Is it worth a playthrough? I have it installed but never actually started it up

Is it worth a playthrough? I have it installed but never actually started it up.

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Start it up and get back to us. Enjoy the ride

Look into Infinte Heaven mod, if at least just to remove the credits/forced online startup/15 second mission start

You'll probably end up skipping the story, I did and it was a lot more enjoyable when I started skipping it.
Also most of the buddies are OP - try to only take the horse. And try to be stealthy - you have got infinite magazines to distract guards

yes, one of the best games of this decade, don't listen the haters

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It's shit.

The most boring game ever made

Timestamp or it’s fake

one of the very few games that I've 100% / S-ranked / got all achievements

take from that what you will

Just play it. Don't go too crazy with grinding. Do side missions and mission replays for fun gameplay and it'll work itself out. Try different playstyles.

just play the fuckin game faggot.

S ranking missions in MGSV is surprisingly easy and not an accomplisment, though.

Yes, its a great game despite its flaws.

Yeah but ground zeroes is basically the first act, so you should play that if you have it or watch the cutscenes on youtube.

yeah but getting all the optional objectives, especially the conversation listening ones is.

imo MGSV works better without Ground Zeroes

In what way?


Just put another 100 hours into replaying MGSV:TPP and wanted to clear up some misconceptions and lies spread about the game. this refers only to the main story missions and important side ops

>you only revisit 1 or 2 locations, usually with a change of scenery or a bossfight/encounter
>tapes should be listened to as they are recovered, even the ones not marked important (I know this still isnt fully ideal, but the story fills out naturally this way)
>there is evidence to suggest that this is the proper way to listen to cassettes, such as tapes you get during the child rescue missions giving you info about the next rescue
>joke cassettes are actually kept to a minimum
>repeat missions are not required to beat the story or unlock any of the endings (important missions are marked yellow, repeat missions are simply marked blue like regular side ops), this is a blatant lie either spread by trolls or misinformation. its still handled a bit strangely, but i dont think its damning
>great variation in location and map layout exists, demanding different strategies (jungle requires more MGS3 type movement, desert requires long distance scouting, mansion requires MGS2 type infiltration, etc), however given the games much more intuitive controls, it might not feel that way
>utilizing combat deployment, challenge tasks (which are completed automatically as you progress) and achieving high ranks (A or S) on missions eliminates on the grind needed to develop items
>Important Side Ops should be treated as main missions or as secondary to main missions and completed as they come in
>return to motherbase frequently to unlock new cutscenes and content
there's a lot i'm not thinking of, but I hope this sheds some new insight on the game that I don't think I've seen people ever talk about. the game is definitely better on a second play-through.

>mfwwrecking Eli with CQC

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Because Venom isn't supposed to have a clear picture of what exactly happened in Camp Omega. He has only vague, contradicting memories of what went down in that helicopter, and the player was meant to piece it together like he does.

If the game had shipped whole as Kojima intended, Ground Zeroes wasn't going to be the opening, that much is clear.

No, its a boring ass grindfest

I honestly think MGSV will be reevaluated like MGS2 in the future

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what do you need the grind for?

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autists had a headcanon they built up in their heads even though the truth was dangled right in front of them since the beginning

hopefully, I think the game deserves it. it has a lot to say regarding language as a means of control and how globalization destroys culture, but I think the unconventional way it told its story is going to leave a lot of people in the dark

100%ing mgsv takes like 200 hours.

>but I think the unconventional way it told its story is going to leave a lot of people in the dark
yeah, a lot people only understand subtle narratives untill a youtuber spoonfeed them

You were a mistake.

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Really fun gameplay, literally unfinished story. If you want to fully complete it though, it'll get boring and annoying.

Overall, I think it was a bad choice to put so much of the story in the the cassette tapes and then make them optional to listen to. But I also think that it probably came down to high production for cutscenes and story or high production for gameplay, and I'm glad they chose the latter

>literally unfinished story
there's a single plotline which goes unresolved and we still know what happens

>how globalization destroys culture
It does not give that message. MB is all about globalization. Globalization does not mean conquering or destroying other cultures, but working with them.

furthermore that was left unfinished as a throwback at MGS2 cliffhanger

You can finish the game with your very first outfit and weapons

Maybe I misinterpreted the game, but I thought that one of the primary reasons skullface sought to spread the parasite was because he was embittered by his native language being stolen from him by occupying military forces, and he resented Major Zeros plan to unify the world under English because that would mean destroying other cultures like his was. Maybe the game isnt strictly anti-globalism, but a lot of threads in the game point in that direction

Your interpretation of the story is right, but I disagree that it = globalization.
An English military force shitting on villages IMO does not mean globalization.
Nor does eliminating a culture or making 1 culture dominant = globalization.

To me, Militaires Sans Frontieres and Mother Base are the true meaning of Globalization. Borders don't matter and all cultures are accepted, and their goal wasnt to destroy and culture or make anyone dominant.

The story is awful but it is one of the most fun games in recent years

>Globalization does not mean conquering or destroying other cultures
yes, as a side effect globalization destroys smaller cultures and that's not the only side effect
globalization stinks and skull face was right

>I agree with a monster
Ya your opinion is real valid, edgemasterXxX

>implying americans are the good guys

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Didnt imply that at all.

>MGSV will be reevaluated like MGS2 in the future

trust me, the majority of Americans aren't for globalization, just the psychotic alt-left trannies

Thats why America is the world leader in trade and has huge amounts of immigrants in its boarders and nationals abroad. Fucking retard.

Its just an artifact of the economy and government intervention, I said "the majority of Americans", the US is a largely conservative, protestant country, and besides the liberal shills in the major cities, a majority of people I know are actively in support of tighter border security, less immigration.
plus, I don't think you quite understand what globalism is

Great game imo. Storywise it's the weakest in the series but who cares. Gameplay is solid. I didn't get around to playing it until half a year ago and just had a blast with it. Even the repetitive side missions gave me a chance to try different playstyles.
Enjoyed the hell out of every MGS I've played and this is no exception.

based eurotard

>I said "the majority of Americans", the US is a largely conservative
Thats why Hillary won the popular vote??
>besides the liberal shills in the major cities
Ohhh I see, if you dont include the vast majority of people, then that means the majority are conservative. Fucking retard.

It's very good. best controls in any game I've ever played.

It's everything MGSV needed to be but nowhere near what we wanted it to be. Keep your expectations low and you'll have a good time with it.

Hillary barely won the popular vote and thats because her political opponent was possibly the worst candidate to ever run for President. The US news is also largely liberal and spread a bunch of fake news surrounding Trump, and continues to do so. People who are apolitical tend to just follow what the news says.
Plus, major cities are homogenized, and even then not all people in major cities lean left, thats just where the majority of left leaning people congregate

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I've actually been considering reinstalling it and giving it another playthrough

I played this game for 300 hours in the first year of release because the gameplay is so satisfying. then I got pretty bitter about it because it's very obviously unfinished and Konami basically said screw video games after it was released.

in retrospect, it's an incredibly fun game that you can spend hours and hours in just trying things out and becoming an ultimate operator, developing all the tech, getting the top tier soldiers etc. but it's also really terribly unfinished towards the end which puts a bit dampener on the mood.

oh and the story is genuinely trash. I love MGS games and since 3 none of them have had enjoyable stories.

as a matter of fact america is THE globalization and not because of those lefty mental ills, I suggest you look at the history of your country, both war and economy wise

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>Has his propaganda pictures at the ready
Fuck off retard. You even use your brainwashed "fake news" memes. You are the retards Kojima talked about decades ago.

whatever, breh. i guess you understand the country better than i do

I do, you used an Electoral College picture to justify popular opinion, clearly not understanding it.

being conservative doesn't mean being contrary to globalization, pal

what the fuck? are you all this fucking retarded?

You have a really poor understanding of politics, probably only started "paying attention" in 2015.

t. /pol/tard conspiracy theorists
go back to your shithole

Almost three million votes is not "barely". I don't even like Shillary but don't lie.

Your sample is reddit, which is predominantly governed by socialists living on the government dole.

>globalization is conspiracy
Is everything a conspiracy to you?

This game really had some great missions, like the one where you go into the jungle and find a hospital with nothing but corpses attached to radios.
Why couldn't the entire game be like that? Instead there's 70% filler and the rest is plot related.
The gameplay is fucking great though and FOX engine is a GOAT engine that is being wasted on soccer games.

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dude, since last century america is trying to spread FREEDOM™ to the rest of the world and those were the conservatives
the alt left trannies are a problem but globalization is an older problem

t. retard

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Nope, fuck motherbase managment and cheaters

>new game in a series goes open-world
>gets massive hype as GOAT by journos
>Yea Forums loves it on release
>very quickly turn on it for abandoning series conventions, being overly repetitive and being somewhat unfinished
>shitflinging for a good while
>after a while Yea Forums turns around and loves it again (but not as much when it was getting way overhyped to high hell) acknowledging that it had the best gameplay of the series and people were nitpicking way too hard
What do you call this trend?

It's a great game but holy shit if only it was finished with Kojimas vision, crazy as that guy is it would have been so much more.

r/ the screencap post from the user who worked on the game and all the behind the scenes stuff

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Dumb post desu
Everything you said is truth but you're just thinking with the mindset of "Yea Forums is one person"

"zelda cycle", but also "Yea Forums isn't one person"

>after a while Yea Forums turns around and loves it again
You people have just shit taste.
Quite frankly, you disgust me.

ground zeroes is
it's the only part with actual level design(fucking open world), and you'll be starting to get bored with the gadgets after 5 or so hours of fucking around

wow. big if true. now that im thinking about it, it really wouldve been great if we didn't know about it. skullface couldve been an eccentric villain on the outside like he is in pp but reveal later that hes a sadistic revenge filled monster on the inside like he is in gz. that wouldve been a good addition to his character. the reveal that you arent boss actually might have been a suprise. fuck konami

Yes. Has the best gameplay of any metal gear, it’s really fun. Just prepare to be disappointed by the story.

I'm actually 70 hours in to my second playthrough and I'm surprised how much of a good time I'm having with it

>S ranking missions in MGSV is surprisingly easy and not an accomplisment, though.

Only when you play it a couple times to figure out how to cheese them.


play it op

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It's better with Infinite Haven (a mod) that lets way more soldiers, vehicles and tweaks that make the overall experience better. Try also playing in the equivalent of GZ "hard".

Yes but keep the mindset that game lies to you constantly, then you might understand it's convoluted story.

I recently purchased it on steam, and installed the big boss mod + dynamic weather mod and absolutely love it. I've owned it on xbox one and ps4 previously, being able to play as bi bo made me want to play through a 3rd time, definitely worth a play, do the event fobs you can easily get a bunch of s rank members.

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isn't Infinite Heaven ridiculously buggy?

>tfw been tempted to reinstall recently with those exact 2 mods

are they easy to install, and is the game otherwise unaffected by having them installed, like still being online, still getting achievements and shit?

I liked it.
3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 4