old and forgotten
Old and forgotten
Poor Terry no one remembers her
i'll never forget her.. uhh.. him
i'm sorry Terry
god i wish that were me
>Just watch, this game is going to sell great! We'll show those SJWs how outnumbered they really are!
This is why I fucking hate capitalism.
>has a trans character prominently featured
>SJW game
nigger are you retarded
Terry is not trans, he just got pranked and got magically turned into a woman against his will.
>X isn't trans, they just changed their body to another gender and throughout the story come to find out this is who they were on the inside and accept it, but they're not trans
That literally never happened, at best Terry said he's getting used to his new body during his story but never says he wants to stay as a woman.
And his ending is just him waking up from a nightmare about Geese and after that he continues his life.
Face it, Terry is trans. The game will sell like hot cakes when people finally realize it.
Please God don't let EX Layer be Terry's last appearance
yeah sure
KoFXV is happening, just wait for the trailer to be released, maybe at evo
>noone remembers the good ol' days, 5 years ago *sip*
snk literally said they're hoping to release kofxv in 2020
I just ordered Terrys game yoday!
confirmed for Smash