whites. Like perhaps the PIC needs more manpower to milk fucking cows.

Anyways national statistics are bunk, and there isn't a good 50/50 split for a control in the US. There's a couple that come close to it, but there's some cracky shit with the economy where Indians (natives) are the wealthiest individuals by race. I'd postulate that were you to create a control you'd get approximately even results, but that control would have to be insanely controlled.

Encouragement is a form of help in many situations of distress.

I'll be honest, the claim that all natural evil is man's fault is something I haven't heard before.

No credible "doctors" say that transitioning is best.

they took references to him out of the main menu splash phrases

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10 to 20 percent regret rate after transitioning, suicide statistics are still the same.

Clearly something better should be put forward.

Look at this jazz stuff on TLC, these kids on blockers since they are little never even popped a boner and believe they will have genuine orgasms after their colon is turned into a neo vagina. This gaslighting of kids is what rational people have a problem with, it's not that they hate adults wanting to make the change.

whats going on in this picture

doctors aren't 200 iq gods that are never wrong, infact they're wrong quite often, but being wrong gets them more money, you're delusional if you think transitioning is helping these people in any way.

>thanks for telling me what to think reddit!!

Homosexuality is natural. You accept that as part of God’s design as well, right?

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Legit kek'd. One of the greatest responses I have ever seen

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>the fall of the natural world when it became corrupted by man's sin
Citation needed. No really, I'm quite curious to read Jewish myths.

Can you believe he said this racist shit

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>Ben and Jerry's outright says blacks commit more crimes than whites

Surprisingly redpilled.

To avoid getting it taken down on sites that employ image-to-text analysis of their content for removing objectional material.

If god is real and ominipotent then yes.

Notch is just a libertarian Qultist which explains 100% of his views. Doesnt give a fuck about gay or trans people as long as they dont force their shit on him, hates commies just as much as nazis because they both oppress people, is against any form of discrimination, free market supporter, etc. The only reason hes controversial is he hates idpol bullshit which is more than fair, as idpol has dumbed down politics significantly. It's why game journalists go after him so much since they're the scum of journalism and all have a retarded agenda. The Q thing really came out of left field though. Qanon is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen play out, multiple predictions proven completely wrong and clearly a larper yet TONS of people still fall for a bottom tier troll.

>go to any doctor
>doctors will eventually sign off on your transition
burden of proof is entirely on you
you're posting feels over reals. i'm echoing what medical profressionals are saying.
come back when you have an argument, sweaty.

Pic related is the average dude itt

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>yet to hear why being trans is bad
It's not healthy for human biology.

Doctors used to also say that drilling a hole into your head and draining out the bad blood was good for you.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-23-15-49-17.png (720x1280, 562K)

Holy shit not even denying that your garbage is retarded and just going full "n-no you d-do it too so it's f-fine!!"

Jesus christ nigger check yourself.

Shut the fuck up degenerate.

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Severe luxation of both eyes following what seems to be trauma.

are you disagreeing? wow I can't believe you disagreed! you racist! fuck you, you fucking white supremacist! whiteness is racist, fucking white people

She's still salty nearly 3 years later lmao

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It's okay if Spurdo says it

The hell is Mansplaining?

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>no, you see, "cunt" is thingyimagighamsterlogic so you see i'm right, yes?
It's trying to communicate.

obese neckbeard incel posting on Yea Forums commenting on what is healthy for biology
>i don't trust medical professionals because of some shit that happened decades ago
yep, we haven't made any advancements since then
lmao, fucking retard

I remember when I thought after high school I would stop having to deal with slimy bastards who act all innocent to get people against you, but I've come to accept the world belongs to unsincere kikes.

He saw a couple quid on floor near tesco :)

>androidshitters get ads
Fucking glad I avoided that meme and got an iPhone instead.

>acknowledging that radical ideology from the left is pernicious is now the same as being a fascist
burn it all to the fucking ground

>sounds like anti-vaxxer tier shit to me
You mean the shit that got started by doctors? That anti-vaxxer shit?

How are you this retarded dude?

someone please explain to me why you're all obsessed with trannies
I never met or had contact to a single tranny my whole life
but you are making it look like they are everywhere and you can't escape them, no matter what
I just don't understand,please help

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>18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of [a]corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.
There's also another passage in Romans where it says that with Adam's sin, death itself entered the natural world.

Fascism these days means you want the commies out.

>send your servant for a doctor
>medical professional smells and drinks your urine to make a diagnosis, prescribes you leeches and mummia to eat
Wanna say something else about medical professionals?

Indeed. It is "nonsense" to state that it's ok to be white.

I think the irony is that people who're upset don't see how the statement lampoons both those of supremacists and white guilt mongers.

It's merely ok to be white. It's not an honor, a privilege, or a threatened position, and it isn't a defacto privilege that you ought to be shamed for or burdened by either.

Notch is a funny man that upsets people by saying the obvious.

Kill yourself black fucking tranny cunt, wouldn't be surprised if you were a black gay tranny kinder egg, now fuck off and have incest with you frying pan mom and Christmas tree dad you black cunt

I'm not any of those things, but it's nice to know that you acknowledge your plight attempting to cope like this :)

good to know that all are equal but some are more equal than others

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maybe trans should stop being prostitutes.

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So it's like the word is coming back to it's original purpose?

You talk about mortality entering the natural world, not cruelty.

She's aware that Minecraft hasn't been his "platform" for years upon fucking years, right?

Same with söyboys or cücks or whatever.
If you ever find yourself in an argument you call the other person one of these magical names and then you can easily discard all their arguments. Otherwise you might have to risk getting BTFO or coming to the cold realization that other people have good reasons not to think like you. That's scary!

>doctors say transitioning is the best. so you disagree with medical professionals?
No they don't.

Look at a post op vagina and then imagine being a poor bastard who’s never seen a vagina and getting tricked into one of those atrocious holes.

Also, look up the statistics for homosexuals and pedophilia and all that sorts of shit, and there’s definitely cause for concern.

Plus, gays/trans get an absolute fuckton of representation in media/politics when they’re actually a minuscule population that it’s pretty undemocratic and annoying if you just wanna play vidya with normal characters instead of necessitating immersion breaking diversity inserts

>Blacks are more likely to get convicted of violent crimes
>This proves the system is racist against blacks
>Men are more likely to be convicted of rape
>This proves men are more likely to be rapists
Makes sense

>"Hobo humping slobo babe!"
Why did they remove this one?

That is not what that card says

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You say It as if during that time people in general didn't have retarded and inaccurate ideas of the world compared with today's basic knowledge

I've had a couple encounters with actual trannies IRL and they're 100% like Yea Forums tells you they are, and even worse

Then maybe you should hire them to do one of your regular nice jobs and treat them politely, becasue otherwise getting paid money to have sex sounds more attractive.

so you're saying, if I catch you wearing something I don't like, that assaulting you would be completely acceptable, I mean, you're dressing like, in such a way I just dislike with my entire heart, which is just so horrible and unacceptable to let you possess your own sense of autonomy and freedom, that you should get beaten until you lose consciousness. let's take the shoes while they're out, type of shit, hmm?

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You should higher people on no other grounds than their competence in the field

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>purposefully create a racist dogwhistle
>"why are people calling us racists?!"

That’s literally the exact reason people keep getting called “nazi” and “alt-right”

It’s funny when the inherent denial of being honest with oneself runs so deep that you blame other people for name-calling and dismissal that you don’t see it in yourself

encouraging people to harm themselves isn't help, you wouldn't tell a depressed person to harm themselves physically so why would you do it to a person that thinks they're the wrong gender, feeding them pills and filling their heads with false ideology is harmful, there's a reason their suicide rates are so high and it's not because they're oppressed or whatever bullshit people spout, it's because they literally aren't getting the help they actually need and instead are being put on a pedestal and made to think it's perfectly normal and healthy to have mental issues. Fix the problem, don't try to normalize and romanticise it

isn't that entirely the point?
people in the future are going to look back at this point in history and wonder what the fuck we were doing.

I think talking about humping and the homeless in teh same sentence has become something parents wouldn't want their children to read.

Because only nazis hump anything.

>You say It as if during that time people in general didn't have retarded and inaccurate ideas of the world compared with today's basic knowledge
If you don't have studies supporting that transition is the best than you have retarded and inaccurate ideas of the world compared to common sense and basic statistics

oh the lizards right

And the thing that makes it all the worse is that there's absolutely no convincing her or anyone who agrees with her otherwise because they have a strong dislike of men that's been building up from the widespread epidemic of paranoia people are experiencing by dividing themselves into these little information filters on the internet. It's very bizarre how far this is being taken and it's only going to get worse.

>yep, we haven't made any advancements since then
You're right, highest depression rates, everyone on SSRIs, suicide rates, kids on HRT.
Big advancements.
Advancements in emulating and surpassing Weimar Germany maybe.

Androidshitters got actual app lmao.

Unsure why you are replying to me with that image.

This only happens in Western cuck countries. You fags need two nukes. Look at how based Japan is

>America invades Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and constantly supports Israel against Palestinians
>"wh-why do they hate us? Is it for our freedumbs?"

Didn't need to see that my nigga

Indeed, and you shouldn't turn them down for any other reasons either.

So if I woke up one day, and had gone entirely schizophrenic, and decided that I was supposed to be a woman and cut my own penis off and ate it, would I be normal or would be delusional?

Because yes I’m schizophrenic, but if my brain is telling me I’m in the wrong body, shouldn’t I try to fix that? Because it’s healthy and normal to fix things when your brain can’t agree with physical reality?

>kids on HRT

where's the downside?
I would sell my soul to Satan himself to start that early

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Truth, is hard to confront.
my nigga

By retarded and inaccurate ideas I mean the ones a peasant would have when smelling piss and prescribing leeches was a sensible practise. Funny enough the second still has some potentially medical uses.

Jesus that's fucking disgusting, how could anyone even do that to themselves. Who would even fuck that. Just keep the penis I'd rather bumb balls than go anywhere near that
Based nips

I like how imbeciles like you speak high and mighty but someone genuinely argues with you (see ) but your brain was stunted at 12 so you just respond to someone being equally moronic

>being a libtard and an anti-zionist
This is a Trump board. Get out.

>kids on HRT
what in the unholy fuck

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>Fix the problem, don't try to normalize and romanticise it

While I do agree in many cases, such talk is the basis for quite a lot of the ailments that minorities, the poor, and the sick, have suffered at the hands of governments throughout history.

When is a problem fixed? And what do you do with unfixable cases, when encouraging a human to keep living their broken life is out of the question?

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yeah but fuck whitey amirite?

Well that isn't my post.
So I guess you're excused.

the majority of them yes, he's still in the credits

t. Delusional tranny

Doctors can lose their license if they don't agree to prescribe HRT to kids who think they are trans, that's on Canada of course. Also there, if the parents don't want their kids doing said "treatment", they can lose their guard and the kid might be taken away.

>Kids on hrt
this isn't true right, I don't think parents would actually do that to their kids would they? Is that even legal though. Even I don't America is that retarded

>unironically being a Zionist

Hi Schlomo

That same freedom is what allows someone to beat up a retard like that. Goes both ways, you need to accept the consequences of your actions.

the poor will always be with us, unfortunately. some people are beyond help, but that doesnt mean we bend the system backwards for them

>doctors say transitioning is the best
haha no they don't

>When is a problem fixed? And what do you do with unfixable cases, when encouraging a human to keep living their broken life is out of the question?

Well you can’t fix someone with Down syndrome, because they have an extra chromosome. Are you trying to imply that trans people just “have the wrong chromosome” because that’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

If you fix the inherent mental problem, then that person isn’t going to have a broken life anymore. That’s the whole point, to stop them from suffering and actually help them rather than lead them further into their delusions until the point of actually wasting their entire lives.

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>notch gets removed from his own game for owning the libs
It's what you get for not cutting off your genitals and dressing as a woman in 2019. Well deserved.

Not him but yes. Whites on Yea Forums are the niggers of whites. So fuck whites in the same way nigger in inclusive to shitty black people.

FUCK cumskins on Yea Forums. Literally the worst most autistic genetic dead ends

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No, I'm talking about the controversy of slavery and that was such a small point. My point is that as humans, people are going to fear someone who appears similar to a threat. If you heard about a recent string of cases where dogs were suddenly attacking people for no apparent reason then you'd likely start fearing every dog you see. I only mentioned slavery for the fact that it happened so long ago still being brought up as a knock against Americans while this is still an issue. People are biased. It should be expected that you get a reaction when you wear your heart on your sleeve.

>By retarded and inaccurate ideas I mean the ones a peasant would have when smelling piss and prescribing leeches
but it wasn't the peasants doing that, it was common practice among then contemporary proffesionals

Meh, I think even Notch has had a hearty laugh over the self-defeatist victim mentality disorder covered by that term.

What everyone ignores is that he literally believes Qanon and Pizzagate are real. That is reason alone to dislike this delusional retard.

I've seen plenty of fucked up shit on this site but this disgusts me
Fuck the doctors and lawmakers that endorse this

too obvious /pol/ boy

Turns out the libs owned Notch.


have sex

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>Here's a big claim with no source
>instead of going and fact checking this myself, I'll take your claim as truth, thanks
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Also how the fuck is Alex Jones a White supreme cist? He's a character and a mad one at that, but he's not a actual racist. He spouts bullshit that's hilariously entertaining but shouldn't be taken as a truth, but he's not a bigot at all.
I bet they really think CopperCab is really a far left SJW on their side too.

get new material lmao
>have sex
current Yea Forums baiting meta is fucking lame

Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

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oh no!..
Poor Notch, what will he do now?..

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I stared into the Abyss
and it stared back

I don't understand how can parents do this to their kids. Kids don't fully understand themselves yet, heck I wanted be an alien when I was 13 after watching Ben 10. The wokeness has gone too far
Speak for yourself cumskin

wait 6 months for people to stop caring.

>those comments on the second video
I didn't think it was possible for me to lose faith in humanity anymore.

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Please for the love of god, inform yourself on this madness and spread the word, I have to believe most people are just unaware of how bad things have gotten.


People still bring up against Muslims the fact that Muhammad banged a 13 year old girl and killed some people even though it was 1400 years ago so it goes both ways

Even if he is right-wing, who gives a shit? I can be left-leaning and not think so badly of someone who is right-leaning. You're allowed to disagree with someones political values without immediately treating them like they're a fucking enemy

Well not all trans people "waste their entire lives" and not all of them transition physically either.

And while they don't have extra chromosomes, many have been found to be the victims of a fairly regularly occurring birth defect, in which their brains have been falsely configured at the base level during the 11th, 12th, and 13th weeks of their mother's pregnancy.
A wash of testosterone is supposed to occur for male fetuses, to ailgn brain centers with the presence of the Y-chromosome, but someties, it doesn't. Sometimes, though more rarely, it DOES occur for a female fetus when it shouldn't have.

We try to help people with birth defects like missing limbs, harelip, conjoined twins, or cleft palate, through operations. Misalignment of gender really doesn't occur that much more often.

>2nd post
Literally where do these people come from?

So can we call out microsoft now for funding an alt-right person, or call microsoft nazi for doing so?

>Kill yourself
Nothing wrong with being black
>fucking tranny
Nothing wrong with being a tranny
Nothing wrong with cunts
>black gay
Nothing wrong with being black or gay
Nothing wrong with being a tranny
>kinder egg
>have incest
Tell me what's wrong with incest.
Also, cope.

No, user, beating up people is not part of personal freedom.

Israel dabs all over mudslimes and libtards


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I was a Democrat and the one reason I'll vote republican is because I want to be as far away as I can from retards like you.

Go fuck yourself cunt, we had a nice thing and you extreme leftist trannies ruined it.


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Where's the lie though

imagine having a bazillion dollars and not needing to work and you sit around being a fat, lonely failure on the internet and tweeting about Q instead of doing fun shit

notch is an incredibly pathetic human being

Except everything you just said is wrong, and except maybe you could consider that people wh are treated like absolute shit by large parts of the country being suicidal isn't that surprising?

True, we should opnly bend the system backwards for helping out a multi billion dollar bank whose bosses have been driving it over a cliff on purpose.

We are talkinga bout a relatively small amount of people and relatively small costs with this whole transgender thing.

To be honest I don't think trans people are bad and if they aren't obnoxious cunts I can get along with them like normal but even doctors agreeing with this feels dumb, unless that person has real medical issues placing blockers on a kid will do him more damage that good. Shouldn't child psychologists step in at times like that and explain that kids are still mentally developing at that age. Man if something like actually happened to me 12 years back I'd probably an hero

>Tell me what's wrong with incest.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you watch Destiny.

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I like how kikes had to invent a new word just to give white people even more shit for whatever they happen to say

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Are you discord reddit trannys still trying to "raid" Yea Forums and /pol/?

Get a life.

You mean the shit discredited by doctors?
You're actually retarded LMAO

>I was a democrat until those uppity minorities demanded their fair share, now I'm switching to the party where my whiteness is approved

Not an argument

I think your need for judging him might be the pathetic thing on display here, user.

Not you, just that hankering of yours.

>what the fuck is going on in this world

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That person has a real medical issue. Being trans is a real medical issue.

You're playing right into the conservatives' hands. They created the alt-right to make the fears of leftists reality and make them look paranoid. Now be a good goy and come to us, we will make America great again.

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the bugmen are biding their time

Not when you're a kid retard. Plus I meant physical issues like stunted growth or under developed bones. Thinking you're a girl when you're young is not that uncommon

Am using android now, no ads. Not sure what shit browser that user is using.

>Not when you're a kid retard.
No, then too. Consistent gender expression as a kid can be separated from confusion while forming your idendity.

he had a steam account

Nobody does, but here's the piece of the puzzle you aren't getting, mentally ill people, autistic people for example, overwhelmingly, tend to be obnoxious, it's why they are considered "mentally ill" in the first place. And the rates at which trans people have a comorbidity with some other mental illness, say autism for example, is RIDICULOUSLY high. Hell I can even make the case that many trannies are simply autistic people who do not understand the social roles and gender roles, and because of that they can easily get coopted into thinking they are trans.

Alright, makes sense so far? Now here's the worst part, let's say you allow a person to "transition". Even a kid. It, doesn't, work. Most of them simply don't have the genetic to look like the opposite sex, and when that happens, they get depressed, they kill themselves, they waste a fuckload of money on a surgery that will literally cause them absurd amounts of pain and cannot be reversed, will not look good, and it won't serve it's purpose.

There is NO SYMPATHY in allowing a trans person to "transition", you are denying reality to appease their feelings, and in the end you'll only make their life worse.

Want another statistic? Most kids who feel "body dysphoria", once they go through puberty actually end up as normal gay men who are very happy on their own body. That's what the neurologists and sexologists say. And it's literally ignored because you can't profit off of those.

Gender is a pseudoscience both when the sjws and the peterson shills use it. Get fucked. I don't need to be a raging animal to be a man

I'm a third generation Mexican you piece of shit, I'd rather have that meme of a president build his stupid wall than hear about how men can have menstruation for the umpteenth time today.
Hell I'd rather be a jew apologist than a fucking tranny technocrat ass kisser.

have you played his latest game though?

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Kill yourself tranny faggot nigger jew