Dragonrot Sucks

Okay, so I started the game 2 days ago (almost immediately after finishing Bloodborne), and this mechanic sucks! I don't mind dying a bunch of times, or having a hard time against a boss, I will learn, and adapt. BUT, since this thing can make npc's sick, and it's not clear how often you get it or if they die from it, and how many healing items for it you can get per playthrough, I just can't seem to approach hard enemies the same way.

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I am at the first memory, and specifically I started struggling with the spear monks and the purple guy. I get that they are challenging, and I got the Mikiri counter and whatnot, but I can't seem to even engage for a while to even practice and learn just their attacks! Since I started the game, I can barely read their attacks, and I need more practicing, and the temple zombie isn't much of help considering each of those "struggles" has moves of their own. In the end what happens is, I go fight the purple guy for instance, use my gourds, and the first res, and then tp back to the idol to avoid actual death. And it's too much going back and forth for just so little progress, you know, maybe learning 1 or 2 moves of theirs and maybe their counters.

(cont. 2)

Maybe I'm not supposed to fight them now? Maybe I should leave them for later?
I'm a /pc/uck, and I try to use a trainer for inf health and just to stay alive and practice (I've established that I won't get the items behind them unless I've killed them properly). Any tips?

Yeah man reason why I have buyers remorse. I don’t mind dying a thousand times, but to get punished on top of it is super gay. Anyone defending this game is a supreme ball licker and should immediately post their shipping information so I can send them a hand tied noose courtesy of me, so they can find the nearest tree and end their shitty life/tastes in video games.

Progress through the game, retard
It's easy as fuck to cure and it doesn't kill anyone, it just locks quests. Just use the item to cure when you want to do the quests, there's plenty of it available

it's a complete non-issue. don't be such a fucking faggot baby.

So what if they get sick? They can't die and you get more than a dozens cures. You can also run away after using a ressurect, only a respawn at the idol death counts. Die as much as you like.

Send away my dude

5109 46 St, Legal, AB, Canada T0G 1L0

Dude just dont use the revive mechanic and you can remove dragonrot anyway

Dudes, I'm just afraid for the npc's to die, that's all. I have read that you should use the healing items only when you want to progress quests, but how the fuck am I supposed to know when that has to happen?

What's the point of this mechanic? Why are gooks so autistic?

dragonrot barely affects anything though stop being a pussy

You're very kindhearted user

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Reduces your unseen aid chance and temporarily blocks quests from progressing.

That's a school

I'd rather be dying while trying as much as I can than running away.

Its really only there for connecting story/lore into a gameplay mechanic but its actual effect is more psychological than real, in terms of how it affects the player. When you don't have all the information it is meant to focus you to try really fucking hard not to bumble your way through tough areas or mindless die to bosses because of some perceived punishment. However it takes so long to cross the point between a character becoming sick to actual death that you don't need to worry about it unless you are playing at 5 fps or actually mentally disabled. Once it happens you talk to the doctor and it initiates a mini quest to explain and show you how to fix it and the cure is plentiful enough within the game that you shouldn't have it manifest to a point where it harms you.

TL;DR It's a story element made gameplay mechanic that is only there to motivate you to try harder

Apparently you only get dragonrot if you die for realsies, so you can revive and then run away back to a bonfire and then there's no penalty.

Remember when dying meant the game got harder and your max hp was halved?

>However, it takes so long to cross the point between a character becoming sick to actual death

So they CAN DIE????

Jesus Christ. They don't die. Their quests are just halted. Youll get more than. Enough items to heal them


No they can't. There's a ton of misinformation. I've died for 3 hours straight once and nothing happened except everyone got aids.

> I try to use a trainer
>Any tips?
Off yourself, retard.


>I just can't seem to approach hard enemies the same way.
Use your revive to run the fuck away, dumbass.

I'd rather not, that's why I'm asking for help you faggot.

Oh, that makes it a lot more bearable, then.

Holy shit, thanks man. Deaths like yours bring the greatest of revelations.

Should I leave the monks and especially the purple guy for later tho?

Just don't die lol

Based and redpilled
Tranny pilled and 40%

You can obtain like a dozen of the thing that cures it.

But are they finite?

NPCs do not die from dragonrot
Dragon's Blood droplets are available from memorial mob vendors and are guaranteed to replenish after a while, so you effectively have an unlimited supply of them

Stop crying over a harmless mechanic

It's a mechanic from DeS. You're meant to just die less in ng+, retard.

Is this confirmed? That they restock?

Yes, they do. I'm not 100% on the trigger, but every time I've ran out they've always had them, and I've died a metric fuckton in the game and lost track of how many I've needed. Right now I think that whenever you run out they replenish, but they always have one

I can't beat Enichi Yea Forums, cleaning the stage up to him is a thing, playing hide & seek with everyone around him, ok can be done, but he fucks me up so fast with the unparriable attacks that it isnt even funny, isnt there a closer statue to save before him?

Since no one else will bother, guess I will. You dont cure dragonrot as soon as an NPC starts coughing, you let them be. Keep playing, dying, and learning until you gave mostly everyone aids. After you feel like you advanced enough in the game, or feel like you finally managed to git gud, you can cure it, just a single time is needed to cure everyone. Sure, there is a plenty amount of times available per run in which you can cure dragonrot but its still a finite resource, so your only choice is to leave them alone until you decide to follow a quest. Kill at least 3 main bosses before you even bother with your first dragonrot cure.

Also general tips
>constant blocking regens your posture
>its not a souls game, dont expect turn based combat while circling your enemy
>attack and be aggresive, when they parry you, you parry back, following an enemy parry with an attack will just get you sliced
>its not a fucking souls game, use stealth, run, hide, be cheap, always aim to stealth deathblow a miniboss before you engage it
>red kanji doesnt mean GTFO, you can counter some, or jump over others, experiment
>get the upgrade for mikiri counter and the deathblow heal asap
>Ashina arts build up some BS posture damage if you get the passives, eternal posture bosses like Genichiro will go down like a bitch
>explore everything

>it's not clear how often you get it or if they die from it, and how many healing items for it you can get per playthrough
lmao heaven forbid a Souls game leave something unclear to the player to inspire a sense of dread and have missable NPC storylines

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Well, if it's just lore, then I don't mind all that much. For skills/services/items tho, I don't want them gone.

Dude, thanks! I really appreciate this post. I will try to up my deflect game.

ok retard

if you are talking about first genichiro, there's just one before him with no enemies in between