Edgy adventure sonic > modern sonic

edgy adventure sonic > modern sonic

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Adventure Sonic is Modern Sonic

I blame boostshit and shitty physics.


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>Actually thinking Shadow the Hedgehog is better than any Modern Sonic game.

The game is fucking trash. Shadowfags need to stop pretending that this game is a masterpiece. Fucking Sonic 06 is a better game and that's a all time low.

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The Adventure art style/aesthetic is better than the Classic aesthetic.

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>Fucking Sonic 06 is a better game and that's a all time low.
very nice b8, but shadows game is better than any boostshit game that isnt Unleashed and Colors while 06 is the the 3rd worst sonic game without counting sonic jam

If Shadow is cringe, Metroid is uber cringe

>the last kino sonic game is over a decade old now
Hold me bros, I can't do this anymore

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>and Colors
Colors is shit atleast put Generations there if you are gonna praise boostshit at the very least it took stuff from the good Sonic games.

But Forces is only 2 years old!

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But Transformed is only 7 years old

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Honestly I kinda missed that era of Sonic in that they weren’t afraid of going balls to the walls crazy and doing weird experimental shit.

Like, we’ll probably never get anything like Sonic X’s third season (which was a fucking soul filled trip) or Black Knight nowadays. When the franchise has basically become a cannibalizing mess whic constantly mocks itself but can never truly understand what had made it so damn appealing.

Remember when they were obsessed with folklore or ancient history like with the babylons, egypt, medieval times etc. That was a soulful point in history

Not even a full-on Sonic game (despite the name) let alone a mainline one

>We will never get kino like this again
It hurts bros...

The series was toast once it became a battle of unleashed vs colors and colors won the critics and fans. Instead of a soulful adventure with the best rollercoasters ever constructed in a game, people wanted to hop around static or slowly rotating blocks in 2D, shaking their wii remotes to use powerups like nsmb while sonic mocks his entire history. Then lost world came with literal nsmb formula for levels. Now we cant get a new sonic game, classic or modern, without green hill/chemical plant/stardust speedway/hydrocity/city escape/seaside hill/rooftop run/zavok. Generations was good but in the end, it was just a diet unleashed. A pack of levels with nothing else going for it, and even then its not like all the levels were perfect. Modern chemical plant and city escape, classic rooftoprun and sky sanctuary, planet wisp. OOF

This, Colors ruined everything. It's fucking over bros

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The worst part is that they use the worst level from colors whenever they bring old levels back. Planet wisp fucking sucked. The water level and asteroid coaster were a lot better. And starlight carnival or asteroid coaster wouldve ended generations a lot better as a space level

I know, it's crazy to think sonic unleashed is 11 years old already.

I'm kind of hopeful Sumo shoved some good shit into STR under Sonic Team's nose.

We already got a Sand Hill remix out of this shit. Like the last thing I'd ever thought would get a remix.

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That Final Egg remix they used for the SXSW trailer was great. Glad they are giving Sa1 so much love