>2019 Q1
>Jack shit for games this year
>All the good shit is in 2020
What the do I do fellas I'm bored
2019 Q1
learn to code
I am not your fella
The only game still installed on my computer is fucking skyrim.
shoot mosques
There were heaps if great games released this year so far.
Stop having shit taste.
Name one that's better than something we've had before
Learn Japanese
Is it just me or does he look like Bear Grylls?
Devil May Cry 5
Pretty niche, but DMC games have never been good. So try again
>Jack shit for games this year
Easy hack and slash
Press R1 and jump around
Both garbage
>Ace Combat 7
>REmake 2
>DMC 5
Who's that dude in your pic? He looks cool
get better taste
Sekiro is half the length of Dark Souls 3 with no online. It's practically a DLC
RE is the only good one
Just clear out your backlog dude
>better taste
How long did it take for DMC to have AI that would prevent you from walking through the game?
Go through your backlog, it's what I'm doing. Pretty nice actually.
Trying too hard.
play older games
you can get quake, blood and some other shoots off of the /vr/ fps thread.
get the stalker repacks off the /vg/
there are so many good games out there