
>2 $0 DLC
>3 "paid" DLC (the whole thing is sub-$60 on keysites)
>updated monthly
>basically nu-Dayz (with much better but also more diverse options for pacing), 3D Pokemon, and a sandbox MMO
A). ARK is an example of EA-to-launching-and-beyond done of rightness.
B). Sandbox gaming (because of replayability) is obviously huge: motivating with variety (unto depth), roles (multiple playstyles; immersion), and social relevance (politics; "game theory").
C). ARK is arguably the best online sandbox. This is of objectivity.

Discuss. (Protip: I'm right; and Yea Forums is of its bests playing together.)

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>launching DLC during its early access period
>making a shitty clone with a different theme of it
Fuck those developers and fuck you for trying to create a "legitimate" discussion yet you are so far up your fucking ass to claim "This is of objectivity" or "I'm right".

>launching DLC during its early access period
Is irrelevant. … It's launched now anyway.

How petty.

>making a shitty clone with a different theme of it
There's some publisher "shenanigans" going on with that. Pixark and Dark and Light are under their listing as the developer. ATLAS (albeit thematically different) is even listed under another developer.

Yet ARK is available and of greatness.

>"This is of objectivity" or "I'm right".
Those are accurate.

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The game is fun but I didn't know what to do after I built a house and tamed a raptor to go hunting.

I understand there's recipes for food and shit but I don't know any of them or where to find them. Going on the internet to find them is cheating.

forgot my pic

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it's not irrelevant if in you're original post you claimed that ark is an example of "ea-to-launching-and-beyond done of rightness".

ark was fun but you obviously didn't play it when it was in early access when people bitched about the lack of optimization updates for like two years.

>Going on the internet to find them is cheating.
With that attitude, you're beyond reasonable helping.

It's irrelevant because
A). Most active players (those that it potentially matters to) were plausibly getting hundreds of hours of gameplay already.
B). SE is fantastic, only surpassed by the naturally high levels on player-made-officially-implemented maps, and how great a lot of the Ext content is.

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Stone's garbage, BTW.

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Holt fuck. What an obvious shill thread

>[actually using that word]

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played on privat server
>flying and mounten bases was my personal jam
>quit because friends ragequited at diffrent points
>water is scary asfuck ,also fuck treejumping things that throws you of the mount, first one game me a good scare

Shill thread, nothing to see here.

user, post how your relationships are on other chatrooms.

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Nah, I'd rather help get rid of this shitty thread.

I think the op might be autistic in the same way the yooka-laylee poster is

He's made this exact same thread, with the exact same writing style and pictures mutliple times. He's just some third world shill getting paid pennies per post.

>>"basically nu-Dayz, 3D Pokemon, and a sandbox MMO"
It figures that this is great for Yea Forums.

>>[often different OPs for whatever the topic is]
Your projection fantasy is garbage.

Now if only hosting a server didn't require a stronger PC than the client playing it.

These threads kind of freak me out. Is OP an AI or something? Is it just an insect person?

He's just a fucking autist that does this every week.


I bought ark for 20 bucks in ea, got over 800 hours in it, never paid for dlc and just modded in the animals to other maps on my private server. It's okay.

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Official is "where it's at".

>[vague conclusions]

>[ad hominem]

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>Spend hours working on a base and stockpile with friends.
>Naked guy with sleeping bags uses easily accessibly and widely known exploits to clip straight through map geometry.
>Everything gets fucked.
>Devs have an every one to two month response time on report tickets, often responding just to tell you they wont be doing anything as it's been too long.

Imagine shilling this shit for free.

He knows it is easy bait material

>vague conclusions
okay you gotta be an AI right? Is it mental illness? I still feel maybe you just can't into English...

He's just an autist and likes the shit out of Ark. If you were to go and take a good hard look at the people playing Ark about half of them are like OP.

What in the fuck is wrong with you? what disability do you have that causes you to make multiple shill threads exactly like this?
>DLC before the game is even finished
How anyone could defend this is beyond me

Meshing is still a thing, but it's preventable.

ARK's better than re-playing OW, CoD, or BF for the hundred-plus-Nth …

The DLC thing was already mentioned.

>Tame Paracer
>Build Platform saddle.
>Using wood building material you extend three ceilings out over the Paracer's head.
>Put a fuckin chair right on the end of that shit.
>Sit a jackass in the chair. Have a buddy walk the Paracer into a wall.
>The guy in the chair, now clipped into level geometry, simply has to eat a fuckload of narcotics to make sure he goes unconscious in the chair.
>The moment he's eaten enough narcotics to guaruntee his character will faint he logs from the server.
>His character will still fall out of the chair unconscious at this point.
>He logs back in and waits out the knockout.
>He can now attack your base from outside of level geometry.

There are like four or five other techniques as well. It's so pathetically easy to do this that meaningful player to player interactions are basically void as you can't reasonably expect to avoid the fucks that do this shit. Everything is fucked once you get meshed.

>launching DLC during its early access period
Nearly every early access game and their mother does this. ARK just had the balls to do it as what old pc gaming would call an expansion pack. All the other EA games sell digital artbooks, soundtracks, or character skins.

If you build under the mesh to prevent meshing you can end up banned for meshing.

And got fuckin help you if the meshers have access to shit like tek rifles. Then fuck your generators and fuck your base too. There are times where the meshers are just mouthbreathers who found one of the youtube tutorials, sure, but there are just as many groups of people with actual resources to put into fucking people through the mesh. They virtually never get banned, which adds insult to injury. You can end up spending all your efforts just fending off one group of persistent cheaters.

Aberration and Extinction are decent sized. They have all the pieces that make them add up to what Island let you do at least.

Scorched Earth still doesn't even have an 'ending' like the rest. You can't ascend off there still, right? They never got around to that. I feel like I very vaguely remember someone mentioning they intended to eventually give it a tech cave and it probably just got shelved.

Scorched Earth is the embarrassing part of Ark figuring out DLC. Lots of people point to it and say 'rip off' and honestly, yeah. It's clearly less complete than Wildcards other two entries. They did a decent map a real disservice never touching it up.

I absolutely refuse to believe OP is a real person. No real person types like this. He's gotta have like serious psychosis or be an AI or something.

I don't know jack and shit of what you said, I just did a google of "ark dlc during early access" to gain what information I needed while trying to correct the guy for thinking that other early access games don't try to nickel and dime you with dlc as well.

Short and sweet:

-Scorched Earth, the desert map, released while the game was in early access.
-Abberation, the subterranean map, came out around the time the game hit what Wildcard called the 1.0
-Extincion came out post 1.0

Scorched earth is unfinished. They never got around to completing it. All Ark maps ultimately revolve around this process where you 'Ascend' by fighting the maps major boss threats and then use materials from those fights to gain access to a big boss that is the 'end of the chapter' boss. You get various swag from fighting the bosses, like recipes for alien technology. Scorched doesn't have this cycle at all. It was probably going to at one point, it just never got done.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear on this. I don't care about them releasing a dlc of any sort during early access phase of their game. I'm saying people that think they were ever the only ones that did are morons.

Nice switch port, nerd. rofl

SE is a fine enough map, still, compared to the other two expansion maps it's really, really barebones. The reason is easy enough to understand - they rushed it out in a period where even the main map wasn't completely finished. They tried to make their first expansion before they had a full game to expand on. Abberation and Extinction came out when the game had more or less stopped getting feature updates as it was closer to what they felt was finished. Those two maps play like a more complete experience.

I feel like Cross-Ark is their cop out for not finishing SE. They figure that because they gave us a workaround that suddenly it'd be less shitty for that one particular map to just be worse overall?

Misconstrued your original message. You'd be right about what you're saying. I agree with you. Hell Ark is even a shitty example of this type of bullshit because only one of the 3 expacs released in a time where the game wasn't feature-complete. There are worse examples out there.

Then doing what, though, is the inquiry. () Getting near bases requires ways of getting there or out in specific areas.

SE (plausibly with Ext) has the best technical artstyle. It came with wyverns, and now has phoenixes. Plus, cross-ARK has been a thing for a while, even when it was exclusive to groups of each of the maps.

Even actual critiques are more beneficial.


For this.

Cross-ARK was surpassed by cross-servers quite quickly. … It's a really neat aspect, playing amongst the multiple variations of the maps, and their characters.

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So when will they fix performance? The switch port is the biggest piece of shit cashgrab trash i‘ve ever seen.

remember that this is a shill that spams the same retarded shit about the game, practically looks like a bot

Shooters and persisent, multiplayer sandboxes are better on PC.


The only thing that was ever fun in ARK was bullying shitters, but you can do that in a lot of games so why would I keep playing this. The game is indefensible garbage that was built on a good idea by incompetent morons out for $$$.

optimization still a huge issue, you don't see it complained about much anymore because people realized how incompetent the devs are and abandoned ship a very long time ago, only a dedicated group of mentally ill people still play it
if I say shill can I get a free reply too
>ARK is better than replaying [garbage insterted here]
damn dude you normally put that many worms on the hook?

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It's possible servers playing together, sharing BPs and fertz, and having scheduled / rules-enforced PvPing.

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>Its another shill thread by the guy who sits all day breeding dinos
Game is trash, even banning players for showing 3-4 year old exploits they still haven't fixed

what a nice river, it truly represents how shit the game is, and the developers

>breeding dinos
My playstyle is actually really simple, usually establishing bases on a few maps, taming, and eventually farming eggs for kibble.

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