Final Fantasy Fourteen

Is it safe?

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Just stay on /vg/ until tomorrow.

Is /vg/ good?

shit game

it's very bad

what happens tomorrow?

What's going on here?

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You’re mothers a cunt bitch slut and you’re a little faggot you fucking cum stain you don’t know good video games because your taste is fucking trash

holy shit lmao
just checked the /vg/ thread and it's filled with pedo lala shit
I'd rather have 100 posts complaining about the tranny boogeyman than see that again...

fucking hell then

let's just
have comfy game discussion...
what's your favorite city state and your favorite thing about it?
mine is Ishgard, no contest

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Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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Based, just got some nice lala pic to fap to

you're going into orbit you stupid raidboss

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Where's my dick sucking? Also yoshida said if they added male viera they'd just be elezen's.

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I'm glad they did something with the tower and its resident kitty, but I still don't like that they used the ugliest face.

>shadowniggers is being absolutely rushed out the door
>assets refused and anything new was finished literal moments before it was shown off at fanfest
>even yoshi-p is scrambling, saying he doesn't know if it'll all be done in time

hey is anyone else even a little worried about the state of things
I mean I'm mad about the genderlocked races and shit too but it's not gonna fuckin matter if the game is released and it's not even... functional
and I'm absolutely horrified at the upcoming class changes, how the fuck are they gonna juggle balancing classes on top of everything they're already doing

I'm fucking nervous, bros

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Stormblood was the same and it was fine.
Well, actually I wouldn't say it was fine.

The last time they made class changes that warranted a multi-hour presentation, it didn't end up amounting to much. I'm not expecting anything drastic, because they have form for underdelivering on critical problems.

>assets reused
Source? I haven't really paid attention to much except seeing the trailer. Is there a video showing the monsters/areas?

I don't have a source but people were saying the new hub in the first is actually reused from a game from 2005? I don't know much about it myself but hopefully others in the thread know, I've seen it mentioned here

The new city is from the 2005 tech demo. It's hardly reusing assets since there wasn't even a game at that time.

You think they actually just took models from a 2005 video and put it in the game? My expectations for Yea Forums poster intelligence are generally low but holy fuck

Them saying oh man it's barely finished everytime i took it as a joke like the CEO walking up on stage it's not real it's an act to make the audience laugh and establish a closer relationship with the crowd but deep down yes i am worried. Kefka cosplayer, i fear.

>Using assets

Holy fuck, come on son.

the -concept- of it was reused, it's clearly been updated since then. it's still an asset original to XIV regardless

The visual concept of it yes but the actual crystarium city is all new, compare the footage.

It's 1.0 shit? Also what the fuck, XI was basically getting to fullspeed at 2005, why was there a tech demo for XIV already?

It's pre-1.0, it's video they made in four months as a concept for the next MMO. It was never a game.
>why was there a tech demo for XIV already?
Games can go through pre-production and research stages for years before actual development let alone release.

>the main villain of 5.0 is Griffith

If we get on a boat, I'm unsubbing.

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tfw womanlet

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I haven't been keeping up with all the news because of school by why were all the faggots expecting there to be male viera, and more specially, to be what your dumb ass is posting? I dont remember anything about them from 12 or in 14

keep your gay ERP on

hey, anything's better than being a nigger

Nobody even talks about plot on /vg/. It's just endless shitposting about "God, I wish I had a goth catgirl gf to fart on my face and step on my crotch" or something retarded like that nonstop.

If only there was plot to be talked about, they phoned the patch in, might as well just hibernate until July

Ul'dah because Nanamo is there.

Also, the GC is right next to the Aetheryte.

>Also, the GC is right next to the Aetheryte.
It takes 12 seconds running to reach quartermaster in Ul'dah
It takes 16 seconds running to reach quartermaster in Gridania
wow 4 whole seconds
Maelshitters need not apply though

Wrry aren you farmring MGP baka gaijin! regaria mount + hairstyres wirr be 220k! hop to it!

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because i already have 2.6m mgp

I already have more MGP than I know what to do with.

ew fucking no life westerners do not reply to me
unsubscribe from my gameu

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Graha Tia is not interesting. His 'reveal' in ShB will not be interesting. He doesnt seem like the type to have any sort of motivation for fixing The First. Barring him being literally possessed by Xande, theres nothing that his character can do that couldn't have been accomplished by someone else.

*lies to ur face*

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You'll do it in the final trial in the final patch of Shadowniggers :^)

Have over half a mil after getting everything from the Gold Saucer, all I have left is breeding the perfect race chocobo. So XV stuff is an easy get.

Any guides for raising chocobos?

and you do it while controlling gaius and/or zenos after the trial

I know, and that's why generals aren't allowed to come back here, to spread their taint(s).

I forget but what the fuck was the explanation for sin eaters?

They're just the light equivalent of voidsent.


Purity spiralling - Light groweth so strong that the virtuous judgement it performs requireth ever greater virtuosity to be sated. In time the beings formed from this light view any scant shred of vice or taint as an unforgivable sin, and lay waste to mortals whose weak hearts ever contain the potential of evil.

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Focus on getting to pedigree 9 first before maximizing star ratings.
Chocobos don't pass on their own race ratings, they choose randomly from their mother/father's ratings. Every star rating has a 50% chance of being chosen from either mother or father's side, and then a 50% chance of being chosen for the offspring's own ratings.
The actual numerical value of stats makes no difference to offspring, only stars/pedigree matters, so you don't have to fully train every chocobo, just retire them once they hit rank 40.

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I finished yesterday in 1 afternoon the whole Crystal Tower questline in one sitting.
It was great, but at the same time it felt a bit weird being able to just destroy content that sweaty tryhard raiders back in the day probably spent month going through.

Alliance Raids are casual content. Even when they are brand new, groups usually clear them in one shot.

24-man content is and forever will be braindead-wojak tier.

24-man raids were never hard.

So how exactly do I get started with Eureka? I tried searching on Google but theres no fucking guides really telling me what it is and what to do. Do I simply go in and spend hours trying to kill mobs?

So it was a zerg-fest even back in 2.1 days? I thought it was wow MC or BWL tier where people needed to coordinate 24 mans to beat.
In that case it doesn't feel weird.

Not exactly. Voidsent are what happened to the people and creatures whose world became the world of darkness / the void, driven to feed on aether until there simply wasn't anymore left and twisted in the process.
Sin eaters on the other hand appear to have manifested simply from the light, rather than being twisted versions of the residents of The First. That difference probably also says a lot about how dark and light are different in their nature.

are you playing min height?

There were wipes back then, just like how Orbonne had wipes on the first week. If yoshi ever took my advice and implemented ilvl sync on them, you'd see wipes in lota and st again as people would have to (re)learn mechanics that have since been erased by the massive gear gap.

all of the first excluding the continent we're going to already got deleted by the flood of light, so the existing sin eaters are most likely from the people and creatures that got caught up in the flood

Level up to 7~9 using challenge log, then join the FATE train. I heard that doesn't work in the next two levels so I dont' know what to do for that.

This sounds similar to the final add-on content for XI. I wonder if the people making up the worlds and this initial lore were the same teams or if Yoshi did this unintentionally and if so, I wonder if they realize the parallels.

Thank fuck for this image.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. To me at least the effects of a flood of light seem to be, as you said, "deleting", like a process in which impurity is purged away so hard that the only thing that remains is perfect crystalline order, in contrast to dark that causes living beings to grow, mutate, and consume all life it touches.

Darkness causes greed, madness and vice in general, lo the voidsent twisted into what they are.
Light causes virtue, benevolence and purity. It's rather implied that ultima from the orbonne raid 'the high seraph' is a sin eater. What this might mean though is that sin eaters are beings from outside hydaelyn - ala omega and midgardsormr. They arrive at the first because of it being filled with light, which they thrive on and enact the judgement of. The people of the world the void used to be became so because of how t he people in that world deigned to manipulate and hoard aether in themselves like primals. Not sure it's the same thing in the first.

You can join the NM train but that's very boring, you will gain reduced exp at first, it'll take you into high level areas and you won't get to fight because you'll be useless because you're not supposed to be there. This is not the intended way to play yet it is the way players have decided to play and you don't really have a say, the hivemind decides.
What you can also do is form your own party, that's harder but more rewarding if you ask me. I can tell you how to grind chains if you're interested, start by advertising with something like "bored of the nm train? come do something else" i guarantee you will get some people very bored with the nm train on your side.

now thinking about it, there is probably some sort of deeper connection between voidsent and sin eaters, seeing how it was the use of auracite that started the destruction of the 13 and HS Ultima pooping that stuff out

>I'm absolutely horrified at the upcoming class changes, how the fuck are they gonna juggle balancing classes on top of everything they're already doing
The people who do class balance aren't the same people making assets dipshit

Chains? I assume chaining mobs together is what that means?

You gain bonus xp for killing mobs in quick succession. It happens everywhere in the game in case you haven't noticed.

killing 2 mobs in a row starts a chain, you get more exp for each subsequent kill, with exp and loot chance spikes at 10, 20, and 30 kills, but the time you have to kill the next mob before the chain expires also decreases with each kill. after 30 the chain is done and resets back to 0

Yeah I just tried going into Eureka. Killing a level 2 Squib takes me a fucklong time and I only get 160 EXP from it

>taking a random user's info as gospel
>its reused if they used assests that have never been published yet.
Holy fuck youre retarded

becomes much easier with your first level, but you can only chain on stuff that is on your level or higher

in anemos, the best way to level is getting to level 6 or so via the challenge log and any hunts you can reach, then hopping on the NM train, even better if someone has a dual seat mount

This is fucking garbage. The challenge log requires me to kill 30 and then 60 of a fire type or water type etc. but they can only be within 2 levels of what I am. And as a healer, these mobs take fucking ages to die. Who the fuck designed this shit system?

really the only way to solo if you don't have any potions and not feel like killing yourself is to have red mage at 70, other than that you need to find some peeps of similar level

>as a healer things take forever to die
Well no shit
Get on samurai and chug those Eurekan potions

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Why are the English voices so much better than nipspeak?

Okay here is roughly how it goes. First you don't chain alone because it limits you to mobs the same lvl as you and the exp is shit.
To chain you need a full party and that's the trick, with a full party you can challenge monsters 5 or 6 lvls above yours and now the exp becomes good. Never kill mobs below 5+ levels, if you are lvl 5 and you kill lvl 9 movs it's not good, stop ans go kill lvl 10 mobs instead. You can also go kill lvl 11 mobs but your party needs to be good for that because if you can't kill levels 11 fast enough to keep the chain then it's not worth it anymore.
Anyway don't chain alone, you need a full party of 8 and every nees to be the same level inside the party (roughly).

Do not solo Eureka you're gonna have a bad time. Mount a party.

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So the TL;DR of Eureka is that me, a solo player with no friends, won't be able to do fucking shit in any Eureka content. Good game design.

Yeah once the zones are dead its over forever, they fucked it up. Good thing all the rewards are shit anyways!

I can't tell if this is a bait but either way kill yourself

Or you can just ignore all that dumb bullshit and go ride the NM train like what literally everyone else does. Chaining for exp hasn't been a thing since Pagos came out.

God forbid they design content around multiplayer in a fucking massive multiplayer online game, I mean what were they thinking? Am I right?
The fuck are you doing playing an MMO if you have no intention of playing with others?

Maybe they should've made it possible to group up easily in Eureka with randoms oh I don't know maybe there's a party finder function BUT ITS FUCKING BLOCKED IN EUREKA SO WHATS THE POINT

>people ignore that its literally "dude remember ffxi grinding" and get mad that you're forced to be social and join a group instead of being queued into one without having to speak
>dude wtf eureka sux

It wasn't quite as much of a zerg as it is these days but it really hasn't changed too much. Lab always had mechanics you had to do right or you would wipe but they were simple, ST was always snooze-tier even when it was new and now gear is so high you don't even see half the mechanics of bosses anymore and WoD was once somewhat challenging. I remember more than a few wipes to Cloud of Darkness but that's really the only notable one that's pretty easy now.

Or maybe you could step out of your comfort zone and reach out to others and communicate instead of being angry that nothing is being thrown on your plate for free.

Now you just get your trusts out.

Eureka snowballs very hard. It fucking sucks ass at the beginning of zones because everything takes forever to die and gives shit all for xp. Once you have some levels under your belt it gets significantly better.

Why are you being antagonistic?
Just mount a party, message people say hi or join the NM train and watch netflix on the side. I thought you wanted to play the game so i gave tips on how to do chain grinding.

And how the fuck am I supposed to join this train when I'm elemental level 3? Huh?

by following them around? Elemental level doesnt matter when you just follow the group.

Just follow them around like a lemming and tag the bosses once to collect free xp.

You can still join they'll invite you. You will gain bad exp at first because they'll take you to kill high lvl NMs and as a lvl3 you will actually fall under the lvl cap for these NMs/FATEs.
The NM train is fucked up like that but remember it's technically not a fault of Eureka or matbe the design's failling was to allow players to create this train system which screws new players over like this.

Will Dancer use Aiming or Scouting gear?

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Scouting so NIN has someone to fight with

It's ranged physical so aiming, there is zero precedent for jobs using gear from roles other than their own so I don't know why anyone would expect otherwise.
The only way I see them using scouting gear is if some larger shakeup of role gear takes place, like both aiming and scouting merged into a new role for DEX jobs, and then all gear becomes "arc brd mch dnc nin".

>there is zero precedent for jobs using gear from roles other than their own
NIN literally uses aiming accessories
>but that's accessories
Yeah, so? "Scouting" is a dumb class anyway, it's functionally equivalent to Aiming with exact same budget to all of its stats. So it could very well be both.

Which is why i could see them just rolling aiming and scouting into one new universal dex role. The only reason dnc will use scouting gear is if bard and machinist get to as well. It makes zero sense if its a dancer only thing

>even more shared gear models
please no

They're shared already with minor recolors.

sometimes ninja shares with monk instead, though less often now that samurai exists.

It's gonna happen, it'll applease dncfags wanting slutty scouting gear as well as the existing ranged/nins suddenly getting a ton of new glam options. And everyone will overlook the real reason is it'll let them skimp even more on making unique gear models going forward.

she had a hard life ;-;

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Who cares? Melees have three different gear types just by themselves. It's not going to kill anyone for a ranged DPS to not use Scouting and it'd be better to have 2 jobs with Scouting and 2 with Aiming instead of 1 with Scouting and 3 with Aiming. Hopefully the next expansion adds a DPS that uses Maiming gear too.

>Hopefully the next expansion adds a DPS that uses Maiming gear too
You would have 6 jobs using tank gear then.

>liking the literally who with zero impact on the story

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They said they want to try and even out roles so next expac should be healer + caster, since those are the only roles with 3 except Ranged and they just added a ranged dps and probably won't double down for two in a row.

If she didn't intervene when snake bitch summond Lakshmi, everyone would be dead already.

>The only time she gets to "shine" is during a massive plot contrivance as Lyse, an ex scion who should be well versed in all things related to primals, decides to invite tempered snakes despite WoLs protests putting everyone at risk
Fuck Stormblood and whoever was in charge of writing it.

a bunch of ala mighans would be dead which is a net improvement, especially that retard Lyse who is at fault for allowing that to happen.

Not only Lyse was involved in that, there were several other Scions including Y'sthola who also didn't notice what was up. I understand that you hate Lyse for whatever reasons but don't be stupid.

Lyse was in charge of the whole shitshow and invited them there even though everyone told her not to you retard.

Hello new xiv shitter welcome. You are looking for the coil of bahamut savage difficulty for that.
Also alexander(savage) for heavensward content
And Omega(savage) for stormblood.

>Retarded stormbaby immediately jumps in to defend that mistake of an expansion

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cute war criminal

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This excuse is such shit. It should be healer/tank next. "Because lol there are only 2 main tanks and 2 off tanks, while healers have 1 shield healer and 1regen healer and 1 that can do both"
Yes i know this excuse is bullshit but saying physical ranged needed another slot to round it out is also fucken stupid.

No, everyone acknowledged it was risky, but it needed to be done. Also, it wasn't unheard of that people under the influence of a primal later realize they were stupid and change their ways, see those under Shiva.
Everybody agreed to do this, singling out Lyse a the only one to blame is just idiotic, and you only do it because it fuels your hateboner for the character.
Literally 0 argument, kill yourself. Also I didn't particularly like Stormblood, Heavensward was a lot better. But I will call out stupidity when I see one, get used to it.

>mistake of an expansion
I just don't get why people act like it was the fucking "wod" of xiv. like holy shit it wasn't THAT bad, just underwhelming.

still a better character than Lyse.

Low fucking bar that is.

>it wasn't unheard of that people under the influence of a primal later realize they were stupid and change their ways
That's wrong you subhuman monkey, it's been established since early 2.0 that people who've been tempered actively seek to resummon their primal whenever possible and therefore need to be put down as that's considered to be a more merciful aproach rather than allowing them to remain mind controlled. Hardly anyone was informed of it even happening, snakes aproached Lyse, asked if they can be let in and she said yes. When later confronted by WoL, she shrugs us off.
You could atleast pretend you played the fucking game, jesus christ.

The only people who dislike Fordola are Mhigger apologists

> it's been established since early 2.0 that people who've been tempered actively seek to resummon their primal whenever possible and therefore need to be put down
I even mentioned Shiva and her followers in my post as an example where it literally was proven that this is not always the case, and you just flat out ignored it, go on with your red clouded rage like an idiot, and accuse me of not playing the game.
Maybe you want to try this again, because all you did is made a fool out of yourself.

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>tfw when you will never recapture the feel of leveling DOH for the first time in Gridania's market back in 2.X ever again
Those were simpler times. Easier. Cleaner.

Look forward to drg's maiming getting rolled into the striking classification as well.

Except I'm literally doing it now and it fucking sucks and wondering what I'm doing with my life and if it's even worth it. DOH and DOL were a mistake, they should either remove them or do something about them to make it fun or worthwile.

Except for that part where they were never tempered, you dipshit. They were just ishgardian heretics following their leader.

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b-but think of the gil!

The only bad thing about Stormblood that you can possibly say is that “the story didn’t grab me like Heavensward” or “I don’t like Eureka”.
In my opinion the addition of Ultimates and unique forms for final Savage fights made it a direct upgrade to Heavensward.

You're also allowed to complain about Machinist.

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I'm a Mhigger apologist and I love Fordola

Mhigger lover

Damn right

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anyone else begun to pretend shiva is shattering the ice with a booty clap instead with her heel?

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