Is this an overreaction

Is this an overreaction

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Is Ross going to bomb Google?

>Twitter screencap of some literally who e-celeb
If I was a janny, you'd never see this board again

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Unless Google somehow cracks FTL communication this year, Stadia will never, ever be a real draw for actual enthusiasts. Even with a perfect connection, the delay is simply too great. It might wow some people who don't know any better, but even casuals are going to start recognizing how awful it feels to have a nearly 200ms delay between pressing a button and something happening on screen.

If the mold tells him to do so.

There is no Ross.
Only mold.

stop shilling yourself no one cares and his tweet doesn't even have any bait material in it.



He's a bitch.

>he wishes he could do it for free

>literally who
How dare you.

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videogames are shit
there is no point in preserve shit

kys yourself

Hurting women isn’t very sporting. He made a good point.


he thinks that women should stay as housewives, traditionally. pretty based desu

They literally get off on it.
They're made for it.

Why the fuck are you here? lel

Ross was known before you were a stain on your mother's panties

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"Enthusiasts" don't matter, they haven't mattered in 10 years or more. What matters is kids whose parents are willing to spend 1000 bucks on fortnite shit and they don't have any standards to speak of.

>this isn't over

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Stop feeding into Twitter/Facebook/Instagram "outrage".
People are fucking soulless.

Major Fortnite streamers arent going to shift their entire business from Twitch to YouTube gaming

not him but if theres more money to be made then yes they will

Ross is a bit (read: A FUCKING LOT) paranoid, and while has some good understanding of games, dont seem to know many details of the backend stuff. Piracy, input lag, high end performance, etc.
He is overreacting, but at least know his thoughts on the subject are very sincere and honest. Thats better to say than 99% of the other people out there.

Thank goodness you ain't a janny

This is the same guy who interrupted his comedy Machinima series to make a 6 minute prepper advertisement for the slow collapse of society over oil.

Ol' Ross is overreacting and his legal plan isn't even going to make a dent. The world is bigger than videogame preservation, that'll always be an uphill climb.
Not that I don't agree that streaming-only games are a farce and I hope the idea completely fails.

Yes. A very stupid one.

There's way too many things in the way of this. The same things in the way of every other attempt at this that has ever happened, and there have been quite a lot of attempts.

>A lot of first world countries have incredibly shitty internet infrastructure for no good reason
>Latency will be noticeable after playing for a while.
>Even a game as casual as mario party would be harder to play with high latency
>Compression artifacting
>Not actually owning something you bought is a turn off for consumers.

The other issues are obvious, but the last one doesn't get enough talk. People still care about this a lot. People have gotten used to the idea of owning a digital good, but they still want it to be 'theirs'. A sub service to games is good to try novelties at low risk, but that's all it is.

There's a bit of a hidden issue here. One thing google wants to do is have games predict your input to make up for the latency, but the kind of tech they have planned for it would require cooperation from the game devs themselves to implement it directly in to the game. Which would imply they are not lazy and not shit at their jobs. Which devs generally are.

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but consoles already have ~200ms input lag.

The "we were on a break" Man isn't vidya.

not really. We've already had a few casualties like that scott pilgrim game on ps3 and it can only get worse in a digital only world especially when hidden behind the walls of exclusivity

Solution: If there ever is a streaming-only game, just record a full playthrough of it.
There's your preservation right there.

Moss Scott owns Accursed Farms, now.


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Yes goy

There is nothing wrong with being part of the botnet

You should not have the right to own the product, it should only be streamed to you for a price based on hourly consumption


Wireless controller lag+console lag+game lag+tv lag
Wireless controller lag+connection lag+server lag+game lag+tv lag

this joke was never funny. fungus is not sentient and has no means of controlling anyone

Not every game deserves to be preserved. Mediocrity is the floor on which history stands. If you try to keep everything then nothing becomes worth keeping.

>goggle predicts your input for you
>gobble now plays your game for you so lag won't matter
>just lean back and watch
Thank you for this bright future giggle


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are you saying youd do it for free?

That's what you want us to think, moldboy.

Your days are numbered, fungal agent. I know you work for MOLDSAD.

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Game streaming will never be a replacement for physical/digital games so yes it is an overreaction.

That's a pretty stupid take.

And digital was never going to replace physical, and here we are.

To be fair most source games under Valve work under a prediction system, don't know much about the tech behind it but I assume it's something similar

Preserve things able to be preserved, make attempts and work with the industry for things harder to be preserved.

Not every piece of content created by humanity will be preserved and accessible for all eternity. These idiots on twitter need to stop acting like civilization is ending because some smartphone game can't be "preserved" easily.

Tell me about Ross, what effect did breathing in fungus spores 24/7 have on him?

>the absolute state of niggers in current year

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>Which would imply they are not lazy and not shit at their jobs. Which devs generally are.
it's already a bit of a stretch expecting them to port everything to linux/vulkan but I'm sure google can throw some money at it

All joking aside, they are serious about this. Rather than the game playing itself, they want to implement a system where the game will literally stutter back on itself then stream the proper frames dynamically at all times. As a user you'd never notice the game is doing this as you only receive a view of it's corrected state.

It sounds like wizardry and pipe dreams, frankly. It literally need to be implemented in to the game engines themselves to work, for one.

just wait until you favorite lesser known games arent playable one day


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It didn't though. Maybe on PC but that's a minority. Just like Netflix will never replace owning/downloading an actual copy of a movie. Streaming a video game will never replace actually having a copy of it on your console. It's to bring real games to the casual market. That's it's only use.

No. The endgame is Microsoft (or the Microsoft / Google merger by then) owning your OS on a server farm and you just stream your desktop to your dummy tablet device.

Y'all are cringe af as fuck

Imagine you couldn't go back to play NES/SNES/Genesis/PS1-2 etc games, because their e-shop went offline and there's no way to ever play them again.

This is terrifying.
Also no fun mods and hacks.

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>Game mode: Off

It isn't that society is going to end, but that it is the 21st century. Technology is progressing extremely quickly. Software released just 15 years ago is already inaccessible. That is unacceptable. There's a difference between something not being preserved 100 years into the future and something not being preserved even 20 years.

Imagine a world where a high-end tablet is only like $10
What's so bad about it

It is. Who would develop games exclusively for Stadia?? Do you see Google making any masterpieces in-house?

Not really. His point is actually true, any game done in that way would be difficult if not impossible to actually preserve for the future. Remember, this isn't the first time that games have been streamed in that capacity. Nintendo did something like that back in the days of Snes.

You forgot the part where each app is a $15/month subscription to subsidize the cost of the tablet

Won't happen.

The overwhelming majority of things are fairly well preserved though. Thing of how distributed the entire rom / iso dumps for like 5 generations of consoles are right now. I'm not arguing there aren't exceptions but that this is the same with every medium.

But fortnite is a shooter and even the dumbest kids will recognize latency is fucking up their enjoyment. Fortnite is literally making a new gen of shooting game players, as they grow older and branch out, them going into fps isnt a big leap. Its the same shit how cod niggers still play cod a decade later and halofags. Fortnite might not be around in 10 years but these kids will. Its not good for google

Can't wait for all thsoe linux/vulkan ports to be held hostage and never be released outside of google's servers. Linux users will be thrilled.

He will deserve a permanent sticky if he does this.

>Won't happen.
It literally will if game streaming becomes standard. Good luck dumping the rom/iso off of a stream.

>Won't happen.
because you only play popular garbage?

>game streaming becomes standard
That will never happen. The fact that gamestop still exists should tell you that.

Download speed isn't the same as latency. You might be able to download a next gen game in less than 10 minutes on a gigabit connection but if you arent geographically near the game's servers, you'll suffer high latency and lag in-game. Simple as that.

Gamestop is a zombie husk of its former self and is only escaping death by hocking thinkgeek/hot topic esqe merch

Great so Stadia will add at least 300 ms more.
Playing singleplayer action games like Sekiro and DMC5 will be amazing with half a second of delay between presses, goodbye parrying on reaction.

Except all the popular "kids games" like Minecraft, Fortnite, CoD and CSGO have one thing in common, they're 60FPS, super responsive, run on toasters and fell very tight to play.

Make them a broken lagfest and the kids will shit on your service and never use it.
Even turn-based games and JRPGs will feel bad on Stadia because all that lag will be infuriating when you try to go through the command menus ASAP.

Just provide a cloned server of streaming games in the future and let people stream them. Sounds more viable to do than other preservation types like arcade boards desu

Where did he say this?

>after I'm well again
did the mold really get him?

it's not just enthusiasts, it's everyone who plays games even remotely regularly is going to hate it, then you have devs and publishers who might not like the idea of google cutting into their pie
also it's going to fuck up wifi warriors

Haha, so fucking funny. Grew up and read some basic school biology books, fungus can control people or even have intelligence. We are absolutely harmless

I meant can't and "we are" is obviously "it's".




>this isn't over
W... what does mean?

Fuck off, kid

Not really. We have enough trouble as it is actually "owning" the games we buy. A streaming service would make the problem even worse. Not to mention that they don't last forever and you are permenantly fucked if they close down, taking all their exclusives with them.

Good thing the Stadia will have no worthwhile exclusives however. For once the U.S having third world tier internet connections is a good thing, since it will keep these fucks from further corrupting an already drowning medium.

>no blue checkmark

I can't throw this post in the trash fast enough!

No because resurrecting online only games which don't release their server software is already hell even though we have all the files on the computer (Lawbreakers, SMNC,War of the Roses etc.)

Now with streaming games you don't even fucking have access to the game's assets like 3D models and textures meaning that it's going to be even harder to preserve games.

google is fucked

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no they wont. they're ltierally under contract not to you stupid nigger.

That only works for Playstation games user.

>We've already had a few casualties like that scott pilgrim game on ps3
Only for legitimate buyers.

I have it loaded up on my cfw PS3 right now. Scott Pilgrim has been preserved.

If a system is capable of piracy/cfw, it's highly unlikely that there's a game that hasn't already been preserved.

I disagree. Everything is worth keeping if it the costs are low enough. In this case, hard drive space is trivial enough to warrant the preservation of any video game.

>Not every piece of content created by humanity will be preserved and accessible for all eternity.
True, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't at least try to do so. Making arbitrary decisions over what should and shouldn't be preserved is entirely subjective.

Why does Yea Forums hate women if they behave just like them? You spend all of your day talking about random celebs, often in a salty way to cope better with your mediocrity

Majority of this thread is talking about the Stadia and the effects a streaming-only service could have on the industry.