Last thread died
Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods
So inquisitor+Necro sucks then?
It has its niche but is probably the weakest Inquisitor combo.
Can somebody tell me where the 1 green affinity comes from in this tree? It has the blue marked in the middle and not the green so I have absolutely no idea where its coming from.
PSA for those not in the know; Viper devotion has 20% reduced elemental resistances on it now, so if you have any skill that deals at least 100% weapon damage in your build there's some more FREE resist reduction available for you which only requires 1 red point to reach
>Quill 3
>Scholars Light 4
>Hawk 3
>Rhowan's Crown 1
Yes those give green affinity but where does the initial 1 point of green affinity come from to meet the requirement if it doesn't come from the middle? Just started playing so not sure if there is a way to bypass it or something.
whats the most fun subclass for necro
Devotion completion bonus count towards their requirements. So you can remove the point in the middle after you completed one as long as it still fulfills the requirements.
ahhhhh I see, thank you fren
Shaman or Occulist
More like forgotten game amirite?
>the flame trail from vire's might procs devotions at the exact same rate as the charge hit
>and it still gets the proc chance increase from having a cooldown on its skill
is this THE skill for proccing devotions or what?
why would anyone need anything else
>dick status: muh
i love GD it's something i think i'll play now and then forever
blue items drop now, like, 50 times more
Im still not done with the base game. The story mode seems insanely long or I'm just bad at going fast
Might pick this up tomorrow, can I finally play through on alts without having to do the story and shit again? Is there alternative methods of playing now?
Is maxing physique still the go-to despite cunning and spirit giving HP as well?
Yes, there's crucible and now the desert stuff + infinite mode after you clear act 1
You can buy an item that allows you to go straight to ultimate with everything in the lower difficulties unlocked, though you need at least a high enough level to be able to do damage to ultimate enemies
Sounds good, thanks.
You got the scrap?
so either occultist or shamen got it
I could never get into Grim Dawn because it was too easy. Does the game ever get challenging at all? It's just so boring.
good news poxbros
obtainable right out the gate, off the groble mobs right at the start of the expack content
played through the expansion and i liked how it answered a lot of stuff. Was bit short but the areas were very detailed and monsters were very different from vanilla+asstomouth. gonna try that bladestorm nigger tonight.
I own it but never played it. It looks fun. Do people follow builds as strictly as PoE or theorycraft on their own?
>wanted to go Soldier as secondary
>realized that Oathkeepers have plenty of fire damage on their tree
Shit, I didn't plan for this. Also, didn't realize these modifiers popped up this early.
>Do people follow builds as strictly as PoE
You're gonna have retards who can't think up their own builds in any game in the genre
>that feel when you're one of the many unable to play because the game crashes nonstop in both clients
>Internet keeps pooping bed so download would take an aeon anyway
Whirlwind and charge is so much more fun than any other skills, I'm never going to be able to go back to anything else.
PoE is too fucking complicated
I have no clue what constellations are.
i'd disagree with you but i've been paying poe for years so...
you could just.. torrent it?
Series of stars in the sky that vaguely form various shapes that elicit ideas.
PoE's customer charactization is simpler than GD's, what the fuck are you on about
>Last thread died
Maybe for good reason, nobody cares about fucking Diablo clones because they are a bore to play and make your wrists hurt.
PoE isn't complicated, it just presents itself as complicated. There's like only 2 stats people should care about and that's % life and % X resistance. Everything else doesn't matter because you can stick 5 MORE damage support gems to boost damage and make any skill good.
Yeah I mean if you spend years playing it you're going to be fine but the average person who doesn't spend fucking hundreds of hours playing a single ARPG isn't going to map out that shit
>>Internet keeps pooping bed so download would take an aeon anyway
ask me about life leech mechanics ;)
Is it easy to fuck your build up if you don't know what you're doing early? What difficulty should I be playing at anyways?
I think that's half of what's so fucking annoying about PoE's builds. You have to just sit there and map out this massive fuckoff skill tree and almost all of the shit you select just doesn't fucking matter. Like you might as well just be Diablo 3 with automatic stats because all building a character in poe does is piss me off.
It is if you spend too many mastery points. Those are the only thing that cannot be refunded. Just don't make that mistake, and don't commit to a second class until you're sure it's what you want
Veteran doesn't increase damage numbers or anything like that, just slaps more mobs in. Play at what you feel appropriate.
Is anyone else getting this bug with the item filter where it starts filtering out all items? Changing filter settings doesn't fix it, nothing fixes it except logging out and in again. Can't figure out what's causing it
Press K
What fookin constellations should I be using for my Warlord, eye of reckoning spin 2 win
What the hell did they put a feature like that in for
Thank you though user
how good is the base game? i see it's 75% off but the dlc is only 30%, does it ever go any lower?
What the fuck are those cancerous captions?
base game is extremely solid for 75% off
Is it still true that in multiplayer only the host can see the story and dialogue? Cause if so I'm not interested.
Any good Captain America Builds?
I played during Ashes of Malmouth but stopped playing shortly after beating the game.
Gonna work on that new class but any tips for playing a new character again? Should I go into Veteran mode or something? Any small things I might not notice or miss since I didn't exactly play this game to death previously?
It's for those times when you're fighting multiple champions at the same time and the loot ends up in the way
Anyone try Oathkeeper and inquisitor? Wondering if this is just a meme build since it is called paladin or if it is at least decent? I don't want to go the predictable Oathkeeper and Demo.
>stack Bloody Pox, Eldritch Fire, Plague of Terror, and Aether Corruption
>have fun watching all of them kill the entire screen and the next
>absolute shit in boss fights
It's still fun at least
That's a nice retaliation build you got there. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it...
Mastery points can be refunded now. The only thing with no takebacks is class selection.
That's a great placeholder if you're farming for this bad mother:
Also, who here /feveredrage/?
Cant wait to get on my tactican again.
Do you get more skill points in the expansion?
I like tanking. I like shields. General tips and build suggestions? Don't need a play by play and of course played previous D games, just really like using a shield if enemies are attacking me or not.
Pretty sure FG has at least one quest for another attribute point/skill point
New oathkeeper is literally based around being a based shieldbro. Go Soldier or occultist as a second class
Oathkeeper has a good amount of shield stuff, and so does the Soldier (they also have good survivabilty skills as well). That combo should be perfect for your needs.
I want to run a spank and tank Oathkeeper, what should I spec as my main damage ability?
Thanks. Did seem fairly obvious but wanted a heads up before I got invested.
Four extra skills points and two extra stat points.
If ive understood it right, the expansion is just a side area you can do right after act 1, after that its back to main campaign so you can dash through it and pick up devotion shrines?
more like grim yawn: forgotten game
how autistic do i have to be to make a functional character in this
Think it depends if you wanna just clear the game or run crucible and the special dungeons in record times. Not much if it's the former.
yeah clear the game on hardest difficulty but no speedrunning or extra challenges
>Following guides
0 autism.
>On your own
A bit, but not a lot. Making a build that can farm end-game content, even if it can't farm well, is not hard.
Also depends on what you wanna build. Soldier anything is very easy. Occultist spellcasters and Necromancer Summoners are both pretty fucking easy to set up, but lack the survivability that is Soldier. Unless you also take Soldier.
Well, not much then. There are some starter builds on forum that don't require you to farm years for specific items and work well till the end if you want some guidelines too.
thanks anons
How do I build my paladin oathkeeper bros? Should I just go for max armor and retaliation memes? It seems like you can really stack a lot of it without cutting into your normal damage sources
Haven't played since Ashes. Will oath keeper let me fulfill my need to play a psuedo-paladin?
Paladin+Inquisitor is literally called Paladin. Enjoy.
Well, definitely meant Oath but it's 2:40am so fuck off
Can you really do it that soon? Thought the boss is Kymons false god, seems weird you can take on him before meeting the guy himself first.
S'all good. Can't wait, I beat titan quest several times over in the past, but haven't beaten Grim Dawn yet. I'm hoping this will help compensate for the story that always felt super meh to me.
It's all about the lore notes.
Grim Dawn's story is told much more through text than talk. You also have to seek out a lot of the lore in various snippets and quests. There's an entire secret quest chain that's really easy to miss which starts fairly early-on in Act 1.
What's a good secondary class for Oathspinner if I wanna use the biggest dick melee weapons instead of shield?
I'll be giving it another go around when I get Forgotten Gods. This time I'll make sure to pay better attention.
Demo, Shaman, or Soldier. Preferably Shaman.
Thanks anons. I forgot Shammy had cool 2h stuff
>There's an entire secret quest chain that's really easy to miss which starts fairly early-on in Act 1.
Woah what? What quest chain is this?
Hidden Path.
I was also slightly incorrect. You need to have reached Act 2 (So Krieg ded) for it to be available if the Wiki is correct. In Lower Crossing, you'll find a hidden path somewhere along the right edge.
Your journey begins there.
So Ulzuin fucked Bysmiel and that's why he went berserk?
Am I reading this shit right?
I assume he means the secret witch god shrines. You need bunch of dynamit for it though, so early act 2 on very first playthrough, before you get ton of that shit.
Speaking of which is sure hope there is some nod to you included in the new expansion if you did the shrines, considering you get to deal with the witch god factions directly.
Soldier and oathkeeper have shields. Soldier also has one of the best leveling skills with forcewave. Just equip the hardest hitting 2handed weapon you can find and obliterate everything for quick leveling. Then later once you have enough skill points and devotion points you can respec to a one hand and shield build. You can go one hand and shield from the get go, but without some skills from farther in your skill trees and devotion proc skills you'll take forever killing shit.
can i play with friends if i got the codex(pirate)version
LAN might work but you wont get steam/gog cross-play. Hell, steam and GoG owners can't play together.
Hmmm, I thought they could as long as their versions were the same.
that wont get you anywhere good, you're gonna have to learn to scale, and scaling can be oddly specific and things yo u think would work just dont and things you think arent connected are.
I love shield/retal builds but i feel i'm being way too defensive. Will try to think up a more offensive build tonight. Also frustrating as barely any gear below level 40 has an appreciable amount of retaliation damage (unless i haven't found some new epics)
>Hell, steam and GoG owners can't play together.
That used to be the case, but the last (3?) patches changed that now. Everybody just needs to be on the same version, and you're gtg
the game has tons of quest to do. you can skip most of them though most of these can be done alongside main quests. but if you miss them your quest log will be filled with quests you can't be arsed to go back and finish. just look up on wiki the quests that give you inventory space and skill/ability points and ignore the rest
ok this is epic
The ultimate difficulty unlock for new characters is absolutely based.
Just saving the guy in the hut before the first rift portal puts you from like level 7 to 14. After killing reanimator you're like level 26
how do you unlock it? I don't feel like playing through 3 difficulties again
I played the shit out of base game and beat it with Inquisitor/Occultist but i'm finding Ashes to be a bit of a slog even though I know its good. I'm probably a bit burnt out since I plowed through the game so fast but does anyone have any tips on spicing things up so its exciting again?
Only because you need dynamite.
Any builds I should stay away from as a new player?
I remember making an Elementalist as my first character in Titan Quest and it blew, then I made bow Haruspex and it felt like a fucking one-man platoon of spetsnaz veteran murderers ( killed Hades before he managed to change forms ).
Any masteries I should avoid on first playthrough?
how's the new class? is there any point mixing it with 2h shaman?
How is skeleton necro these days? Should I fire up my old guy or should I try for a new oathkeeper meme?
how do I enjoy the game? I felt like it was really boring specially ashes of malmouth (that big city gives me vietnam flashbacks)
Literally in the very first FG area after a rudimentary introductory quest. You can pick it up right from the start. Costs 125k iron if I remember correctly.
>still no scene release
>still no fitgirl repack
What are the Chinese doing...
GD is a bit odd because the meta is on survivability, but you also need to make sure when push comes to shove your damage output doesn't absolutely suck.
Try to plan out devotions/skills on grimcalc that gives you a decent balance of both and you should be fine. The only move i can think off from the top of my head that's completely unviablr is albrecht's aether ray (really needs a modifier to make it pierce enemies)
Bad sale for GD; Nothing is at new lows. Now they're saying this is the last expansion that they'll do for GD (presumably so that they can begin work on GD2?).
Monmouth still hasn't hit $9.99; Crucible still not at $1.99.
It's a nice game but falls into all of the familiar ARPG tropes. Hopefully they solve at least some of the tropes in GD2.
Oh, also nightblade is pretty shit as a core class and to be honest I can't think of a build where picking it would be better than another class. The knife throwing skill is good but you blast through mana like a mad cunt and is hard to support early game.
there is CODEX release you dum dum
>repack for a 9gb game
what the actual fuck
What tracker? I don't see it on any of mine.
>Now they're saying this is the last expansion that they'll do for GD
is there a save editor of sort so i can change my class with relative ease. i made a summoner before ashes came out and i dont want to remake the character again.
Gd stash
Sell a path of exile player on this game
What should i expect?
Does using that flag your characters or whatever for online or achievements and shit?
Expect more story driven and slower paced game with good atmosphere. I mainly PoE player myself, but since Sythesis sucks ass GD FG is good alternative.
Which of the three cults is best for a pet based build?
Bysmiel, duh.
Check out their vendors. Solael had pet bonus stuff when I took a gander but i haven't looked at the others yet.
You think we'll ever find out what's beyond this bridge?
Wait hold the fuck up, I haven't played GD in years.
Did they add a necromancer class? Can you have an army of skellingtons
Annoying how unpopular this game is. Mods are barely existent and rarely updated, discussion dies on Yea Forums shortly after expansion come out, and the official forums are just bleh
Haven't play GD since the original release. Any good too-fast-for-you assassin/thief style builds?
I thought it would have been FG's area but i guess not. Probably just because they would have had difficulty designing a "top down" oriented map?
yes, desu the best for it is to go 100% necro with a tiny bit of occultist
Yes, and mostly yes I say mostly cause I can't remember how many you can potentially summon.
Also, wtf is with this item?
i autistically mess with the devotion tree for hours at a time
Bysmiel has some nice options for occultist summons. Shame no skeleton buffing stuff though.
I dunno man, Necro + Shaman with a focus on two handed weapons and summons is a pretty fun combo.
Well, shit, that's one hell of an incentive to go back and replay it.
what should put my points into? physique or cunning?
>lvl 50 legendary
>you're level 23
>not even on elite/ultimate
What sort of build are you making?
2 handed weapons shaman physical damage
You telling me aren't supposed to slap everything into phys anymore?
>it depends
Even with the physique nerf its the most valuable stat. All other stats are just for item requirements.
I can't decide what I want to do with my Oathkeeper EoR build, I havent even picked a second class yet
Then physique for sure
Is eye of reckoning even worth if if you're sword and board? Can't see any retaliation mechanics in it
I dont think I want to continue my old Purifier run anymore. What classes should I do next?
Inquisitor and Arcanist, focusing on twin pistols for DPS and using Arcanist for elemental buffs and crowd control.
Just finished FG
>tfw Kymonlet
It most certainly does not
Must be one of those pre-placed items like the Cauldron of Excitement.
Doesnt that already work the same way as Inquisitor and Demolitionist
you never were supposed to lel
other than a few points you might need to wear an armor, you should put everything into the stats that increase your damage
if it wasn't for op pet builds, 100% cunning pierce blademaster would still be the highest dmg build
>you were never supposed to
Lmai yes you were and still are. Damage is secondary to survivability. No one cares about big dick damage when you die in 1 hit on ultimate from trash.
desu i see nothing wrong with this. im just trying to think of good alt skills to this play style.
you make me not want to play it
Actually when I think about it maybe I should go both lightning dmg. can I do both? ferocittty gives huge buffs to lightning
i-i'm sorry :((( I thought that's what poefrens like
The movement skill spam is tied to a 4 piece gear set and is pretty squishy in endgame, it's main point is literally just gotta go fast
Sorry but you're wrong - physique dump has and will always be the meta.
sell me on this game
more active cookie clicker
>more active
stack passives........ click to autoattack......and ur done...... epic game bro......
Path of Exile?
>epic game bro
more like terrible build
path of exile is fun at first but goes full cancer after a while
grim dawn is not cancerous
it's just boring and aesthetically unappealing
Any of you tried dual shields?
soilder my man
should I focus on one damage type or it's possible to mix them?
I like the aesthetics of grim dawn though
I’m considering picking this up for the first time, but does the endgame turn into mindlessly maximizing clear speed like PoE and D3? Aka pick best AoE skill, find biggest packs and mash one button?
good for you
I find them absolutely horrible and bad looking
they tried to go for "trashy and destroyed landscape" but I feel it like it's too trashy
also for the love of god I need a mod to remove the teal colour
So did they cancel that xbox version or what? Doubt my 750ti can run this.
My HD5770 can run it dude
>So did they cancel that xbox version or what?
no still in development. Probably sometime later this year
I dunno if you can get 60FPS but it definitely should run unless they did something in FG considering I can run it globally fine on a 670M.
Admittedly I have not bought FG yet so who knows.
It's heavily build dependant.
Acid or Chaos Sentinel?
most of the damage will be going out of auto attacks
nigger i run this on a 8600 GT, you can run it stop worrying about it
Some of the best builds actually play more like piano than mindless button mashing.
Other than that, endgame is mostly about clearing roguelike dungeons, crucible, and the new shattered realms. Speed can be important later but your first concern and the one that might take you a while if you're making your own buils is actually clearing those in the first place.
I have over 1800 hours on hardcore playing my own builds myself and there are some megabosses I have never beaten, or even attempted yet.
That's not saying much, what's the build concept?
What classes and what damage types?
where can I torrent this?
shaman + soldier using 2handed weapons. a lot of shaman skills (mainly savagery) has lightning as well as physical dmg.
Reddit, the devs post over there semi often.
what will be the next game tthey will be working on?
It's a joke how people kept asking for a two shield meme build, so they made a mace called a shield.
Help Yea Forums how do i combine two classes? say i am a demolitionist, but have no idea on what to dual into. If I spec into arcanist then i can't use the spells since they deal arcane damage and i wanna do fire damage? So arcanist would be only for the passives?
What if i'm a shooty demolitionist with that fire attack skill, what class would be of use to me, besides soldier?
that's because ARPGs are a niche genre and not as popular as they used to be, besides shitters flock to PoE as the go to in the genre and never try anything else
And besides inquisitor, since i don't want to dual wield pistols
Physical is the most malleable damage type in the game, rather than building for both, you should build only for one, and there you have two choices and even one more.
First, you focus on physical -> lightning damage conversion items, usually found on weapons but also skills like Stormcaller Pact (50 points Shaman passive)
Second option is lightning/bleeding -> Physical, not viable until endgame where there's one set (I think Avenger?) that supports this.
Lastly, there also the option to play a bleeding focussed build where you use savagery to stack up bonus damage before unleashing buffed blade arc on your foes.
I suggest the first, pretty starightforward, look for items with Physical damage converted to lightning
Physique adds health and defense ability which is the big reason you put points into it, that is why you dumped points into physique. With the buffs to spirit and cunning (provide health now), you can put some more points into them, but physique will still be better. Just have enough spirit and cunning for weapon and jewelry requirements, then go physique since the higher defensive ability will make you more survivable and will pet you focus on more offensive stats on armor.
You have the right idea, picking one class for actives and the other for passives is the best way to make your first build.
Demo works fine with most things, the most straightforward being Soldier, Arcanist, Shaman and Occultist. Necro is the worst and 100% gear dependant, Nightblade takes some specific gear and knowledge as well.
I forgot Inquisitor is very straightforward as well, being elemental based too.
Ok so mainly look for the passives.
If there's a class that transforms %fire damage dealt to another damage type would that be bad, since then i'd need to buff both damage types?
How's the expansion story, any hints on what's coming next?
Well, I guess it depends on what damage type you'll be focusing on, a basic Demo build usually comes in 3 flavors: Fire, Lightning or Chaos
I'm probably gonna do this. I don't want to replay once again 3 difficulties.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok thanks user
Are death knights still good? haven't played since the first few weeks of the first expansion (malmouth?). I did Purifier on my first run but now I have RSI and would prefer something not TOO click intensive but with great endgame potential.
Phew, beginning of FG reminds me of how much hurt the start of Malmouth stuff was. That, or it's the game not-so-subtly telling me to get better survivability.
Why wouldn't you use Amarasta's for early?
Start nothing, Malmouth was pain from beginning to end with all the acid at the start then the fucking 10+ flesh hulks everywhere in the city constantly charging you. Shaper was a breeze compared to these cunts.
Basically, what I'm saying is that Fire converted to something else is fine, as long as it's something else Demo supports, for example Fire converted to Chaos is viable on a Demo/ocultist build where you'll want as much chaos damage as possible.
Other than these 3 elements, it might rquire som advance build making knowledge and gear you don't have yet.
But then, why not just a chaos skill instead of half-assing fire to chaos? These are things i don't get
Because there's more than just one build option and a lot of skills have hybrid damage types.
>Blackwater cocktail
>Fire Strike
The first two have Chaos built into them and Grenado has gear that supports full Fire to Chaos conversion.
Conversion lets you use any skill in any build basically.
I have been playing lightning druid till level 99 now. Want to try a new class, something entirely different, but I have little idea what. Any recommendations?
Poison knight Oathbreaker+Occultist
sad to see all the weak little LARPing nerds here that actually believe the game is real and that they're actually an explorer on a quest
Man I'm completely fucking lost. All the old Death Knight builds are 404. Do I just stack nothing but Physique? Wasn't there a third party site that had builds with ratings and that star cluster shit? or should I just wing it? might as well be a complete newbie as I have forgotten everything apparently.
How's the scaling work in the expac?
I'm thinking about getting into it when I finish the main campaign, then go there and then into malmouth.
Purifier (demo + inquisitor) if you want to melt everything with dual pistols. Or for something completely different you can try a pet build.
Just experiment with anything you want, you can reset skills completely at anytime and devotion doesn’t take much more effort. Keep some loot for when you want to try something else, but this isn’t PoE where you can fuck up your character beyond all repair until the next full passive reset.
I heard you an do it as early as Act2 so it probably scals no matter your level.
I'd still wait until act 3-4, if possible after having completed your faction questline for story reasons.
I have the feeling that my dual wield demo/night build totally sucks but burning mutherfuckers with thermite and smiting bitches with fire is really fun
Nex and Ortus by dude
Or get a Rimetongue set and throw ice grenades at niggas.
Saboteur isn't easy to build either way since none of the damage types are found in both trees.
When should I do the FG content on a new character?
You can start doing it right after killing the Warden.
So I'm rather new at the game, but what's scrap for? I use it for some quests here and there and you can craft some shitty weapons with it. Am I missing something here? It just keeps piling up in my inventory
Scrap is used to repair bridges, for some quests, and is also used in crafting. Just toss it into your shared inventory at the banker.
Is this ability as good as it looks on paper?
If I convert fire to acid , then get gear that boosts fire damage, does it affect the initial damage or conversion comes first and I want gear with acid damage only.
You want gear that's acid only, There's so much conversion in the game that double/triple dipping would be obscene
why not just lower a bucket in the river?
water is infected like in that D1 quest
How this game fares compared to poe/diablo3?
Explain a 'flat-encephalogram-tier' brainlet what technical difference is there between the 32-bit client and the 64-bit client. Does the 64-bit run better? (Assuming of course you have a 64-bit OS but who fucking doesn't nowadays)
Go forcewave with its mutator for early farming. Then just throw shields at people
the difference is 32-client app can't address more than 4 GB of memory and CPU processes less data at once
64-bit application theoretically should be more stable and faster
Let's say you do 10 Fire damage converted 100% to acid
with +50% fire damage, you will still do 10 acid damage
with +50% acid damage, you will do 15 acid damage
only flat damage is converted. all % damage isn't. So you still want to stack the % damage to whatever damage you are converting from
yes it is
I've only played til about the second waypoint on ultimate so far with my cookie cutter aether death knight (mindwarp, krieg set, etc), but it hasn't even broken a sweat on anything. Haven't tried the rifts yet though.
Act 1 Ultimate is easy, it's when you reach act 2 with retaliation skellies that can fuck you up.
So which one is it?
who /pure/* here?
* not leveling additional class
All flat damage gets converted? What's so hard to understand? If you have a item that gives all elemental damage converted to physical, then all sources of example: 7cold damage or 1-8 lightning damage gets converted to physical. All the % damage does not.
I should clarify, I meant the second waypoint in FG. That is a good point about retaliation enemies though.
Will this game ever get FULL VOICE ACTING?? It pisses me off, - they probably made enough bank to hire at least 2 amateurs to do that, right?
Damn I'm going to Burrwitch but the amount of back tracking and weaving to make sure I'm not missing devotion shrines is insane. Am I doing something wrong or is it really that bad?
what about paladin class?
when you stack inquisitor aura and summon aura of oathkeeper, you would get something like -33% elemental and -33% fire resistance on enemies
wouldn't that be really good?
though I have no idea what to build on paladin other than sword & shield
just don't worry about it. you can get devotion easily in crucible
i picked up the game when they changed the attack animation
This is my level 52 Commando, Oskar Dirlewanger, of the Black Legion. Say something nice about him.
For a tank revolving around the whirlwind + shield throw: (1) OK + Demo or (2) OK + Soldier? And which left click attack from which class?
Yes it's cookie cutter shit but I love Sword+Board builds and this is another one on top of Krieg's memes.
It runs on the shittiest hardware possible, e.g. my gts 450.
anyway to get the mod that shows hp bars / dps etc? grim dawn forums / site is down for hours now.
How many of you picked Cult of Bysmiel just for Bigscilla?
I might, gonna have to wait 2 weeks until i sold my dota 2 items to buy the expac.
like 99% i hope
You want to stack +% damage of the damage type that results from the conversion, not the one you're converting from.
I'm making a Demo/Arcanist that converts all fire damage to aether
I will only deal Aether damage so I'll stack +% Aether damage (and not Fire)
I played for an hour or two last night, opened the game this morning, and had no characters. Save folder empty.
>Made a test character, quit to desktop, restarted and it was there.
What happened to my first character? How do I make sure it doen't happen again?
Nah I picked her because they had elemental gear, which I don't even care about since I'm already min maxed, none of the cults fit my grenado purfier
Turn off cloud saves
I'm reinstalling Grim Dawn right now. I played for like a few hours, got some weird looking silver shield and thought "shit, this looks cool". Will this new expansion allow me to make a Captain America character or should I just go Soldier/Nightblade again?
>a Captain America character
Yeah user, there is a shield throw skill with the new class.
Man I wish the game had more speed movement options.
Aegis of Menhir.
Can I ignore the shield stuff from oathkeeper and just spin to win with a two hander?
>speed movement options.
FG added that.
Definitely try Oathkeeper, it uses a shield like soldier but it's the opposite skill wise, lot of active skills.
it's literally the biggest change in the new expansion
>first time playing
>open devotion window
Is there a website that puts the devotion window on a list?
Of course. A few legendary two-handers actually give buffs to Eye of Reckoning.
Just use the search bar bro.
What second class options are good for inquisitor building for elemental damage (aiming for an elemental gunslinger later on)
Oh, the new class has spin2win skill? Is it good?
>elemental gunslinger later on
there is devotion simulator
Going to start a co-op game. Never played it before. What class should I go if the theme I want to go for is entropy/disease mage?
What's the recommended level for starting the forgotten gods questline? Will i get shat on if I do it right after Krieg?
yeah but its not really a story game
Can you run like sanic though?
All those dashes and charges with cooldown don't really do enough.
What class combo is the best pet build, necro and occult?
Occultist. Paired with either Necromancer or Nightblade.
Necromancer (Ravenous Earth, Siphon Souls) /Occultist (Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Doom Bolt).
Two of Necromancer, Shaman and Occultist.
Thoughts on Shattered Realm? It's a step in the right direction from Crucible, but I feel like it would be a lot more fun with a friend.
Does one class take precedent over the other? Or are both equally split if you multi-class? Also do they vary in terms of range?
I can appreciate what they tried to do with the Shattered Realm, but it's not at all a "random dungeon generator". Some segments of some of the maps are the exact same structure as the actual ingame zone (like the entrance of fort Ikon where you can even see, but not reach, the tomb of the Archon from the walls). Also I've been sent to the exact same map at least twice
>tfw want to spend money on miniatures and tools
>this comes up on discount and the new expansion
fuck now i dunno what to do
im still playing path of exile since i got my SSD a week ago
How do i enter new DLC? Do i really need to finish base game and AoM DLC before FG?
You pick first class on level 2 and can pick second one on level 10. Level them however you want, but respeccing costs money and you can't respec generic class points you spend to open new skills.
How diverse or how many builds can you do?
>How do i enter new DLC?
Can enter it after you kill Krieg.
Is all DLC for this game stuff you can buy and do after the base game with the same character? I don't want to start a playthrough to find that I'm missing a whole chunk of the full experience.
>"respec generic class points you spend to open new skills."
what do you mean by this? im pretty sure you can respec points away from the big plus at the bottom. unless you mean you can't take it away after you have specced a skill that requires that many points in the class?
> you can't respec generic class points you spend to open new skills.
You can, but only up to the first point, meaning you can't change your mastery.
Yes, you apparently can, my mistake.
I think that change was late Malmouth stuff since I remember not being able to take points out of the mastery
Also you CAN change your masteries but that involves using a third party save editor
Which class combo has the best burst?
Don't worry, part of the fun with the devotion tree is that you can undo things easily, it's even required
your mum
Yes. There's choices like, allying or opposing a particular faction, choosing one of two or three, for different outcomes along the questline. But you also have to play through the game three times, one for each difficulty, before you can start skipping them. So you can make different choices each time. Mind that, currently, being a necromancer is the only thing that actually locks you out of content, since you won't be able to pick the paladin faction as allies
The fuck are Dangerous Domains?
I don't remember them from Malmouth and there is no wiki article? Just like Vaal zones or map mods from POE?
They added crucible mutators to side areas
Demo, arcanist or shaman
Necro/Occultist for vomit wizard
Occultist/Arcanist for evil wizard
Necro/Arcanist for entropy wizard
I picked last one myself to make some Rymrgandr tier cold/death wizard, it's great fun.
>cant buy it till next week since waiting for money
>dont want to spend my reserve
So I'm safe to play the base game without having to redo it all if I want to see the DLC later? It's all New Game+, essentially?
Okay, thanks.
Since Grimdawn site is down can someone tell me if OK/Inq is a good mix? I know OK/Demo would be a powerhouse. I want to go sword and board.
New builds come up every day.
Yes. First time around you'll play on normal or veteran (veteran is recommended since normal is baby tier any retarded ass backward build could complete the game), then elite, then ultimate. You have to actually end the game session and change difficulties to move from one to the other, and for all the game cares, you could complete the base game twice, get to ultimate and then do the whole thing. Malmouth will unlock after you're done with the main questline, and FG will unlock after you beat the act 1 boss, so it's your call to go to the dlc areas or not
Yes, the way the game works is that when you finish it, you unlock the next difficulty, but your progression on the current difficulty is not lost and you can come back whenever you want to do things like DLC and such even if your character is now 40 levels above that content.
Warlord is probably your safest bet if you wanna S&B, but I can see the inquisitor buffs help make a way more defensive, yet significantly less powerful damage wise, build
I can't imagine a single combo with inquisitor that isn't top tier.
>new class
>its shield melee with pretty much no active abilities
thanks for nothing
Do classes determine what armour and weapons you can use?
No, items have stat requirements.
Soldier isn't a new class though.
oathkeeper doesnt have any chaos damage so it depends if you want to use oathkeeper actives or not
Nope, only stats, some skills require a specific weapon type though, it's usually 1h/2H melee or ranged, shield or focus.
Does anyone know if the Shattered Realm saves your progress like crucible does with starting from a certain wave on? Or do you have to restart the whole thing every time you play?
>had this issue and never knew what was causing it
god bless you two
My gay ass friend likes playing heal-sluts in co-op. Are there any in this game?
No. He has to play a real mans class.
He is literally too homosexual to do that.
There are support builds but no healslutting.
Then grim dawn is not for him
Technically (s)he could, but there isnt't /pure/ healsluts in such genre. It will involve lots of running around doing nothing forced.
Can you actually play grim dawn co-op online?
He could make some sort of pseudo-healer buffbitch with inq/occ, with some debuffs and pets mixed in to not be completely worthless.
I'm going to delete all my old stuff and start fresh with the expansion. Is lightning soldier / shaman still the best build overall, not considering builds requiring some really specific items?
Like it was pointed, inquisitor/occultist (deceiver) will give him two party wide buff-heals, several party buffing auras, and if he goes that route, a few pets to help him do actually something (or be chowder for the enemies while he runs away). There's items like the gloves of the everliving grove that cast healing effects on allies by procs, and devotion skills that cause similar effects like healing rain. He will be absolutely fucking useless by himself and will need someone to carry him through story tho
go to the game forums
>mfw there's actually a new flavor of Warden Krieg in the Shattered Realm
use your brain lad
better class building
What's the best subclass for Oathkeeper if I want to do big fucking damage?
Define big damage. You want the biggest numbers popping up or melting shit super quick?
Either works to be honest
>what is Apostate
I don't know either way lol
Drain essence apostates are ok.
I would assume it's someone using drain essence or ignaffar while tanking literally everything thanks to the inquisitor seal, sounds boring but necro alone can already drain essence and not die so inquisitor would just be the cherry on top.
>big-tiddy goth manipulative witch
>lovecraftian prophets who peer beyond the veil and see nothing but an infinite abyss of writhing tentacles
>an asshole.
I know which cult I'll only join on third time.
New player here. What should I play. I am lost
How do i into dual classing. Trying to plan my first build and it's so easy to just put all the points into one class since it's guaranteed synergy.
What do you like playing?
Gonna make a dual guns sentinel but I'm not super familiar with the items. What's a non relic item that lets me dual wield guns?
Kira is my wife don't you talk shit about dreeg you bitch
Go oathkeeper + demo. Put your points into flame touched, ulzuins flame and blast shield. Then just use the rest of your points for whatever you want in oathkeeper.
Some kind of a caster would be nice
You'll still need to invest another class for stat points. If not needing attack skills just find a good buff or -enemy res that is useful for your build.
how to build str+magic character?
gib link pls
and no edgy items
flames of ignaffar deceiver is very good. You can easily work out the specifics of the build yourself but if you can't be bothered just check the builds on the forums.
How's the enemy variety in this game?
A friend mentioned a vendor in the Forgotten Gods hub that sells an iron bar item you can use to send Iron Bits to alts. I can't seem to find said NPC. Is he unlocked after a quest?
he's just standing across from the emissary
If you like dots go occultist/nightblade and level vox and doombolt go for vitality and chaos damage. If you like pure damage go arcanist/inquisitor and go for aetherbeam + whatever you like and stack aether and fire damage.
what exactly does retaliation damage added to attack mean?
How many levels do I want in my secondary class for stats?
What happened to Chaos Strike? Damnit my build neeeds it!
It depends on stat requirement for the items you'll be using at endgame and how far into the skill tree the skills you want are. If this is your first run don't worry about any of that. Just play what you want and worry about the endgame later.
What kind of caster, we got like 6 different flavors of wizardry
Fuck off
If i use the ultimate merit do i get all the skill and attribute point rewards from both elite and normal?
How about you read the merit's description?
Any idea where the inventor learns to transmute set items? Trying to convert the guardian set for my low level character.
Just wanted to be sure
Gotta do a quest to find his apprentice and recover a book he was carrying, then just leave the camp and return
One of those guys in the three's convention offers a quest to find his apprentice mage whose body is in the Oasis area of the map, I don't think he offered it until you get around to that area. Once you turn that quest he unlocks the transmute gear option
Anyone know what the deal with the splash screen barafag saying you owe him after being given some trash green item is?
>item procs lighting bolt
>use aegis of menhir
>it procs the passive while bouncing off enemies
ok this is epic
Which 2nd mastery has the best skill synergy and item set synergy for almost 0 cd Aegis of Menhir spam?
Demo, good buffs and hellfire mines to melt away even more fire resist
Soldier+oathkeeper has so many good abilities, too bad you cannot have them all.
a strong mage
Hit level 10 a while ago but I still can't decide between soldier or demo to pair with oathkeeper. I'm leaning more towards soldier for a retaliation build but I'm not 100% sure how retaliation build even work.
Malmouth still only -30% and over 12€.
Forgotten 15€.
Is this a fucking joke?
Malmouth adds a ton so it's fine.
If anything FG should be slightly cheaper.
Even so, -30% (the lowest it's ever been) for a DLC over 1½ years old is jewery Paradox would be proud of.
That actual game is like $6 calm down
My point precisely - dlc should be cheaper than the main game.
To anyone playing FG, there's some really good lore hidden in the last dungeon, it's all hidden outside of the map.
Not necessarily.
ok communist. Just pirate it and quit complaining.
Ashes isn't DLC though. It's expansion.
at least 50 depending on your definition of diverse
After your first difficulty run you'll have them memorised.
Do you even know what DLC is an acronym for?
OG Grim Dawn owner here, haven't played in close to two years:
Did they finally add a decent-sized stash (and by decent I mean a fuckton of space so I can keep more than 10 uniques), or do you still need to rely on 3rd party tools for all your lewt?
warder is still dank shit because you can spec him to never die but it wont have top tier damage output
demo for the big nuke, inq for some debuffs and mass dps
>will of Menhir
>Wendigo totem
That shit is truly miraculous
There are 6 pages for the shared stash and another 6 pages for the individual stashes. You need the DLC though.
As I recall the pages weren't that big - I think it had 4 when I last played? 3rd party tools it is, then.
pick a caster from arcanist, occultist, or inquisitor, then go soldier as your second class at level 10 for the survivability
you can get more creative on alt characters
Stash has expansion slots you can buy for iron bits. Six pages for your single character and there's a shared stash for all characters with another six
go occult/oath for acid retaliation build. you can get the perdition set at like level 35
theres so many devotion heath/defense procs in the blue and yellow constellations too
max lightning primal strike is sweet
They made the pages bigger in AoM
Yeah, playing on ultimate as level 1 is kinda harsh.
Anyone done a dual blade poison dervish? Is it any good?
two waves of crucible puts you past level 10, try it then so you have some abilities and gear
Well people were always complaining how easy the game was. Now they have an option to not have it easy
hey, what skills stack nicely with Eye of Reckoning? What devotion you use?
So uh, is the game fun without the expansion packs?
It's pretty good, you probably want to play with expansions now though. Crucible can be skipped.
dervish or sentinel for eye of reckoning build?
Does it still have 3 difficulty levels? Why don't they create just one big campaign like PoE.
What exactly do the expansions add?
I’ve always played ranged builds because they just feel smoother and being able to kite early game is a big deal. Am I missing out, does melee get fun later?
Anyone else getting a lot of crashing in early acts since forgotten gods dropped?
Check their respective steam pages, it's a lot of content.
Yep. There's nothing better than wading in, going ham and never dropping below 80% due to life steal.
>tfw no yuge titty sphinx statue gf
Retaliation is thorns/damage done to enemy when they hit you in melee. Take a percentage of that number and slap it on as a flat bonus to whatever skill you're using and thats how it functions. I dont know if the flat amount gets pumped by +% damage sources, just that retaliation damage itself is only pumped by +% all retaliation damage
>tfw your sphinx mommy gf forces you to take a nap between her massive titties because you look tired
is necro any good?
if u like to have a lot of friends yes
so out of
>sword and sword
>two handed
>dual wield
what's the best setup for eye of reckoning
Its too fucking good user i dont know what to do either
Man I backed this game when it was years from coming outl east they could do is give me free dlc
My game closed while I was fighting this nigga.
Where do I get another of that whatever I used to summon it?
Grenado or canister for earlygame farming as demo?
All of the above
Seriously user, the expansion just released, unless you're friends with some of the better playtesters who've made top tiers builds previously, there's no real way to tell atm.
Neither is good early because of the cooldown and mana drain
nigga, do you have a death wish
if you go through every dungeon and do every quest there is a minimum of 30 hours for solo play on a single character with like 20 builds before you would need to touch the dlc content
the dlc adds some fun classes and more endgame content
So do i stick to stun jacks with the no-cd mutator?
Guess I'll just run whatever I like then. I feel like dual swords fits dervish the most.
i think sword and shield because you have this good "Safeguard" passive that gives lots of damage with shield
everythings fun
I coulda sworn that they were supposed to be making it so you could chargen at any difficulty level if you had cleared the game before thanks to how much additional length Malmouth and FG brings.
make a warlord with beronath, reforged. Converts all that fire and lightning into phys
Oathkeeper is absurdly pushed, like they realized a class centered around a meme mechanic like thorns was gonna be shit so they made all of it’s numbers ridiculous and let them use retaliation damage offensively.
>meanwhile a single attack regenerates 10k life minimum at 4 attacks per second
>all while having 14k hp and almost 3k defensive ability without a single point into physique and killing bosses in 3secs with superior pierce damage
lel physiquelets
I'd go for fire strike early on if you absolutely want to level as demo
Stun jacks can work but you also have to pay attention to your mana,, don't overlevel the skill.
retaliation % added to attack is almost 100% gonna be toned down
are there any mods that change the health and mana bar? I specially despise the mana bar
Should I bother with side quests on normal?
If you don't want to miss out on attribute and skill points, yes
There are only 4 sidequests that give those. I'm talking about the rest.
unless you have crippling completionist ocd like i do, no, you can probably skip it
Yes, for faction rep and shit.
iv'e never played before do I just buy base game + gods or worth getting the other dlcs too
Why would you?
Most don't require you to go too far out the story path and are worth as much as exploration exp up until level 50 where they're all that matters really since mobs don't give exp worth shit anymore.
Mate, do the first quest line in normal for rep. Go into devil's crossing on ultimate. The very first "i'll let you in" quest will jump you up like 7 levels. The spirit guide one another few. By end of reanimator you're like level 26.
Only the base game first, Ashes if you finished it and want more, FG if you still want more after that.
to play god u need malmouth so get basegame+mouth+gods
An aoe low cooldown on attack would fucking rule with it. Maybe the chaos flame one.
Ok and is the cruicble dlc a skip?
Yeah you can skip it.
I only have 2 critiques of GD:
1) Globally shared loot tables. Not able to farm any specific boss for specific loot.
2) half the fun builds need gear and the other 54% suck until you have enough levels/devotion. Levelling os always cookie cutter shit.
yea it's just an optional arena mode. it has good loot on higher gladiator levels but is entirely skippable and contains no real lore
Yeah, its fun and you can get devotion outside of shrines (which is great on new characters - easily get 10 before the real game), but each point devotion point counts to cost increases (first five cost 3 points, the 2nd five, the third 10 etc.)
>1) Globally shared loot tables. Not able to farm any specific boss for specific loot.
There's particular pieces and sets that drop in specific locations/bosses, like Krieg's set or the Dark One set, so it's only half true
I hate that i'm autistic and feel like i need max points in most every skill I take.
crucible is for the endgame and leveling alts. play through the campaign first
look up monster infrequents
Knowing how many points to put into each skill you use I still something I struggle with honestly
>and leveling alts
Not anymore, apparently you can boost a level 1 to level 100 in shattered realm in like 1-2 hours
Most "only x points in y skill" is because end game loot gives + points out the ass so you literally don't need to invest as much in core skills. When levelling its completely different.
What cheese can be achieved with spin2win on oathkeeper? I need survivabilitiy strats preferably life leech.
how would you make something full retaliation based and not suck
thinking oath/soldier with light of empyrion as big devotion, not sure what else
you can enter that right away?
>trying to push for the shattered realm 25th shard achievement
Holy shit this place is tedious
I know that FG added a lot of retaliation stuff so it may be better now, but full retaliation builds used to be the most boring builds you could make. You're basically immortal and even melee nemesis are a joke with it, but god help you with any sort of ranged enemy with lots of hp. Valdaran took over 30 minutes IRL on my old retaliation warder. Might be able to do some sort of retal/reflect hybrid if you're set on that being your main source of damage.
Necro + other summoning class is literally game on EZ mode you don't have to do shit just jack up buffs on summons with gear.
Why does the UI in this game look like shit?
Picking constellations is probably the most annoying part of retuning my summoner. Some of those new constellations look mighty sexy, like the one in the top right that gives all your pets taunt.
This is my current build, will probably get blast shield for elite.
Inspired by your mother's face
I'm level 18 but I still haven't picked a second class. Dunno if I wanna go dervish for poison or warlord for pure physical.
Stick with oathkeeper only as far as possible and then make a decision when you find some nice loot
Very important question!
Are there any skimpy female armors in this game?
I actually have a legendary two handed sword in storage that's perfect for dervish. Gonna be a while before I can use it though.
No, female armor is basically the same as male armor
shit game by shit devs
Are there any mods to fix that?
just go to pornhub or sadpanda to masturbate and then play the game
No. The male and female models are non customizable and both wear leather pants and a shirt by default. Take your waifushit elsewhere or join the Byscillafags over there
Not having the libido of a 12 year old usually fixes that
I'd be so much more inclined to go back to this if the level layout was procedurally generated. I've played well over a hundred hours of base game Grim Dawn but man, this genre really does suffer without procedurally generated levels.
>he isn't a Byscillafag
tell me you at least sided with the dreegbros, fuck solael and his edgebois
yeah if you use a ultimate unlock merit. Your mate should be able to just open up a rift in the conclave of the three area and you should be good to go? I dunno i don't have any friends to test it out on