No Bikini Items or Costumes in Muslim Kombat 11

>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."

>“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Feel that contempt - that UTTER contempt. Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters, and now they've resorted to saying "WELL MK FANS ARE SECRETLY GAYS AND DON'T LIKE TITTIES"

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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf This made me hate Kombat !

Who gives a fuck, 3d mortal kombat characters have always been ugly as fuck anyway.

Literally obsessed. Get a life.

>softcore porn is something for adults
>but its also not mature to enjoy it

I have never understood this

>>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.
I'd wear a speedo to fight the cucks developing this game

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>mortal kombat
>mature and respectful
What is the world coming to?

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hay mods can you ban this retard again

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WHOA, slow your roll there Johnny Depp, shouldn't you be wearing some REALISTIC AND PROTECTIVE GEAR to the fight?

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>not just giving Cage a mankini so you can point to that when people complain about tiddies

a beautiful politically correct utopia where no one's feelings can get hurt


why? this is video games

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Fucking shit Cpt. Price, your nipples are gonna get raped if you don't put on 40kg of body armor

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Well that polygon article hurt my feelings.

That fag wearing pink can die.

Why am I seeing you in so many threads, fuccboi? Are you trying to meme your name or something?

Why do i keep seeing fags like you everyday on this board?

Kind of funny to bring up maturity in a game about excessively Gory finishing moves.

A yes would have sufficed. Filtered.

Remember retards. Vote with your wallet.

Dont buy it, or pirate it. Dont support the devs if you dont like what they are doing.

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As an American, I will literally go into psychotic fits if I see a nipple. Even my own. However, if I see obscene amounts of gore it lulls me to sleep.

MK bashing over non-gameplay
gachashit supporting

I wonder who could be behind this?

seethe more discord tranny

At least DoA has cute girls and is a mediocre fighter. MK has neither.

>dozens of porn and fanservice games I can spend my time fapping to
>no better waste it bitching about a fighting game not pandering to my peepee

>anitranny projecting
lol back to Yea Forums to discuss your HRT treatment
DOA girls look like gerber babies with fake tits and downsyndrome joints. The gameplay is so bad people prefer a gacha game over the actual fighter

Mortal Kombat 11 is now about hitting people with unicorns and candy.

I agree, which speaks volumes about how bad MK is. Thanks for proving my point, dickhead.

MK is better than DOA. There is a lot of overlap with MK and DOA players since they were both poverty and 3D for a while. Most prefer modern MK.

Sure thing boss

oh fucking sick burn, let's see how that faggot responds

lol he went the imageboard equivalent of "muted and reported. what a vagina

pic related, not samefagging

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>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin.
this is so fucking dumb, this shit is reaching full censorship levels for the sake of maintaining an agenda
At which point do you realize you're not being "offensive" and at which point you're limiting everything because of crazy delusions
hope this garbage bombs

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How many threads are you virgins going to make about this? The appeal of Mortal Kombat has always been violence, the first two MK games didn't even have half naked women in them, that's nuMK shit. Go play your shitty dead anime "fighters" if you want waifus.

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They don't want to play games, they want to be cuckolded by virtual women.
This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it. There are retards who grind and spend money to get blueballed

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>You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."
Why do people lie like this? Do they honestly think people are stupid enough to not see through this?

Seriously, what't the thought process? "Well we COULD just tell the public straight that we have a moral problem with women having y amount of clothing coverage now, but no... let's try to invent an in world reason for why fight games are not being physically realistic instead."

Best part is that VV is region locked as Japan only.

>liu kang basically fully naked
>you don't go naked to fight
Who is the hero doing the mass shooting at NRS building?

Wrong, the appeal is seeing said violence inflicted on sexy nearly naked bodies. Nothing hotter than seeing a bitch ripped in two as her tit giggling torso falls to the ground.

Someone needs their glasses checked, it's Mortal Kombat not Moral Kombat.

>they won't take away your boobs
>boobs taken
>who cares anyway?
When they knock on your door to put you in the chamber you will remember not to fuck with a mans vidya.

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Unironically based


Fighting games are so 1990s. Do people who play fighting games also play point-n-click adventure games as well?

The only reason why fighting games still exist is that they used to be a staple of eSports early on and for boobies. That's it.

I feel for ppl who legitimately love their boobies and their fighting games but you secretly knew that this day was coming. Solution: Don't buy game and only buy fighting games that allow you to see the boobies. The economic pressure will force those who don't show you the boobies to either show you the boobies again or get out of the genre altogether.


I legitimately hate waifufags and they are the cancerous casuals of the genre who ask for games to be dumbed down and buy gachashit. They can fuck off and die in a fire with all the MMO retards who want everything to be hotbars and grinding.

all of those titties look the same


>"Reality is boring, nobody wants to pay for reality." - Ed Boon(1995)

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That'd be Ace Attorney.

This is pretty fucking gay

This is an outrage.

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
What a joke

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>No Bikini Items or Costumes in Muslim Kombat 11
As if anybody wanted to see those "women" naked.
"Sexualization" or whatever made up bs term these soia creatures use is only brought up when the women are attractive.

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MK11 is all about diddling little kids and saying that Michael Jackson is innocent

Is the Taliban designing these characters or something?

I'm fine with them showing less skin but I can't handle Skarlet putting her hand up her crotch, pulling out the magic menstrual blood. ewwww

The reward for beating the MK9 challenge tower was literally Mileena tits and ass costume.

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Ans nothing of value will lose if they take them away

what happened boon

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful
>from one of the developers who spearheaded the defense of graphically violent video games in the 90s
it's a good thing we had that fight in the 90s because no one would fight it today and our games would have consisted of board game and card game ports, and adventure games

> Erotic bad
> Violence good

> Can't jack off to tits in a fighting game anymore
> society has fallen
K retard.

Meanwhile in the BEST fighting game of the year...

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>No lobbies
>Shit netcode
>DOA5 models with no wrists still
>Game crashing
>Neck seams
>Constant texture issues
>Hitboxes inconsistent possibly due to:
>Frame drops and variable input lag

Lol trash game already dropped for gacha cucking.

Mortal Kombat characters were never hot

Works fine for me. ;)

>sales in free fall
>had to release GACHA on STEAM as a last ditch effort to rope in the retards who impulse buy with their penis, just to get their money back
As much I love Doa eversince 3, team ninja have done such a shitty job it’s almost heartbreaking

>western fighters

I think you've been MIA for the past 6 years. Japanese fighters have been dumbing down, coming out incomplete, and filled with tons of bugs. KI is a solid fighter while Japanese are crying over how bad BabyTag is

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This. What are you gonna bring to a fight to the death where people can shoot at you, throw ice, lighting and god knows what other magic bullshit and use sharp object to kill you? Isn't it better to just bring a strong weapon and something comfortable to wear in case you have to engage in hand-to-hand kombat?

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That's ok
there's SFM and Blender for porn

This offends me

It’s called he’s retiring after this game launches and leaving policitally correct people in charge

Of shit models

>mature and respectful.
>Mortal Kombat

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>"we're getting more mature"
>still make a game focused on over the top violence
>add hehehe le random funny xD kick in the nuts xray attack
god I hate this fucking gay ass earth and these pussy fgts pandering to mentally ill retards who won't even buy their game in the first fucking place.

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I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>xray attack

I know you guys don't play MK, but at least watch the trailers before you get upset. Also, that fatality is 10/10.

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who cares
point still stands you fat boy. MK has been shit for decades anyway

Imagine caring this much about boobs in a video game.

its ok we have sfmlab and other resources for this
are you new?

>he doesnt want johnny cage in a banana hammock again

you don't play and MK11 is kino

Then go enjoy it fat boy, doesn't make others opinions or criticism invalid. If you like it so much go play it don't fanboy defend it in a negative thread or are you bored of it now?

I don't understand you retards. It's not about the removal of tits; it's about the reason BEHIND the removal of tits

Cool, if you dont like it then dont buy it. Prove to the world you arent just reverse tumblr

No it's definitely about hating good games to stifle any competition pushing devs to fix their shit

god im gonna miss those tities

> I swear mom, it's not about the breast phsyics! I'm DEFENDING ART!
But apparently not the artistic choice to not include tits.
Please, share your wisdom with me.

>Mortal Kombat
What ?

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>You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin

Has this clown ever seen real people fight?

>game is named mortal kombat

>Mature and respectful
>in MK
Fucking retards, you literally have Kano pissing in his battle intro, Baraka's fucking brutal fatality and your franchise being LITERALLY the reason why the ESRB exists in the first place yet still have the audacity to say some female costumes like bikinis or bras aren't ok even though the game is M-RATED?

This is not even "hey look how progressive we really are", this is just a stupid decision to not offend some women... And also probably a mandate by WB post 2016.

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eSports is almost certainly a big (actual) reason why this is happening, it's clear to see that the scene wants shit freer of tiddy in order to be appealing to western advertisers and investors. eSports ruins everything and makes people sell out hard; the only good thing it's done as of recent was EVO finally helping to kill Melee's momentum (and even that was ruined by NPCs spamming the same half dozen stinky jokes and sore winners acting like Melee literally raped them for decades).

What if they're banking on impotent nerd rage for free advertising? You know, like Kingdom Come

I just want to die. When the hell did we become a backwards culture to where we shoot ourselves in the foot, and where we are now in favor of the things we once hated? Fucking what?!?!?

>You’re not going to be showing so much skin.



>If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Translation: FUCK what you want. Here’s some shit, now eat it.

Don't feed the trolls. There are still sexy outfits.

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>being gay

Hear hear

oh hey, this is where the virgins are

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful
Wanting a fightan gaem where characters outright kill each other to be 'mature and respectful' sounds like barking up the wrong tree entirely.

>unsexualize previously sexualized characters

>Sexualize previously unsexualized characters

I wonder which game I'm going to give my money to?

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Buying three copies to tell devs I want polished games and I won't settle nor care for broken waifushit.

The soulless one rushed for EVO and has zero info on features which will most likely be terrible like KofXIV?

> buying games that make peepee hard
Don't go spending your allowance all at once, user.

So this is what's considered sexy now? I mean It's now necessarily unsexy. But it's not what comes to mind when I think of sexy

Not buying the game now. Thanks ed.

>Not pirating it and playing online with piratebros

>literally built like a crossdressing twink
Mortal Kombat? More like Mortal Cumbutt, amirite, fellow gays?

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>The soulless one rushed for EVO

Yep that's MK11 alright

>Don't go spending your allowance all at once, user

You're mom doesn't pay me in cash, user

Nigger, you keep pretending the girls are in full muslim garb.

Your strawman is dead. You've been shown a liar and troll.

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Pic related is ugly as fuck. Spaghetti hair, Slenderman feet, 99 cent store action figure limbs, and a Teletubbies face

I've made 2 posts in this thread. Who the fuck are you talking about?

This is so pathetic. Nuke the westacucks already!

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Take a life you mean. Kill faggots like you

MK11 is soul. I feel bad you are too much of an 8gag puppet to see for yourself.
It's fine, maybe SamSho can have lobbies at launch this time in exchange for worse netcode and more bugs


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>dickriding for tripfags is better than samefagging

love being a street fighter fan desu

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Back to Yea Forums gacha cuckold

>>“Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
yeah so mature and respectful that you can rip people's faces and spines off and crush their balls
what the fuck is wrong with these people

> You're mom
Stay in school, while you're at it

Looks like a tranny with fake tits.

Do kids these days even know what "your mom" jokes are?

*honk* *honk*

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This doesn't work since Japs keep their gacha separate. While the westacuck devs are shoving randomized lootboxes, always-online and other cucked garbage in their games.
The gameplay part also stagnated and now moviegames are the norm. The cute characters were the last bastion that had to fall for the westacucks to achieve maximum pozzed status.

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Unlike you, user - a man with real tits.

This pussy way of thought is why the Japs lost

Is it just me or have the fatalities they've been showing getting worse and worse?

>t. resetera tranny.

Street fighter will be next for sure. You already saw it happening with Jive and the whole R. Mika butt slap controversy. Plus ESPN will have them by the balls

>Japs keep gacha separate
>SFV has loot boxes
>DOA6 updates getting delayed so they can release their gacha game on steam


here's an opportunity for a small indie developer to take their place and deliver both sex and violence in copious amounts.

Some are great like Scorpions chain split and Kabal's gotta go fest drag. Jax is also okay since it's quick and effective like the other two.

But yeah most are shit. Some even worse than MKX ones.

>Yea Forums literally everyday since: REEEEEEEEEEE SJW'S ARE STILL RUINING MY VIDYA

Really makes you think

I sure am glad gamergate was about videogames and not a mechanism to recruit young men into a culture war.

I play MK for blood not tiddies you anime faggots LOOOL

But Street Fighter fucking sucks now.

Yeah it's almost like GG was sabotaged in its own website.

>its not ok for women to show skin or wear sexy battle clothes. but its ok for them to be mutilated and murdered in the most gruesome fashion and explicit detail.

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AAA studios learn slowly and usually only after huge financial losses.

Unlike Kingdom Come, you cannot do that kind of shit that dumb in a long-running franchise like MK and not expect the game to take some sort of hit in sales.

How can you call westermovie games when shut like Asura's Wrath and Persona 5 exist?
Jap fighters are fucking garbage now. ArcSys gave us a shallow 2 button fighter and Dragon Ball super dash n mash, SFV devs can't even remember to program pushback and frame syncing, Tekken still had side specific shit since they tie shit to a single cardinal direction, and DOA6 is buggy DOA except more empty.

Amerimutts are crazed

Nice try, you play for that sweet Kotal khan butt, like all MK fans.

don't care I like the characters :^)

>more mature and respectful

I'm feeling the cognitive dissonance.

Yes, the infamous feminist conspiracy on every chan to make gamergate look like a bunch of psychos.
This is of course why Yea Forums has continued to campaign for ethics, instead of merely using these points to rail against political targets. After all, being unable to harass people had no effect on this consumer advocacy group.

Keep sucking that western dev cock, faggot. See where that leads you quite soon when they remove core mechanics because the casual ausience hates it and you retards don't complain about it.

You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."


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>meanwhile real UFC fighters using only shorts.

americans hate legal rules but love social rules. brainlets cant be understood

Enjoy paying $60 for literally nothing and then getting cucked by f2p gacha shit because Japs don't respect you time or money

Bah they could literally make burka Kombat If they keep making the jobbers badasses...Holy shit what they did with Baraka is amazing.If MK12 be about Onaga i can see Reptile being back and Maybe give hin some respect

I’m obsessed with that KOTAL KOCK

Get a grip dumbass its the goriest MK yet

>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
>*rips spine out*

t. Faggot who is scared of things that titillate young hetero boys

Reptile was Kool in MK9

>gory = mature
>sexy = immature
based retard

> faggot not being interested in horny boys
I think you fucked up your buzzwords, user.
But nah, keep going hero defender of artistic expression (that he like

Good thing that is certainly happening in games like Samurai Shodown 2019, Dragon Ball FighterZ and SFV, right?
You fucking idiot trying to move into a genre not related to this fucking discussion about how western devs are making fighting games into retarded levels of censoring for the e-sports community.

nop the DMM version is not locked , the steam on the otehr hand is loscked for the west this one is also cesnored .


if you are gay or a self insert female yeah i agree with you , for normal ppl it is a loss

I just mentioned DOA you faggot.
You want SFV and DBFZ? How about those fucking Japs dumbing the games down to the point they get boring after an hour, launching the game barebones with extra dumb AI, and telling you to fuck off when you ask if they can fix their garbage netcode?

Might as well make all fighters male and trans women (male) because normally a woman would not fight a man.

Also a literal lie. Nothing wrong with fighting in skimpy clothes.

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This doesn't make sense. You wouldn't wear a torso belt to a fight. You're going to fight for your life.

The outfit is sexy, the character model is uggo. Looks nothing like MK1's Sonya.

>dumbing the game down
we are talking about MK here you know

> wearing a string bikini in a fight
Yeah, that's totally not for titillation of a male audience at all

Im not going to buy it lmao

Welcome to the world, pal. It's full of retards nowadays.

>Asura's Wrath
One tiny, niche game that flopped anyway. An outlier. An exception that proves the rule. How pathetic of you to even bring it up.

>Persona 5

Meanwhile the westacucks shat out the Uncharted franchise, TLoU 1 and 2, The Order 1886, Nu-GoW, David Cage, Telltale, Hellblade, Bioshock Infinite etc. etc.
Not to mention that the actual "games" are also marred with unskippable scripted walking sections. Like pretty much every modern military shooter, AssCreeds and so on. The gameplay did indeed degenerate over time. Where bland, braindead cover based shooting became a default mold for everything and where BamHam's braindead combat is now recycled for every melee mechanic. Westacucks completely lost the plot. Even the strategy games are dead as a genre. Not a single good action game was managed to be accomplished by the westacucks that could rival Bayonetta, DMC, NG etc. etc. Not a single one. Even the best western medieval inspired action RPGs are Japanese - Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma. How embarrassing is that.

Also we're in an NRS thread. You have no right to criticize Japanese fighting games lmao. Especially not Tekken.

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>titillation of a male audience
and is that a bad thing ?

>normal male sexuality

anything but that

>waaah waaah i got called out waah waaaahh
Stop crying that you got btfo since the first reveal faggot

No, but it's an obvious thing - pretending it doesn't exist and that's just 'normal fighting clothes' makes you look retarded and disingenuous.
How would a woman fighter dress if she didn't want to appeal to men? Sure as hell not the same way.

Mudslime Kombat, how the mighty have fallen.

>have to use the first two games as an example
Seethe some more faggot

If you buy this you are literally a cuckold paying for your own brainwash and paying left wing activists to fuck over your favorite games.

There is no excuse now that it is official.

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>its not realistic
>fighters walk off shattered bones and eyes being stabbed

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Lmao who the fuck cares all the girls in 11 look hideous anyway.
Explain why them being covered up matters anyway aside from
>I-I can't jerk off to this?

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I haven't played any Jap fighters since SFIII what exactly happened?

Roster is fucking shit. This has been know since forever

> vampire thread: if you pay attention the source material from the 90s you'd realise that a vampire alive today wouldn't understand anything outside a gender binary
> MK thread: if you pay attention to the source material from the 90s you're retarded because that doesn't matter anymore
It's almost like there's a common theme here, and that railing against anything even slightly progressive is the only objective for a lot of people here.

dilate, tranny

Welcome to America, where the human body and physical love are diefied when viewed but reviled if spoken of.

>You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.
then why are the men half naked

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>what happened boon
O'Sullivan's law

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>sexy men good
>sexy women bad
And no one is calling them out on this?

Just get rid of the dudes already

mortal kombat =/= mma

2 button fighters
Homing super dash that can randomly crossup and mix up your opponent
SF has no pushback and has 3 frames of input buffer so people can do perfect blockstrings that last for days

No one has updated the netcode since 2005 besides SFV, but they fucked it up and you can have major lag even with side by side setups.


yeah sure but MK has always been over the top on everything , is part of its charm . even the devs knew about this thats why the " i know is going to disappoint some of the fans " . pretending "normal" is applicable to MK is even more retarded .

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>allways this faggot
Not only a fag but a retard that cant read. They are talking about the customization items. And having to buy a skin so your character can look remotely sexy is shit

You know if you goto them and complain enough they'll just add those costumes. It worked with Skarlets hair


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SC6 did this as well

I haven't given a fuck about a Mortal Kombat game since Michael Jai White tried hyping up a movie with that short series.

Fuck the franchise entirely.

Yet you posted a modified version of jade and not the one that has her burka. And didnt even show her entire costume that also looks like shit

So now all the anons replying don't like MK3 Sonya?

female boobs scare me. Im glad western journalists and producers are protecting my innocent rapist incel eyes from being harmed. Thank you MORAL KOMBAT


>They just made me want to buy that Samurai fighting game instead.
Thanks mk devs I guess.

It's what you think when it's about Sonya considering it's the shit she's been wearing since the original games, you fucking donut who obviously hasn't played any MK.

This is about pushing idpol, not discussing games.

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>call other cucks
>when muslim kombat makes you pay to have skins that are """"sexy"""""

That's her default outfit, you guys did the same thing showing off jacqui's Alt

>reeeee they took muh slutty grills!
>waaaah i can't fap to this game now!!
>if there are no sexy playble fuck-dolls i won't buy the game

you people are fucking pathetic. im ashamed that being a gamer makes me associate with you faggots

>“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans
>some fans
You mean every fan with a sex drive?

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>imagine not caring

>You mean every fan with a sex drive?
sex drive for big throbbing cocks

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Women in mk have always looked like mtf trannies. If you want a video game with sexy women you're barking up thew wrong tree.

Its not a bad thing. Good to know retard

>muh realism

Realistically, women don't fight to begin with

And you can post your Soviet girls as much as you want, but the exception only proves the rule.

eh. if a woman's got a body, she's got a body. there's no hiding it.
i think the sex bad/violence good part that plagues american media is stupid, but otherwise I don't care.

If they are so outraged by boobs and sexuality why dont they just chop them off? BOOBALITY

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Why would I play MK for fapping or sexy girls when I can make my own in SC6?

Good thing MK is so fun I won't need to grind skins to justify my purchase

>Needing to see tiddies in a videogame instead of irl or just using fucking google
>Anything but a desperate cuck lmao

You just posted the hugest Kitana waifufag

But it doesnt matter because even in mk1 and 2 you have all of them fighting in weird clothing and the female also using skin tight clothing. And if you have to use the older games to justify the retarded decision of taking away sexy clothing for more "realistic" ones, you are an idiot

post ur fat tittys gamer gurl.

>D'vorah is allowed to be sexy
We win D'vorah bros

Attached: Bug.jpg (238x467, 25K)

yeah he wants to dress like kitana and wear heels and shit

Attached: kombat_gay.jpg (326x430, 14K)

Not much. Just a fag using a strawman example as allways. Either too bad or just not that good

>You’re not going to be showing so much skin
So how come there are men doing that?

>the exception only proves the rule
Learn what this means

And who is talking about sc you retarded piece of shit? Its bad in there and its bad here.

And again you didnt show how bad it looks. Guess you are afraid to get called oyt like most shills

I'm talking about it DUH, and it would be ok if they actually didn't cut out SC5 customizables and stick half of them in SC6

How are those stocky dwarf fridge proportions sexy in any way? Also they fucked up her face beyond recognition.

He showed it

> defend a point using 'muh realism'
> point gets disproven using the same logic
> say 'muh realism'
This is some groundhog day shit. The picture also proves that realistically, women fighters exist?

that guy specifically said he gets excited about how fully clothed the women are in MK11 during the kombat kast

He was back in the day. Now i doubt that.

>cant even respond with an argument
>still have to pay to see the characters wear something "sexy" since the gear system is shit
>defends unjustifiable decision FOR FREE
Pathetic faggots

No he literally wanted to fuck Kitana so much he took the Yea Forums pill

Sounds like the evolution of a waifufag

>direct link

Polygon is not on the Approved Websites list. All links to Polygon articles must use or pastebin to deny them advertising revenue.

Yes you are the retard that bringed that up when the matter is having to buy skins in mk so your character doesnt look awful, you retarded piece of shit

Of course not. Landwhales don't want people to mention their double standards, and they'll just cry out "male power fantasy."

>still have to pay to see the characters wear something "sexy" since the gear system is shit
You don't though. There are tons of outfits in the game that are unlocked by playing. I think EU has a Kold War preorder outfit that isn't available for America to my knowledge probably because it's Russian.

Do these people go into autistic rages at the beach?

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>it's a good thing we had that fight in the 90s because no one would fight it today

The victory in the 90's is meaningless if we lose the censorship war now. And this time no one's even fighting it seriously.

And just as it is known, it looks fucking bad

Those look so fucking awful, jesus christ.

If that's the case isn't this what almost every fighting game does even DOA?
I think it's available to everyone now

Play DOA6

When do the incels finally kill themselves en masse? Your hobby has abandoned you lol

Honestly, why is this such a big fucking deal?
Most of the "sexy" outfits come from the 3D era games and those girls had the worst fucking faces. Hell, I love MK9, but the girls were fucking hideous. MK11 girls are the best looking ones since MK3.
>but muh tits
If you're playing MK for the tits, you should just kill yourself.
>inb4 sjw scum or some other retarded shit
There are more AAA western games that have nudity over Japanese games. Outside of VN, where the only point of those games are for the nude scenes most of which are just still pictures, and SMT demons, I cant think of any Japanese that have nudity. Hell, the Japs are such pussies, they are recasting a character, for doing coke even thought the game came out almost 6 months ago.

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The unlockable outfits are going to be shit most of the time. And just like in X you will have to buy outfits that can be considered "sexy"

Violence good and respectful
Boobs baaaaad

US culture is such a poison.

Yeah, yeah, go kill yourself, no one cares what you think faglord.

>not as single thread on this in MK reddit
Let me guess: they're deleting everyone who speaks about this?

user, the alternative is Yea Forums attempting to talk about fighting games. Believe me, this is much better.

Or maybe reddit actually plays games now

shut up cuck. just admit youre willing to pay left wing activists to fuck your games because you have no honor instead of trying to lie to yourself.

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Do you not see their skin? None of them goto the fucking beach.

And again you show how retarded you are. Again its bad in other games, its bad in here you shit eating autismo. Difference being that womens in other games get to look hot and dont give a damn about "realism"

>can only bring up mk9 as an example
Yeah shut up faggot, just kill yourself

based retard
Its a rule everywhere outside of the USSR, you idiot.

And the fighting women within the USSR were still so small on top of that

>user starts line of logic
>another user follows line of logic and refutes it
>ya both said realism
>hurr durr

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If that's what you call "sexy" you must be a sex repressed teen. Their leopard in MK2 were hotter.

I don't think any of the costumes in MK are realistic and there are games where sexy bitches where the same shit some of the girls are wearing.

>You’re not going to be showing so much skin.
Except of course the males are, for absolutely no reason and doesn't fit with your newfound ideological retardation, but we'll just hand wave that away.

Sjws are retarded cunts, and anyone who lets them get away with their shit should be gassed along with them honestly at this point

Is there a point in buying this game, if I'm only going to play against AI?

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He brought up the 3D era which was MK4-MK Armageddon

Nooo that show her skin

My /pol/ narrative NOOOOOOOOO

nop , they delete anything that talk about this . they even delete memes that are not family friendly

>We live in a reality where edgy and iconoclastic Mortal Kombat became the "safe" option applauded by the media and the old "safe" option Street Fighter having shit like this.
Nobody in the 90s would have believed shit turning out like this.

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>exposing yourself as a shill rather than a cuck
good for you. be more honest next time.
of course not

Well you are trully retarded then. Cant do much about it other killing yourself.

Netherrealm games usually have really robust single player modes, so maybe? I got a lot of mileage out of Injustice 2 even though I played like 3 online matches.

Didn't SFV censor a buttslap? Also CAmmy and R.Mika were always dressed sexy and had that booty popping out

>Cant do much about it other killing yourself.
Seems as be I ain't the only retardee

And yet didnt give any examples. The only one he had is mk9 as allways. Grasping at straws

sfv censored cammy nips and mika butt slap and cammy crotch shot
this looks like a tranny

He used that because that's the ones every user here talking about sexy outfits uses. MK11 has Sonyas MK3 outfit but now anons are saying that isn't sexy. Even the OP is about MK9 tits

I'm buying the full package so your little protest is meaningless. What now? Voting with your wallet doesn't do shit. You gotta bitch and moan at the devs, employ the enemy's tactics. Become a vocal minority.

SFV bombed hard with their fans hating them and MK is going to sell gangbusters.

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>Voting with your wallet doesn't do shit. You gotta bitch and moan at the devs, employ the enemy's tactics.
But Yea Forums NEVER does this we only sit here and bitch at each other

The removed Cammy's nipples jutting out and R.Mika's camera focused buttslap, but the rest is pretty intact. It's a far cry from making sure all females have toned down bodytypes and are covered even in their alt costumes. It's just strange that SF continued to get lewder while MK dialed it all the way back for 11. If anything you'd think it'd be the other way around.

? SF always had panty shots since SF2. Only thing that's traded places is MK having better graphics, more hype, and outselling SF.

Gameplay doesn't matter

What about AI in their games? Is it fun enough to play with? How good is it compared to other fightings?

>crying about sexy stuff in a mk game
>crying about tge sun
>celebrating dmc v was a flop the first week in UK

Tortanic culture + /pol/ givin reddditors a pass unironically killed this board

>leftists hijack big selling franchises
what a breaking news update

SF2 is nowhere near as lewd as SFV

worst post of the year

MK doesnt need to sexualize their characters to sell games. Just look at how many costume Chun li has. Capcom is whoring the fuck out of her.

Have sex

16 Bit was a MK player for years. He's considered an OG

Bikinis wouldn't make a shit series better, anyways. And you should stop promoting their game for free you fagola

Yea Forums was bitching hard about this game as well, don't kid yourself
Game's shit as well

>he used that because thats the ones every user talks about
And once again you retarded shit, no example to say they are shit. And have to bring up mk9 wich is the only one they can use. While at the same time admitting that mk3 and 2 have sexy outfits so also a retard
>sonya has her mk3 outfit
Wich looks nothing like the mk3 sonya or the model and has shit proportions and is a skin, if you need to use that so it can look """""sexy""""" its pretty bad
>the op
Because no one before 11 and even 10 got bothered by sexy characters and nrs didnt give a shit about realism to justify not realistic outfits
So kill yourself

>if you played it in the past that means you created it in the past too
mk was popularized before he was done sucking his mothers teet

>Sex bad
>Violence good
I hate America.

I used MK9 because thats the only MK game most of you fags ever played. No one gives a shit about the 3D era games except for the Deceptions campaign and like I said MK1-3 were nowhere near the 3d games levels of lewd, those games are tamed.
>Sonya MK3 outfit looks bad now because it's in MK11
Fuck off
>realism costumes
I never once brought up realism.
Kill yourself.


How's that porn license working for you, faggot?

>Go Woke Go Broke
Anyone who parrots this is a moron. They know the audience, this game is gonna sell so much just on the back of nostalgia and through games journalism.
Yea Forums bitches, but y'all always bitch.

They want to promote absolute seriousness and realism because barbarians like Ed Boon have always wanted Mortal Kombat to happen in reality. Which is to say, WW3 soon my frens.

Niggas, it's a bloody disgusting fighting game, stop being such fucking pussies

>“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”
Christ, it's like they all completely forgot that Mileena and her schlocky early-00s cleavage used to be the official MK poster girl for years. What a bunch of disingenuous fags.

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>Dude go all fighting with no shirts or light clothing
>Women all fkght fully covered with heavy armor

Uuummm isn't that sexist? Aren't they implying women are inferior and needs that extra protection to stand a chance?

You know, this is actually a good thing.
Between all the anti-sex, anti-consumer, and anti-fun sentiments (Sometimes two or all in one go) going through the industry, I'm spending much less money on video games now. I have so much money that I can put towards other hobbies again, or put it towards something more practical. Like, I just got a new cloak to put on my fireplace mantle. And you know what? It's a nice fucking clock. I love that fucking clock. Ties the whole living room together

And I owe it all to Western game developers asking me not to buy their games.

To be fair, games journalism hasn't helped sell games in years.

Another fucking retard
>3d era
You bringed that uo with no examples and the only retards that only played mk9 are the ones that complain about the faces. The original 3 games having sexy characters only reinforces how retarded it is to tske them away just now in favor of "realism"
>f-f-fuck off
Thanks for proving im right since it looks nothing like mk3 sonya and it barely sexy at all
>huur duur im stupid
Of you didnt say anything about. The othe user just mentioned the op where nrs says they preffer to go for realism in a game where mere soldiers stand toe to toe agaisnt a gods and sorcerers
So again. Kindly kill yourself

im almost sure that this game wont sell as much as MkX did and im certanly sure that the long term players will be much lower since they pissed some of those players . Mk player base allways dissapear after 1 year or so MkX have less concurrent players today then tekken 7 . keep in mind that MkX sold way more then Tekken 7

well there is a silver lining post, i use to be a 1st day buyer myself, but with the dogshit that has been going on the last few years, i have been waiting on reviews, even if its a supposed "cant fail" ive been putting the breaks on for a min of 2 weeks. reckon ive saved over a grand easy

>You bringed that uo with no examples
Here's your fucking examples. Holy shit, its a known fact that the 3D games have awful fucking faces.
>The original 3 games having sexy characters
No they fucking didn't you retard. MK1-3 had the best girls because they used digitized photos instead of 3d models. Their outfits were tamed, it was the faces that stood out.
>it looks nothing like mk3 sonya and it barely sexy at all
Sonya wasn't sexy because of her outfit, she looked good because of her face, retard.
>where mere soldiers stand toe to toe agaisnt a gods and sorcerers
Even if you want to argue about that, for what fucking purpose would characters ever need to have sexy outfit to fight?
Learn to fucking type then promptly kill yourself, faggot.

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Tobias left


If it were up to me I wouldn't even have playable female characters in Mortal Kombat, because all of them historically have been uglier than the guys (MK3 being the one exception) and female characters in Vidya to begin with only exist as a distraction and a crutch from developers desperate to get that waifu autism money.


I posted this is a different thread with fewer replies:

Doesn't Moral Kombat 11 have multiple male characters with exposes chests, abs, biceps, and other things? I am pretty sure I saw Johnny Cage without his shirt on (the younger one) and Jax without his (also younger).

Why do male characters strip down before a fight? Why do the Klassic(tm) Kostumes(tm) for the old male characters look exactly like they did before, but now the old costumes for females are so different? I can understand changing the art design or whatever, but why this blatant hypocrisy, and why shit all over your old fans by butchering the classic outfits?

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>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful.
In a game where you rip entire spines out by the skull or watch slow mo shots of testicles exploding?
The kool aid chuggers never have any self awareness.

Why is unnecessary gore okay but not sexy characters? The former is the reason I don’t play this series. It’s way more cringe

>People procreating, having children, starting families, and exploring their sexuality is bad

>boobs bad

>leotards bad

>sexuality bad

Do leftists not realize that they are being duped into destroying the sexual revolution they worked hard to attain for decades?

>You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin

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imagine if a compagny would make a sequel to Conquer bad fur day and remove all the humour that is considered harmfull from the game saying well we are more mature now.Do they know on what license they are working on ? Its literaly an antifun industry now.

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But none of the characters except for like one or two wear any armor in MK. All the girls who are "not going to wear scantily clad items" are not replacing them with mech suits. They're replacing them with long clothes that are actually just easier to grab.

You'd literally have more success, as a woman, fighting naked than you would with a long flowing robe on.

Get on the treadmill fatties, you're the reason games resort to awful pandering trash now. You're right below gacha niggers.

MKX had the leopard for the female ninjas

Sonya already has an outfit like that and people are still bitching

Did you read the interview? 11 will do away with it all.

Why is it a big deal? Because they're only doing this for one of two reasons:

1. They have some pussy SJWs in the company who are afraid of boobs

2. They felt too much pressure from MK9/10 on the women and don't want to deal with it anymore

Either way, they're being dishonest in their explanation. They're trying to say it is about evolving and being mature, but the game is obviously not mature. If they think that boobs are scary, just fucking say it. Don't lie to me like I'm some asshole.

the american left is the new puritans , the pendulum is swinging back .

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Oh, also


Except that they totally do in any professional capacity (MMA, Wrestling, Boxing), and if you want to give them armor then give them armor. Don't put them in a Hijab and tell me it is to protect them when it obviously fucking isn't. It's like a bad joke.

Or 3, they don't need use sex as a means to sell their game because they know MK is the only fighter out that knows how to do single player content right. See that MK is the most popular fighting game in the world right now, it seems like it's working.

Hardly. If you can't already see the game being played you're beyond help. No I won't spponfeed, just think about it really hard

Why does neither contestant look pleased with the outcome of the game?

But these girls arent mma fighters or boxers.
Most are special agents and ninjas

Imagine living a life where your only joy comes from shitting on games you don’t play and being a philistine. How sad.

>single player content
and thats it . no wonder their games are dead in no time .
>the most popular
ehm nop thats smash bros , if you dont wanna call it a fighting game ok i also agree and then the most populer is tekken . easy check the concurrent player base for Mk and Tekken .

Literal gore is okay. Skimpy clothes? not in my halal game

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Are people mad that the new designs are bad or that they can't see titties anymore?

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the tittes


They were actually tolerable in MK9 though

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I don't really care about titties in games because I'd rather just jerk off to porn, but it disgusts me to see a company go down this path of covering up all their women why still leaving the men exposed. It is nothing but SJW crap.

Also the designs in general look like shit, even for the men. Kano LITERALLY looks like a Fortnite character.

>Tekken 7 has more player
Maybe cause MKX is 4 years old now.
MKX in 6 months sold 5 million
Tekken 7 is 2 years reached 3 million as of last October

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>Posts Jews
You guys really are fucking stupid aren't you?

>Maybe cause MKX is 4 years old
>almost double the sales
>tekken 7 is also is 4 years old
and yet theres more ppl playing tekken , isn't that proving my point ? also in overall sales MK is in the fifth place .

>unironically calling yourself a gamer

What a gay.

Tekken 7 came out in 2017, dummy. The arcade version of the game has been out since 2015 but the console release was in 2017.
>also MK is the 5th best selling fighting series.
That still dont change the fact that MK and I guess Smash, are the biggest fighting games. Even DBFZ which was praised to hell, has sold 3.5 million after 9 months.


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Um, hello? Why would you need to show so much skin to fight?


You mean the majority of people who buy these games that happen to be straight males, yes.

Also chicks like to self insert as sexy women too. Sorry you are just a faggot.

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>using Johnny's alt
>using Liu Kang's alt
>using Baraka's alt
>ignoring the fact that Kano's alt give him more clothes
>not using Sonya's alt

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It was never a principled fight back then. As time has shown, as long as conservative values are twisted and justified with a leftist bent, it's suddenly okay. Jesus bad, social justice good.

Anyway, game looks like uninspired shit regardless. Nice super hero leather costumes with a dose of retarded time travel.

You're a faggot if you buy it for multiple reasons.

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Trannies belong to RetardEera, not here

>showing so much skin
What about Johnny Cage? Or Liu Kang? Or Jax? Or the new guy, Geras? Why do they show so much skin?

not an argument

>"Mortal Kombat", "respectful" and "mature" in the same sentence.

This bizzaro nu world we live in is terrifying me.

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The sexual revolution's purpose was destruction. Now they are destroying sexy people and sex itself.

Johnny wears a jacket in his default and his no shirt skin is his past outfit
Liu Kang wears armor in his default and his no shirt skin is his past outfit
Jax wears a vest with a shirt under in his default and his not shirt skin is his past outfit
Geras doesn't wear a shirt because of the design of his body

>add hehehe le random funny xD kick in the nuts xray attack
Only Cassie gets the special attacks like that. Since X, Johnny hasn't had x-ray nutcracker anymore.

Yeah, that's what he just said.

That's not an answer, is like going to someone and he says "user why are you wearing a green shirt today?" "I have a green shirt and I have a blue shirt, my brother has a white shirt and an orange shirt".

>Geras doesn't wear a shirt because of the design of his body
Because his body is designed to cause spontaneous deflagration to textile materials placed on his skin?

You might as well have answered to "they wear X because the developers chose to have them wear Y", why even bother then?

What's with the shitty ME:A armor?
I like Kitana in that pic though

>MKX tones down sex appeal
>sells 5 million in 6 months, a feat SFV, Tekken 7 and other fighting games have failed to reach
>MK11 is continuing the same thing
okay Yea Forums

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The answer is only their past outfits show skins.
Sonya's past skins is also showing skin, but apparently that doesn't count

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Women fighters exist and they don't fight men. Unless their fatality move is waiting for their husband to fall asleep then stabbing him, or imperceptibly poisoning his food over the course of months, no, it's not realistic and never was.

I don't get why they don't just make them alternate costumes.

Attached: 200px-Jade_(Mortal_Kombat).png (200x438, 96K)

They also made her face uglier and manlier, removed her hipbones, and made her flatchested.

Reminder that this doesn't count as male sexualization because it's not a tight pant around the crotch and because it's a power fantasy
Please be respectful to women, cover them with burkas

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Because they're now part of an agenda that literally wants your son to cut his dick off.

That's because they got an ugly woman to model her. That has nothing to do with the skin itself.

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>Our design is just getting more mature and respectful
Nobody plays Mortal Kombat for maturity and respect. Did someone snip his balls off?

They probably will. MKX did it

> Day 1 PC mods confirmed
> Based PC immune to censorship and SJW political correction

>been discussing this for like half an hour with other people
>they want me to believe that those clothes would influence people to rape but not to assassinate. Because assassination isn't well received by society unlike rape
Fuck them

Oh she's ugly because they made her ugly? Thanks for the insight captain autismo.

There was no past Geras, also why make that big deal about the design if they then were to include those old ones?

Are you fucking retarded?

Just like in real life, every single female character has a B cup. Such variety

>isn't that proving my point ?
Considering most people quit playing fighting games like a week after they buy them, no. It makes sense that the newest games would have more players.

> violence good
> sex bad
Then you wonder why we have all the school shootings and shit.

>DoA bombs after doing practically the same thing

Nothing more respectful than tearing out someones spine, spitting acid in their face to watch them melt, or cutting their head off and doing something direspectful to it
Wait a sec..

DoA selling point has always been the girls
MK selling had always been the gore and lore.

its respectful because theyre wearing full body armor and loose leather wraps with high heels and make up, you bigot


The problem isn't that they are removing the sexy skins
The problem is that the excuse they are giving for doing that is fucking bullshit

They said no overly sexy clothes, like bikinis. We have no real idea what skins are even in the game yet, but if I were to guess, they will bring back the leotards skins back like they did in MKX, and more casual clothes. I rather wait for release to see what's in the game than bitch when we dont even have a full roster yet.

dont kid yourself, every doa bombs no matter what

>mature and respectful.

> now watch me rip and tear out this spine
i have a question. for god.


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But that's not all. That's not even the problem
The thing is that they said the change was made to make the game more "respectful"
The problem comes when you remember that fatalities are a thing, it's the same saga that influenced the creation of the ESRB and it's fucking stupid to say that bikinis are disrespectful but killing people isn't
Just look in this thread how many people greentext things like ">MK >respectful"

Are you retarded? The women have no better alts.

>MK has sexy girls in it
>MK removes sexy

so op finally found something to spamm

>MK wanted to be sexy but didn't have the ability to deliver
>MK now has the ability, but thinks it's morally wrong to be sexy
I made it easy for a brainlet like you to understand

Amurifats are retarded. A 3rd world country with some money and full of niggers lmao. They love school shootings but hate a fucking breast.

>>>>>>MK now has the ability

you sad fuck

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It's America. What did you expected lmao

Have you not seen the faces in MK11 versus the previous games? Are you blind as well as retarded?

>gore is fine

>titties not fine

he is a shitposter look where you are

Yup. Look the models:

nobody cares about you or your opinion

how are they bad

gay shit game

>t. NRShill

They still look like shit lol

>muh boner culture

Jesus, imagine having you enjoyment of a video game be determined exclusively by how much it appeals to your dick.

imagine being so gay that sex appeal is not even a factor

its 2019 dog, calling someone gay isn't much of an insult anymore

Yes it is lmaoo

2000+19 there you go , fixed that for you . fagglord

Total bomb

They aren't, that's the point. They can now make them sexy.
Nah, you're just SEETHING.

>muh gore culture
>muh exploding texticles
Stay mad, tranny.

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Today every horny teenage has one smartphone with can access to millons full HD uncensored full explicit porn videos for Free.

You don't need videogame tits

But the people bitching about Muslim Kombat are rightwingers.

to a snowflake maybe lmao

>people itt want Mortal Kombat to become another anime titty fighter

nop , ppl want Mk to be Mk .

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I'm disappointed at the lack of tits and ass and think it's pretty dumb that hyperviolence is considered tasteful to them while nudity isn't but I'm not frothing at the mouth over it. I'll just stick to MK9 if this one doesn't look good.

Is that why they cry about gore now? lol

I know, why are they mortaly combating in Mortal Kombat?
That seems kind of out of place doesn't nit?

because they are disingenuous bitches who have no argument but whataboutisms

This, vidya was the only thing keeping me sedated

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Exactly, if i cant even jerk off properly anymore what am i waiting for...

Looks like an inceloid school shooter desu

>SJWs affect MK more than soccer moms did

Nuke'm all

Combofiend was too and look what he did to SFV

That will work until Google Stadia and other future game streaming apps make it impossible to mod games.

>giving women decent clothing
>worse than making mortal kombat without extreme violence

>something gets taken away
Hey wtf? I liked that thing
>wow stop caring, lol imagine caring. who cares? get a life. have sex
That doesn't address the original issue of the thing being taken away
>another thing gets taken away
Hey you did it again! you're going to take everything away!
>no you stupid incel this is unrelated to the last thing that was taken away. stop trying to connect the dots

>we need to make women less attractive and with less heroic proportions solely for fear of twitter mobs
Holy shit, western society is becoming more and more fetid.

Attached: Chunli-cfe-getup.gif (186x141, 38K)

Imagine having to explain to a Korean or a Japanese person that a western dev will SPEND MONEY to make a character look less appealing, less heroic, and less sexy.
Just fucking try to imagine that.

"Well you see, people in the west, specially women, are very offended by any sense of beauty. Idealism is essentially forbidden. Companies will make decisions in fear of the reaction of nobodies on twitter."

Attached: chunli-cfe-xtrakick.gif (158x144, 40K)

I'm sorry but don't a lot of high level fighters remove clothing so its harder for their opponent to grab them? sounds like they're talking out their ass

Can muslims / arabs stop trying to change shit to their social norms where women are stoned for showing a bit of their ankle in their home countries? If a white person went to shithole syria the people there wouldn't give a single shit. Now that's something femfucks and SJWs don't talk about.

The MK's designs have been shit for awhile now. The female faces have looked like transmen for the past three games so I don't really care. What I do care about is everyone looks like trash. The character designs are awful and the gameplay could use some work. The animation looks stiff as hell, fix that first please.

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You would'n t explain it like that, anons would blame niggers and somehow move from talking about vidya to black on black crime

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you know i still not buying this game
but fuck me liu kang looks amazing

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Ed Boon: feminists told me not to add bikin or costumes in MK 11,so i listened to them and i don’t regret making that change by any means.”

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but they are still attractive, they just don't look like sluts

>but they are still less attractive
ftfy go be a fag elsewhere

>still attractive
i disagree

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