What is the videogame equivalent?

What is the videogame equivalent?

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planescape: torment

user, no one have seen this movie in Yea Forums, neither they would recognize it in last action hero.
Why would you try to find a game with this vibe in this uncultured shithole?

Metal Gear Solid 1!

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Wrong movie

I recognise it
it’s not good

>inb4 b-but for its time
Yeah, I’m sure Nanook of the north was a real doozy back in the day, but I don’t see you watching it

Big no

idk, some pretentious walking simulator

Yea Forums doesn't watch bergman, they only watch the latest capeshit

The ending was pretty shit, but overall it's a good movie. Being contrarian doesn't make you intellectual.

Flower, sun, and rain

Fucking seriously?
This is the easiest shit ever.

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Are there any games that seriously discuss religion besides SMT or Outlast 2? The only game with themes of death that actually hit me was Hotline Miami 2.

In terms of a video game with a lasting legacy in its medium, then I have no idea.

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This guy got it.

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>not liking pretentious swedish films 95% of the population never heard of makes you a contrarian
That’s like saying thinking manowar and sabaton are garbage is contrarian


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I have seen it you piece of shit. It's one of my favorite movies of all time and my favorite scene in it is when a man is almost killed by a mob in the tavern as a joke.

imagine being this delusional


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The steed of the auteur!

Cultured by spending time with the hall of fame!

Nothing and that's good. It's a great film that I love but it would make a really shitty game.

I think a lot of people assume that this movie is relentlessly artsy and brooding when it really isn't

man, what don't you like about the movie. I can't think of a fault.

he sacrifices the game to save the family. they all die at his house. paupers and princes are all equal in death

For me it's Jöns the squire.

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Vem är du?
Jag är döden.
Kommer du för att hämta mig?
Jag har redan länge gått vid din sida.
Det vet jag!
Är du beredd?
Min kropp är rädd! inte jag själv.

There’s some semi-interesting discussion of God’s capacity for mercy and love towards the end of Lords of Shadow

Ever notice how movies with "Seven" in the title are always god tier?

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video game development is mostly the purview of rootless cosmopolitans whose grandparents may have dragged them to church a few times at Easter or Christmas once or twice, that being the extent of their experiences with religion

We will therefore never get a video game equivalent of The Passion of Joan of Arc or The Seventh Seal or The Last Temptation of Christ

The equivalent of a 5 minute short story streched to 90 minutes?
MGS5 I guess

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