How do we save XSEED bros?

>lose wild arms
>lose shadow hearts
>lose valhalla knights
>lose ys
>lose trails
>lose EDF
>lose akibas
>and most recently lose Senran
>still no Sakuna release date

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Other urls found in this thread:

They got Rune Factory 4 Special, and Rune Factory 5 at least. Not much else though.
Seriously what the fuck is going on with that game?


You forgot that they also lost Utawarerumono, too.

Attached: Nightwolve.jpg (600x898, 100K)

That's Atlus. They never had it to begin with.

>>lose wild arms
>>lose shadow hearts
>>lose valhalla knights
>>lose akibas
>>and most recently lose Senran
It's not like they lost those, those all just died by themselves.

Any word yet on whether Special will be dual-audio or not?

Oh, my bad. For some reason I thought Xseed was the one that did it.

formerly XCHUCK

He really is a massive piece of shit. Gotta love him for it though.

Haven't said one way or the other.

Oh man, I didn't look at the username. Amazing.

There's no saving it.
Eventually all torrent sites, all webhosting of free movies and tv shows, will be choked out by the ever creeping ever penetrating web of government and corporate tracking and information dragnets.

Machine learning is now a weaponized tool, and there is nothing it cannot find and cannot trace.
By going anywhere on the internet, you bring the watchful eye of PRISM with you.

As other anons have said, most of those are dead franchises. It has nothing to do with XSEED. Back on Wii I remember UTV undercut them on Muramasa and Arc Rise Fantasia. Meaning they told the Japanese companies they could localize/publish the games for less than XSEED.

Im not sure how NISA snatched Ys and Trails from them, but if they did what UTV did that's pretty shitty.

Anyways, I'm not sure. They are localizing some really random stuff. I hope they don't go under, even if firing hatsuu was shitty.

There isn't anything left to save now that they've lost all localization licenses to anything remotely relevant. Eventually their licenses to already released Falcom stuff will expire and those games will be pulled off of e-store "shelves". And later re-released by NISA with the XSeed localizations in place because Falcom technically owns those.


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>lose akibas

>Im not sure how NISA snatched Ys and Trails from them, but if they did what UTV did that's pretty shitty.
Worse. It's not even a matter of money. Falcom's head and NIS' head are friends, so they gave Ys and Trails to NISA as a personal favour. Pure cronyism.
>even if firing hatsuu was shitty.
I stopped feeling bad for her pretty quickly after I saw those posts about her shittalking Tom after she left.

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Hatsuu deserved it, she was wasting massive amounts of company time and money on her stupid vita otome project, all the while shit talking her company on discord and twitter.

Not that I care, XSEED died the moment Tom left. I don't really give a shit what happens to them now.

She was shittalking tom?

Wait what happened to edf? I thought 5 was doing well?

You seem to care to be holding a grudge for half a year

>shittalking Tom
Explain further

No grudge friend, unless you think I'm the one making all these anti-XSEED threads. You're sadly mistaken on that.

Any concrete proof of them just handing it off? That's extremely unprofessional. I'd assume Falcom wouldn't wanna burn Bridges with Marvelous Japan even if they don't care about XSEED.

Do you guys have any screen caps of what she said about Tom/XSEED? I keep reading this but haven't seen proof. I find it hard to believe someone wouldn't think that stuff would get back to their employer in this day and age

Yeah, I didn't save it, but the comments were along these lines
>After the KKK shit with Akiba's Beat I told Tom to never talk to me again
>I have no idea how he wasn't fired years ago with the shit he pulled (re: comments about censorship on social media)
Basically making it sound like she supported the censorship and hated Tom for supporting freedom of expression. But if you weren't aware she already had a reputation for being a drama queen and had had multiple freakouts on Twitter over the years.

This wasn't until after she'd already been fired.

Attached: asda.png (389x880, 90K)



All that nonsense surrounding the word "Trap" in Akibas Trip really fucked her up. Shame that, she seemed like a decent person before all that.

It's for the best, New World was terrible.

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merge with level5, become the next kings of jrpg scene, after RF5 develop new ip, ideally a spiritual successor to Rogue Galaxy

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Hatsuu went from ok to chubby to sticc. Guess Tubercolosis is just something else

Why is Nightwolve so mad? He's like 45 for god's sake.

Attached: Nightwolve 3.jpg (320x320, 24K)

She seems pretty cool from various other places she interacts with people. Bummer she seemed to hate Tom. He might have been an autist, but always came off as genuine and never seemed to be malicious. No one's perfect, doesn't mean they're pieces of shit.

To be fair to her some retard from here, or tumblr stalked her at work and approached her trying to console here because she stopped posting on social media for a few weeks. That's pretty scary thing to go through and only people on Yea Forums would give her shit for it.

Being old doesn't stop you from being petty.

He's genuinely fucked up in the head.

I'm pretty sure no one here ever gave her shit for her being creeped out by that autist from /vg/. That's certainly not what I was doing either; the Twitter freakouts I mentioned were wholly unrelated to that. Pretty much every few months there'd be people posting in a thread about how she was crying on Twitter again about how anyone who wants Japanese voices in a game is literally Hitler.

>having standards bad

yeah that's a woman alright

I'm convinced that the /jrpgg\ autist, the anti-xseed spammer, and nightwolve are all connected in some way, more than just their insane autism over a localization team

Xseed said they would start giving PC physical releases,actual physical releases not a download code in a box, if enough people asked
I emailed them and asked for DRM free physical releases on PC, pre order only or limited amount on their website is fine, I specifically asked for a physical release of Sakuna
If they start selling DRM free physical copies for PC then I will start paying for their games

He has legit mental issues. Let him continue to live in his own little utopia.

Like I said a bit earlier in the thread, her getting the blunt of the pushback (she was their social media person at the time iirc) from the Akibastrip Trap thing probably didn't help her mental state at all. She got death threats and all that over it.

>Seriously what the fuck is going on with that game?
It's not even finished. They announced it thinking it was closer to done than it was. It's not even out in Japan yet. We'll know what's happening come Comiket.

Jesus christ what the fuck happened here. She used to be a pretty ok girl

Glad I never stuck my pee pee in her, I'll always support Tom in his crusade against censorship.

>Like I said a bit earlier in the thread, her getting the blunt of the pushback (she was their social media person at the time iirc) from the Akibastrip Trap thing probably didn't help her mental state at all. She got death threats and all that over it.
At least one of the voice things was before that happened. Also you have that wrong, she got one mentally ill tranny threatening to kill themselves over it, which is what made her shut down her account for several months. Tom was also the one in charge of XSEED's Twitter at the time, and it was given to someone else after that.

Yeah Edelweiss' games always took ages to come out, XSEED obviously didn't know what they were getting into.

I've seen people here say she overreacted to it, but that's whatever. When I had a Twitter I followed her and never remember anything like that honestly. Then again maybe she's changed since. Not like I know her personally, just saying from a casual arms distance she seemed chill and was open to talk about interesting behind the scenes stuff. That Akibas Trip thing with the suicidal Tumblr user might have really fucked her up. Weebs aren't known for having good mental health, so it probably did hit her hard

End of the day I hope Tom and her do well without XSEED. I know Tom's in Japan teaching now and she's freelance.

>anti-xseed spammer
Fairly sure that's just some autist from /fg/, same one that was spamming pro NISA stuff.

I could've sworn it was her, then tom, then someone else after that. But eh. My mistake then.
Still a fucked up situation regardless.

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I went to her twitter and she says she's a "cat mom." Major red flag.

Most recent tweet he did about the game was showing off a lightning skill.

>announced off at E3 2017
>aimed for 2018
>shown off at E3 2018
>aimed for Fall 2018
>Then Winter 2018
>Now just a 2019 placeholder
XSEED REALLY has a bad time taking on games before they are released in Japan huh, last time they inked a deal this early was Akibas Beat and that flopped before it came to the west but it was already too late

Should I buy Akiba's Beat? It's on sale right now. It can't be that bad, right?

That and picking up unfinished games.
Corpse Party 2 will never be completed XSEED, what the hell were you thinking?

>her getting the blunt of the pushback (she was their social media person at the time iirc) from the Akibastrip Trap thing probably didn't help her mental state at all.
You got it wrong. Tom handled the Twitter account back then, and that incident is why it was handed off to her instead.

It's a very, very mediocre tales clone. It has a pretty decent dub though? It was their BIGGEST EVER after all.

They're going to push Ep1 then what? Wait? Stupid as fuck

At least we're getting Birthday and Blood drive on non 15 fps platform

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Gonna stick with them forever. Still funny how much they fucked up with Akiba's Beat.

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Shitty tales clone. Just play a tales of game

>. It has a pretty decent dub though?
Yeah it BIGGEST ever, also they included the original japanese dub too. If you don't like our BIGGEST DUB EVER play with the original dub hahah

It was just too funny, trying to promote a game on a dub like that would be a huge deal

After Trip 2's runaway success, I'm sure they thought they had a massive hit on their hands.

Then they saw the final product..
Then they wasted massive amounts of money (which more than likely ultimately lead to them losing Falcom stuff) on the BIGGEST DUB EVER for it..
Then the censorship nonsense surrounding a stupid background joke that hurt not only their inter-office relationships, but their public perception too..
Then the game previewed and reviewed absolutely poorly..
Then the game tanked in sales..

Kind of astonishing, in a way. When XSEED eventually goes, it'll all trace back to Akiba Beat, a completely unremarkable tales clone.

I mean at the VERY least, the game will actually be great when it releases instead of being trash like Beat was. I mean its bad for XSEED but for us it's a very good thing.

God damn. What a fucking mess. Trip was also releases on PC. Dunno why they left Beat on PS4.

I'd imagine their souls sunk when the reviews and sales came out from Japan

>Akiba’s Beat for PlayStation 4 launched on December 15, but did not make the top 20 games sold.
>Akiba’s Beat (PS4) – 7/7/7/6 [27/40]

I'm almost positive they licensed the game based solely off it's title, probably expecting a proper Trip follow-up (like everyone else was)

Their souls sunk when they saw the first bits of footage for it.

Hatsuu is a good person and so is Tom.
Tom managed to navigate the waters very well. He knew his value to Xseed and was able to get them to not print the Senran girl's ages in-game (over just changing their ages to 18+ since, he rationalized, the narrative changes when you're dealing with younger teenagers as opposed to older adolescents) but he had to make clear that his opinions do not represent Xseed in anyway.
It is somewhat surprising to read these screenshots even if I do not know the full context. I thought Xseed got rid of them both for either the same reason or because one went in solidarity with the other but it looks like that wasn't the case.

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>how was dude not fired
>gets fired herself

Attached: 1.jpg (600x582, 68K)

>how was that dude not fired for say 90% of the things he said online
This is hilarious considering she just lost her job with NISA for saying things on the internet

what happen
seriously people need to get off that Twitter shit

Wait what

Hatsuu was fired for unknown reasons, and Tom left on his own accord, which was probably something that had been brewing since the Akiba Beat debacle.

She was never really working for NISA, least that's how I understood it.

is akiba strip good?
i've had it on my wishlist for forever

Was Hatsuu actually fired or was she made redundant?

We did it NISAbros!

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Not sure how much they'd care about a message from an address "" tho


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EDF is Sandlot user.

It's a fun game, just don't expect anything mind blowing.
Kati is best girl.

Attached: thebest.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

There's no Tom there. There's no saving them at all.

who cares

its not like trails by nisa wont be an absolute trainwreck anyway

It's very fun. Especially if you like customization. Shion is best girl. Kati is not romanceable.

Attached: akibastrip shion.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

>reminiscing about Xseed threads from 2 years ago
>yeah they had some slip ups, but everyone was optimistic and knew based Tom and Hatsuu wouldn't let us down
Growing old fucking sucks.

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I really love the idea that all of NISA's support is just Prinnys

At least post the context of her trying out the "cool young people speak" she heard.

support center staff everywhere are disposable and treated like shit so it fits

>Kati is not romanceable
A goddamn travesty.

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I completely agree.

EDF5 was localized by the original publisher, which is surprising considering its a very small studio but its the right decision by D3, however it left localizer like Xseed without a job

>that time tom got banned from neogaf for being too pro-freedom of speech

>Not romanceable
>The only member to get into the anime.
It's not much but she got in above all the other girls so the anime studio clearly knew she was loved.

Attached: KATI.png (1366x768, 1.41M)

She also had her NGNL cameo

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where to find Kati gf?

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>Last tweet from the official account is from New Years Day 2008.
>Not even a "Happy New Year" for this year.

Feels fucking bad, man. I really enjoyed the original game and Chapter 1 of the second game was decent enough.

>and Tom left on his own accord, which was probably something that had been brewing since the Akiba Beat debacle.
Tom left after they announced that Senran Kagura Renewal would be censored on PS4. I think he knew he'd lost the war.