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Other urls found in this thread:





Great minds think alike.



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god fat people are so fucking disgusting just lose fucking weight you ugly fucks its not that hard

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Did he finally kill himself?

name removed from minecraft main menu

Shut down by twitter for alt right extremist views. I'm glad, after the NZ shooting, people like him need to be silenced.

>make a cute and fun building game for kids
>turn into an alt-right stooge for no reason

He's in this thread right now
Hey notch FUCK you
Lol everybody hates you what are you gonna do about that

And here we have the real facist.

it's so good seeing the alt right get fucked

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The US Government raided his mansion and rescinded his billions

if the trannies don't like him, he must doing the lord's work

1. that's clearly a troll
2. nook is a dipshit and needs to fuckoff forever

Do righters not know how to spell?

Like pottery.

Should have gotten a membership at Mar-a-Lago.


>stole someone elses work
Checks out

The reason is because he has lost all purpose in life and now spends his time shitposting. None of his future projects will ever go anywhere because Minecraft was a fluke and he knows it.
Hell he's probably reading this thread right now.

fuck you give me money

Attached: she.png (700x700, 432K)

>make a cute and fun building game for kids
>sell that garbage to M$ for billions
>become based
I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a fuck.

>imagine being so far left that anyone you disagree with is genuinely right leaning

>imagine roleplaying as being so far right that anyone you disagree with is genuinely left leaning

You're the one defending the democratic party's honor on a message board, how is he the stooge?

>still lonely
>still suicidal

Attached: 1516227117209.jpg (640x480, 48K)

imagine making this post

Autocorrect got me. Let me try again.

And here we have the real fascist.

Thank you for ascribing my political beliefs to me. Glad to see you are taking all the tips from the fascist rulebook.

At the very least you could've made a decent attempt at bait, you etiquette-deficient troglodyte comprised of primordial gelatin lacking any brain tissue more advanced than the basic knowledge of how to breathe.

He is a Yea Forumsirgin after all

Have you ever lost weight? Or have you just been in a holding pattern trained into you from birth?

What the fuck did Tom Nook do?

This. Why are so many of these alt-right losers so pathetically obese? How can you obsess over masculinity so much and yet be so disgusting?

Genuinely curious, what did he say that was so offensive it warranted his account getting shut down?


the alt right are the modern version of edgy fedora neckbeards, a decade from now, people would look back at the alt right and cringe

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He didn't make shit. He basically copied a game whose source code got leaked, got lucky and his game appeared at the right moment to be a hit, and then sold it to Microsoft knowing he had zero talent and the game would die if left in his hands

is this the cope thread?

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Sounds like most people here but he atleast have a shitton of money

Not him but I bulk and cut for weightlifting and it's pathetically easy to lose weight. All it takes is a calorie counting app and a shred of self control.


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why are you trannies still here

ain't we all

Hey notch, you fucked up big time by not making the farlands an official feature

>said by a literal nobody

He basically called out the hypocrisy of the left for calling everything they don't like 'Nazis', only he's too autistic to understand that they won't get the implications of what he is saying and will just call him a fascist.

Do you even have to ask?


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Show us your game then faggot

yes and i literally just ate less to do it, it was easy as fuck it just takes some amount of discipline and willpower which most of you fat fucks lack and blame it on your genes or some other retarded excuse

Said communism is evil and that gravel is the nazi block of choice.

Why does your phone autocorrect you to spell things wrong?


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>parroting the mainstream makes you a troll
yeah keep telling yourself it isn't actually happening buddy, whatever gets you to sleep at night

you know what?

notch is still BASED and /our guy/

Attached: notch.jpg (515x239, 31K)

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i went from 170lbs to 130lbs
i looked fat at 170 too because i'm a manlet

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notch is hell woke these days. To the point that you wonder what's really going on with him.

He's declared pizzagate is real on twitter (tbf I agree). He's flirted with naming the jew, also publicly on twitter. He calls leftists straight up evil. I think he might have gotten into openly supporting HBD, but I might be misremembering.

Stay strong notch. You might be going crazy, but you're not as crazy as they want you to think. And we all know it.


he's seething

Jeb is getting bold, the absolute sóyboy

Not an argument, incels

I do not know. It legitimately pisses me off. I would have turned it off by now but I am too lazy.

carbs are the only source of dopamine I have left in my life
if it was removed I'd kill myself

then again, that probably would be for the better. the way things are going, at this rate I'm liable to be a danger to myself and others anyway. may as well end it before it gets to that

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>become extremely rich beyond your wildest dreams
>start naming the jew non stop
>literally that's all he does
>he doesnt even build shelters for poor people or something

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what's wrong with this guy

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we should have specialized ambulances driving around harvesting the poor for their organs

change my mind

Tom Nook is a legitimate business owner.

I will personally vouch for Mr. Nook. He has always been honest and fair in every transaction I have had with him.

Imagine you've been in charge of a game for years but the fat fuck who did 1/100th of the work you put in and quit is a world-famous billionaire who just shitposts all day.

>Jeb doing anything of value at all

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get off vee jebcuck
work on your own game

its funny because it seems people are frustrated with how the game is turning out

the poor have health issues and diseases, need fresher wares.


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they have that already
they are called Canadian hospitals

>a decade from now, people would look back at the alt right and cringe

The cringe phrase has already begun, user. Alt-right is just another controlled opp.

you can still lose weight eating carbs, calories is what matters, you can lose weight just eating chips all day if it was below what you burned

Alright so I'm going to explain what I'm pretty sure he is trying to get across.

He is equating commies and Nazis. Considering both are fascist as fuck and slaughtered millions I think it's an apt comparison.

People may see him as a Nazi, but since he calls himself a commie they won't punch him. Even though he is displaying the same behavior as a Nazi.

This is literally too subtle for the average Twitter user.

for get not eating carbs

just dont eat anything fatty

you'll lose weight way more quicker

Is he, dare I say

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>become a psychotic recluse paranoid conspiracy theorist sitting in your mansion with your wall of rotting candy
>wonder why no one wants anything to do with you

The guy is toxic to brands and there is no reason to pretend he is still affiliated.

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he is toxic but he is also the SOUL of the game which means that current minecraft is soulless

which it is

everything they added since he left was unnecessary

>hey trannies, you're all ugly insane idiots who should kill yourselves
>wtf why are they all killing themselves

I sincerely doubt he's wondering about or even concerned with what people think of him

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I don't want trannies to die, I just don't want them to exist in the first place. It's horrible what they're doing to those young, lost and confused people. Leading them astray down a path that can only end in heartbreak, failure, and death.

i finally understand why /r/asian masculinity exists

imagine being a loser asian kid in the 70s

and the character that represents you is some ultra faggot

>Erasing history is what we do best!

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He's a q user boomer

> Leading them astray down a path that can only end in heartbreak, failure, and death.

so nothing really changes does it?

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Go back to ledd!t, tumblr, or whatever shithole you came from

yeah I'm sure bullying is it and has nothing to do with the constant mental agony of cognitive dissonance in pretending to be something you're biologically not

did zachtronics ever get a minecraft payday?

The game is unironically better for not having Notch involved

I hope he chokes on his money

>man has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life
>can literally say whatever he wants because he doesnt have an employer or anyone to really worry about
it's not that hard to comprehend, he has nearly nothing to lose

Yeah he should have become like JK Rowling and just regurgitated current left wing talking points, virtue signaling endlessly and talking about how bad it is to be white and male.

>Nothing to do with studies showing that anywhere between 50-70% of trannies grow out their delusions when they become adults but because their parents decided it was a good idea to listen to a literal child and put them on puberty blockers and cut off their dick


i had already forgotten about the candy wall
top lol

It's why Pewdiepie does the shit he does.
When you're so rich you can do anything you want, you start to lose interest in most things.
Riling people up into a frenzy over literally nothing never gets old, though.

This holy shit. you fat fucking shits are hideous and you know it.

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Graduate high school.

>knowing he had zero talent and the game would die if left in his hands
This unironically takes skill.

carbs cause insulin spike which makes you feel hungry and want to eat more

>turn into an alt-right stooge for no reason

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean their radicalized nutjobs.

>Mods are starting to delete these threads now that everyone realized that they're a good excuse to shit on trannies


would just like to remind everyone partisans can't meme, enjoy your 6 colors of wojaks and some smug frogs you tourists


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Faggot got owned. I look forward to the upcoming twitter meltdown about da joos and whatever.

Based. Fucking hamplanets will literally do anything to lose weight except stop fucking shoveling food down their throats.
It's pretty fucking straightforward. I see this shit on the TV about how fat fucks think of it as an addiction but they're just lazy. The fact that people actually die from obesity is a fucking shame.

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Self control

How quickly we forget those who wronged us

>"punch a nazi" is a socially acceptable statement
>"punch a commie" is a statement only alt right nazis would make

As if these bugmen aren't going down in history as some of the biggest faggots to walk the earth. You don't even have to wait 10 years, They were always cringy.

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Why hasn't he made a new video game?
>sits in his mansion all day
>shitposts on twitter

Twitter was a fucking mistake


Can you imagine having that much money? Like, it's baffling. He bought the most expensive house in LA history. My life would change for the positive if I suddenly came into 5 grand. He wipes his ass with that.

I say I would never want that much money and would give most of it away, but who knows what a man would do with that much cash and what happens to their psyche. I mean, think of pro athletes who are dragged off the street and given a gorillion dollars. They go from having nothing to everything and most of them snap.

It's just something interesting to think about I suppose.

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>12,000 BCE
>discover carbs
>can no only see the ribs of the average human

What's your answer for this faggot?

Why the fuck would he? He doesn't seem very passionate about vidya, and he doesn't need to attempt riding his fame because he already got the big dick money for life.

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you know antifa and sjw's are the laughing stock of the world right?

Unironically based.

>trans people
>on the same sentence

Who cares? His name is still in the credits.

>Sell game for like a billion dollars knowing full well you're abandoning whatever creative investment you have in it
>w-why isn't the game like how i wanted it!!!

Notch is sure is a Yea Forumsedditor but only in that he is as retarded as them.


Type that, retards

dude my life would change for the positive if I had 1 grand I wouldn't worry about my car breaking

How does the point system work? What do you get with them?

Jesus christ how can these people be so detached from reality? I guess that's what decades of brainwashing looks like

Speaking objectively, the far left are fucked. They have this big obstacle in their way called China that does the majority of the world's manufacturing, and have been vehemently against measures or actions to reclaim any of the manufacturing capacity. So even if the far-left "win" their culture war, their entire culture soon won't matter. Because it'll cease to exist and they'll be replaced or displaced in favor of Chinese interests. Not a single aspect of their ideology will survive with any relevance. They've served as ideal saboteurs to ensure a Chinese hegemony.

Nothing. If your post gets negative points it will be automatically hidden.

Exactly. Like, there are definitely people in this thread who are in a comfortable spot with money and there are people who are broke. There are people who are everything in-between. But his money is a scale that, even if everyone on Yea Forums combined, would never even scratch the surface of what he has. It's just insane to think about having that much money.

so in other words, there's nothing wrong with carbs if you have self control?

thanks for the input

Notch literally believes in Qanon.

>alt right
Cringing hard at anyone that thinks this exists desu NIGGER senpai

if I had 10 grand
I could pay my debts

Attached: Okay.png (680x875, 383K)

Then what the hell is the point of the points system?

I wasn't talking about noth, did you even read my post

They call themselves that, though.

As I said, you can basically censor people you don't like.

I hear you. We'll make it, my friend. We just need to come up with the next big Minecraft. Can't be that hard, right?

I love how one user spouts random bullshit and the OP, presumably in fear for going against the echo chamber, immediately believes the other guy and flips his opinion.

Reddit is weird.

I know. I'm saying they're right to think he's a dumbass.

>The absolute city of this thread

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>I love how one user spouts random bullshit
You know it's true, right?

You can see the brainwashing and conditioning in the way they interact

Tell us user, how does it feel to have made trannies into a boogieman that constantly hounds you? Which medications do you take?

I really like how that guy with the bold name didn't even question or ask for any proof. Just immediately believed a random stranger on the internet.

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people are doing that now. With both alt-left and right. Its only gonna age worse. People are always gonna be most comfortable with conforming and being neutral.

That and the left constantly goes against each other. The discourse between gays and trannies, whether asians are considered PoC, its all a matter of who is more "marginalized" or "privileged". The far-left is inherently self-defeating.

>conspiracy theories
>moving further and further right
>spread misinformation
>trannies as people
That's an awful lot of subjective bullshit to consider "true". Are you the guy who posted that bullshit?

Thank you for the seething reply user. Don't worry, the statistic is only 40% for suicide

go back to dialation

It's useful for strictly informational topics. For anything opinion related you tend to get a hivemind.

Didn't your side believe trump was colluding with the Russians?

But he's right. They literally took him out the game because they couldn't fire him, they couldn't dox him, they couldn't even have him arrested for made up #metoo shit.
He's basically the biggest source of asshurt on the internet after Dodgan Sgronf

He probably looked it up himself? That's what normal people do, you know. They don't sit there and say PROVE ME WRONG and then cover their ears like vdittors like to do.

Why cut your dick off? There are those slav t-girl and real girl on pornhub that fuck and she looks as good as most women, dick or not. If you can't even achieve that what do you think cutting your dick off would accomplish? Literally just do the meme shit and say its a feminine cock.

Are you saying Qanon and connection between Trump and Russia are on the same level?

nah they believe in anything that is perceived as SJW

the main source of information for SJWs are other SJWs

it's a circlejerk

They still do, they think Barr Slytherin rigged the report and they're gonna find the magical vingaium leviostd formula in the Hogwarts forbidden scrolls to banish Voldemort and that's why they want the public release

Maybe. But somehow I doubt it, considering it's reddit.

>MySpace guy now travels around the world taking photographs
>Bill Gates used his vast fortune for philanthropic causes
>maladjusted robot Mark Zuckerberg has multiple houses, a family, and two kids
>Notch sits alone in his mansion acting like an autist on twitter

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I was asking a question. Dodge it all you want, Deep down you know you are full of shit

>Why cut your dick off?
You want a basic behavioral analysis. A lot of them transition because they don't recognize the behavioral quirks associated with depression. Having a goal or a focus serves as a distraction from depression and can alleviate it, and so transitioning serves as the road to go down for that. And so they see SRS as a magical endgame cure that will finally end their suffering. But then after that the road ends. There's no more distraction. There's nothing to focus on to keep the darkness back. And it floods in.

They need help, it's not their fault. The people who preform these surgeries and support the idea of cutting your dick off are the ones who should burn.

Don't attempt to superimpose reason into the mind of deranged lunatics, even if you're trying to find some intellectual projection to explain such crazy behaviour, it wont work. Trannies are insane, don't give them the attention they crave and they'll just off themselves, its for the best.

oy vay!

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he wanted to be a pioneer

Bless your heart.

Insulin as a hormone is associated with leptin, another hormone, which signal being full. Glucagon tells your brain that you're hungry.
Please remove yourself from the gene pool


Notch is a fucking idiot.

>still lonely
>still suicidal

Uhhh user?

Attached: 1547027437835.png (589x346, 13K)

I unironically believe both of those. There are very real factions of neo-facist who don't care about freedom of speech or any of that and just want to establish ethnostates. There are also literal communist who want to destroy the rich just for having more money than them and destroy anyone who doesn't subscribe to their group think.

They all need to be shot.

>rich man sad

Attached: EUgOZEbl_400x400.png (400x400, 246K)

Why are resetera trannies so scared of words?
>da joos
>"diverse people"
here; nigger, kike, whore
you don't have to be afraid of mommy or the manners police locking you out of the internet for saying meanie words

Attached: 1496356587705.jpg (700x1062, 353K)

If you take estrogen you're not allowed to post ITT.

Have you noticed how you can be a billionaire and democrats still gang up on you?
Notch is the living proof it's not about the money, or the achievements, is it about "do you vote for the democrats? Do you obey to your agenda? No? You're the devil and we'll make something up to portray you in a bad light so we look better than you and we look like the place to be".
He'll be of use in future conversations for sure.
They're scared of him because they have nothing to threaten him with.

Why should people not gang up on you just because you are a billionaire? You /pol/fags are insufferable.

our agenda*

>normal people looking up things by themselves
are you making a joke

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I get wanting to kill Communists, But why do you want to kill those who just want to live with their own people?

>Have you noticed how you can be a billionaire and democrats still gang up on you?
Why would you think being a billionaire protects you from criticism?

No I really haven't noticed. I'm not a billionaire.

And you want people to be shot for holding opinions you don't like, which makes you the same as them

No, you don't get it. They're acting like he's spouting nonsense, the whole "conspiracy theory" bullshit. He's saying nothing but the truth like James Woods, but
1. They can't close his paypal because he doesn't give a shit
2. They can't fire him
3. They can't make up rape accusations
4. They can't ban him off twitter because he's a big checkmark and his ban would cause the Streisand effect. Same reason as James Woods.
Which is basically all resetera trannies can do to pretend their liberal bullshit is legit: create a terror regime where if you steer away from the "light" you're annihilated.
They fucking fear anybody they cannot control, and you can tell they're so asshurt because they just had to find an edge to one-up him.t
tl;dr imagine being so petty to ban an author from his own game because he won't kowtow to men in drag since he has no reason to pretend for the good of his livelihood.

Yikes, dude. Don't get so triggered.

Your right, user. He might not be aware but he is spouting marxism

Don't you have a bottle up your crotch to replace?


if i had 1 grand 6 months ago my older pup could've survived cancer

You poor thing. You'll get through this, I know it.

You should bump down that asshurt by a Notch.

Attached: Baby.jpg (1400x700, 410K)

>everyone i dont like is an alt-right nazi

God I hate reddit.

/x/ go to bed. There's no secret cabal of trannies out to get you.

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End your life.

Attached: discord trannies spam.jpg (1277x1826, 1.06M)

You won't. 40%

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Oh wow, I really hit the tranny fatherload. Screencapping this for later threads. Thanks fags.

Minecraft would've been dead in the water had it been released around 2016 with Notch acting like does. Lucky it got made when it did.

Changing from a classist to a racist doesn't somehow magically make you a better person despite how deeply you have been brainwashed by /pol/.



Attached: Yikes.jpg (464x618, 53K)

Calm down notch

You don't need to be a nazist to be anti-liberal.

Because "da joos" is funnier. There's nothing clever in slurs, as your stupid comic is trying to demonstrate.

Jesus christ...

Whats to screencap? One user going crazy and everyone else confused by his crazy.


Only trannies would deny what I said.

>Some user sperging out about trannies
You should work at an auto repair facility.

Attached: ash.png (373x466, 194K)

ITT: discord groups bluepill shilling

like do you fags actually still meet in discord groups to shitpost any thread and anybody even remotely right-wing or associated with the right?

you people are even more pathetic than jannies who do it for free, god even shareblue gets paid for having failed to shill, fucking imagine being (you); a discord "activist"

>when you've accused more shitposters of being trannies than there are actual trannies

You're already on hrt. it's too late. All of this is just hallucination from your chemical imbalance.

That's a disgusting accusation, I would never use memecord.

"Le yikes and basedcringepilled"
stop being passive aggressive you faggot

You can't force people to live in diverse societies, As much as you may try. If someone wants to live with their own race, so be it. Doesn't matter what color they are i don't care.
But to tell someone they can't and to threaten to kill them if they do so, Well then you are no better than a fascist or a communist are you?

i cant believe Yea Forums mods are letting resetera mirror their threads here

good for them, helping out trannies and their dying site

Not everyone on here thinks like you, user. I know it's really scary for you, but you'll have to eventually accept it.

I didn't say anything about Marxism, you fucking sperg

Yeah user. We are supposed to be like 1% of the population but there's a secret cabal of trannies controlling le resistance against your ideas in particular. We are everywhere!

These are the thoughts of a completely normal person.

Gee, that sure got you butthurt.


Unironically based.

Attached: notch2.png (601x596, 54K)

I used to love Hitler. Then I opened Discord and suddenly a voice echoed in my mind saying Israel is our greatest ally. Fuck nazis and fuck /pol/. Long live ResetEra. Hail Antifa.

who mentioned anything about any ethnic group you dumb fucking shill

>da joos
Nice try Shlomo

Attached: 1552749168923.jpg (356x600, 82K)

ITT: Shills, trannies, and tranny shills

T. shill and trannypilled

Fuck wrong quote, meant to

>the absolute /pol/ autism itt

It's fascinating.


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These days, I'd rather be autistic than not

>i'm too socially crippled to work
>doing this to "improve society"
The mental gymnastics of trannies, holy shit.

its like watching a 50 car pile up, ramming into a gas station, that then explodes, it's probably not good for anyone involved but dear god can you not look away.

They removed any mention of him on the title screen text

Thats just what tranny shill would say.

Microsoft has no need for this social pariah anymore. Can you blame them?

Cry into my millions

>Personifying one of the largest corporations in the world
only in leftyland

>brain-melting depression
>physically repugnant
>absolutely no purpose in life
geez, i guess you're right, he has nothing at all in common with seething gaming chair owners

ok this is epic

Yeah man changing jew to joo, so funny xdd just owned le nazis epic style right there

Slurs are not about being funny, edgy, right or clever, in fact it doesn't even need to be accurate here
its just a easy way to filter out redditors and neofag refugees like yourself that cannot handle the burden of typing 5 letters due to some faggot moral rulebook, on the internet of all places

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>stating the obvious is personifying

mental illness

oh no I'm just a shitposter trying to rile up anyone, I know trannies are worse then /pol/ but this thrread is already dead so might aswell just post whatever yknow

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>posting fake images

Sorry you are a simpleton, user.

I mean you're the one rooting for Microsoft because some fat guy worked with them once.

Anons, the trannies are hurting my feelings

Ok, I'm gonna need a quick rundown.

cool pic mind if i save it

Pretty much everyone believes both of them, sort of. How many people have you met who love ISIS and think the Saudis have a great human rights record?

The strawman fallacy is in conflating Sundeep the binge-drinking theoretically-Muslim-but-never-goes-to-prayer accountant with cut-your-daughter's-clit-off-and-sell-her-on-the-internet Muslim fundies.

Too bad there aren't any VIDEO GAMES that explore this theme.

Funny how shit threads like this stay up but the good ones get deleted before they hit like 50 posts

more like 50 trannies ganging up on 1 thread and shitposting it into oblivion but it's ok because eventually you'll all either commit suicide or get AIDS

Attached: tips rasengan.webm (960x540, 2.59M)

This, Yea Forums is so fucking garbage now. Thanks gookmoot

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And again, I'm stating the obvious. Why would Microsoft would want to be related to an useless, controversial figure? How is that "cheering"?

Mental illness.

Your mobile gachashit isn't a good game

Even their orange goblin king is fat

There's no way this is real. He has to be joking.

Slaves had lower rates of suicide than trannies do

>thinly veiled retardera thread

Attached: 1547361055959.png (448x327, 63K)

holy fuck, Buggy's dabbing on the world government. It is now undisputable that this guy is the most powerful character in the series.

Carbs are an energy source that's meant to quickly deliver energy to the body otherwise it gets stored as fat. A general rule of thumb is don't eat carbs if you're not going to need the energy, and don't eat carbs and fats at the same time If you're not going to the gym.

Stating the obvious is siding with megacorporations? How is this even about microshit in the first place? He didn't even work for them. How stupid are you?

That shit is cancer too user, Along with those shitty idol & visual novel "games"

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just testing to see if mods actually do anything

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tranny is the new boogeyman eh

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Microsoft are the current owners of minecraft you stupid idiot.

So being proud of being straight is cause enough for you to suck microsoft's dick, a company he never worked for?

The only group that had comparable suicide rates were jews in concentration camps? Yup, the trans community lives the exact same way. It has nothing to do with their mental illness.

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t. tranny

Attached: 003.jpg (1786x2526, 1.54M)

>hey trannies, you're all ugly insane idiots who should kill yourselves
>haha, they all killing themselves


The guy who I replied to said that microsoft "fired" him, when all they did was remove the randomly generated loading screen message

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tranny and boogiepilled

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No? Holy fuck stop embarrassing yourself. Read the conversation again you human pile of trash.

I thought they removed his name years ago.
Oh well, get bored and go on Twitter rants, reap the rewards. Minecraft's popularity peaked years ago so it's irreversibly associated with Notch, doubt he's worried about his little legacy being scrubbed.

the worst part is that, when confronted directly or even asked for advice, notch espouses personal responsibility, being kind to people, and turning the other cheek. but he dares criticise the left and so apparently he's a fascist racist nazi who deserves to rot. it's depressing that all his positive messages get ignored completely because he's enough of an edgy boi to say "punch a commie".

meant to respond to this AMEN

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Amen, Cunt

Attached: 1538889671092.jpg (467x517, 38K)

He got his name removed from Minecraft so saying there are only two genders.

What the fuck is wrong with trannies?

>notch espouses personal responsibility, being kind to people, and turning the other cheek
>le punch a commie tho xD

How is removing some randomly generated text "getting rid of notch" when he's still in the credits. The fact that you think microshit has any power of notch is hilarious


Thats easily believable though.

holy shit lmao I know /pol/ is retarded but trannies are infinitely worse, good thing they already kill themselve

Attached: 006.jpg (1786x2526, 1.66M)

>autistic screeching about things that never happened

Typical poltard.


>notch dindu nuffin

Attached: gylHsPupLJopRykRf62CzTedg6VDvbtJ3MWyy2sOICM.jpg (640x819, 64K)

Surprisingly commendable post.

Attached: 15896785746.gif (431x480, 2.87M)

Losing weight is incredibly easy. You literally just have to not stuff your fucking face with food all the time.

You take your typical /r9k/ autistic socially maladjusted sperg, give them a sprinkling of hormones and attention, and bam you have a tranny

Attached: 007.jpg (1786x2526, 2.34M)

Fuck off

>Trust a shitty conpiracy theory like Q
>dont trust the media because they expose liars and fight for the truth

This is literally cult like brainwashed behavior.

last page had something not allowed a christian image board.

Attached: 009.jpg (1786x2526, 1.08M)

Nothing. Cope harder virgin

>dont trust the media because they expose liars and fight for the truth
hahahahaahahahah okay

>dont trust the media because they expose liars and fight for the truth
This isn't the 50's anymore you tard

Attached: 15783166801.jpg (286x307, 10K)

Even Islam in NZ is claiming mossad did the christchurch thing, and jews are absolutely livid.
>New Zealand's Jewish community is outraged and revolted after a prominent mosque leader blamed Mossad for being behind the Christchurch terror attack.

>On Saturday, a group called Love Aotearoa Hate Racism organised a rally for the victims in Auckland's Aotea Square.

>Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt Roskill Masjid E Umar, gave a speech questioning where the gunman got his funding from. He said he suspected it came from "Mossad" and "Zionist business".

But hey, at least we got ugly trannies starring in the new Wolfenstein so who cares.

Whites are waking up and you're obama era power is fading LMAO!

>The irony of this post

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post it user

Attached: 1444316932889.png (500x299, 188K)

>expose liars

holy fuck, did your boss force you to work overtime because of the mueller report, shareblue? I can almost feel the damage control

what? arent you glad to have discordtrannies sharing their insights and fears about /pol/ on all boards but /pol/?

Attached: 1495653350805.png (1920x1896, 1.3M)

post it you fucking pussy

Attached: 010c.png (668x687, 381K)

They're both made by idiots who want everything to be as black and white as possible.

>willingly taking cancer pills

Everything's wrong with trannies. They're disgusting freaks.

Attached: Zbnwj0i.jpg (1920x909, 152K)

The Mueller report stated that Trump is a literal corrupt criminal, nothing wrong with that.

UCK notch and fuck the alt right too

Good fucking riddance

Not that I gave a shit about minecraft to begin with. I just came to laff

Attached: 1450644335595.gif (294x233, 3.44M)

Wrong about that. On /pol/ they become yangfags or AOCfags.

They are terrified of /pol/ nothing scares them more

t. doesn't understand economics or society

Eh I rather not get banned until I get to the really juicy stuff, then I'll post the whole shebang. It was just him jacking off anyway no tits or nuttin

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u mad lol

Why does it always go this way. Can't we at least shitpost about VIDEOGAMES?

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Why are anti-whites always such bottomfeeders? Everytime...

and /pol/ is terrified of Destiny and Contrapoints because they argue with logic and facts which destroys the emotional cherrypicked arguments that /pol/ always spouts.

Attached: pwnd.png (643x466, 421K)

god I want to fuck her so bad

Attached: dont know whats real.jpg (636x317, 23K)

cute gerbil.

Attached: 013.jpg (1786x2526, 1.67M)

Who? Glad you don't deny it either

Who cares what the glow in the dark judas goats and their tiny flock of retarded sheep call themselves?

Resetera needs to fucking go back

I would buy as much of my family out of debt as I could remember, make sure a good chunk of it gets reinvested so that generations could enjoy it, and then fuck off from the world and still continue to shitpost on Yea Forums.

Trannies are effectively incels who have given up.

Nice thread you have here, discord.

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Both of which have already been demolished by this man. Do you got anyone else, or is that it?

Attached: Jean Francois Gariepy.jpg (598x699, 105K)

Alright, which one of you put razor blades in my dog's food?

Attached: 1553743290675.png (540x397, 277K)

Literally ditch soda and replace with unsweetened tea with lemon and a teaspoonful of honey

Watch the pounds melt


Attached: anderson01_1247.png (300x169, 59K)

>/pol/ is terrified of Destiny and Contrapoints
Oh boy, a tranny about to become one of the 40% and some soi-guzzling streamer. So scary.

This nigga still mad Notch told him to get help. Dude he was right, you'll never be a woman. You're an abomination, get help before it's too late.


>no legacy
>no friends
>his fans are all milking him like the lolcow he is
>no children
>rich shamed every time he tries to speak his mind

I hope you're all proud of yourselves.

Attached: 1287812249000.gif (200x200, 299K)

you know I watched a video about DmC devil may cry recently. Tameeme said the reason Donte was naked in the beginning of the game was because it signified the "(re)birth" of dmc, Just thought it was interesting. Any other dmcfags here?

Attached: 015.jpg (1786x2526, 1.54M)

>terrified of desTINY and Contrannypoints

Attached: 1550643067901.jpg (665x670, 76K)

Gotta work up for the 40% odds afterall
Bonus round, the shotgun hero was likely grommed by these trannies

Attached: 1530007834587.png (2484x2072, 1.59M)

Reminder that Destiny is a pedophile. Wouldn't be surprised if the discord tranny is as well.


>terrified of Destiny and Contrapoints

Attached: 124314546243.png (339x296, 133K)


Microsoft are real bitches. Least he got paid a fortune.

well I'll guess ill just keep talking about dmc. I was pretty excited about dmc5 but I think spoiled myself too much. I wish I didn't watch so many trailers before playing the game. Still I thought it was really fun, the gameplay is just so good, but the last third of the levels seemed kinda bland to me.

Cavaliere > Cerberus > Balrog > Dante

Attached: 016.jpg (1786x2526, 1.21M)

You literally have no reason to be fat, especially if you're a guy.

>New Zealand getting gestapo'd for their guns

I just dont get how kh3 just kinda came and went though. It was hyped up for such a long time though but no one cares anymore. No offense to any khfags Im sure it was a fine game but theres like no discussion of it at all

Attached: 017.jpg (1786x2526, 1.48M)

>Yea Forums - VIDEOGAMES

Attached: 1553624025015.gif (544x500, 68K)

Video games? On Yea Forums?

How can one man be so based?

Attached: 1448262270206.png (627x1360, 201K)

Passive neocons and separatists are complete spineless cowards with no plan who deserve everything they get.

Maybe you should tell the tranny jannies that.

Tell that to the jannies, pleb

holy fucking BASED MOJANG

It was fake news even back then. McCarthy was right.


Yeah, unlikely you actually talk about them considering your in this thread to cry that Yea Forums isn't tailor made to your taste.

This image is stupid because carbs wreck your digestive system by making you resistant to insulin, which then leads to diabetes and your cells over-absorbing every bit of nutrient. Carbs are not this harmless thing you can eat as much as you can before you go above your daily caloric maintenance, because you can stuff yourself with half a kilo of dates right now and you'd only eat ~1200kcal of calories, 800 short of the standard 2000 maintenance, yet still eat around 400g of fucking carbs. Do this for a week or two and you're now diabetic even when you actually lost weight because you were on a cut
From diabetes or high insulin resistance at best then follows obesity.

still it looks better then FFXV lmao.

Attached: 018.jpg (1786x2526, 1.96M)

ah yes. /pol/ is truly terrified of the guy who argues for fucking close relatives and america invading mexico, you know the board who trolled and embarassed the MSM and powerful politicians multiple times

fucking retard

Like pottery

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>implying notch doesn't exclusively play 1.7 and not give a shit


there was a trans kid at a middle school i used to teach at that got expelled for groping a girl in the locker room. Little shit probably just wanted a free ride to look at girls, I swear. Kid's mother didn't fight the expulsion, probably feared it'd hit media.

Fuck off to

JF demolished himself, that nigga got so JUSTed it's not even funny.

you know that japanese humor webm that guy posts from xenoblade? I dunno I think its funny. Its like good cringe humor but the extra laughs comes from people arguing for and against it and the autism behind that guy that compels him to post it over and over again.

Attached: 020.jpg (1786x2526, 1.78M)

If anything this should just tell you that no matter how good or bad you have it in life you'll never find true happiness

Enjoy your existential horror faggot.

>games aren't political

Attached: 1488360919812.jpg (847x507, 56K)

What is this and where can i read it faster

and Yea Forumsermin wonder why many of the other boards view this place as newfag entry point ass cancer.

Yea Forums doesn't fucking play video games duh

I jack off to palutena alot but I never played kid icarus

Attached: 021.jpg (1786x2526, 1.17M)






The next crash can't come soon enough.

I wish he stayed like that. His ability to stand up as the bigger man has been eroded into being a pessimistic shitposter. I'd imagine he would be a lot happier i he mostly focused on being positive.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

i hope he atleast has some friends he can talk to, he seems lonely

I'll post a link in the next notch thread

I've been in the dmc threads theres some healthly discussion in there. When there not talking about how much they want to fuck dante


Attached: 022.jpg (1786x2526, 2.98M)

lmao. Fuck trannies. Fuck bugmen. Fuck this gay world. Soon it'll be illegal to even be a man. This is a Jewish Matriarchy we're living in.

Attached: 1529176199018.jpg (320x537, 80K)

Keep telling yourself that every 9 hours you're at work every 5 to 6 days a week.

here's an idea, retard. maybe not get fucking fat in the first place? imagine having zero self control over a period of YEARS that you let yourself get to a state of pure blubber.

no sympathy at all

He also said shit like this. He should be allowed to say it, but they also don't have to keep his name on it.

Attached: minecraft.jpg (1200x630, 365K)

Why do retards keep saying this?

uh oh

also I was thinking of getting sekiro next. I noticed alot of dmc vs sekiro threads lately. Dont know why the hostility.

Attached: 023.jpg (1786x2526, 3.15M)

Who cares about micecraft? This is political.

because i have retardism

No one stated otherwise. Waste of a post.

Not an argument

>that kid

Attached: 024.jpg (1786x2526, 1.2M)

what a retard
everyday is heterosexual pride day

>everyday is heterosexual pride day
Where's the confetti?

Attached: muellerreport.gif (480x360, 2.22M)

Poor Gerbil though

Attached: 025.jpg (1786x2526, 1.88M)

That poor chuni. Also Seikro is okay, DMC5 is much better though.

he can't get away with it

He's not alt-right. He's not racist, he's not sexist, he doesn't even say that he hates trannies. He's just a realist about it.

This is a lesson to be learned, The marxist left can't make good games, only indie shit that never succeeds, Unlike the chad Minecraft

>wonder why no one wants anything to do with you
>I sincerely doubt he's wondering about or even concerned with what people think of him
Are you fucking illiterate you subhuman troglodyte? Do you need me to read it to you in a tiny baby voice really slow?

Attached: 026.jpg (1786x2526, 1.33M)

WHAT YOU SAID /pol/!? FUCKING DELUSIONAL BOOGIEMAN FUCKING TRANNY! How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that an over abundance of politics talk is caused by cross boarders from the most popular board on the site? You'd need to be insane!


>Implying the world isn't crumbling around your million dollar hovel
>Implying the ice cold hand of death isn't going to touch you when you least expect it
>Implying the world isn't fucked in every conceivable metric

The end is coming and there's nothing you can do about it.

Sleep tight user :)

Fuck this bitch, Makabe did nothing wrong.

>I want to see classified information as soon as the Attorney General sees it

Attached: 1553305274511.gif (480x270, 1.88M)

gamers its time...

Attached: 027.jpg (1786x2526, 1.53M)

>▲ ▲

>inb4 bethesda patch this out of skyrim

Attached: Notched_Pickaxe.jpg (761x834, 84K)

what a terrible teacher

Why do people on this thread always talk about politics? I'm sick of the left and right accusing each other of shitposting. I just want to browse a thread without people spouting meaningless buzzwords at each other.

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This was proven false ages ago and that the dude just fucking altered the HTML of the page which anyone can do. Why is /pol/ so FUCKING gullible?

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Attached: 028.jpg (1786x2526, 1.6M)

absolutely based, that's our boy


Another waste of a post. Fix the reading comprehension and get back to me.



>Why do people on this thread always talk about politics?
Because Notch is political, this topic exists because of his politics, and the thread is about his politics.

Attached: 029.jpg (1786x2526, 1.5M)

>its not that hard
lmao, you clearly never been obese.



damn, pissed right in rider's face

He's also a rapist.

>says the young man aged 16-22 whose brain has fallen to the mindrot of the alt-right

I'm proud of you user

Not him but I've lost 40kg since November last year.

Seriously just stop fucking eating so much.

Attached: 030.jpg (1786x2526, 1.6M)

>Mike Matei

What the fuck? Really?


Shut the fuck up you mental midget, you're a joke the average IQ here is staggeringly low

Fuck him honestly. All the money in the world, being able to travel anywhere he wants to go, being able to afford all your hobbies and interests access to so many beautiful women and the potential to make a true, lasting change in the world and he just sits around shitposting on twitter and most likely Yea Forums like he has nothing going for him in life

Attached: 031.jpg (1786x2526, 1.44M)

>it's real
Holy fucking based.


what a a shit teacher.
If fuck her

Wait, did he die? He was really young though...

makabe and snake gods bizzare adventure

Attached: 032.jpg (1786x2526, 2.39M)

shit man you should have done a gofundme or whatever it's called, I'm sorry

nice knowing ya anons
guess im going to prison now

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this is censored right? You dont actually see penis right?

Attached: 033.jpg (1786x2526, 1.06M)

I meant this board. Every thread I go in has people calling each other incel, tranny, /pol/tard and other shit. I'm just sick of everything being political.

Attached: 1242623536253.jpg (863x867, 261K)

I think having positive karma allows you to post without a time limit, otherwise i'm pretty sure it's just an ego boost.



well whatever

Attached: 034.jpg (1786x2526, 1.19M)

Because the world has gone insane. We just want to be left alone while the right keeps pushing and pushing with their politics trying to shit everything in the world up by causing more strife, anger and hatred in the world when all we want is to get along and to spread equality and love amongst everyone.


Attached: 035.jpg (1786x2526, 1.09M)

>Create Second most sold game of all time
>get filthy fucking rich
>literally don't have to lift a finger anymore
>Shitpost all day and they keep baiting the bait
>they can cry all they want
>they may scream or shill and let it all out
>but they cannot take his success

I envy him, what I'd do to spend my life shitposting on twitter with no repercussions at all

It's because we /clownworld/ now. Enjoy you're stay.

Attached: clownworld.png (567x535, 454K)

Who cares? I already changed the name of mine to "Trotsky's Comb"

Attached: 1550620601058.jpg (350x441, 123K)

Seething tranny detected

Attached: 1553279985908.jpg (1024x514, 101K)

Please don't push politics on me. I get enough of it in real life.

its not a penis ok mods its a snake, its different

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>Swede becomes rightwing
Here I thought being a cuck was in their DNA.


Attached: 037.jpg (1786x2526, 1.13M)


god damn it snek

the normalization of meme culture was a fucking mistake that 4ch can never remedy, when combined with the development of cringe culture and keyboard warriors this is the living hell, we've wrought unto the internet, there is no help, only a strive too not be part of the problem.

Attached: 1538735165911.png (600x480, 259K)


He's only pretending to be a retard, right?

Attached: 1553393508256.jpg (383x382, 18K)

Dont count him out just yet

Attached: 038.jpg (1786x2526, 2.63M)

is this the point and laugh at trannies thread? live suicide stream when

Attached: 039.jpg (1786x2526, 1001K)


Speaking of Jesus, did anyone catch that prophetic stuff that was predicted in the bible?

Haha, CRAAZY right?

do you alt right retards think people still fall for "different opinions"?

He didn't say ethnic group you retard.
Did your mind invent that because you can't handle people with different opinions?




well threads almost over. Next time you guys see a incel tranny politics thread I'll be there.

Attached: 040.jpg (1786x2526, 1.06M)

>create game from scratch by yourself
>makes enough money to generate some jobs out of thin air
>hire some lucky people and pay them well for their work
>after a few years decide you've had enough and sell the company
>give your employees free money as a parting gift even though you don't even have to
>"Give us more money, asshole"
Imagine going into work everyday and dealing with people like this. I fucking hate cunts like this.

Attached: Jens_Bergensten_Minecon.jpg (592x592, 179K)

Amen fuckers


Keep posting, thread's not done 'til we hit page 10.

Amen and hallelujah

may you be blessed by a penis/snake god of your own, user

Bless you user. I hope that you remembered that not all posts need to bump.

>bump limit
mission accomplished

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The only thing that would have made this image better is using """amber's""" truename, but otherwise 9.5/10

Thanks for everything, user.

Attached: 1553387745794.gif (636x357, 3.06M)

>barely worked on own game, paid team to finish it for him
>sold out to jews despite apparently hating them
>also acts like a jew with his money
>whines about being rich on his $10000 PC in his mansion


t. seething wagecuck

ITT: a bunch of niggas being angry at another nigga cuz he has money

The hero Yea Forums doesn't deserve.

Attached: 4a468324b98032eb7fee598da023cf82.jpg (460x369, 53K)

t. notch
Fucking do something with your money.

>but they also don't have to keep his name on it.
They should if they want to keep their Integrity.

Bullshit! His twitter is still very much up.

>alex jones white supremacy

Like what, fund your HRT? How about I frame your post, put it in my golden toilet and shit all over it faggot boy

>muh alt right neckbeard
People aren't actually this stupid right? Nobody actually believes that thinking sjw shit being stupid is alt-right, right?

Attached: dundertail.png (1199x1016, 1.45M)

cool shit. I always wondered where the third to last page you posted came from

>have "problematic" i.e. normal opinions on the current state of clown world for years
>call out Soros
>the next day have your name removed from your own game

Really makes you think

No source still?


Kami No Chinko O Motsu Shounen
i think


Integrity isn't lost, this is a they removed. He's still credited, it just doesn't greet you with these random messages any more.

Attached: dHkxf3t8jroWdwUNjn6niN-1200-80.jpg (941x641, 117K)


He said "there is clearly an agenda against white men" and "if you believe there should be a gay pride parade but not a straight pride parade you should be shot". He's pretty alt-right.

>reverse image search the first page

Attached: enthusiasm.png (900x900, 161K)

>Yea Forums doggedly defended this man for years

Attached: lol.jpg (675x1200, 113K)

I agree but alt-right is as faggy sounding that even hitler would have hated them.

>Thinks for himself and holds his own unique opinions

This angers the cookie cutter NPCs.

Attached: 1551989199687.png (888x894, 520K)

Oh come, Alex Jones ain't white supremacy in any kinda way.

That's not alt-right tho.

So what they call themselves then?

>thinks he's doing some 'justice'
>he helped the thread get 500 replies
Dumfuck newfag tranny.


That isn't regular-right.

Do you actually believe that those trap threads are made by trannies? People just here fap to a lot stuff.