Why does Yea Forums brag about pirating?

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Pirates constantly seek validation and need reinforcement for their moral short comings
A person who understands their morals don't need validation, but pirates constantly question themselves but will never change. If fact they'll double down. Have as much moral control as a fish

There's literally nothing wrong with pirating games you never would have bought.

>take epic games chink bribe
>um sweetie pls don't say you'll pirate our game, it hurts our fee fees (rolls money on face)
fuck off

I only really pirate to demo/if a game isn't purchasable legally these days. That said people who conflate piracy with their shitty product failing are delusional.

Why do you keep making this thread?

could only justify pirating single player games and if you like it enough to beat it buy a real copy when DLC comes out

>'Narrative Mindbender'

so what games has she written for?

This, I always say that if Blockbuster were still around I would just rent them. A rental game to me is a single player game that I know I'll only play through once or twice and will have no further value to me.

theres also no point to do that either, why waste the bandwidth in that case?

Cause most of Yea Forums's too tarded to hold a job, too cheap too buy, generally too poor, or still seething from buying shit games.

>lead writer
>Dishonored Death of the Outsider
My new least favorite person. Don‘t even care about the twitter post.

if you pirate a game and you end up liking it and playing it and never pay for it and your not from a 3rd world country, the developers consider you scumbags. This shouldn't surprise anyone

I pirate because I'm poor, and also because fuck you. I do what I want.

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based and redpilled

Is he based?

Why would a non-indie dev even fucking care about pirates
How much of a corporate cocksucker can you be

Honestly, I don't care if people pirate. The people who try to justify that piracy isn't theft are retarded, though.

>twitter screencap thread


Because I love to see triggered landwhales and scummy devs that doesn't deserve a single cent

>it's okay to steal because i wasn't going to buy it anyway!!
Shut the fuck up, leech. If you can't afford something, you don't deserve to have it.

Absolute madman.

I ain't buying a used copy you bitch nigga
If they don't sell it then it's not my fault

Social posturing more then anything, people pirating out of practical reasons (Lack of Money, Not wanting DRM, just testing) know to keep it downlow so their sources and tools remain unknown and viable instead of needlessly flaunting and causing them to get depreciated due unwanted attention.

Sharing is Caring, but outing the sharing to someone who wished to stop it is just being a asshole.

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What if I pirate games without demos just to try them for myself?
I bought both Sekiro and Hollow Knight after beating their first 2 mandatory bosses as the mechanics appealed to me.

>He bought

buylets on suicide watch

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Steal? no sir, my game is covered by the taxes these companies try their best to skip.

because I still play games

I actually don't give a shit about all this, but is this bitch seriously involved with control? I thought remedy does it's own thing internally, sam lake and all that. this doesn't bode too well

So because a product is no longer being manufactured that means it's okay for you to steal it? Great logic, might as well go steal your neighbor's old TV since they're no longer sold in stores. Fucking monkey.
I guarantee you don't know a god damn thing about any company's finances.

>Pirates constantly seek validation and need reinforcement for their moral short comings
This that's why pirate comes out in droves to piss and moan about denuvo and use it as an excuse for pirating despise the fact they were always going to pirate a game in the first place.

>it's the unique way left for me
future best-selling writer

I really don't mind what you do, mate. It's your money and time after all. I just think that those who have double standards are fags. Same case with the devs who make a piece of shit game and think that they are entitled to the consumer's money.

and? I know for a fact that they will try and skip taxes if they can while I have to pay mine or I'm fucked. If they can "steal" this way then I can steal what they sell without a care in the world.

>hmm this game looks interesting i want to try it
>ok it costs $60 dollars if you want to play it
pirates are retards. if you are interested in a game enough to play it you gotta pay up.

>if you are interested in a game enough to play it you gotta pay up
says who

It's hard to argue with this. But that won't stop moralfags from doing insane mental gymnastics and stretches to try.

god you are worse than i thought

the fucking devs say so retard. they locked their game behind a price tag on purpose.

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>Why does Yea Forums brag about pirating?

Because the large majority of posers here are teenage neets with persecution complexes.

They think the evil game devs are out to get them and pirating makes them feel like they're winning a grand battle.

No big deal really, because as has been said before, none of these broke 17 year-olds would have bought the game anyway. Which is all the more humorous when you consider their constant calls for boycotts.

Bandwidth isn't something quantified

Selling digital goods is theft.

Not gonna buy it regardless. So I'm going to pirate and save money

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That’s stupid. Just fucking rent it from the library for FREE.

>might as well go steal your neighbor's old TV since they're no longer sold in stores. Fucking monkey.
Are you retarded? A game is just data, same thing with music and movies. If a game/movie/music is no longer being sold. There is still an infinite amount of the data but there is no way to access it legally without buying from a third party. Which at that point no money would have gone to the creators anyways. so why pay some random shitter 800 bucks for an original copy of a game when the developers make none of it.
Fuck that noise. only developers deserve money for their games not rando fucktards like you who want to hoard your original battletoads carts so you can sell them for 200 dollars a pop at pawnstars in ten years.

Who was your least favourite before her though?

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This desu. Pirating is a-okay. Being a fag about it is not.

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holy based

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See if they knew how to budget (and make good games) they wouldn't need pirates money

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I still don't understand why Yea Forums is literally the only board that has these morality piracy discussions. Everyone other board doesn't give a single fuck

If you weren't going to buy it, how is pirating it saving money then you retard

Absolute legend

because literally no one cares about pirating movies or music

People on Yea Forums are the lowest of the low. People who are so low on the totem pole need something to be elitist about, so they don't lose themselves entirely in self hate. We have boards for people who are elitist about being alone, people who are elitist about art tutorials, and even people are are elitist about not spending money on video games.

>Everyone other board

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This. I would steal my food from the store as well if it was as easy as stealing games and movies from the internet. Paying for stuff that you can also get for free is for faggots.

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Yea Forums has them when there's physical media threads.
There's also really no other board where piracy would be a topic of discussion apart from the video game boards, Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums.

The best fucking part about pirating is watching all these underage Americans trying to unironically defend corporations.
I have bought already 8 games this year, all have been pirates before the actual purchase. Feel free to get scammed by the current state of the videogame industry, with no demos, paid reviews and literal les, but don't expect everybody else to be as retarded as you.


Mad lad

advertisers and pursuaders trying to convince people to work against their personal economic best interests

why pay $80 when you can pay $0, user

job or not.

Shills n devs getting angry

Complaining about denuvo/drm isn't just pirates.
It's also everyone who isn't thick as two short planks, and do nott feel like pissing money away on what is little better than a temporary permit to play a game.

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Honestly I love to have everything for free, I have more money than I need and I still pirate.
I don't buy videogames, movies, I don't pay for streaming services or for software like photoshop, I pirate all the porn I can.
I never in my Life paid for music.

I always think some dumber faggot can pay with his money but I won't.

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I've pirated literally 1 game in the last ten years: AC Odyssey.
It was just the perfect storm of looking good enough for me not to skip it for the cancer, but too cancerous to ever support with my money.

I tell people this because the 3-4 ubishills that hang out on Yea Forums need to report back to their bosses that they make the occasional good game but people aren't buying it because it's full of MTX shit and tied to yet another fucking launcher.

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It's much faster and less hassle, zero chance of getting viruses, patches and updates are downloaded easily, no chance of bugs or issues that wouldn't affect legitimate owners, and you can use multiplayer with no issues. Also cloud saves for if you uninstall and reinstall for whatever reason. Supporting developers and doing the right thing is way down the list, but it's there too.

1. Support the devs so they produce more of the product you enjoy

2. Support the industry in general so you get more of the products you enjoy

t. don't have any personal issues with piracy and will do it at the drop of a hat

torrents are ez mode and safe.

I buy games just not all games

>getting owned by a low level troll like that
Their pr department is tutorial enemy level lmao

pirates ruined PC gaming. every dev that wasn't shipping a multiplayer game ran to consoles as fast as they could

Want to do well financially? Stop paying for shit in any way possible.

The people who work on a game for a big publisher wouldn't give a shit, they're paid a wage and won't ever see a cent of the game's actual profits for themselves until it's time to work on the next yearly iteration or another project. You're only taking money out of the pockets of faceless corporations, if at all.

I pirate games every now and then, usually when I don't feel like taking a risk on the game

What usually happens is I pirate the game, but then end up buying it later on, or buying the sequel later on.

e.g. I pirated witcher 1 and 2, and bought witcher 3 when it came out.

I’m a gamedev and I literally wouldn’t care at all

Why does moralfags exist on Yea Forums

Actually I take it back, I also pirated Alice: Madness Returns. I already owned it but after it got an update it required an EA account to run.
One of the instances which I'm sure will become more common that you pirate a game you already own. DMC5 for example, even people who purchased it were using the denuvo free exe for better performance.

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Guess you don't know shit about modchips and co from consoles. You have not a fucking clue.

advertisers and pursuaders trying to convince people to work against their personal economic best interests

based zoomer

>It's much faster and less hassle
download times are about the same

>zero chance of getting viruses
if you are not a complete tech illiterate moron this never happens

>patches and updates are downloaded easily
same for the pirated version, updates are often included.
and if the game needs updates that it aint playable then the nigger devs dont deserve the money anyway

>and you can use multiplayer with no issues
Multiplayer games are cancer anyway

>Also cloud saves for if you uninstall and reinstall for whatever reason
who cares I have so many harddrives and terabytes free I dont give a shit if the save takes up 10mb on it

>Supporting developers
maybe later in the humble bundle for a dollar

>doing the right thing

The first games I ever pirated were on console, lmao

if a game doesn't have a demo and i get hooked by their marketing only, i'll certainly pirate that shit.

My country has a tax on all storage devices. It s called piracy tax . They think everyone will pirate something anyway. Therefore i paid my piracy tax and i can pirate what i want. Legally

not even mad

No problem, I'll do that AFTER finishing the game if I liked it.
If everyone pirated and decided afterwards to support the company, EA wouldn't exist, epic neither, and every single game released would be great, since the current "cash in the game with marketing and deliver a shit unfinished product" wouldn't work anymore.
Great companies would thrive, bad companies would go bankrupt.
But hey, piracy is bad.

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let's be honest. do you really think that the money gained by mtx doesn't more than offset the money lost due to people boycotting mtx and uplay? I mean, I'd agree with you, but what can you do.

Stop lying in marketing materials. Selling shit and recycling IP because you are afraid of leaving comfort zone or just can't write something new.

or think about Grand Theft Auto 4, they literally removed music from it afterwards.

people torrenting a game and giving it lots of good press is almost as good as a sale.

good PR = sales

Yeah no shit, tell you what, I'd send a single dev on a big team I like $0.5 when I pirate a $60 game because that's way above the cut they get from a game like that.


Zoomer dabbing on weeb devs

i do know about that, i also know most people on console don't pirate. right around the time that spore came out and people pirated the shit out of it was when big single player titles on pc died out

Is that a tranny?

habeeb at the flea market used to make a KILLING just stickin chips in playstations and burning cds all day. PC gaming was nowhere NEAR as bad.

do you steal food from pizza delivery men too.

It's not communism idiot. It's called being as Jewish as possible.

People torrenting a game and giving it lots of bad press is much worse than a sale, or even fewer sales.

None of those are a real problem, really, you don't get viruses unless you're literally retarded or just 12yo, updates are not a problem and you'd still have to pay more the official way to just play the full game, most games are rereleased with full patches as soon as they're released.
And no, supporting the current state of the industry is quite the opposite from doing the right thing, stupid retard.
Pirate, then buy after checking the game is what you expected, it's not that hard.

>download times are about the same
bullshit, I can buy and download any game in a few minutes. torrents are slow as fuck in comparison.

>if you are not a complete tech illiterate moron this never happens
maybe so, but I hate those keygens so I avoid them. they always say they're false positives for viruses but you can't be sure.

>same for the pirated version, updates are often included.
They might be, but you'll have to wait a while first.

>Multiplayer games are cancer anyway
For you.

>who cares I have so many harddrives and terabytes free I dont give a shit if the save takes up 10mb on it
what if you need to start a new comp from scratch for whatever reason (old comp dies, making new build, etc) it's just easier to have cloud saves.

>maybe later in the humble bundle for a dollar

I wish I'd been intelligent/cognizent enough to do that shit when I was young.

It's not like it was difficult, but I had no concept/care of money at the time

I could've literally made hundreds if not thousands just modding people's shit as a teenager

It's almost like piracy makes games better?

because its funny

>do you really think that the money gained by mtx doesn't more than offset the money lost due to people boycotting mtx and uplay?
>but what can you do.
This. This is the only (and best) option. Don't get the game when its not cracked. Pirate it when it is. Tell them what you've done and why.
Sending a letter is better than an email or shitposting on Yea Forums.
I'm not delusional enough to believe it'll make a difference, but it's the best option I have open to me.

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but if it's a good game...

a bad game deserves to be shit on

Then don't make shit games?

It's the community managers that run twitter accounts, not devs or any of the sort.

We had local videogames stores doing that, as well as more "recently" exploiting the PSP so that it would run pirated games.

>Goddess of Sass
>gets tilted by a random piratefag tweet
wtf bro nonono


I don't brag, but I lament that I have to pirate games again just because some asshat thinks it's "healthy" for the industry to bribe developers into exclusivity deals with communist regimes.

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It's literally not theft, you dipshit. If it was theft they would call it that.

But that's like the entire point. It's like these people don't know what gloating means

Why is it called piracy and not theft then?

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>worked hard on it
It's a fucking fapbait game made for literal losers. Stop kidding yourselves, Xseed.

If a game (on PC) has no demo, costs more than 30 bucks and I'm not sure if it's going to run smoothly on my machine I genuinely contemplate pirating and basically will buy if I put more than 5 hours into it.

Am I retarded?

>Translate from Indonesian

Nothing is being stolen. A copy is generated at the cost of functionally zero expense or labour. Think of the masses of third-worlders that can't afford a "legal" copy or legally purchase it for other reasons; in what world is their pirating a form of theft to the developers/publishers when it comes at no expense to these creators, especially considering that purchases from such demographics were never expected in the first place?

Intellectual copyright is a financial and legal invention completely divorced from actual theft. It is a product of an easily-exploited society that has built itself almost wholly on virtualities and abstractions as a means of driving cost-inflated labour and the exchange of goods and services in the absence of real scarcity of essentials like food and with the easy production of almost every desirable good.

Capitalism is a necessary evil, but treating it and its institutions like some sacred cow is cuckoldry.of the highest order.

And it's not even good fapbait
You can get actual fapbait on steam now so hopefully these roaches die off or start making actual porn games that don't just dick tease you while telling you that's not their literal one and only purpose

>Worked hard making it
Yeah right asshole

>I guarantee you don't know a god damn thing about any company's finances.
Every single big company has an entire department dedicated to predict sales and avoid as many taxes as possible, you idiotic fucking corporate zoomer.

>bullshit, I can buy and download any game in a few minutes. torrents are slow as fuck in comparison.
not for me, download is equally fast and I know where to get my gaems so it doenst take long to find

>maybe so, but I hate those keygens so I avoid them. they always say they're false positives for viruses but you can't be sure.
I trust my sources

>They might be, but you'll have to wait a while first.
I have no problem with waiting, there is more than enough pirated other media that keeps me entertained

>For you.
Multiplayer games all suck nowadays

>what if you need to start a new comp from scratch for whatever reason (old comp dies, making new build, etc) it's just easier to have cloud saves.
I have multiple harddrives dedicated for archiving and backup purposes, setting up a new PC takes me only a couple minutes.

thought about it, I will probably never buy from humble trash again.

>A person who understands their morals don't need validation
This is way I don't brag about it, within me pirating is fine, I don't even call it piracy.

Don't mind me, just copying myself a free car.

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