Video games where you play as a strong female protagonist?

Video games where you play as a strong female protagonist?

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I don’t care that Ellie is gay, she’s too pure for dick anyways. I give a shit that she’s dating a fucking Jew!

any game where you can make your own character

Every Metroid except Other M
Parasite Eve
Tomb Raider
Beyond Good and Evil
Mirror's Edge

Nu-Tomb Raider

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Ellie isnt an interesting character by herself. It's only how she effected Jole that made her character worth while. The DLC focusing on her was shit because of that. The main game chapter where you play as her is good because she's feeling desperate without Jole.


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Huh, I’ve never heard of someone that didn’t like Left Behind. Even the guys I know that hated the main game were at the least okay with the dlc

>retards still using rosie the riveter as any sort of template for anything they like
She literally quit after breaking a nail and not being able to lift anything. She's an awful fucking icon and figure; not unlike Marilyn Monroe

She's not even a protagonist


duke nukem forever

Women shouldn't be strong. If every woman wanted to fight, there would be no incentive for anyone to protect their homeland and war would just annihilate entire populations. Enemies leave behind their women as a mutual trophy so whoever comes out the strongest may repopulate. What good is there in combat if both parties have no way to rebuild without resorting to inbreeding and further weakening their nation?

Nearly any game with a female protagonist made before 2014

so explain why that isn't already the case if every man wants to fight

Pure cringe, go back to the 20's.

>before 2014
Not interested in fapbait

Your Xenoverse CaC

Sorry for your loss.

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>she’s dating a fucking Jew!

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Fuck this thread, time for a classic

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the vagrant

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Me on the bottom right with no panties.

Can't argue with facts, women are nothing but trophies.

I know theres some but none are memorable

If Women can do it then why haven't they made their own female only civilization yet? Isn't it weird from Sumerian to Mesopotamian to Aztec and Inca's are all male created civilizations? Really makes you think huh.

me with the glasses

Life is Strange.

no such thing

Why is there a Metal Gear villain on Yea Forums

me on the right being sexually harassed by the user without panties

*hits pipe*
The fundamental fault of the female character is that it has no sense of justice. This is mainly due to the fact, already mentioned, that women are defective in the powers of reasoning and deliberation; but it is also traceable to the position which Nature has assigned to them as the weaker sex. They are dependent, not upon strength, but upon craft; and hence their instinctive capacity for cunning, and their ineradicable tendency to say what is not true. For as lions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants and boars with tusks, bulls with horns, and cuttle fish with its clouds of inky fluid, so Nature has equipped woman, for her defence and protection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all the power which Nature has conferred upon man in the shape of physical strength and reason, has been bestowed upon women in this form. Hence, dissimulation is innate in woman, and almost as much a quality of the stupid as of the clever. It is as natural for them to make use of it on every occasion as it is for those animals to employ their means of defence when they are attacked; they have a feeling that in doing so they are only within their rights.

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How is that game? It's popped up on my recommendations.

Violated Heroine

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Degrees of Lewdity.
If you play it the correct way.

Where is the milf?

What is this autistic resetera leftypol copypasta?

came here to post this

It's a fun game. Nothing groundbreaking and kind of rustic and clunky but for the price is a pretty good deal. The devs are vanillaware fanboys and it shows.

Easy: female protagonist
Medium: female protagonist in a good game
Hard: well written female protagonist in a good game
Heart on Stick Must Die: well written straight female protagonist in a good game

Echidna Wars DX.
All four protagonists are women and receive no help from men.

I'm 12, and I don't know what this is

I'm getting some hr giger vibes from that

Guardian legend.
Ridiculously powerful weaponery, she can literally turn into a space ship...

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I thought it was an H-game because it's published by Sakura Games... which is how it got recommended to me...

Nu Tomb Raider is unironically the best female protag.

She is strong and independent but not flawless or a derisive man hating bitch. She isn't a Mary Sue that overcomes every challenge with ease and is untouchable. She is frequently beaten to shit and wounded in she new series and actually rises to challenges instead of being above it.

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This was once a thing, those who hold that title gained it long before it was even an "issue" that women aren't usually protagonists. Metroid, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, and Okami to name a few.

Metroid. Came out in 1986. How long have you been around?

Is it wrong that I read this as if it sounds like a Greek philosopher wrote it?

A common misconception
But what's in the trailer is what the game's all about

Look at this 64 loser

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too bad the writing is complete garbage

Leftist Yea Forums sucks ass

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Senran Kagura

I wouldn't be surprised if that was from Schopenhauer.

I second this. You have to be strong to be as agile as they are with those TIG OLE BITTIES!!