What ever happened to these?
Yea Forums sings
Other urls found in this thread:
go back to where you came from
They are still done fairly often dude. Every year.
Shame I can't fucking sing at all.
posting the fucking reddit groyper meme
i can sing, i never participate because its fucking redditor caner
How does it feel to be a braindead moron and a newfag?
>every year
Yea Forums does several of them every year.
I propose Yea Forums sings pull my devil trigger
already happened
/pg/ just got done singing Burn My Dread:
link pls
it's close to a million views, I'm sure you can find it
They're made rarely since the fags at discord sucks ass. The ones that are made since the song is good/hype are usually very good.
>when there are too few voices so you can hear individual ones
pure cringe
maybe, but i know you have free time like the nice people in /h/ that respond to my requests
I have enough time to give you a (You) you fucking retard if you can't even find a Yea Forums sings that has gotten that many views
That's a good thing.
Why can't Yea Forums sing as well as Yea Forums?
Holy shit
Why is samefagging impressive
That was gay as fuck btw
Great timing I was looking for the how to draw mario song on Flipnote hatena
Yea Forums died.
what's the point? just seems like a circlejerk.
>look at our randumb epic community XD
My God these are all awful
>so this is the power of Yea Forums
This guy is fucking amazing though.
So if I wanted to make one of these, does everyone just post vocaroos and then someone combines them all with something like audacity? Because I could do that. I'm not sure about video editing though.
>mfw /o/ sings Running in the 90's and Dancing got deleted
this happened
Shut the fuck up busta
Yeah, we need more twitter screencap threads and wojaks!
Dumb electioncucks
Best of the lot.
Seethe harder idiot.
>he didn't download it
No seriously guys arcive these songs because you never know when they'll get fucked
I'm not the one that ruined the board
It's fun collaborating with Yea Forums to make stupid shit
Seethe harder idiot.
Whatever works. Just so long as the voices correctly overlap with the rhythm and the other voices, it's gucci.
>deflect to a strawman
while do faggots always do this?
Jesus christ
>implying /ck/ doesn't have the best singer
They don't, because the best singer is:
and who could forget dear /bant/?
God damnit dodek, Cool vibrations was pretty fucking good
Guess I'll have to visit /ovg/ again, I hope those guys play FH4
Yeah I haven't seen one of the be made in awhile. Had an idea for "ain't no pleasing you" but for smashfags
something about the top right still gets me
Didn't you know that having fun is now forbidden?
The grown up 15 year old browsing here will tell you that you are cringe if you have fun.
Hell we managed to scrape up a Yea Forums sings only for DMCV, a game we were waiting for for 10 years, and we still had to deal with "oh my god so cringe" crew.
Fuck this cringe fad, let me have fun damnit, it's all I have.
You sound like someone who was here before the idiots flooded in
Go get yourself the Instant Oldfag Kit, and Information Library (get 2.0, NOT 2.1, 2.1 is malware designed by a rogue /g/ tripfag who is currently serving a US prison sentence for fraud)
I've been screeching into xboard sings since before the golden age of JIBUN WO and it was only ever just dumb fun for anons until offsite normalfags came with their "f-fuck off with this cringe shit!!" Right up until Reddit started doing it too and then it became "fuck off with this reddit shit!" as though their OC deficient asses were the creators of that shit.
Not gonna lie Yea Forums sings devil trigger and DMC threads were some of the most fun I've had on this site in a few good years.
DMCV is a gift and I will never stop being thankful for it.
The DMC threads were and still are amazing, I would like to thank you all cuhrazy bastards for the fun times.
You too user, I haven't loved video games as much as I have in the time since the announcement. I'll have to go back now that I've finished the game, glad to hear they're still enjoyable.
There's been so many attempts to stop DMCV's fun and still all of them failed.
Itsuno managed to exceed my expectations even in the discussions about his game.
The Yea Forums ones are kino m.youtube.com