Time for a comfy nightly Switch thread.
What are you:
>fappan to
Time for a comfy nightly Switch thread.
What are you:
>fappan to
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, is this thing good?
I need a bigger controller to play Smash, Monster Hunter and Bayo 2 comfortably and fuck buying the official Pro controller.
I've read lots of reviews about it but they all contrast with each other.
Some love it and some say it breaks after two months.
the fuck is that dpad
Can't speak for that controller but I've never had a complaint with a hori product. I absolutely love the dpad joycon they made.
Expecting Wizard of Legend to be good.
>fappan to
Hitomi. German Punch-Girl, not the Jap cake with saggy tits.
Reminder that Target has their Labo kits on clearance at their stores for 75% off.
Add another reddit meme to the filter
Tried the deltarune demo thing. Combat is pretty fun but holy fuck everything else is cringe. Everyone and everything in the game is just so faggy
Preordered the Dragon Ball card game so just waiting for that. I have Octopath Traveler to start after Deltarune too
>fappan to
Nothing since I have a date tomorrow
Paladins. Have been since it became f2p. I almost wish blizzard would just port overwatch just so I can play a functioning fucking video game
Didn't mean to reply
I've been playing FFVII during the day and doing more Guest Star Allies in Kirby Star Allies at night.
A little over 2 years since I first played, going back to BOTW for a second go. Gonna try to go for everything except Korok Seeds cuz why not, playing through FF7 in between
Nothing. We're basically guaranteed for no Metroid for the next few years, just gonna strap myself in and bear through it. Prime Trilogy on Switch would be nice but I'm not holding my breath
>fappan to
God damn I really don't care for Kid Icarus, something about Palutena just sets me off regardless
Kirby Star Allies. It's breddy gud, but every time I start it up, the 30fps really throws me off for a while. I understand that there's a lot of shit happening on the screen when you've got a full squad, but I would've accepted some dips in framerate now and then if it was 60 otherwise.
Not really buying anything until the Dragons Dogma port comes out. Gotta work on my backlog. Summer looks pretty good with stuff like Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, and Mario Maker 2.
>fappan to
Umihara Kawase Fresh demo. It's pretty long for a demo and I'm glad how fun and cute this game is. Feels better than the last Kawase game, I'm excited. Gotta start Blaster Master Zero 2 soon.
I have a backlog already so nothing much. Daemon X Machina, Astral Chain, Smash DLC whenever that comes out.
>fappan to
Umihara Kawase
I made the mistake of letting someone borrow my Switch for a few hours and now my left Joycon keeps drifting left.
Is this a suitable replacement? I cant even play Phantasy Star easily because the stick overrides the pad.
Got BotW coming in the mail today. I hope its fun as I can only afford to buy expensive games like this every few months.
No. Only buy it when you want to play Taiko no Tatsujin.
worthwhile? I have a snes 8bitdo for 2d fighters, but a decent dpad joycon would be swell so I don't need to carry extra shit
>there are people that bought a switch for smtV
>when the pro is going to come out first
Bouncing back and forth between the kawase demo and xenoverse 2. Might move on to hollow Knight soon
Cup head. Only other things I'm curious about checking out are darkest dungeon and devil engine but i think I can hold out until cup head releases. That or I'll just get kero blaster
>fappan to
Pic related
Finishing Kingdom battle. Its actually fun af and really scratch my xcom itch. Playing MHGU on the side too i've played this shit for like 2k hours despite having a huge game backlogs. Fuck me
RF4S and RF5 info i guess. With Smash dlc and steam world quest coming too.
>people still think that the switch pro is real when the article is obvious bullshit and had been passed around last year and the year before
This, fucking niggers are to stupid to think for few minutes.
Comfy switch thread is already up
Didn’t the p5r reveal have a letter that said april 24 on it
Isn’t joker supposed to come out in april?
>try picking up Hyrule Warriors again
>"Okay, we wont quit until its 100%"
>remember why I stopped playing it
Shit is like selling your soul to the devil. It doesn't end.
>downloading Chocobo Dungeon, fuck everything else
>waiting for Mario Maker 2
>fapping to old pics of Natalie Portman
You guys have any suggestion?
(my games, 1/2)
Part 2/2
Some user suggested Moonlighter (bought it, but us not here on the list), other CrossCode.
>all those dungeon rpg and roguelite
>no gungeon, nuclear throne, isaac or hollow knight in sight
fix it lad
>joy con keeps drifting downward
How do I fix this shit?
Anyone picking up Yoshi?
Nobody with self respect should be buying Labo unless it's for your kid or something.
Yep. Can't wait. Might go digital for it since I want to play it as soon as possible.
You can’t. Send it back so that they send you a new one.
Is anyone else playing Horizon Chase Turbo? I downloaded it on a whim and it's been the most fun racing game I've played in years.
>"Look, it's that guy who keeps bringing his Nintendo to school."
>"Hi user, why don't you come and talk to us instead of playing that Pokemon game."
I am, found it on that "deals" list. Awesome game. The cable guy car is a BR meme.
how are picross and RMX?
Can someone help out with game reccs? I got a Switch a month ago and so far I bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee and Splatoon 2. I love XB2 but hate Pokemon Let's go for being too simple and Splatoon 2 for not being my kind of thing.
>There are people who didn't buy a launch Switch and won't be able to install SMTV via paperclip
What are you:
> waitin for RE4 on switch
>it to come out sooner
>fappin to the idea it comes out in two months
How fucking long does it take to port a game holyshit?!
anyone got experience with a battery pack?
im going on a 1 week trip soon and with a 7 hour train ride i cant keep going with the basic battery life
Splatoon 2, picked it up on sale and really loving it. Regretting buying it so late into it's life cycle but oh well, I'll get plenty of time out of it
Baba is You as well but I really gotta be in the mood to play it
Dragon Quest 11 S looks great. Didn't play the OG version so keen to try it out
Animal Crossing should be alright I guess? Gonna give it a shot anyway. Other than that there's not a lot coming out that comes to mind which sucks.
>fappan to
Don't fap much these days but guess it'd be to traps
I remember trying to beat all the tiles of the NES adventure map with a friend back on the Wii U. Shit took ages and we just quit while we were ahead, I can't imagine trying to do all of the maps completely.
Still a fun game though
literally nothing since months
Don't have anything else to suggest but seconding CrossCode. It's a good ass game
>>fappan to
>Pic related
Anyone wanna play Arms? I haven't played my Switch in a while (my sister has been grinding the shit out of MK8 tho). Or a brave soul can try me in Techmo Bowl.
I already played those I was interested in (BoTW, Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade 2, Smash Ultimate), and currently nothing coming up interests me.
Contemplating selling it really, because it's just collecting dust at this point.
Hollow Knight. Just got to the city of tears and am really enjoying the atmosphere. I'm also halfway through Hyrule castle in Zelda but I haven't gone back to play it in months.
Animal crossing and Luigi's mansion mostly. Maybe Pikmin
Gave up porn for lent but I've been letting myself read orgasm study erotica.
Excellent taste
I wonder if smash DLC will get a season 2. It's in the top 3 best selling switch games for fuck's sake.
Why are things like this so hilarious
I finally started Octopath a few weeks ago and really like the gameplay and art but dislike the retardedly bad writing. It truly is a spiritual sequel to Bravely Default, in that regard at least.
same, i feel people would get a lot less crazy if their pick didn't get in if we knew a second season was coming. we have more opportunity for both third and first party picks and i'd easily buy it again after a year
>but sakurai needs a break!
The guy's a fucking millionaire, and they can always have someone else in that role.
Baba is you
midterms tomorrow
>fappan to
In other news I passed out in the middle of a exam yesterday, and had to get to a doctor
It has happened 10 times this year, and I need to visit a neurologist
Hopefully it's not a tumor or some shit
You would probably enjoy tangledeep. Mystery dungeon roguelike hybrid
>but sakurai needs a break!
So does his team/whoever is left.
Picross is fun, if you like that type of games. Relaxing, too. Sadly, theire is not much variety in OST.
Sadly, online in Fast RMX is dead. You can find players from time to time, but for the most of time it's like finding a brothel in a wasteland. IMO, the best futuristic racer, ever. For a price od 20 dollars/euros you will get enough content to keep you busy for some time.
...and than you too, user. This actually looks pretty fun:
Hollow Knight, FFVII, DKC:TF
My digital copy of Yoshi unlocks in a few hours so I'll probably play that
>fappan to
Wage cuck here. Been playing Octopath from time to time. Game is very comfy. The old English dialog for huntress makes me cringe so much. Therion is based.
WD40 contact cleaner
Probably gonna pick up Labo VR next month because it looks cool, after that I'll be waiting for Super Mario Maker 2 to drop, and I'll pick up FFVII and IX if they go on sale just to have them on Switch.
Fappan to nothing because my dick is sore
This is now a comfy Morning thread
Are the Nyko Wireless controllers good?
Better than ?
VR looks silly but better than the other labos since it looks like a bunch of games are included. reminds me of the ar cards nintendo gave out to people buying the 3ds
Im loving Nuclear Throne but its really hard. Its been a while since I made any progress.
I've been playing this lately. I've finished Rorona and I'm a little over halfway through Totori, I'll play Meruru next and I'll continue through with Lulua when it launches in May.
I'm also buying Yoshi tomorrow.
Does the ace attorney trilogy have touch controls?
how is diablo 3 for the bing bing wahoo machine
getting my copy today, let you know in the next comfy thread if this one dies by then
>Animal Crossing and Pokemon SwSh aren't out yet
Wired controllers are PS2 tier
Basically they work, they’re cheap but not exactly convenient.
Well at least they don’t die
The game isn't dual audio is it. That kind of bothers me.
Try compressed air under the control stick.
For such advanced controllers a little bit of dust can fuck you up
playing Blaster Master Zero 2
Valkyria Chronicles 4 and King of Fighters 2003
expecting Mario Maker 2
Blaster Master Zero 2. Dear lord I've amassed such a backlog with this console.
Even more digital only titles to get a limited physical release because I just have to be the lucky son-of-a-bitch that keeps buying them only for them to get a physical announcement a month or 2 later.
>fappan to
Pic related. Her theme's been stuck in my head for the last few days even.
The “Pro” is literally gonna be shit like “Switch Colors”
“Pikachu Switch”
“Red Switch”
“Blue Switch”
No performance boost or the Performance boost is literally
>Loads 3 seconds faster
is the game any good?
That photo is better than porn.
I always recommend MHGU and watching the weapon tutorials
Bayonetta 1+2 is good
Mario + Rabbids is gem
Disega 5 Complete if you like turned based games
As for indies
Crypt of the Nercodancer rhythm based action game
Shovel knight if you haven’t already played it
Night in the woods if you like walking simulators
Baba is you if you like puzzle games that make you feel like a brainlet and realize programming can be pretty hard
West of Loathing if you like a RDR2 parody that came out 1st
What's comfier to get, the red and blue switch or the grey switch? Alternatively, the Smash switch.
Red and blue is the way the Switch is meant to look.
Runs surprisingly well
I’m about 40 hours in and I don’t think i’ve seen a single slowdown
Is it too tacky though?
I don't think so, their hue is neither too drab nor too flashy. Try looking at/holding one in person if you can.
Anyone playing Warframe?
How's the performance?
I'm tempted to go for it but I'm afraid of low res and unsteady framerate.
Not really playing anything lately, I go back to BOTW now and then, and maybe a run or two in Dead cells.
Waiting for Astral Chain, Aninmal Crossing and Silksong
Grey, trust me m8, Bright colors look great at first, but you get tired of them shortly
Miku on switch when
Monster Hunter stories on switch when
Sadame on switch when
overwatch on switch when
Shantae 1/2 genie Hero I got for 15 bucks sealed, Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 and Blaster Master Zero 1. Fun games
RF4 and 5 and Animal Crossing. Also anons what do you think? Should I buy Dragon Markes for Death on eshop with the two characters packs or wait for the physical version? It seems to be delayed in Europe.
>fappan to
Some Kanna art
Warframe has a few graphic options mainly for the post processing options, on standard setting it feels like it hover around 30 with frequent dips but if you reduce motion blur quality or remove it you can get a pretty stable 30 fps. It is comfy especially if you git gud with motion control aiming. Too bad I missed the deadline where you could port over your PC account to the Switch.
I'm thinking of buying the Hori Left Joycon. I only play my Switch in handheld mode because of my small space (PC, PS4, PS3 eat up HDMI cables), so does anyone have any experience with the 3rd party Hori d-pad? It's completely handheld only so no WiFi with it but it does seem like an actual regular d-pad.
Fire Emblem Three Fujoshi Houses is the gayest looking Switch game and should be cancelled. Outright abysmal production values and a low effort by Nintendo's 1st party studio when compared to their A tier franchises during the Switch gen. Fuck you IntelligentSystem and Chinatsu Kurahana, gay as fuck artist.
What is that pic related, user?
You can buy the Japanese version and it has English text and Jap audio, plus it'll be physical
I thought games pick language based on system settings.
Thanks for the hot tip my dude, just scored the vehicle kit for 20 bux
Not sure if real or not. Sounds too good to be true.
The receipt is right there in the pic, it's real.
I got the last vehicle kit and the only other one left was a robot kit. Also went to a different Target in hopes of finding a variety kit and the shelf was totally empty.
They also had Starlink with the Arwing on clearance too if you're into that, I think it was 29.99
I finished Blaster Master Zero 2 yesterday which was amazing.. Now just playing some Splatoon 2 and Smash
Yoshi tomorrow then some time to catch up on the backlog before Fire Emblem
Sadame on 3DS, basically diablo in a feudal Japan setting
Never heard of it.
I dont really care for performance boost
what Ive noticed on switch it gets bit too hot for handheld
its positive trait in winter but its summer in three months.
Its the period in their history with samurais and ninjas and shit
Caligula Effect
FFXII's physical release on my country.
>>fappan to
lol, funny guy
Gonna finish Gunvolt 2 and then I'm thinking I'm gonna start Travis Strikes Again.
There's alot that I'm looking forward to. This year has already been kinda rough on my wallet to be honest.
>fappan to
Nothing right now.
I don't think a lot of people heard about it, and the few reviewers didn't like it cause hard and a bit unfair at times, but its fun
It's detachable for the people who liked the joycon's second set of face buttons
Christcucks aren't allowed to fap anyway.
Taiko, maybe BotW later
Looking forward to Dragon Quest Builders 2, Mario Maker 2, Digimon Survive, and maybe Super Dragon Ball Heroes and Pokemon. I haven't decided on those 2 games yet. I haven't played a Pokemon game since Crystal so I don't know any of the new Pokemon.
>fappan to
Not sure yet
Smash and monster hunter
>fappan to
Nine the phantom and labrys
low-key grey
I got the Mario Odyssey red shells for mine, and I really like the look of it. Pretty weird how I bought them from one of those Chinese knockoff sites and the plastic feels of better quality
Does anyone have a custom backplate? Thinking of getting one, is it hard to install?
>Square Enix Spring sale on news
>Keep getting an error message when trying to open it
>Restart Switch
>It's not there anymore
Is it over? Was there any good games in that sale?
Splatoon 2
More news on Animal Crossing and Pokemon, in the mean time, I just lurk the eShop for any indie titles I might want to pick up
>fappan to
Sasha Grey
Are you guys mostly digital or physical? Which one is better long-term?
Yeah, ended today. And was barebone without any FF on sale, nor TWEWY.
It's over now. This was the second sale. The first one had Final Fantasy stuff and ended two weeks ago. This second one had other games published by them such as Lost Sphear, Romancing Saga 2, and Forgotton Anne.
I believe in physical so I can ditch my consoles on my nephew when Im done with them.
I buy physical whenever I can.
Digital, I can't be bothered to be switching cartridges
Playing this game. It's the last game from nippon ichi I'll buy in my life for sure.
Redpill me on these usb hub.
Do they give more input lag?
How's Warriors Orochi 4 on the switch, unsure if i get it there or on the ps4
I am this guy
I have only 4 games on cartridge (Xeno2, BotW, Octopath and DQ Builders which isn't on the list), everything else is digital.
They kill your Switch.
Sold mine
Hope you all have a good time here
They just expand your usb 2.0 ports from 2 to 5 ports.
They don't give power to the switch
Hello user, I want you to know that because of you I bought my first Atelier game. I chose the Lydie/Suelle one, hope I picked well.
I would cautiously assume that it would work
warriors orochi 1 and 2 were on psp and they werent bad
but I have not seen any footage so I shouldnt even say anything
Yoshi's Crafted World
Animal Crossing, TOWN and Luigi's Mansion 3 news in the next Direct
>fappan to
Gelbooru shit
>tfw they de-announced the sequel releasing on switch
Bloodstaine: Curse of the Moon. The final(?) boss is way harder than what i expected, i had no issues with bosses so far. It's been a fun game though.
I also play in Splatoon and Smash in short breaks. Might finish VC4 or Wargroove this weakend.
Unironically i am waiting for REmake and REmake Zero. I haven't bought RE 2 yet because i am waiting (and finishing my backlog while at it).
>UPdate 03/27/19 at 2:15 p.m.: Dengeki Online has posted a notice that while Dengeki PlayStation reports that a Switch version of Labyrinth of Galleria: Coven of Dusk will be released, the game will only be released for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. A Switch version is not planned at this time.
You are looking at an average framerate of 20-25 vs 50-60 on the ps4
You'd think KT would know better by now with the amount of musous already on the switch that are perfectly fine
Already playing it, got my copy delivered early. Really cute, surprisingly challenging in some parts. Not the best soundtrack, and I dislike that warp pipes and one-sided (X marked) doors are nowhere to be seen, as I felt they were a staple of Yoshi games since Island.
Dark Souls
Grim Fandango and Baba is You
Payday is tomorrow and after bills and other expenses I’ll have around $90.
Should I get Chocobo mystery dungeon or DOAX3S?
I played Chocobo on an imported DS copy and almost beat it. DOAX3 I owned on PS4 but no longer have.
is it bad to leave the console on the dock all the time?
Making me think.
Didn’t even know about this one. Never seen it that’s for sure.
What the fuck? The absolute state of burgers.
Is it a good co-op game? Looking for good co-op switch games.
Just finished Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. Not sure what I'm gonna dive into next. I want to try out Princess Guide, since I liked Penny Punching Princess, but it DEFINITELY wasn't worth 40 bucks, so I'll be waiting for a price drop. I also really want Wargroove, but I'm sure itll get a physical release and I don't want to double dip on it
Gungeon update next week, DQ Stuff, Mario Maker 2, Daemon X Machina, Cadence of Hyrule, Silksong eventually.
big anime tiddies what else
I’m a part timer, and I’m payed every week.
Thinkgen of getting Super DB Heroes or DOAX3. What do I get bros?
Focusing on Vesperia Definitive for now, the game really picks up after you beat Gattuso. I checked out the Blaster Master Zero demo, it was alright. I've also bounce between MonHun and Smash although I mostly just play Smash at locals.
I'm looking forward to Shovel Knight, Dragon's Dogma (again), maybe Darksiders, and the slew of shit we're getting this year like FETH, Zelda, Daemon, Astral Chain, and Oninaki.
>Monster Boy
Love the game. The devs really nailed how a modern rendition of Wonder Boy should play.
Hollow Knight, finally getting around to it
also Sekiro, I don't understand how people are spending hours on bosses
A personal 5 switch reveal eventually
>fappan to
feminine penis
please anons I need your opinions.
I can't wait to get home from work and start Chocobo Dungeon. I couldn't imagine, even in my weirdest dreams, that I'll be more excited for a chocobo than a mainline FF game. But seeing how spinoffs have been better than mainline games in the last few years, that should be surprising.
I hope that WoFF will go on another sale soon.
Not a christcuck, just wanted to practice a little self discipline and it seemed like a good opportunity.
I got to #3 in Tetris 99 today. Felt pretty good.
I need to get around to 100%ing Hyrule Warriors, but I fucked up my favourite fairy so now she doesn't have Bombos anymore. That's gonna take some time to fix.
Both aren't good purchases.
You'll grow bored of DB fast and DOAX3 gives you a nice temporal titilation but if you want a good fappan you're better off going to XHamster.
Gimme a list of good games I should Import as they don't sell them in NA
ins't she... too busty?
Puyo Puyo Esport though that may be eshop onry.
They’re all available digital, but ace attorney trilogy, Capcom belt action bundle, psykio collections. Also the jap version of Katamari reroll is nicer than ours (interior art, booklet, stickers vs gamestops plain white interior)
>"Hi, user"
Just picked up the digital version with the shinobi and the witch. Idk how the other characters play but the shinobi is super fun so far
Found the resetera user
Super Robot Wars T.
Guys, I have a question. First, a semi-long explanation with Reddit spacing.
As you know, you can save some money if you preorder games on eShop. Sometmes it's barely 5%, but sometimes it is even more. 20% off, hell, even 30 in some cases. But there is also a (permanent?) discount for games XYB if you bought game XYS. Let me give you an example. I bought Sparkle 3 for lolz... actually, I wasn't really interested in this game, I may not even play it, but it was dirty cheap (0.99 euros IIRC) and it seemed like something that is chilling, relaxing and... I don't know, something that you will play for an hour or two and leave and MAYBE come back to it after some time.
Because I bought that game I now have 33% off for Hard West, a game that I'm very much interested in. I think the regular price is 20 euros, and 33% off is not a small thing. My question is: is that permanent? Those ''you have a discount because you bought certain games'' offers? Will that offer go away after some time? Also, if I buy now Hard West, and I intend to, will I be able to use this discount on other games too (those who have the same policy) or it works only on 1 game of my choice?
I hope I was clear with my question...
-Crash Bandicoot
-Mario Oddyssey
-SNK Heroines
-Mario Tennis Aces
-Pokemon SS being decent
-Virtual Consoles NGC would be great, Wii would be fucking AMAZING
-Persona 5 announcement
-Banjo DLC
-Pikmin 4
-Kof XV announcement
-Guilty Gear announcment
>fappan to
Pic related.
Tried playing a little bit of Skyrim yesterday. I can't really get into it, with how supposedly TES games take over people's lives for a while. I have a substantial backlog on both my Switch and PS4, so I will either start Hollow Knight on Switch or continue DaS2 on PS4.
Joker. I want to buy Yoshi's Crafted World, but I will probably wait for a price drop. Besides, something tells me that it will get a Star Allies treatment where it will get more shit added to it as time goes on. Astral Chain looks cool, and I want more info on Luigi's Mansion.
>fappan to
90s/early 2000s erotica.
persona 5R
How is the FF IX and VII ports? Have they fixed the bugs?
Nothing. Not sure what's wrong with me but I've just stopped playing games altogether. Need something to hook me again as Stardew Valley did - might even revisit it.
Is that Wargroove game that's like Advance wars any good? if so, is it a long game?
Persona 5 would be a dream come true
>fapping to
>get 3 hours into nelke
>get stuck at an infinite loading screen
today i learned that there i no autosave for this game
No auto save in an Atelier game? What?
Yeah that’s how Nintendo gets you to constantly buy games. I thought it was pretty genius of Nintendo to make it like you save money but you’ll buy more games ultimately spending more cash.
I think it depends on the publisher. I think I've notice a Devolver discount on some of their games because I bought Gungeon. The discount has been there for some months, and it remained after I bought one of their other games.
So it is permanent. Excellent. Thank you, user!
True that, but in this case, I will save money. Like I said, I bought Sparkle 3 for 1 euro and, because of it, Hard West is now ~13 instead of 20 euros. So basically, I got 2 games for a price of 14 euros instead of 1 for a price of 20.
Wargroove is good. It's fairly long with about 30 stages in the campaign, an arcade mode, a puzzle mode, and you can download custom maps and campaigns. It was a bit rough when it came out, but they patched many issues already.
Came here to post about this. It's my first game in the series since the DS ones and I'm having a blast. It helps that the series list is literally my dream lineup other than missing King Gainer and maybe Zoids.
Kinda wish they gave me more tacp, though. I'm getting like 100 a mission and upgrading one stat on one pilot up one level takes 250, it's ridiculous.
Classic case of money hatting.
Just wait 6 months.
Not like anyone is in line for a vita
Personally Persona 5 can fuck off
Persona 2: Innocent Sin, P4 and SMT nocturne and IV HD would be a dream
Playan : nothing
Expecting : nothing
Fappan to : nothing
Take your comfy shitch general and shove it up your ass.
Gotta love this tablet with no games
Pic related to all of those
Amazon is offering free Switch online sub through Twitch Prime. Looks like 3 months now and 9 months later on.
I'm just playing Taiko, might get Dragon Marked for Death, other than that (hopefully) nothing until Summer with Kill la Kill, Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, and Bloodstained. Shit's gonna rule so hard.
>psykio collections.
Holy fuck that is some sick box art. I've been meaning to get that Capcom collection for a little while ever since I found out there was a mecha game in it, might have to give those collections a look too.
Well if the compressed air doesnt work you could always buy a joystick replacement for the joycon. Theyre relatively cheap and easy to replace.
Wait, seriously? What the fuck do companies have against Nintendo?
Is NISA Nintendo's greatest ally for Japanese games now?
I Know im late as hell but it IS worth prerty much every penny, the olny thing it doesn't have is Gyro (And this is olny a problem if you play Splatoon). It is light, the Dpad seems wanky but it does the job well and in some games Turbo mode makes life much easier.
The thing is that stores are starting to run low on it, bought mine at an EB games in downtown Toronto and the guy had olny one of these left (The one on the shelf).
So I've got a bit of a short list here...
Okami HD
Valkyria Chronicles (either first or 4th one)
Romancing SaGa 2
Golf Story
I just want a replayable game or one that's going to take ages to complete. Really considering Wargroove now thanks to user
>I just want a replayable game
Risk of Rain and Downwell fit that bill pretty well if you're into that kinda thing.
Why, it didn't sell on the switch?
Does anyone have a recommendation for a carrying case? I don't have any particular requirements, it's just that there are so many different kinds and I'm not sure which would be best.
Try the butterfox ones, there's a variant with 19 cartridge slots.
Good to know. I'll have to check on it.
I assume it sold less on Switch in Japan because that version released two years after the Vita version and one year after the PS4 version.
>I'm thinking of buying the Hori Left Joycon
I got the tacky Mario one for $10. The D-pad is super mushy and the minus button is fucking shit. It's super squishy and I have to fucking dig my nail into it to have it register.
Can reconfirm they're on sale, but make sure to check with your store an the others in the area because odds are they're either picked clean or almost picked clean.
I got all 3.
>replayable game
>or one that's going to take ages to complete
Okami HD is going to feel like that
The others are fairly short
Caligula Effect
SMTV at e3 please
Splatoon 2. Seems okay.
Left BotW on hyrule castle a month ago.
REmake, saint’s row (loved playing gta on psp back in the day, want a similar feel)
>fappan to
>Umihara Kawase demo
How is this shit so hard what the fuck? This is giving me flashbacks to fucking up with the ninja rope in Worms. I just can't seem to get the hang of the lure, my char just bounces all over the place.