How the fuck am I supposed to beat this asshole...

How the fuck am I supposed to beat this asshole? I go through all my heals by phase 2 because everytime I try he just hits me with an arrow. The few times I've made it to the Super Sayan phase he instafucks me with lightning. Every other boss went down in one or two tries, but I've thrown myself at this asshole at least 25. Is he the ultimate pleb filter?

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lightning reversal nigga


Deflect and punish phase one, lightning reversal phase 2. EZ PZ. Hes more of a meaningful fight than a difficult one.

So do I just jump into it and hit R1?

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Jump, deflect it, hit r1

>Is he the ultimate pleb filter?

both Owl and Isshin phase 3/4 are worse

Genshiro you can just keep attacking with the occasional deflect. For the other two you need to build up damage before posture stops regenerating

He is easier than phase 1 and 2 if you get used to him. His thrust attack is predictable as fuck. As soon as he goes phase 3 he does a thrust attack every time. Mikiri counter that shit

Don’t jump into it, try to avoid it, but if you didn’t get to dodge it (you need to jump, not dodge), then do press r1, and he’ll be stunned

Do what Isshin Ashina tells you to do, don't hesitate

Essentially keep attacking him in the first phase until he parries you then parry his next attack or dodge if he jumps in the air. Then rinse and repeat until you kill him through posture damage. He's one of the bosses where constant attacking and parrying is the easiest way to win. Second phase is same shit just jump and attack when he does lightning to reverse it.

Stop spoiling you moron, no one asked you about the other bosses

Isshin phase 3 is a fucking cunt. Owls mainly annoying because of how much fucking damage/posture damage he does.

owl is easy as shit

Thanks guys I guess I'll try this strategy later. I'm taking a break at the moment because he pissed me off.

he should theoretically be easier than previous genichiro, definitely a lot quicker

in the first phase of his fight he'll almost always follow the attack where he goes up in the air and strikes down with a thrust, so using mikiri counter there helps immensely.

second phase he'll usually follow the same attack up with a sweep, though this isn't as consistent. again jump kicking helps. I also feel its easier to block the arrows rather than dodge

third phase the best thing I found to do is to stay distant most of the time to bait him into using his thrust, and then mikiri counter > attack > fire crackers > attack until he's dead.

as for any of the lightning attacks just try your best to jump when you see it and hit R1 before you hit the ground. I was stuck on this boss for awhile too but this worked for me

If by owl you mean owl 1 I disagree. I one shot that, genichiro took me several tries.

Sword Saint I actually only thought phase 2 was super annoying. Phase 3 wasn’t too bad and I one shot phase 4

I beat him today, and was fucking pissed as well when I found out there’s a third stage. But after hours of grinding I could beat the first two with my eyes closed

ohhh yeah one more thing I feel that the nightjar slash can be pretty useful in this fight when he backs up. closes the distance which means less arrow shittery

Shut the fuck up, the fight gets ten times easier once you start using the lightning against him.
If he does a lightning attack jump straight up and R1, it does 15-20% damage and stuns him.

>t he'll almost always follow the attack where he goes up in the air and strikes down with a thrust
its not always a thrust. in fact sweep is more common from what i can tell from 2 playthroughs across all forms of genichiro.

Or if he doesn’t time it right, he’ll just die again

he can do a thrust or a sweep, but from what i've observed its almost always a thrust in the first phase (before getting the first deathblow)

Just beat him. How the FUCK do I get Emma to upgrade my gourd now? She just goes on and on about how Isshin is in another tower.

>he can do a thrust or a sweep
yes which is why you shouldnt expect a thrust but to wait how he starts his animation. granted i dont specifically remember the first phase of the second genichiro fight so maybe he is more prone to thrust there, i just know overall.

There's no timing to it, you just jump when you see lightning and R1, it's free damage and healing time.

Go to the other tower? It’s literally 10 seconds from there. Talk to him, and you’ll be able to talk to Emma again


Was this hard to understand?

you can literally mash his first two bars away by R1ing him in a corner, his AI is busted and can't deal with it

the second form is even easier, just attack after he does his dive move and if he does the lightning swipe, reverse it


You don't even have to deflect it, it does nothing until you hit the ground.

I don’t know user, you might be right, but I did fuck it up a few times. I could’ve done something wrong though. In my final attempt I did stun him twice though and got stunned himself once.

I'm amazed that after you typed this out, you didn't realize what you're supposed to do and not post something this stupid holy shit.

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They say its outside of the main castle so at first I assumed he was much further away. Took me a bit to realize they meant 30 feet away.

Oh I had no idea. I thought you had to jump, deflect to get the charge into your sword and then redirect. Doubt I'll stop doing that though just cause it feels more secure to me.

What the fuck? All his lightning moves are shiteasy to dodge.

is that true? if you get hit by a lightning sword mid-air it does NO damage until you hit the ground?

Tfw didn’t even know about lightning reversal until saint isshin fight

>Is he the ultimate pleb filter?
he's entrance exam at best

If you're struggling so much with this guy that you've made a thread on Yea Forums you're in for a rough time at the end boss

yuh, lightning does nothing to you before you leave the air.

Maybe if you're in the swords hitbox it will do damage, but I've never deflected it in the air and as long as you don't jump too early you'll automatically catch it and can throw it back.

What is the point of eel liver when lightning is either nullified or your bar goes to full and you die