For me? It's Jak 2
What single game caused you to rage the most as a kid?
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The amount of bullshit parts in this game is unreal
>Snowmobile chase
>Test of strength
>Test of fear
>That one area where you had to carry an explosive barrel to the top of the ramp while avoiding barrels coming towards you
fuck this game
why did this sell so well?
God it was such a trash fire
This was when naughty dog was actually good and not in the business of making movie games
the edgy aesthetic was novel at the time
Fucking janky ass controls
The last mission of Simpsons Hit and Run was a fucking nightmare. That god damn timer
I liked this game, it had a lot of bullshit moments, but they weren't ever so bad that I felt like giving up. I suppose it helped that I would just jump to Ratchet and Clank 2 to blow off steam with it being much easier and more more arcadey they went well together.
In particular: Chicken Coop, Minecart and Nut collecting.
>No checkpoints
>One healing pack per level
>Enemies use hitscan
>Ammo doesn't reset on death, forcing you too grind
>Overworld is useless
>Dark Jak is almost useless
Jak 2 is alot of frustration packed into one game.
>those sand levels
This is when darkness told me it's not a friend of mine.
*gives you PTSD
Don't tell. The mission in the slums
>the infiltration of the crimson guard base
Made me fucjing livid as a kid. holy shit.
>followed later by an even more infuriating section of crimson guards in that one water area of the city by the beach
that mission fucking sucked but the one that made me grow grey hairs at fucking 9 was the mission where you had to destroy the eco wells. why the FUCK would a developer do this to a child
That was really easy, just practique a few minutes and you get it
I barely had trouble with that, I think it took like 5-6 attempts, and that was just getting used to the layout since looking at the minimap would kill you with how fast you went.
Edgy scifi, combined with gameplay that takes elements from basically every popular design trend of the day.
you were a better gamer than me user. I spent fucking WEEKS on that mission. also the race you have with the paxis goon was hard as shit IIRC
>Dark Jak is almost useless
I will always hate that, it sucked SO much. Why make a cool looking transformation for your character if you can barely use it and it's not even good? Thank god Jak 3 fixed it but the damage was still there, specially since Jak 2's Dark Jak looked cooler
I guess I was, the only challenging parts for me were the KG base and the slums mission
Don't even know why, I just remember there was something in it that pissed me off to end and I never finished it
Was I the only one who got stuck forever on that bullshit shooting minigame on the flying drill platform?
I liked Jak 3 which included Light Jack which was better than Dark Jak in almost every conceivable way. Looked cool too
shiiiiiiiiiiit man I remember getting mad as fuck on the third mission where you had to run away from that tank. kid me did not have the patience or temperament to play that game. it's a miracle I beat it. the last mission where you fight the big metal head I ran out of all the ammo except for my scatter gun and had to finish him off with that. barely got through by the skin of my teeth
Light Jak is a blessing. Like, literally
Jak 2 is easy shit, pic related is the real rage quitter
You remember that glitch you can do where if you flapped the wings and switched between the shield you can go out of bounds with unlimited flight? that shit was awesome
Just spam punch
I literally replay the Jak and Sly original games once every few years and I always find new shit with the flight glitch in Jak 3, it's so stupidly broken I love it
Alex Kidd. Game was pretty easy to lose often lives, more in the final castle, but then the final puzzle happens. That puzzle needs a password, but if you get wrong the ghosts will kill you. I knew the password from pausing the game, but what I didnt know IT WAS THE PASSWORD WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE READ LEFT TO RIGHT BUT RIGHT TO LEFT. fucking japan.
Jesus christ. All of those, but especially the test of strenght and fear which were right next to each other, fuck that.
>When a 3d platformer with a terrible camera has tank controls
Last year some autists found a debug mode in Jak 1, 2 and 3.
You input some button pressed on the pause screen and voila, free roam camera, infinite health, hold R2 to hover and move around anywhere in the world. It even works on the HD collections
holy shit, this is insane
what the fuck? this is awesome
i'm surprised it took this long
I really really hope furries don't have a fondness for Jak and Daxter
This mission was badly explained ingame. I replayed throught this game this winter and had to youtube this part, the explanation of what to do in the game was bullshit
Kek same
17 years after the first game.
Fuck's been two decades.
Is it even possible to complete?
I never did it as a kid. That or the garbage can Snake tattoo guy mission.