Yea Forums-core

In your opinion, what makes a game Yea Forums-core?

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A. It's not very good but has an interesting premise
B. Being lesser known is a massive bonus
C. Has to stroke your ego in some way
D. Nostalgia google bonus

It also helps if everyone else hates it

I’m curious as to why games following these steps thrive here. It all seems like a mixture of elitism and a genuine tiredness with the mainstream that makes the people who come here want try something new, but if that were the case I alone I don’t see what makes Yea Forums special in that regard. There are a lot of amazing classics that I only see discussed on here and no where else and I genuinely want to understand why that is

If it doesn't exist

Everyone else hates it.

It's objectively bad and/or weebshit

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So Bannerlord?

Overrated, but still (usually) decent, while still being generally underground or overshadowed by other entries in the series/genre. Being old helps as well.

>it's Japanese
>it's mediocre

Not popular
Not popular
Strokes your horny 15 year old dick
Not popular

First, it HAS to have been on a Playstation (particularly 2) or Nintendo console
Second, it has to be, if a PC game, an RPG that never got a proper sequel

It will never be an Xbox exclusive, nor a racing or sports game.

Wojak and pepe

Everyone hates it. Including the person shilling it.

You have to keep in mind the general intelligence of Yea Forums is above average compared to real life but still not high enough to be critical with games that have glaring flaws.
Thus if a game has deep flaws that don't appear at the surface level, they feel safe to ignore it and redirect attention to its strong points, thereby being able to declare it a masterpiece.

being an obscure late 90's/early/mid 2000's 3D RPG on pc

first three posts

there was a cross of games Yea Forums overrates picture that highlights more such cases

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Lets be honest, Yea Forums is full of shitters that easily buy into hype. While I've been recommended some great games here, it's a rare occurrence.

Games Yea Forums hype are hyped because they are a new entry in an established franchise Yea Forums already fangirl'd all over years prior
Also keep in mind Redditors really do infest this place

It has to have come out within the last three weeks. Ideally it has a female and/or nonwhite protagonist or important side character to get upset about.

Ghost Trick is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
TWEWY is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
God Hand is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Advance Wars is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Tribes:Ascend is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Left 4 dead/2 is considered Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
GTA Vice City is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Rhythm Heaven is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Chrono Trigger is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Phoenix Wright is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Super Metroid is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Burnout:Paradise is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Serious Sam The First Encounter is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Thief II is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Resident Evil 4 is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Deus EX is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Dragon Quest is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Donkey Kong Country is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Super Mario RPG is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Pokémon XD is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
DmC 3 is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good
Test Drive Unlimited is considered to be Yea Forums-core and is to my knowledge very good

I think I'll stop here but you get the point retard

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God Hand is garbage enjoyed exclusively by the contrarians on this site

>not TSE
opinion invalidated

>what makes a game Yea Forums-core?
If it's Japshit, gacha, porn or online shit

Imagine being the kind of person who makes this kind of post. Serious Sam, Super Mario RpG and Pokemon XD are all terrible by the way.

janky as fuck gameplay, memorable set pieces, and a defined atmosphere

S4 league fits that description pretty well

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The Zelda Cycle.
Dark Souls 2 >>>>> Dark Souls 3.

>DmC 3
>A. It's not very good but has an interesting premise
>C. Has to stroke your ego in some way
>D. Nostalgia google bonus
DMC3: Special Edition, no mods, is a game with tedious level design---treasure hunting requiring painstaking platforming, but with no proper platforming physics to accommodate it; regular macguffin collecting; very little visual variety in the environments past the city; and this forms the majority of the game except when you finally get corralled into a typically flat arena where a bunch of enemies spawn indefinitely.
On the combat side, you're locked into one playstyle per level, an arbitrarily barred from using your full arsenal. The majority of bosses are at least half about platforming instead of actual combat.

Soulsborne is Reddit, but nevertheless, Dark Souls II is definitively not Yea Forumseddit-core and is absolutely the contrarian pick, once you understand its myriad flaws, like enemy magnetism.

>GSC at #1 of all time in 2008
>RBY at #4
I knew Yea Forums had shit taste but jesus christ

it was before people learned to care about the deeper aspects of Pokemon beyond surface level stuff, like mechanics, progression, and level design
Even now Yea Forums is all about "muh comfy"

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if it's singleplayer, artificial difficulty so players can maintain a level of competitiveness and egotistical whining when it's criticized

The only games Yea Forums loves more than the rest of the internet are the holy trinity of overrated shit, Deus Ex, New Vegas and VTMB

It fetishizes difficulty, the harder the better

IIRC Deus Ex is RPG codex and New Vegas is Reddit

Shadow the Hedgehog is not only a bitchass motherfucker but he's also Yea Forums-core

but it's good though.

why does he have cerebii as his site's mascot then

Even I think Serperior is cool.
Nobody hates everything about a Pokemon game.

Shadow the Hedgehog is no community's game of choice.

Megaman Battle Network: 3 Blue is Yea Forums core.

Any anime shit/jap game, no matter how retarded is Yea Forums core. If it has waifus it's instant 10/10 goty.