>Sony STILL hardcore censoring niche fanservice Japanese titles, even those not set to release outside of Japan
What went wrong with Sony?
Why are they doing this?
Sony STILL hardcore censoring niche fanservice Japanese titles, even those not set to release outside of Japan
And nothing of value was lost
His haircut/hairline are tragic.
They need to just go ahead and make an unrated version for PC.
no one japanese even works at sony anymore
Based Sony killing shitty fan-service games.
Find a way to balance fan-service with actual gameplay like Itagaki did or don't bother at all.
Godspeed friend.
They can't because Sony owns their shit now. Lmao.
This is what you get when you let console companies control you.
i wonder if he even believes what he wrote
Imagine being a deluded retard like this guy.
I wish I could live in the 90s again with this guy.
I've been saying since 2012 that American money was going to destroy Japanese console/PC games. It was inevitable because console/PC isn't profitable in Japan, only phone games are.
Oh well.
Oh my god, this guy's right. It's the Evangelical Christians!!!!11!! I'm going to vote Democrat, and watch the Young Torks and subscribe to theAmazingAthiest.
The ESRB part gives him away. As if a bare ass would give the game an AO rating instead of the M it received.
Japanese RPGs have been shit since SquareSoft & the MOTHER series died. All Sony has to do is this, and everyone will love them regardless of censorship garbage
> Cancel all Movie games except TLOU 2 & Spider-Man 2
> Bring Back Wipeout
> Make Gravity Rush & Gran Turismo the two flagship franchises
> Bring back Wild Arms
> Remake The Legend of Dragoon
> Bring back Ape Escape
> Buy the Prince of Persia license & Reboot the series
> Buy Konami outright
> Get Kojima to reboot Silent Hills
> Sell the Castlevania & Suikoden franchises to Nintendo
Actual lefties haven't liked that fat faggot TJ for close to a decade since he harassed that rape victim, user.
Actually, thinking about it, who even is his audience anymore? Edgy internet atheism hasn't been fashionable for years.
I have 10+ years of memory to believe what this guy says, but I do know that soccermoms are still pro-censorship just like feminists are.
This guy isn't wrong. America's prudish stances on sex can be directly traced to cultural values established by the Puritans and more recently, Evangelicals. I'm sure most right-wing politicians and church officials would applaud censorship of anime games to protect the children.
>he forgot the past 15 years
i guess Anita is a right wing christian now, guys.
Imagine being this bad at keeping up with cultural trends.
Imagine being this bad at keeping up with cultural trends in the age of social media.
top tier b8
This guy is taking the quote one eye in the past and one eye to the future to literally.
He just merged the image
are we just supposed to ignore how democrat politicians like joe lieberman and herb kohl repeatedly dragged the gaming industry into congressional hearings to try to censor their products?
The left isn't what you think anymore user. They don't even bother hiding their agenda anymore, the MSM has them so brainwashed they'll believe literally anything. And change their minds when told.
Don't get too indignant. It's not as if Judeo-Christians don't want to censor sex. We're talking about the people who mutilate their children's genitals at birth in order to deny them sexual pleasure, then brainwash them that extramarital sexual gratification is evil. Judeo-Christians want sexual gratification, the most basic and natural and essential part of human life and function, to become a contract commodity and its acquisition to be impossible except by those means.
All tyrants want to abolish the orgasm. Secular China and Korea censor porn. North Korea censors porn. You cannot string along a person with carrots on sticks if they can easily get hundreds of carrots by playing with their genitals while looking at some art.
>people still support this piece of shit excuse for a company
Honestly PC+ Nintendo is literally the only option.
I couldve never imagined the day where the defacto platform for lewd niche Japanese titles is Nintendo.
Sony is just cucked beyond any saving
what a fucking boomer
American Evangelicals are something else.
Where the fuck does their "we must support Israel to bring about the Apocalypse as told in Revelations!" shtick even come from, anyway? No other major Christian denomination in the world is completely obsessed with that shit.
>And change their minds when told.
It was amazing to watch this happen in REAL TIME when Colbert told his audience about Comey being fired, and they all cheered and he literally scolded them and told them it's a bad thing.
Literal fucking sheeple being programmed by their masters live on television
so basically
>embrace the weeb
>buy PoP
stupid. Forgotten Sands is cold hard evidence that classic Prince of Persia is dead. People meme up the Troy Baker one but it was one-of-a-kind, not the sole reason for AssCreed to take over.
>buy Konami
fuck off, Bomberman got a new game, Castlevania and Contra are getting new ports. no need to moneyhat exclusivity.
>muh Silent Hills
>not cancel TLOU
so you want to get rid of the cancer but still keep the cancer? it's this cancerous faggot division that has become the company's face nowadays
Sony are trying to appeal to people that don't play or care about video games in any regard.
>There will be a future where the only place and time you get to see lewds at all in your lifetime is when you accidentally see your mother changing. or when you get a gf
>everything is banned
Just like the good old days
most right wing christians dont even know what anime is.
There never was any attempt to censor videogames, they were just using violent games as a scapegoat so they could blame something other than guns.
>or when you get a gf
Hahaha, you won't be getting a gf.
All women will belong to some soulless corporation as "liberated, independent" wageslaves.
Try to date one and get MeToo'd so fast your head will spin.
protestant christians are Israel weebs, their religion literally compels them to worship that place as if it was the legendary promised land from the Bible and not just a regular mass of land that gets constantly showered with kebab rockets and is filled with boring buildings stuffed full of people working regular jobs
I shifted away from Nintendo because all the treehouse censorship was getting tiresome and went all in on Sony this gen. Now they're probably worse than Nintendo has ever been.
You niggers don't get it. The left refuses to admit they're in almost complete control of everything. That way they can still look like the cool rebels that it's hip to join. If they took responsibility for things like this they'd be admitting they wield a massive amount of power. It's all by design.
The left are responsible for games being censored, yes, but ultimately it's the financial elites who command them to do that.
The elites have owned leftism for decades now. Populist left wing movements like feminism and racial activism were hijacked and given corporate objectives - all your problems will go away if you just come wageslave for us, goyim!
I firmly believe the elites are also responsible for tacking on identity politics to the current leftist agenda. They want to make leftism unpalatable for the average person, because leftist financial policy would obviously not be acceptable for the elites.
>japanese gaming switch to nongames (mobile) cause shit depression
>sony moves to california, the SJW meka
what do you think happened?
What's the point of changing things to appeal to an audience that don't care about your product?
It isn't about appealing to any audience, it's about avoiding being financially ruined by the left-controlled press. Have you paid attention to what happened in 2014? You don't fight the press. They control everything. They run the world.
He knows I won't buy games that get censored that badly.
That's nothing new though. The left wing media has manufactured every war for the last 150 years.
>it's not the left's fault, it's the elites who have manipulated everyone in the left to do their bidding
that's one shit excuse to get away with it
>the elites don't want leftist economy
well duh, why would any powerful corporation entrust enough power to the State only to have their own property wrested away by them?
this theory doesn't make any sense, unless said elites managed to stay in power and keep their property by joining the State, which in turn makes them leftist too. saying that you aren't but pushing that shit for your entire country won't suddenly make you not leftist.
>They want to make leftism unpalatable for the average person
this is a natural process, state-enforced unfairness due to social division will make everyone turn on each other, that's always been the point. it doesn't mean everyone will suddenly get tired of it, there will always be idiots thinking they are better than everyone else
Your post is literally incoherent, dude. Work on your English or put some effort in.
Yes, democrats never do anything wrong silly :)
The (((financial elites))) you speak of are leftists too.
The elites have no political allegiance. Their only allegiance is to themselves. Of course, they may publicly display whatever flag is beneficial to their goals.
That could be said about anyone dabbling into politics.
if there was something hard to understand, you’d have quoted it and asked for an explanation.
>but the entire post is incomprehensible!
then you’re the one who’s putting some effort in not understanding it
People taking an honest interest in politics do so based on self-interest, yes. The elite's stake in leftism is not honest. They do not actually believe in redistribution of wealth, of course. They merely want to control the dangerous ideology from the inside. It is similar to how most communist leaders were Jews. Of course Jews don't want communism, only a PsyOp'd retard could ever believe that the wealth-accruing race wants equal distribution of wealth.
Holy shit I read that in Deku's voice
Yeah I'm sure Trish's ass was gonna push DMC into the AO territory. Fucking moron.
the fucking olympics retard.
Something about absolute power corrupts absolutely.
They're allegiance is globalism, which is leftist in nature.
Pobs orders from the government, dumb jap robots need to go out and breed with women do yo delinceing pop
Are Sonyfags really going to deflect with this post every thread?
I've been a long time idort for as long I can remember. I've owned every nintendo system outside of the virtual boy and GBC, and every playstation system along with a gaming PC. But this bullshit is what gets me to swear off of sony forever. Who are they even trying to appeal too? People who don't even play video games?
The only way I get a PS5 is if there is a bloodborne 2 tier exclusive, but I'll make sure that I give sony the least amount of money as humanly possible.
Yes, who would have thought a company that's spent years trying to worm its way into control of the living room wants to make its image more palatable to uptight parents.
I'm out of the loop. What has sony got to do with this guy leaving Marvelous, a company they don't own?
The fuck does right/left wing even mean? Why are Americans so fucking autistic when it comes to politics?
I don't buy that. The Playstation brand isn't even Japanese any more. They're headquarters is in California and they're the ones enforcing these policies. Japanese devs are being forced to pass Sony's inspections conducted only in English on top of the ones already done by CERO.
If the Japanese government was behind this then the same thing would be happening on Nintendo platforms.
You're either right or you're wrong
>righties seething at this post
You should probably also ignore how they were well known for their bipartisan work on such issues,
You can say Right wing is people like Trump. Fucks prostitutes, leaves Syria, and lowers taxes, makes leftists squal in agony just by being alive, common sense, business sense, mostly white males.
Left wing is Obama. Mass censorship, mind control, MSM, defunds NASA, nonstop drone strikes in the middle east, global mass migration of sub saharans, ISIS spreading across the world, nu-star wars, captain marvel, muh feelings, low IQ; EQ types, moots Yea Forums.
Thanks moot.
I wish the senran games could survive off of nintendo systems on their own, but it's simply not the case. Sony's ridiculous censorship policy towards fan service games absolutely limits the viability of these kind of games and you are being ingenious if you imply otherwise. Sure, they can still be made on other systems but sony's move to neuter these types of games will have a chilling effect on this style of game as a whole, and if you don't realize this is why Takaki is leaving then you are either being willfully ignorant or just plain retarded.
Lefties are socialists, communists, easily triggered SJWs, athiest, and typically support a system of government more in line with totalitarianism than actual democracy. Freedoms are dangerous and people are better off without them.
Righties are religious fundamentalists, corporatists, traditionalists, racists, and have no particular governmental preference as long as a social caste system exists so the wealthy and powerful can be held to a different set of standards.
Pick your poison.
I'm pretty sure being easily triggered isn't the domain of one side of politics.
Are you assuming my gender?!?
Both sides certainly get 'triggered' but the left goes way overboard in their response, and the courts are more than happy to ruin people's lives to appease some tantrum throwing numale since they get a slice of the pie.
>and the courts are more than happy to ruin people's lives
Uh. You been living under a rock the last 20 years or something?
You mean they're being banned from getting released on PS4? California definitely needs to burn for that. The PQube thing is particular.
But there's Steam and Nintendo and they've long abandoned PS systems for those "greener pastures". Way before California started outing their fag. Companies like Marvelous should have known what would happen way ahead of time. They were probably being replaced by partners Sony thought were better.
IMO, Snoy is probably not being hard on these companies because they're moral or uptight, as it makes no sense, when they showed lezbo kissing at E3 a few years back, they must do it because some of these devs stab the userbase they build on PS. So they're trying to redirect the direction of money in their store, by means of hampering products they deem undesirable for their buyers.
Lets compare it with the DOAX3 reskin last week. There was an article that came out where it says it had sold more physical units in Japan than DMCV. Snoy censored that shit but they didn't stop it from coming out and deprive a local market of a game and deprive themselves of their share of the profits. And there's also some other otaku centric games in the future coming out. Not dropping names the California gang might be watching.
>and hit a lower ESRB rating
Nice fanfic you've got there.Jews are in fucking charge of the porn industry and Christians don't mutilate children's genitals.
And how fun too, that Japan refuses to have sex. Kind of weird how an "advanced" country denies itself of sex and reproduction.
cryptojews infiltrated protestant churches in the early 20th century and corrupted them with zionist memes
So no source? Gotcha
Somebody give me the time machine this guy has been using.
Teens absolutely should be able to see those games, and more.
Sony have always been the Jews of Japan.
They conspired with American Jews to kill Micheal Jackson for that Beatles catalogue after all.
>searching for the name of the game at bottom right.
>found pic related.
He's talking about actual IRL Christians, not the storm faggot cultists you hang out with online
>Taking anything this bald fuck says seriously
This dude literally pulled the Kevin Spacey "I'M ACTUALLY A GAY MAN" when Laci Green called him out for harassing her on twitter
It's not censored but the original NISA release would melt your PS3. The updated version is fine though.
As if EPIC or Steam would release porn games or games like Ethnic Cleansing.
>There never was any attempt to censor videogames
Both things happened. There were attempts to censor videogames and they were also used as scapegoats. The current wave of bullshit we see today is nothing compared to what we had from the 70's to the 90's.
Uhh Steam absolutely would take Senran, and Epic might. And many many stores allow porn. GOG allows porn.
Disgaea D2 is that one that melts PS3s. This one just crashes a lot.
> GOG allows porn.
Then why do they sell the censored version of Eden*?
Not trying to start a shitstorm but isnt Israel at war with Palestine?
Why would liberals pick sides?
Probably because localization team for that company is retarded. GOG sells VNs with sex scenes.
You're right. Everyone on this board can live without sony and their pretentious movie games.
>GOG sells VNs with sex scenes.
Asking for a friend.
>im a spoonfeed faggot
i bet you are also an american or a crypto lefty
>whining non stop about bullshit
How does it feel to have no real problem so you actively create ones in your head?
Why is it whenever a major company does something that pisses off a significant portion of their userbase, they end up just doubling down and making people even more upset?
Trying to impress their shareholders, not their userbase.
Because the author of both articles works for zog.
It's not about sides for a fair amount of liberals and rhino conservatives. It's about following the money.
>It's totally the Evangelicals fault
>But you should support it anyways
*snort* are Socal liberals trying to match the hypocrisy of christians now?