
What does Yea Forums think of Gmod?

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A mere shadow of it's former self.

Most of the good gamemodes and servers are gone.

Took the words right out of my mouth, it's an empty husk of what it once was.

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Really only worth it if you have the autism to play by yourself or have friends who are willing to play with you on a private server.

Good for the yearly session of prop hunt with some friends. I don't know any other reason to play Gmod though.

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This, My friends and I will occasionally play ttt or prop hunt on a private server

Where is he?

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i havent playEd it but it doesnt seem fun. just a sandbox right?

>Most of the good gamemodes and servers are gone
Came here to say this. Words can't really describe how much I hate seeing DarkRP and its clones flooding the gamemode list in the multiplayer menu.


what were some of the good gamemodes

Sledbuild and TTT

Based and creativepilled.
Literally the father of all sandboxes like Minecraft

Had fun playing this gamemode on 2010. I feel so old now.

it was good until the youtube griefing fad brought in thousands of annoying little kids. hasn't been the same since.

Sandbox(all the good old servers died out)
Forgot the name but it was 2 teams was similiar to CoD but with fixed spawn points

its like when the furfag kitty0706 died, the game died too

hate niggers!!!!!!!!!!

Reddit: The game

In sandbox i killed so many of them on this one server I had like 150/2 KD ratio

Does anyone remember mass malious Gmod virus? It spammee in-game chat, Steam chat to your friends and changes your username. Some sort of a LUA file infection.

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