Game requires you to read the manga, watch the anime and play multiple spin offs to understand the full plot

>game requires you to read the manga, watch the anime and play multiple spin offs to understand the full plot
Why the fuck is this allowed?

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FF15 is shit, I agree.

the plot assuredly isnt worth it then

>Game expects you to get your dick sucked

>game is made for fans of the series and doesn't compromise to appeal to a wider demographic
That's the best possible route. Gatekeeping is a positive.

Didn’t work so well for XV

Poor wittle baby is mad mommy wont spoon feed him any more.

>game requires you to read the manga, watch the anime and play multiple spin offs to understand the full plot
Name 2.5 games that does this

>Literally no game ever

Why does Yea Forums invent imaginary things to be angry about? Retards.

ZoE does it

Danganronpa requires you to read a novel, manga and watch an anime if you want the full lore to a saga. Halo also has canon novels.

Why do regards like you actually not play games and assume crazy shit like that is made up?

>caring about the DR "lore"

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Kingdom Hearts?

.hack literally does this.

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>game has a manga/anime

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Lol no, playing DR1, 2 and 3V is enough

I never do that. I just call the game shit cause I can't follow it.

Gatekeeping with good gameplay that requires alot of skill is fine. Gatekeeping with retarded and bloated plots? not so much.



Kingdom Hearts pretty much

Fuck KH in general honestly, shit franchise

That's what you get for playing anime games you stupid fucking weeaboo trashcan

No game worth playing has an anime or manga.

Welcome to the NHK

>[Media] requires you to [Consume Other Media] to understand the plot
It's Shit

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Capture the Flags

>for fans and first timers

Wait it was a novel first?

thats a regular novel with an anime

This. No need to play UDG, read Zero, and definitely definitely DEFINITELY do not watch DR3.

>Yoko Taro games have a literal reading list for side materials
still read everything though

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>stage plays
>radio dramas
>light/web novels
>several manga
all canon/build on the story

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>only the video games are translated
>an integral character in the plot dies in one of the untranslated manga/anime

>definitely definitely DEFINITELY do not watch DR3

Ryota was a mistake.

Here's a western example, but it's even worse.

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>some plot elements are only explained in a jap-only low budget stageplay

came here to post this

Blazblue has a manga and novels along with several spin off games that aren't even in the same genre as the fighting games.

>a fucking Dinner Talk Show takes more precedence than a novel, the stategy guide, and questions about the lore itself

what the hell kind of dinner party does Yoko Taro throw