Beat Genichrio in the tutorial

>beat Genichrio in the tutorial
>he still cuts my arm off and kidnaps the girlboy emperor
why is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

git gud

shut up

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what should they have done but still make you lose an arm then? The game heavily relies on you losing an arm for story and gameplay reasons.

You get an extra cutscene where he looks like a bitch. Isn't that enough?

They could have come up with a short scenario and ended the game soon after you won the fight. Other simpler games have done so with similar boss fights.

>kill tutorial Genichiro
>his faggot shinobi shows up and distracts you
>dishonorably disarms you
>he makes a quip that you should know the difference between honor and victory

It characterizes him as a person who will do anything to win. Tengu adds later that the Ashina style is doing anything to achieve victory.

It makes sense and is in-character.

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and in NG+ when you can easily beat him then you should just get the ending? The ending shouldnt be guaranteed because you chose to fight an enemy and had no idea it would lead to an ending.

They could have done 3 things.
>Make a secret ending where you leave with the Divine Heir.
>Make the guy who threw the shuriken a secret beatable boss that only unlocks if beat Genichiro
>Genichiro gets a second phase and is way harder than any fight in the game.
Too bad they decided to take the easy route.

You are retard, yes?

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How do you beat him in the castle my dudes? I whooped lady butterfly's ass and people said she was harder, what am I doing wrong?

Should've done the DeS thing where one of the endgame bosses shows up and wrecks your shit.

Deflect and learn to block when he backs off. I've seen more people get hit by his bow than this sword. Mikiri Counter when possible. Game becomes easy once you follow the rules.

That was a good way of handling it.
Beating the unbeatable tutorial boss gave you a sneak peak at a later level, which was fun.

The bow is a pain in the ass because I keep preemptively dodging when he points it at me, and the arrows dont actually go where its pointed

Also you should get an item or something for beating him like if you beat Vanguard in DeS.

Yeah a full ceramic vase!

It's a Fromsoft game. Play like they want you to and you'll be fine.

So let people find out about in NG+, who cares. Or just scale it properly so the battle isn't an instant win in NG+

Try swinging if he's close and using the bow. It'll interrupt about 3/4 of the time and give you a chance to get a couple healthbar hits in.

you got a unique cutscene in typical from software fashion, stop bitching


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Thoughts on Genichiro's design?

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not as good as his

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What's Nishikiyama doing in feudal Japan?

Nothing really stands out. I thought he looked too animesque at first but his fight is so fucking good he is my favourite From boss.

yeah I found that out after restarting the entire game 4 times since I kept dying to him. Then some random OFF-SCREEN npc just chuck a fucking weapon that cuts off your arm.
really FROM? beating the tutorial boss gives nothing? why even have him there then

they shouldn't.
if you win a battle the plot requires you to lose in any game you should just have a early short ending that's basically
>congrats you did too good nothing happened everyone is happy life goes on go lose the battle please

(Soon to be Sneed)

He says it himself in the alternate cutscene. "A Shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.".

The Wolf expected him to fight honorably, because Genichiro is a samurai. But a major part of his character is that he will do absolutely anything to achieve his goal. It's a small character building moment for if you're good enough to beat him in the tutorial.

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Fuck you, I was drinking.

He looks fucking awesome when shirtless.

Could Yotsuba defeat Madara Uchiha?

Unlikely. Pepe could though.

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how many people really beat him the fight was going good for me till i got two shot

You mean really hot

>the fight was going good for me till i got two shot

That's every fight in this game.

Its a display of his conviction to achieve his goals. He made sure that even in the case that he would lose the duel by someone stronger than him, that he would still win even by a third party which was the ninja hiding in the back

is nioh or sekiro more of a samurai jack game?

or something else?

Sekiro has better "Lone warrior wandering a beautiful, dangerous land" but none of the wacky creature designs.

In DMC5 the game ends if you defeat Urizen at the beginning.

Owls design is pretty baller.

Sekiro probably has a better atmosphere and absolutely has better world design. Nioh has significantly better character designs, though.

i just beat genichiro how much of the game do i have left?


I want wiggers to leave

Probably the first time I saw anyone get triggered by it on Yea Forums

Genichiro is like the third real boss if you count Lady butterfly. You have a long way to go.

About a third of the way into the game.

He reminds me so much of Sasuke in that form. Makes it feel that much better bullying him.

>why even have him there then
For one thing, the NPC doesn't chuck your arm off he/she throws a shuriken at you, distracts you and Genichiro cuts off your arm.

The other thing, Genichiro has basically the exact same moveset from the tutorial fight in the actual fight you get in Ashina Castle. So if you best him in the tutorial, he is a cakewalk for you later in the story and that is its own reward. Similarly, if you can legitimately beat Genichiro in the tutorial by countering all his moves properly its a pass that you understand the game enough to pretty much never have trouble for most of the game

It should have given you some kind of reward like in Demons Souls.

He looks like a samurai, not that that's bad but it's just generic samurai.

>start playin sekiro
>japanese with subs because im a weeb
>notice that sekiros voice sounds familier
>spend half the game trying to place it
>get to credits
>mfw they were the same VA
fucking Daisuke Namikawa voices sekiro

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His bow is OD and stylish as fuck

Friendly reminder that he ranks in top tier boss motives

email From Soft and ask them to update the game for you. It sounds like a great idea, I'm sure they'll listen.

>wants to make an immortal army so the region of Japan he controls can effectively become a sovereign state

Ah, it's alright but it's hardly deep.

Also stay on his ass. On the try I killed him he fired his bow like once. Praying strikes and ichimoji are both great

Jap Genichiro drives me crazy cause I can't unhear him as Sikorski from new Baki anime.

Its pretty good and can't say I would be totally against an immortal army, unless I heard you have gulp some fucked up water and have your body infested with a giant insect.

>Urizen is meant to be lost against in the Prologue
>If you manage to beat him here you get a "Okay story's over you won the end" purposefully anticlimactic ending, while also unlocking the higher difficulty off the bat

>girlboy emperor
Fuck u mean?

Thaatd just the Senpou version. Its why he's trying to get Kuro to make everyone one. But its pretty stupid how apparently he has no idea about Dragonrot. He'd eventually be the King of a Kingdom of Dust getting everyone Dragon Flu.

Can we just take a second to thank From for not shoehorning Oda Nobunaga into the game

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Just wait, there's DLC left and there's nothing like
>immortal emperor Oda Nobunaga
as the true final boss.

Guts also

If anything its Date Masamune thats gonnna destroy the Ashina.

The difference between DMC5 and this game's prologue boss is that Urizen is the final boss (he would become Vergil again as the story plays out) but in Sekiro Genichiro is just an antagonist

It should mean you don't lose the arm and as such don't get to use prosthetics

In Tales of Destiny you can beat Leon when you're meant to lose to him and the game just makes up a bullshit ending

Yeah but it could have just as easily been "okay you got away with the lord and lived happily ever after the end, now go die to him on purpose you goon"

no he didnt

I was a bit disappointed in the lack of famous Sengoku era character's to be honest.

Is there any particular reason to give Kuro the charm on NG+? Does it do anything other than make the game harder?

It may well have been a conscious decision not to following Nioh releasing in early 2017. Sekiro had already been in development for close to 18 months by that stage.

then they would have to gimp the game design to allow people without prosthetics to complete it at all, for example goodbye grapple areas

they should have just made it an alternate and fast ending. literally all kinds of games have done this, it's fine

Challenge. You'll have to get better at perfect deflects if you weren't already consistent.

we still need a feudal japan game where we need to fight the USA
>n 1852, American Commodore Matthew C. Perry embarked from Norfolk, Virginia, for Japan, in command of a squadron that would negotiate a Japanese trade treaty. Aboard a black-hulled steam frigate, he ported Mississippi, Plymouth, Saratoga, and Susquehanna at Uraga Harbor near Edo (present-day Tokyo) on July 8, 1853, and he was met by representatives of the Tokugawa Shogunate. They told him to proceed to Nagasaki, where the sakoku laws allowed limited trade by the Dutch. Perry refused to leave, and he demanded permission to present a letter from President Millard Fillmore, threatening force if he was denied. Japan had shunned modern technology for centuries, and the Japanese military wouldn't be able to resist Perry's ships; these "Black Ships" would later become a symbol of threatening Western technology in Japan.[11] Perry returned in March 1854 with twice as many ships, finding that the delegates had prepared a treaty embodying virtually all the demands in Fillmore's letter; Perry signed the U.S.- Japan Treaty of Peace and Amity on March 31, 1854, and departed.

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Use spoiler tags you fucking faggot

Yeah, it definitely would have got complaints about it stealing from Nioh. A bit of a shame but it's not that big of a deal.

How do you consider that a spoiler

>in b4 Ashina Takeru is actually Yamaro Takeru that never died and made a pact with the Dragon
>Tomoe is actually Tomoe Gozen he eventually made immortal with his pact like Sekiro

>feudal japan
>19th century

the absolute state of your IQ

Baki vibes from the ape too

A shinobi would know the difference between honor and defeat.

That's the Meiji era, dingdong. Not Feudal.

I thought that's what they were going for?
You don't namedrop Takeru and Tomoe and just avoid the issue.

I wouldn't have minded if the cutscene it gave you afterwards isn't just you getting distracted by a fucking shuriken of all things.

that doesn't mean anything in this context

I was at 30 hours when I got to the final boss. When I beat him I was at 40 hours. I just started replaying and I've blasted through bosses who gave me trouble like Genichiro and Butterfly on the first try. Feels so good.

Who knows what angle From is going for. I also thought straight away "Is it really Yamato Takeru and Tomoe Gozen?" could also be just a red hering but having a semi-legendary warrior that trained Genichiro and with even Isshin having trouble keeping up against her seems to much of a coincidence to be not Tomoe Gozen.

oh whatever
still its an interesting mish mash in history

I hpoe she is and we get to fight her as Isshin on steroids and MORE thunder.

Genichiro mentions an Interior Minister coming after him, that would be Hideyoshi Toyotomi

>presented as a literal demon in Onimusha
>presented as an evil underhanded snake in Nioh
>has the nerve to come after /ourguy/ Genichiro in Sekiro

Has there any been an IRL figure more unflatteringly portrayed in videogames?

>”I’ll accept any form of heretical power if it means preserving the Ashina lineage”
Literally Sasuke

The Interior Ministry is actually talking about the one of Sshina. The invasion forces are Ashina Elites.

It's because of his service under Nobunaga, but he still unified japan.

What do you get for beating him in the tutorial?

A brief cutscene of one of the Tengu shinobi distracting wolf with a shuriken and Genichiro cheat shotting his arm off.

I've got the frozen tears for purification ending. If i also go back to hirata a second time and beat owl again, will it lock me out of this ending? The wiki says I'll get locked out of the severance ending but i don't care about that. I want the purification ending but i also want to go back to hirata because its more content.

Shouldn't have launched that failed campaign against Korea

What the fuck are you smoking.

Holy shit that last fight is literally kino, why the fuck is no one talking about it?

Have you missed all the people posting their victory clips or the people bitching about him? Assuming you mean Sword Saint.

Talk to the hat guy and Isshin more often.

I'm aware that some of the invasion force are traitors to Ashina, but it's not the whole thing is Ashina.

nah, they always force important Characters into everything Sengoku related.
Actually seeing a minor Clan with it's own, original Retainers is much more atmospheric than being bombarded with historical celebs.

the future that deus ex (2000) promised never came.

>missing the plot this hard because you want to insert another feudal lord into the setting.
I dont blame you, I originally thought it was the Kamakura trying establish power again and that the game took place in the early Sengoku period.

Ashina itself isnt even an original clan.

But I don't know anything about any feudal lords, I just have a hard time believing that the invasion force is somehow Ashina.

All the red Samurai towards the end bear the same clan symbol but I have yet to figure out who they belong to. It doesnt fit any known clan symbol.

Should I use the new bell I got before or after the fountain palace?
Will the divine child do anything but eat fruit?
What's the best spot to grind money?

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Use the bell right away. You lock yourself out of the fourth ending if you dont do everything related to rice loli.

Just started. Is there any point in not using the 1 rez that gets refilled every time?

I know, but I meant original Retainers as in OC donutsteel

Yeah I misread it, sorry.

You threatened to take his boipucci away who is he gonna fuck now?


see what happens if you use it

Why is the fountainhead palace so beautiful and creepy at the same time?
Why are those Ayy lmao monks playing music by themselves, why are they sometimes seen eating each others?
Why is there a giant Koi with a human face and teeth in the water?
I don't understand, it's just so beautiful but creepy....

I don't even know what's related to rice loli. Guess I'll use the bell.

the return ending, the divine child gets impregnated by Kuro and she leaves on a journey with sekiro to give birth to the new heir ala virgin mary giving birth to jesus

if this ending isn't canon fromshit can go fuck themselves

I already saw the dragonshit effects but I’m not worried about it on 1st playthrough

Wtf what bell, rice Loli never gave me any bell...

Superior lightning samurai coming on through.

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Wtf what bell, rice Loli never gave me any bell....

Its the bell in that buddha hall that you need to get to her.

They're degenerate nobles who got fucked up by worshiping too much dragon cum, they aren't eating each other but the Okami warrior woman that I saw anyway as shown in their main room before the divine dragon. The giant carp is an immortal fish from the water flowing from the divine dragons, dead carp like that are why the centipedes also cause immortality since you can see some feasting on a carp corpse.

What is this Dark Souls guy doing in my Japanese game?

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I still like Nioh better.

With, user, with. And it's obvoiusly the canon one, it involves a lot of bullshit to get it.

You mean the folding screen monkey bossfight?

>You must git gud, even if you won

Its the only one that fits Kuros goal. Telling the dragon to fuck of home back to China is the only reasonable way to stop all this madness in the first place.


The git gudding never stops until you defeated the final boss

His son is dying, and he heard a rumor that Zipangu has free centipede-based healthcare.

No she extracted his divine semen with her mouth and spat it inside her pussyhole.

Also the ending actually meant, abandoning Buddhism endless reincarnation and join christianity.
Immortal severance means to end the cycle of rebirth in reincarnation
purification is to entirely abandon Buddhism and live life without guidance
Shura is about obeying your fate without question

Where do I find the white bull?

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>No she extracted his divine semen with her mouth and spat it inside her pussyhole.
Give it nine months and you'll gte a Kuro clone being raised by wolf this time around.
This is what I want for a sequel.

You mean the reskinned version of the blazing bull? He's around the corner to the left of the third save point in the Fountain Head palace.

But they are eating their own people, the warrior woman kills them because they ruined the life of her father.

So how do the purification and return endings work? Do you choose to give one item or the other at the end of the game? Does going to hirata a second time lock you into the purification ending?

Wait i mean sekiro extracted his boy semen with his mouth and spat it insider her pussy because she was a virgin and didn't know how getting pregnant worked.

His son is terminally ill and they travelled to Japan upon hearing the rumours of the immortality waters of the Monastery at Mt. Senpou.

Damn we need te doujins for this game.

Theres like two women that want revenge on their fathers.

I love how the Fountainhead Palace's enemies are clearly shown to be dumb nobles, playing Kemari like retards and having completely inefficient movesets and easily breakable posture. Lore should be displayed like this more often

>cries like a little bitch when his son disobeys
>begs for his life as a trick to kill you
>final words: "that's my boy"
>find out he stole theeverblossom branch

what the FUCK was his problem

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So I won't fuck up the purification ending then by going there? I've got the tears already, I just want to fight him again.

Isn't there some reveal where those magical bullshits came from the west? Why didn't he go west?

He was a cunt, and fucked up the whole story for it.

Nah Return requires some work before you light the incense.

In short

Request Rice so much until she gets sick, fred her persimon to cure her (do it two times.) She well then give you rice for Kuro that you need to give him.

Find the text at the pond in Temple Grounds and give it to loli.

She then tells you to go to the cave and get another text.

Get the dried and fresh fruit.

Feed it to her.

She then licks herself up until you proceed the story (I lit the incense )

Then you get an item, it now means you are on the return ending.

Because if you get information on a concrete place in Japan instead of CHINA, you go there.

asuming you have already unlocked owl in second estate and also have the tears you cango complete the return ending. you can then go beat owl and collect the atack upgrade but there will be no ending cutscene.

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I feel like I was doing okay up until now but I literally just can't even touch Owl. I can't get his first bar down to even 75% and I can't seem to keep his posture down. My brain is just too retarded for this old man, I guess.


I didnt bother with posture breaking since his defense is flawed, he leaves himself open for every attack he does.

Can someone explain to me why this game is so blatantly against buddhist?
Why fromsoftware thinks escaping buddhism to join new wave religion Christianity is the right path?
I probably would have refunded instantly if they even gave a inkling about muslims being good.

Is sekiro maybe about Japan changing from a buddhist country to a christian one?

He has several shots when you back away to heal. A quick draw, a "charged" draw (with the most unfair tracking) and consecutive shots.
The charged one looks the same as the quick draw. He jumps and pulls the bowstring, so you want to start running and dodge at the very last second possible.
Learn how to do it because you'll need it when rape monkey throws feces at you.

The bow is absolutely retarded. How does he not constantly hit it with his elbows when he winds up his sword attacks.

true budhism involves shoving up giant immortal centipedes up your ass and slaughtering lolis?

>Daisuke Namikawa
You are literally playing as Ishikawa Goemon XIII

are you retarded
his problem is literally that he is too good for this meme game

You can interrupt almost every move he does with a sword slash, so just keep pressing R1 slowly (so you can react if he does something different) and force him to do what you want.

What do you mean against buddhist? There are no buddhist in this game, on heretics.

That really was a fucking lazy cop out. And he still has the nerve to talk about honor and whatnot when the faggot only won because someone else helped his sorry ass. From really should've made it so you get an alternative ending if you managed to win in the tutorial.

mfw jim sterling got btfo by this game and said its not for him and will never complete it

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Are centipedes just used in Japanese folklore-oriented games for the creepy factor or do they have some kind of significance in Eastern religion?

No the game even tells you that they lost their way.

>killing Buddhist monks all throughout the game
>all endings are against Buddhism or breaking away from it
>main ending is joining Christianity

They were considered an omen of sickness in folklore because of their habit of living in the detritus on a forest floor and the fact that many types are venomous. They're also associated with a god of battle.

Look up Omukade

Buddhism is an invasive religion in Japan much like Islam is to europe.
Japan is Shinto.

>killing Buddhist monks all throughout the game
You consider those 'things' buddhist monk?

So you're not automatically booted to ng+ once you beat the game?

He's a ninja, of course he's gonna do underhanded things in combat.

I just killed Shikibu Yamauchi, the spear fucker by the reserver
I'm no expert at the game, but that kind of victory where things just start to click into place and you hit the rhythm just feels so fucking good

Buddhists are the jews of asia

That's just a shitposter. Ignore him.

I find that this game is largely about counter attacks. You just got his patterns down and know when you can counter or not.

no the game lets you choose to remain. can start ng+ whenever from an idol

I fucking laughed when I heard genichiros VA. it's the same delivery as that long hair dude in ping pong anime.

What? They're literally called heretics who have turned away from Buddhism.

How the fuck is the return ending "joining christianity"? It's literally just "Let's go to the way to return the divine dragon".

>only cripples can use grapples


also, west of Japan is China, not Europe.

Isn't the Unseen Aid basically a gift from Buddha?
An image of Buddha literally tells you that the monks are heretics.

>what is irony
>what is humor
>what is bait
i think u are the retarded one here

>still thinks sarcasm works through text
>only pretending
Fuck off.

Is there any way to punish him for his attempted kindness bait?
It was obvious as fuck so I just stood away from him for a bit but he never did anything and when I went closer to try to smack him for being such a basic bitch he went all "You fell for my trap foolish sentimental boy" like I wouldn't have stuck my sword up his nostril if the game had let me
Maybe a shuriken or something?

>divine child is put inside the womb of a virgin
>not hinting to Christianity

you can't be this stupid, what other religion involve a virgin giving birth

it could conceivably be argued that by 'the west' they meant europe as they always refer to it as THE west and not 'west of here'.

but we both know thats bullshit and the divine dragon is CLEARLY a chinese/korean dragon (which strangely enough is also missing its left arm for some reason), so fuck that guy.

Throw a ceramic shard at him for disrespect.

like 2/3 of them
or was that sarcasm, I can't tell on the internet

I thought west is India, like in Journey to The West?

he just wanted you to be the best ninja you could be.
no better feeling a father can have than to see his son surpass him; lets him know hes done his job well and his son will be a better man than he was.

I wanted to do purification but Owl 2 was hard so I progressed the story meanwhile. I found the gray lady and prayed and all that, is it too late? Can I beat that and still get purification? Did I have to avoid going to that area at all?

>it could conceivably be argued that by 'the west' they meant europe
No it couldn't, the Divine Dragon has four fingers, which is characteristic of Korean dragons, and it also wields a sword based on a real sword gifted to a Japanese Empress that was made in Korea, which at that time was part of China. The Divine Dragon is from Korea.

>christianity invented virgin birth
read a book nigger, a myth as old as humanity, invented by the first daughter on earth, it's found everywhere.

Egyptian mythology, multiple instances in Judaism, multiple instances in Hellenic mythology, Hinduism, Buddhism... the list goes on.

point down, he gets salty and disconnects

Did you want isshin to pop out of his arse hole and then steal your arsehole ball?

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im not even buddhist and you're fucking wrong bro.
immortal severance is literally the definition of buddhism. kuro wants to end immortality so people HAVE to die and reincarnate
in fact ALL the endings are about ending immortality in some way. in return you kick it out of japan, in immortal severance you kill it of by killing the heir, in pruficiation you transform the heir into a normal human by killing yourself. i guess shura is the only outlier.

...i literally said in my post that the dragon was clearly a korean/chinese fucking dragon.

>Tfw Genichiro has killed me more times than the Isshin fight after it has.
I feel like he was put there deliberately to take advantage of your frustration from the actual boss and force you to take breaks.

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genichiro is so much easier than isshin, the fuck are you talking about.

wrong you idiot, reincarnation is actually being tortured over and over again until you finally get redpilled and die, which ends the cycle of rebirth.

Kuro is completely ending reincarnation so nobody suffers anymore.

If you lose to Genichiro it's a sign you're tilted and should take a breather.

They could of also had Genichiro go into second phase and then 40 other dudes swarm the map endlessly.

You should ideally take no damage from Genichiro in that fight, or if anything take only enough damage that will be healed by the deathblow regen. If its late or you have been playing for too long, try it again when you're well rested. I've noticed myself playing worse and worse the longer I play

This is how you end reincarnation you're probably too much of a brainlet to understand you're just a cluster of tetrahedrons, enjoy suffering in your next life as a centipede.

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Thanks, anons. He's way more manageable when you know you can interrupt his combos between attacks. I just barely managed to beat him.

git gudder

mikiri counter is honestly the most satisfying counter/parry type move in any game i've played

yeah i'm sure you beat him in the beginning before finishing the game the normal way

I would assume you have a choice at the end between using the tears or the branch. Dunno if it can let you choose between all three but I don't see why not

>Wolf has to join the Imjin war to fight the Dragons

Mandatory "warrior from a faraway land".

>raised money selling firecrackers so he can go to Japan and help his son
>it's all a load of bullshit
>some random shinobi faggot comes and kills him
He did nothing wrong and it's so sad.

is there any sort of fashion in this?

No. You'll have to get mods to change the colour of Wolf's outfit, or wait for them to make DLC costumes or some shit.

Git gud faggot

I didn't even know you were supposed to push him off the bridge, it just happened on my first death blow

I haven't completed the game yet but I don't think it does that. It seems to imply people get the wrong idea by striving for physical immortality rather than immortality beyond this world.
I'm getting some Hyperborean Aryan mythos vibes from this game.

>Undead Soldier
>Reformed Bandit
>Black Hat Badger
>Information Broker
>Samurai looking for ghost
>Big dumb childcare guy
>Abandoned Dungeon surgeon
>Divine loli

So is there any NPC I missed? Where the fuck is Patches?

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Miyazaki couldnt put patches into the game so he made Pot Merchant instead

Ah right, I forgot to list both Pot Nobles.

There's also big fish slave too, I guess. Although I have no idea what he does other than tell you to feed the fish and chide you if you feed it too much.

Buy enough stuff from the nobles and they'll give you some unique bait for the big fish after talking to them enough
Then go visit guardian apes watering hole

O'Rin how
Bitch is immune

Oh I did that, but I didn't interact with the big dude near where you normally feed him after I did that. I totally forgot his existence after I fed the special bait.

Deflect all of her moves, which are very predictable.
Jump straight up over all of her warning signs since they are all sweeps actually I think one of them is a grab in her 2nd lifebar
You can stand behind her and throw a pot to turn her hostile and backstab her immediately afterwards to cheese her.

Feed the fish Truly Precious Bait that you get from either of the two Pot Nobles after buying enough stuff from them. It might also work with regular Precious Bait but I'm not certain about this. After you feed the Great Carp, then rest at the Idol right there and check in on the caretaker. If he's distraught that the carp, his "master", is gone, then go back to the Idol and teleport to the Great Ape's Swimming Hole in Sunken Valley.

Upgrade Sabimaru to Piercing, which inflicts poison even through blocks, it slaps the shit out of her.

Learn to deflect all her shit and swipe at her when she's inactive so she doesnt regain posture.
She's as basic as they come.

>Demon of Hatred just forces you to unlearn everything Sekiro taught you and just hug his ass

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Asylum Demon, the alpha and the omega.

What the fuck do you mean? The monks in this game are the ones who strayed from the path of buddhism. They reject the cycle and desire immortality.

I spammed purple shield attack. Use the item to slice your wrist for more emblems.

Makes no sense. A new arm would be the least of Wolf's concerns. Immortality will only get him so far.

I gave loli the first book before I took all her rice, did I mess up or does the order not matter too much?

He was immortal to begin with. Beating him means nothing. All of Wolf's attacks are stabbing, outside of Guardian Ape who already had a sword on it's neck.


Don't think the order matters. You just need to give her the book and exhaust her and give her the fruit at some point. This triggers her to vanish where you can overhear her contemplating, then you can continue from there. I managed to do this in my blind playthrough so it's mostly just a matter of being thorough. Not like the purification ending that is pretty fucking vague with all the eavesdropping

Haven't played this game, so I'm asking those who have.

This battle is supposed to be unwinnable and that you could beat this guy was a kind of early discovered secret, but how hard is he really?

Like could it be possible for a guy on his first run through to do it or is it really just a little surprise for people who are really good?

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It's unlikely for new players to beat him, but he's not really that hard. This game just heavily relies on knowing boss attacks and learning them gradually.

why did he kill you in your memory?
if this was explained then i kind of missed that part

>I can't remember anything about that night
>stabbed through the chest
Adds up.

It's pretty difficulty because you get one chance to beat him, one healing item, and he'll two-hit kill you. Very unlikely to beat him on the first pass.

You'll probably stomp him on NG+ though since you have mirikiri upgrade and you'll know his moves inside and out since he's part of the last boss in NG, but with a neutered move list.

Well if you think about it, Genichiro has gone rogue and is endangering the clan's hold over the region

>girlboy emperor
You have my interest

fpbp, git gud

why does a western warrior with european-style gear have a japanese-style menpo on his helmet

>Activate Windows

looks like the dude from Nioh.

The armor itself is a mishmash, so maybe it was broken at some point and it's been getting fixed.

Wow bro, so brave of them. Really gonna go and buy it now, lol

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I really want to fight Genichiro again, I wish there was a way to refight bosses without doing an NG/NG+.
I know I'll fight him later but it's only for one stage

I thought the guy who killed the huge fat dude in the opening cutscene was Nobunaga but then I met Isshin and figured it must be him in his youth.

Honestly, this game could implement a boss rush perfectly fine.
Keep your tools, choose strength/number of jewels and give the boss a go.

Can't you undress him with your spear thing? I met him last night but I exited the game since it was getting late and I didn't have the time to throw myself at him.

like what? a weapon? some armor?


They should give you his bow as a prosthetic, with thunder arrows of the hell of it.

I feel that’s what boss memories really should have done. It’s such a small change I can’t believe no one thought of implementing it.

he's a worse Tachibana

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See that's what i thought the memories were, Face a memory version of the boss in its prime to permanently increase your attack power.
Then it turned out they're just consumables.

I like the idea of a stealthy guy who's just retardedly huge

That's literally what happens if you beat Urizen in mission 1 of DMCV

He’s standing behind you.

I don't see how you came to this conclusion this explains nothing I've exhausted their dialogue/questlines and they never mention their own people betraying them

If I remember history the area of Ashina is in the middle of Japan near Takeda Shingen's territory so if its going to be a famous feudal lord you fight its going to be Takeda Shigen and his elite 4 god generals all at the same time.

You can't it was the first thing I tried

Don't you know the difference between honour and victory?

killing genichiro wouldn't have fixed anything

why the fuck does giving rice loli the taro persimmon do absolutely nothing? I could've used it in a fight then you dumb bitch

It gives you rice to give to Kuro, And Kuros riceballs are the best healing items in the entire game

are you retarded? the first fucking npc in senpou tells you the monks have turned away from buddha

I parried him a bit until he had the red deathblow mark on him but couldn't do shit with my sword. Maybe using the spear then will work. Gonna test it later.

the dragon is clearly not an European dragon