*ruins the assault rifle*

*ruins the assault rifle*

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Other urls found in this thread:


It was never good, removing it in 2 was the right call

Battle Rifle > Assault

assualt rifle was literally always shit on any difficulty past normal

I ALWAYS fucking hated how the most iconic weapon of the franchise, the standard armament for all of humanity's armed forces, is so painfully mediocre that literally anything else is preferable to it. That is some ass blastingly terrible game design.

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>the starting weapon should be the best in a game where you are encouraged to explore maps to find new weapons!

Where in that post is it said that it should be the best in the game?

>what if we made it weaker than the battle rifle
>what if we gave it fewer bullets than the battle rifle
>what if we gave it the smg sound effect
>hell yea this is what people want!

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A starting weapon should never be a handicap outside of an RPG or Loot based game. The AR isn't close to viable and is outright useless on higher difficulties.

Are we sure 343 didn't make Halo 3?

Always made me laugh how the flood would shoot the assault rifle.

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>ruins the series

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Also headshots don't count for it.

>Removing the weapon that could drop a banshee, warthog and ghost in a single magazine.
>Putting in a weapon that fucked balance because it needed a second one.
>Required 2/3rds of the magazine to kill some one.
>Had no recoil, just sprayed every where randomly.

I've found the 2 nigger.

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All they had to do was adapt Fall of Reach and parts of First Strike. THAT'S ALL THEY HAD TO DO IT WAS RIGHT THERE BUNGO FUCK YOU.

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Go play some destiny, I heard it was bungietastic.

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it was the netcode that ruined the assault rifle and BR.

The AR is fine, you just suck

got destiny 2 for free.
did 3 missions and uninstalled. boring game.

it had a god tier campaign, good firefight and refined forge. The multiplayer dick suck though

That's the joke, bungie is just a company that got lucky with CE and 2-3 were massive fucking mistakes latched onto by young consumer whores.

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Great retort.

dual wielding was a fucking mistake

>bungie being torn in half by microsoft didn't dampen the original crew in the slightest

The campaign was the worst part.

>screencaping your own posts

So was removing plasma stun, sniper rifle penetration, large grenade radius and nerfing damage, taking away health, nerfing the shotgun, ruining the needler, reducing ttk across the board.

>halo 2
>halo 3
>maybe don't dual wield it all
>halo: reach
>this game is for fags that don't dual wield

>t. Never played Marathon

I have never ever seen anyone be good with a plasma rifle. Why should the assault rifle be any better?
Its a starter weapon.

Marathon is kinda shit though, granted I only played the first so maybe the 2nd is alot better
like Halo 2 was

Bungie ate Microsoft game studios, 343 is the funniest karma gift ever given to me.

Well I'm not gonna type it out again nigga.

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Marathon was shit, complete fucking shit. The gunplay was trash, the enemies were poorly made and the scenery was boring. You start up a game, hold the trigger button with the worst handling guns ever. After that you walk up to terminals and receive WORDWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS and some times some early 90's webcomic art or a photo of a dev trying to save money.

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Considering the magnum was supposed to be a desert eagle clone that mimicks .50 action express it always deserved its damage. It just didnt deserve the zoom and time to kill. Halo 3s magnum is the best.

I feel like having WORDSWORDSWORDS between missions was a novel idea for the pacing and I think it was pretty important to have since the gameplay is so uninspired that shooting the dudes isnt enough motivation to play towards the end

3's magnum would be good if it had a decent fucking rof
Granted, dual wielding can let you destroy 2-3 guys without ever reloading, but it's so damn slow

Imagine being so ass blasted at the series most balance gun and most balance game. Imagine being so upset at the Spinfusor in Tribes.

Attached: Tribes.jpg (1920x1080, 685K)

Git gud, faget

I've seen it done better,

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I killed a lot of people with the Plasma Rifle but all the kills were technically melee. The weapon removes shields in 5 hits and then has a quick melee animation afterwards, it's quite effective. You'll never get kills shooting with it because it does 0.2x damage vs flesh that it does to shields.

But the starting weapon of the entire franchise, the pistol, is also the best gun in the entire franchise.

Every Bungie Halo Game was great, if not amazing. The only complaints I ever hear are always some irrelevant shit that doesn't matter, that no one would notice if it wasn't pointed out to them by autists, and yet you fags will state that these insignificant features completely ruin all aspects of these games.
I hope you nigs enjoy your screeching tantrums, cause you don't seem to enjoy anything else.

That's why you dual wield plasma rifle/smg or pistol

It wasn't, stop being retarded.

>playing on easy

>they're starting the MCC on PC with Reach
>we have to wait for the actual good games to start playing

Fucking christ.

>get Reach
>wont get the other Halo game not on PC till the end of the year

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Multiplayer you tard,

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But Reach did that, it was bad in Halo 3 but Bungie decided to make it worse in Reach.



I agree with this

Microsoft helped them with Halo CE, 2, and 3.

Have sex

They should all be out by the end of the year so expect them sooner.

>he's never used the Dual-Enforcers in UT99

Yep, I imagine microsoft going into the bungie offices and increasing the pistol damage to be more in line with the AR and sniper rifle and jason jones holding his arms up not knowing what happened. I have a feeling they went over jasons head a number of times.

2 and 3 were fucking kino, get out retard

>Muh kino
Ho boy its photogenic, it's prime time tv, it's more hollywood slop and that's why its good! Hey faggot how about you play some real shooters and come back to me. The only retards in this thread are the ones who can't handle recoil and think that if the unwashed masses are playing it then it must be great. Halo 2-3 sent FPS games back decades and we're still actively trying to dig out of that grave.

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>my first FPS was reach you bigot
Sorry, still shit

I don't think anyone's arguing with that.

may I ask what "real shooters" are?

>Halo 2-3 sent FPS games back decades
Halo spiritual successor of doom/quake confirmed?

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>ruining anything
>in a shooter with built in aim assist

how was Reach's worse?

It did like half the damage. Halo 3's AR was unironically the second most powerful AR in the game's history.

Tribes for starters.

and that's a good thing
(also when did we stop being allowed to just enjoy fun games?)

Marathon is the true Bungie ludo

You're supposed to expect improvements and you're also supposed to shame unoriginal shit.

where beta

oh shut the fuck up about tribes, theres like 8 Yea Forumstards that still care about that shit, it was fun back then but that shit is in the grave because people liked new shit better

all i care about is having fun

For xbone? 2 weeks at the earliest.
For pc? go fuck yourself and wait 3 months

This. Halo CE had the best MA5B. The dopamine rush I'd get from mowing down grunts or exhausting elites' shields before going in for the kill with the beatdown was one of the main fun factors in the game for me. I remember, I think it was in the Halo 2 Special Edition DVD, there was a guy from Bungie that said in order for your game to b a success, it had to have a gameplay element that was repeatedly fun to do. Halo CE had tons of those, I feel like they lost the magic in the subsequent halos, not that I don't love h2 or 3, or heck I'm a massive Reach multiplayer fan, but for me CE was the perfect console shooter.

>guys ai only last 7 years

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well duh, it was a stupid fucking broken weapon assholes only liked because they felt powerful decimating people who couldn't fight back because they managed to grab one and those peasants only had a shitty smg or AR.

FPS was never good


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>in order for your game to b a success, it had to have a gameplay element that was repeatedly fun to do.
I feel like the bloated weapon/enemy sandboxes contributed to this. Halo CE had like 10 guns+grenades, 8 enemies, and 4 vehicles, so it was easy to plan out gameplay elements like shotgunning leaping combat forms or hitting a ghost with a rocket, and finding the fun in them. Halo 3 had a shitload more weapons, enemies, and vehicles, and while each one does feel hand-crafted and unique, the satisfying little mini-interactions just aren't there.

Unpopular opinion: Halo 4 had a great Assault Rifle. It sounded great, felt great, hit like a truck, and was actually a decent bread-and-butter weapon at multiple ranges. Its only sin was being presented as an alternative choice to the DMR, which due to how fucking broken it was meant that nobody ever picked the AR.

Jesus fuck you deserve one of these

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Halo 4 had a great assault rifle that wasn't the assault rifle.

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Truth, same for the H2A and in a way H5.

Using the AR in Halo is equivalent to being M1+W Pyro in TF2

Can't wait to smoke you casual retards with my based DMR when Reach comes out

no one care about your garbage, bitch.

in literally what Halo game has the assault rifle ever really had any worth in multiplayer?
It's also been outshined hard by other guns in each one

Halo 1 is the worst of the trilogy.

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It raped face in the halo 5 beta and feels nearly balanced in halo 5 still. That's it though.

Wow, what an opinion

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It was functionally identical to the Halo 3 version, all they did was lower the spare ammo capacity and change the bududududududu sound to BRAKABRAKABRAKABRAKA

I liked it. Both MP and SP

>yea, I duel wield maulers

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Why they reduce the magazine from what it was in Halo CE? They should have made the AR just have a huge magazine and even ability to scope.

>t. seething br cuck
enjoy getting two shotted faggot LMAOO

>Halo 4 introduces the SAW
>It's a straight upgrade to the Assault Rifle in every single way from the damage, magazine size, rate of fire, and spread.
>Everyone still uses the normal Assault Rifle instead.
At least the DMR makes sense with the Battle Rifle and Sniper RIfle since they serve different functions, but the Assault Rifle has no excuse.

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Shut the fuck up, zoomer.

You've never actually played Halo 4 have you

Literally playing it as we speak. It shreds through Promethean Knight shields for you to use something else without even needing to reload on Legendary, it can kill a decent amount of Grunts and Jackals without needing to reload, it can kill those dog things the Prometheans send at you in a decent amount of time though it's a massive waste of ammo, and it can work pretty well at medium range with controlled bursts. Hell, on my Heroic run it made short work of Shutdown's Promethean Knights and the flying robot things that spawn more Knights, made those encounters in the towers much faster than they should have been compared to using something like a Supressor or an Assault Rifle.

The SAW is a power weapon it's not possible to spawn with it, and anyone who picked one up with half a brain-cell wouldn't use an AR over it

>He's talking about campaign

Literally who gives a flying fuck about weapon balance in campaign

The SAW is a power weapon.

I've only played campaign and am only speaking from a campaign aspect because it makes no sense for the UNSC not to just give everyone that over the Assault Rifle. It's barely bigger than the Assault Rifle yet all the soldiers run around with peashooters to fight the Covenant and Prometheans. It's one thing not to give your soldiers a Mantis all willy nilly and rockets obviously can't come cheap, but there's no reason standard soldiers shouldn't be using those things.

>tfw no needler assault rifle

Halo 4 introduced alot of garbage, I still consider its multiplayer the worst of all the games.

>mfw AR still shat all over baddies

your copy of Halo 4 looks different from mine

Ruins the series.*


>when Reach comes out

some of us never stopped playing

>yea, i dual wield spikers

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Did the over reliance on precision weapons in multiplayer ruin Halo?

God-tier campaign. I found multiplayer really fun (I still play it, got really back into it last Summer) and while the classes are unbalanced, I really like Reach's combat more than any other modern Halo. Halo 4 would have been decent if they hadn't introduced classes and power weapon spawning. Halo 5 is really smooth and fluid, but it's too fast paced for me.

>boot up Halo
>gun takes up more than 1/4 of the screen
>run like I'm trying to jog through a sea of chocolate pudding
>firing it is loud and bright but does barely any damage on big boy difficulty, even if you get past shields and start seeing alien blood
>vehicles feel like I'm trying to park a yacht in a soup can
>allies exist to die so you can pick up their (also useless as fuck) weapons, are not helpful
>the hardest difficulty does nothing but turn every enemy into an HP balloon and make one needler round do half your healthbar

PROTIP: Old Yea Forums fucking hated this game, as did every old FPS fan, because it was seen as horrendously dumbed down for console babies.

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Are you drunk?

More like
*ruins the shotgun*

No weapon got cucked as hard as the shotty has throughout the series.
>amazing in Halo 1
>less range in Halo 2, but still alright
>Halo 3 says "fuck your ammo capacity, 6 shells are enough. Also fuck your range and damage further"
>basically the same but even worse in Reach
>Halo 4-5 decides to rape the visuals of it as the cherry on top

Friendly reminder.

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>headcanon the post

wow it could take any of those out in SIXTY FUCKING ROUNDS

>allies exist to die so you can pick up their (also useless as fuck) weapons, are not helpful
You can also hand them power weapons like rocket launchers and snipers and they have aimbots with infinite ammo. Then if they die you get your weapon back freely.
>Old Yea Forums fucking hated this game
While true for the early morning and afternoon threads you forgot the part where everyone was able to discuss it when night time Yea Forums came around and didn't have people just saying it was a shit game for 100+ posts ad nauseum taking the thread down or that Captain King was shit. Hell, there would even be lore threads even though only 1 and 2 were out along with I think a handful of books. Let's also not forget the daily CE CTF and KOTH servers with links to download the client in the OP and people sharing their screenshots or complaining about the lag/Blood Gulch being the only map anyone ever played.

What in the world is headcanon about it? Obviously they provide the SAWs in regular combat considering a fully kitted out Pelican has them when Chief flies it, but there's no reason the standard assault rifle should be considered the standard anymore when the SAW exists. It's literally gimping your soldiers to give them the outdated OG AR.

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>>allies exist to die so you can pick up their (also useless as fuck) weapons, are not helpful
I hate Halo as much as the next guy but this is completely false. Give your marines good guns or a vehicle and they will kick serious ass even on legendary

>but there's no reason the standard assault rifle should be considered the standard anymore when the SAW exists

Maybe it's not cheap to mass manafacture as a standard infantry weapon, maybe it's too heavy, maybe a UNSC grunt wouldn't be able to control the thing in full-auto. There's plenty of reasons for why it's not a standard issue weapon

Nah it was good.

Microsoft and Bungie were always at odds with each other, Bungie was jealous Microsoft could write a better story than they could.


Just watch, Generalkidd's video, they made that gun weak in Reach. It wouldn't have been a problem if they didn't make the enemies take more damage.

Not drunk enough

How terrible

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How can other Halos even compete?

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midship is top 5 greatest map of all time

Front chick with blonde hair and the hat is fuckable

Fucking hell a quarter of them have the exact same glasses hahahahhah

>defending a tranny company

It's shit, but I still use it because it's cool.

>Maybe it's not cheap to mass manafacture as a standard infantry weapon
That's a fair point, however the thing doesn't exactly look too different model-wise from an AR in the first place and it has less plastic/space materials to be used in its production just from the way it looks compared to the AR. Let's also not forget they're fighting species that could end humanity's existence as we know it and are cheaping out on the guns. It just seems like an odd thing to do. I suppose you could argue since it was instated over the four years from 3 to 4 it was being tested in battles or something.
>maybe it's too heavy, maybe a UNSC grunt wouldn't be able to control the thing in full-auto
If either of these were the case then they wouldn't be produced and already on the field to the point that it comes standard on Pelicans as the only people who could theoretically wield it would be Spartans. Unless you want to argue that Laskey specifically put them on Chief's Pelican, at which point I'd buy that explanation. They're also not mounted like the regular Gatling Guns so they can't be too heavy to wield into combat considering sniper rifles seem roughly as heavy when you take the whole gun into account. Heavier than a base AR I can buy due to the drum magazine but other than that it looks slimmer on the whole compared to a standard AR with the drum removed.

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the shooting isnt bad, just bland
the writing and level design is really Marathon's strong suits.

343 made the saw because they needed a power weapon with no downsides for the COD audience they were trying to pull, rockets, snipers, shotguns, swords, launchers all have downsides like range, projectiles and accuracy.

*makes every non-power weapon useless*

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Y'know, when infinite goes back to the old art style, can 343 redesign the saw to look like this?

Attached: saw.jpg (1500x653, 143K)

*ruins first person shooters*

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explain and win or end your meme forever

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Microsoft ruined Halo and activision was the true evil.

>Implying Halo 4 was ever good

>implying new coke was ever good


Well FPS didn't get good until Halo anyways.

gets me evritime

t. fucking pleb who only plays FPS for bloodlust

wow I like the look of that a lot
is that a rocket launcher on the right? looks like Halo 5's version

I could go for a coke now. God I'm so impressionable.

>wanting Infinite to look like the bland pile of shit that was Reach
You need to be gassed, colorful like Halo CE-3 or bust.