Why doesn't Deus Ex have this kind of dialogue any more?
Why doesn't Deus Ex have this kind of dialogue any more?
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the average americlap is no longer taught how to read.
Why did burgers let it happen?
Guess it’s time to abandon the fucking thread again.
Nice another thread that's not video games!!!
Mentally ill communist subhuman.
Good boy! Very good boy! Time to defend your boss online now that the day is over and you've given 90% of your generated profits to him :)
t. bootlicker
Why not just fix the thing causing depression?
Because losing a patient is losing a customer.
Well, has the answer to that.
cool it with the anti-semitic remarks...
>fix society as it exists today
Nice false false false flag, this is craftsmanship right here.
This experiment could alternatively be titled:
"Convincing Teenagers Who Know Nothing About The World that Communism is Evil"
Because we let our congress get bought out by the companies. Companies, like states, should be serving us, not the other way around.
The 14th amendment was the biggest mistake this country has ever made. Companies and corporations use this amendment to claim that the they has rights just like a human does.
Americans let their fucking brains get bought out.
because the people making them aren't into conspiracy theories and the like, they were more into the cyberpunk parts of deus ex, like augs and such.
Reconcile these two facts:
It is estimated that 1 in 6 households containing children are food-insecure. That means for at least half of the year there's children inside who go to bed hungry. 1 in 6.
Providing a meal for these children would cost about $2 each.
There is currently a banker paying $100,000 to receive a champagne shower in Las vegas.
except all times Communism did not work were plenty documented RETARD
We have current real world examples of communism failing.
Yes, all those times when communism was artificially suppressed by existing capitalist superpowers seeking to preserve their wealth.
Everyone knows that when you're testing things scientifically, fairly, you let one thing get a 3 million year head-start, then you let it stomp all over the brand new thing as it gets its first hold in the world. That proves the smaller newer thing is bad! It's scientific, trust me.
It absolutely boggles my mind how regular people have been completely, utterly programmed to act against their own interests.
This doesn't even make sense. Anti-depressants take weeks or months to work. You can't alter moods over an hourly timespan with them. You'd have to be using drugs, as in drug drugs. Stimulants, opioids, etc. It would do no good to release zoloft into a workers system because he's bummed one day. you wouldn't see any change for a while.
>this is the culture chuds want to protect
I take antidepressants, you have no idea what you're talking about. If you stop taking antidepressants for a day you'll know it.
Additionally, high doses of antidepressants DO take effect immediately. They start people off on low doses just in case the drug causes suicidal ideation in them.
>believe me bros!!! this time it will work
>*does not work
>"es que es el imperio blah blah blah"
thanks for fucking my home country!!
Fun fact: fluoride causes a large decrease in intelligence, turns a specific part of the brain into an inert calcium deposit, and has negligible effect on dental health!
>Fluoride ingestion as a child appears to decrease IQ:
>Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.
>Fluoride ingestion during pregnancy appears to greatly decrease the intelligence of the child:
>In this study, higher prenatal fluoride exposure, in (the general range of exposures reported for the general population,) was associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at age 4 and 6–12 y.
Why does the modern left obsess itself with identity politics rather than economic policy?
This planet is so overpopulated. fuck.
>turns a specific part of the brain into an inert calcium deposit,
Pic related.
>Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age.[30] The calcified gland is often seen in skull X-Rays.[30] Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[30] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand".
>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[34]
Did You Know? Fluoride water doping is not practiced in Europe or Asia.
Did You Know? Fluoride water doping was a practice discovered from nazi research after the war. It was implemented in America directly after the war ended.
Boomer detected, opinion discarded
capitalism has been just as violent if not worse than communism since its inception. the dutch & british east india companies were very violent and terrible.
>in b4 they weren't real capitalism
The dutch east india was the first traded corporation on Earth. it was the dawn of capitalism. but koch-funded think tanks have people teaching that capitalism didn't exist until America did. because that's when freedom was invented or something.
Nah, it's that property is basically a speculative bubble for failchilden to keep their inherited wealth because they're unable and unknowledgeable on how to sustain it themselves. There's no overpopulation, there's an inequality in distributed resources
>communist government forms in foreign country
>russia tries to be friends with them
>america gets nervous
>literally sends in shadow troopers to kill officials or use spycraft to sabotage their economy/government or pay fascist rebel groups to start a coup
>communist country fails
>"Omg why do these communist countries keep failing? clearly it's their economic theory that is wrong"
I-is this reversable?
What the fuck is this thread?
>this post is off topic
I'll be busy
so if you wash your mouth u get dumber?
Capitalism has been the reigning system since humanity existed. It's the reason the tribe leader got more food and a bigger hut than everyone else.
Capitalism is primitive and fundamentally anti-civilization. The whole idea of civilization is that we should decide to behave in the way that benefits each other the most. Doing this, we collectively achieve a much higher standard of living than if we were to act with self interest.
Capitalism is an error in this system. It is a self-interested economic system. It has only survived for this long because capitalism assigns all of the decision-making power in society to the people who benefit the most from capitalism. So, it's a self-sustaining cycle. A meme, a feedback loop. A harmful one that may literally be what kills humanity.
>the left are the only ones actually fighting ISIS
What's your excuse chuds?
Because they'd need to get rid of living paycheck to paycheck as a concept, but that would mean they wouldn't have an endless supply of wage slaves.
Great, how long until they start putting this in the tap water?
>Yes boss, I reported the thread. After all, they said that you're not my friend. I won't listen to them, Boss. I love you... please pet me and call me a good boy... I don't even want a raise...
>Capitalism has been the reigning system since humanity existed. It's the reason the tribe leader got more food and a bigger hut than everyone else.
>Mercantilism, tribalism, feudalism lol what are those?????
Even as a communist your arguments are dumb, Marx's interpretation of Hegel was that we'd eventually come to discard the system of capitalism with enough maturation
But a tabletop water distiller from AliExpress for $75-$100. Chinese water distillers are very high quality and cheap because every household needs one.
This will remove ALL contagions from water without a filter. It uses about $1.10 of electricity per year if you make 2 gallons of distilled water per day. This removes lead as well, a very common contaminant in municipal tap water.
Distilled water is not harmful to consume. I have been drinking it exclusively for over ten years and my bloodwork is flawless. The majority of dietary minerals come from food, not water. You can purchase minerals to add to your distilled water if you want mineralized water.
There are definite problems with our economy, but I don't think communism is the solution. How about taking a few steps back and start by fixing this
>b-but usa
i did not know they had 4channel on hell hugo, is that all you know how to say? fucking all time blaming everything that ever happens on your dumb boogeyman, yeah, it was us keeping the country running on only fucking oil, it was us the ones that started scaring away the private companies by expropriating, it was us the ones that changed the currency dispite being advise againts it.
>>Mercantilism, tribalism, feudalism lol what are those?????
Just squirm-names that capitalists use for capitalism.
When viewed through a history book instead of the modern lens of information distortion it's obvious that capitalism is barbaric, so they have to make up alternative names for it. "That's not real capitalism, that's feudalism and tribalism!" No, it's capitalism. It's "accrue capital and leverage it to accrue more capital and power." Capitalism.
Repeal right to work then, get unionizing, these issues are because labor power is at it's weakest it's ever been in over a century
You don't fix that without communism.
You have been conditioned to reject communism by the people who control the media and whose power and wealth depends on communism never taking root in the American public. Ask your parents about Mccarthyism. Ask them about the secret police investigating and detaining and blackmailing and blackballing communists in America. They did this because they are afraid of it.
>capitalism means "make money"
Stop. You're not helping our cause.
We truly live in horrible times and I for one can't wait for the crash
so what do i brush with nigger
if you say baking soda you're a retard
>it was us the ones
ESL faggot, learn how to speak our language before sticking your borsch stained dick in our politics.
Thank you for making a containment thread, OP
Post more Deus Ex screenshots
>t. never read Marx
The manifesto is free online and there's no excuse, go fucking read it
Amazing that the proletariat is just sitting on its laurels while the elites gear up for mass automation. You realize they are going to fucking kill you once they have robots doing the work for them, right?
They are going to take your guns away, just like they're doing in every other country, and their guards and their robots will still have guns, I promise you that. And once you're no longer needed and are only a threat, they will kill you.
You can brush with fluoride if you want, I don't think it absorbs orally.
Just don't swallow any.
And don't drink fluoridated tapwater.
how you eat my dick? you can share it equally is you want to with your other dumb retard friends
>Amazing that the proletariat is just sitting on its laurels while the elites gear up for mass automation. You realize they are going to fucking kill you once they have robots doing the work for them, right?
That's why you get organizing now
Dishonest as usual. The actual experiment was random utensils placed at one end of the room with an air blast to deter them and nothing other than curiosity as a motivator. Good try making the object a banana to imply socialism is something we need inherently.
They do both, you're just more likely to hear about the social politics because people like you get triggered and have a conniption every time some random sjw posts something on twitter.
the goyim are becoming more obedient... not at all like their troublesome, troublesome ancestors... we control the information now. we speak and the goyim listen. very good.
Not as far as I know, there is no literature on it. But start drinking distilled water now. You are still young. Distillers literally cost like $75 on chinese sites. Distilled water also tastes fuckin good.
>why didn't human revolution just throw expository dialogue at you for no rhyme and reason?
Because it was actually unlike the original retard.
>deus ex
>not a video game
This is news to me
> based
> based
> niggers
> based
Hello literal shill for the elites and their identity-politics agenda to destroy leftism from within. Enjoying the taste of boot?
If you knew what was really going on you'd be more tankie by the minute, just saying
This whole anti-globalism shit seemed cool at the time as a fictional reaction to corporate greed, but god damn does it look misguided in our current political context. I wonder how many of you fucks love deus ex because of its accidental nationalist undercurrents.