What games would he play?

What games would he play?

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Call of Cthulhu.

RE 5

he'd probably only play VNs like a faggot.

Bloodborne for a while until he realizes there's an option to play as a nigger

Earth Defense Force.

Skyrim with mods

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Why do white people like to make this face?

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smiling is something that doesn't come naturally.

which is also why when they do learn to smile, they do it constantly and can't stop.

Lovecraft actually had a cat named Nigger Man

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To confuse minorities.

Ethnic Cleansing

>listen to rats in the walls audiobook
>nigger man has been renamed to black tom

can peope please stop talking about my favorite author? people only shit on him and i dont like it

probably find gaming inferior to shitposting, like many here have already found.

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He most likely wouldn't and consider it degenerate and instead write angry tweets about the zionist agenda and white genocide all day.

you listening to the wrong audiobook then, dumbo.

Eternal Darkness is literally a Lovecraft game in all but name.

We have nothing to smile about anymore.

How do I get into his works? I always see Lovecraftian getting thrown around but don't know much about it besides the media it's inspired by.

Haha, niggerman.
Bloodborne obviously.

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have you tried reading his writings?


the audiobooks on intellectual exercise on youtube are phenomanol! there's like two guys who reads in those audiobooks on that channel and both of them are perfect for lovecraft stories.

most of the shit that says its lovecraftian just has a scary tentacle monster in it LOOK GUYS REMEMBER CTHULHU :DDDDD

The real life cat wasn't Niggerman, that was the one in the story. Niggerman was named after his childhood cat, Nigger.

I have the version with the narrator from darkest dungeon

he's pretty neat

why is his face so fucking flat

start with these and if you dont like him after them then you wont like him at all. audiobooks for intellectual exercise on youtube are great for listening

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The ones without niggers in them.

But didn't he have some kind of epiphany that racism was bad like a month before he died?

Read At the Mountains of Madness.

Read the more casual and easily understandable works like Shadow over Innsmouth or Mountains of Madness and then work you way down until you get into the weird dreamworlds shit.

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Why did he name his cat niggerman?

He is overrated in a good way. He reuses too many of the same themes in hid writing. Lone wanderer, the main character’s curiosity of the unknown is too strong against his fear, gothic setting, the monster is indescribable, a village that is scared of a place because of some scary rumors and the main character doesnt believe it but in the end it was true. I can say more but he really reuses same themes. I say he is overrated in a good way because his imaginations and writing are still great, too great to overlook. And if you think he’s the best horror writer, you’re wrong. Even Lovecraft thought Edgar Allan Poe was the greatest horror writer ever, Lovecraft references him many times in many of his short stories

Spyro 3 year of the dragon

you didn't?

From Beyond
The Nameless City
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
The Picture in the House
The Colour out of Space
The Music of Erich Zann
The Festival
The Rats in the Walls
The Call of Cthulhu
At the Mountains of Madness
The Shadow over Innsmouth
The Shadow Out of Time.

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He would likely only stomach a game with only native English people in it. Don't know if there are any games that meet that criterion.


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any Conan game

wasn't he friends with Robert E. Howard?

Silent Hill 1,2,3 and Bloodborne.

It was never known. But he was racist, that shows in a lot of his work. In his work The Street. It’s a about a story of a thriving street but was then ruined when immigrants came in and lived in it. Boring premise but thats how it is

No but I was wondering which ones

I'll try audiobooks for these

Probably idom@ster. You know this is true

'Lovecraftian' is a horribly misused and overused meme-word at this point.
It's right up there on my list next to 'Souls-like' of terms that make me roll my eyes.

Anything that is the slightest bit creepy and has a tentacle in it is called Lovecraftian.

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How is that racist?

holy fucking based

your daily reminder that even with him saying those things, he married a jew and then she got bored of him and left him. top cucked

For all of Lovecraft’s faults, all of which you covered very well, his shit is better than Poe’s.

Audiobooks are fine with Lovecraft’s work. In many of his short stories, the surprise always comes in on the last sentence so it chills you down hard. But when you read, even if you dont read it the last sentence, your vision does so it kind of ruins it

Smiling is a primitive show of submission. The White Man does not submit.

>lived with his mother for 5 years and refused to get a job
Touhou, probably.

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>All these things are, in their superior forms, simply by-products of excess intellectuality—which I haven’t the honour to possess. In their inferior forms they are of course simply avenues of escape for persons with too poorly proportioned and correlated a perspective to distinguish betwixt the frivolous and the relevant . . .
H.P. Lovecraft to James F. Morton, February 3, 1932

>I feel quite justified in believing that games and sports ought not be ranked among the major phenomena of life.
H.P. Lovecraft to Robert E. Howard, October 3–5–7, 1932

He'd be like your average Yea Forums poster

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God I want to go back in time and see how different the culture was

>only 5
I lived with my mother for 21 years

what was his cat's name again?

to me Lovecraftian is more like a hopeless feeling that you are insignificant in the grand scheme of things and there are greater and more horrible things out there that have been around long before man has and that they can will eventually wipe us out

>tfw rats in the walls ending
that shit went from 0 to 100 real fast

>t...top cucked heh
cry more, he hated being married and hated living in New York

reality is racist

Try 32. Step up, you rank amateurs.

This is a fake text tho, perfect bait for easely triggered retards like this one

Can the retarded voice be turned off?

that's the face we make when we see something stupid but are too polite too call it out directly.

I hate niggers so much

that hits the spot really what lovecraftian should be. lovecraft's works are all anti-mythology, which is kind of ironic seeing what august dereleth did

Did he? Kek, imagine being famous only after you die in contemporary times. Must be painful.

It’s more like the face we make when we see four blacks walking towards us at night.


>As for Germany today—to call it a “madhouse” is to exaggerated in the grossest fashion. The details of Nazism are deplorable, but they do not even begin to compare in harmfulness with the extravagances of communism. You seem to forget that most of the German people are quietly going about their business as usual, with a much better morale than they had last year. If the Nazi destruction of certain books is silly—& there is no reason to deny that it is—then there is no word to express the abysmal idiocy & turpitude of the bolshevik war on normal culture & expression. Germany has not even begun to parallel Russia in the destruction of those basic values which Western Europeans live by. When I say I like Hitler I do not imply that his is a & blindly against the disintegrative forces which more educated & sophisticated people accept without adequate evidence as inevitable. His neurotic fanaticism, scientific addle-patedness, & crude gaucheries & extravagances are admitted & deplored—& of course it is quite possible that he actually may do more harm than good. Once can scarcely prophesy the future. But the fact remains that he is the sole remaining rallying-point for German morale, & that virtually all of the best & most cultivated Germans accept him temporarily for what he is—a lesser evil at a special & exacting crisis of history. Objections to Hitler—that is, the violent & hysterical objections which one sees outside Germany—seem to be based largely on a soft idealism or “humanitarianism” which is out of places in an emergency.

Lies. I've listened to the one read by Wayne June and the cat is still Niggerman.

cat planet


>This sentimentalism may be a pleasing ornament in normal times, but it must be kept out of the way when the survival of a great nation hangs in the balance. The preservation of Germany as a coherent cultural & political fabric is of infinitely greater importance than the comfort of those who have been incommoded by Nazism—& of course the number of suffers is negligible as compared with that of bolshevism’s victims. If what you say were true—that others could save Germany better than Hitler—then I’d be in favour of giving them a chance. But unfortunately the others had their chance & didn’t prove themselves equal to it. [...] Your hatred of Nazism—especially in the light of your extenuation of bolshevism’s vastly greater savageries—appears to me to be a matter of idealistic emotion unsupported by historic perspective or by a sense of the practical compromises necessary in tight places. Emotion runs away with you. For example—you get excited about four Americans who were mobbed because they didn’t salute the Nazi flag. Well, as a matter of fact, did you ever hear of a nation that didn’t mob foreigners who refused to salute its flag in times of political & military emergency? [...] Still—don’t get my wrong. I’m not saying that Schön[e] Adolf is anything more than a lesser evil. A crude, blind force—a stop-gap. The one point is that he’s the only force behind which the traditional German spirit seems to be able to get. When the Germans can get another leader, & emerge from the present period of arbitrary fanaticism, his usefulness will be over.

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Come and get your food niggerman

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Just start with a short story like Polaris. Once you have started, you can't stop.

Fish person genes.

Would he play E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy?



Ahh, Nigger... or some say, Niggerman... Do you want some food?

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Yea I'm thinking he based.

>E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
i literally don't get what that shit is about

50 cent blood on the sand

If only the average poster of this board had such excellent vocabulary and ability to express him thoughts in written form.

Fallout 4

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>express him thoughts in written form.

Grug agree

He'd play Mario for 5 minutes and then make a book about Italians being other worldy horrors from the Pyramids of Egypt

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Why is Herbert West-ReAnimator considered Lovecraft’s poorest work? Sure it’s a typical Frankenstein story but I still love it. When the scientist fails and improves and fails and improves, it makes sense. At some point he needed to join the war so that he could take the dead soldier bodies and improve his come back from the dead experiments. It’s very gory too. It’s incredible how the story makes so much sense, even if it’s very fictional, like I said, it’s a frankenstein story

I don't believe he would play video games at all, he would think they are all childish and that they distract the mind

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Splendid rebuttal, my man. I'll make sure to dismiss any post, no matter its substance, if it contains even the slightest mistake. No errata forgiven, no missed punctuation forgotten.

probably because of the movie

Yeah nobody who is white has ever smiled before

You're trying way too hard.

Name one good Lovecraftian movie

You can't

He himself considered it to be, yet he loved writing it because he didn't have to put much thought into it, just expand on a crude "hack" idea given to him by its publisher. It was also his most lucrative writing job, IIRC, though the sum he got was still shockingly poor considering his lasting influence.
Dude was poor.

in the mouth of madness

Better that than the mspaint comic meme humor.

She didn't get bored of him, he was so autistic he literary broke her down and she left. Literary found his waifu and tge retard couldn't hold down his autism doan and just be happy.
Nigga was that "mommy tendies now" meme in real life. Great writer, shit person.


The Thing, easily.

Lovecraftian is inherently trassh

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Instantly disregarded.

He'd be a huge TES lorefag.

Mario Kart

That's no woman my dude

racism is unironically a good thing

>muh racism
Separate the art from the artist.

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this but he replaces Arbalest with Musketeer.

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lovecraft was racist, his works were racist, and that makes them better

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Does that mean this website is Lovecraftian?

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San Andreas

What are you doing man? He hates black people.

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Troubled person.
He was intelligent enough to be self aware of his xenophobia and outdated (even for his time) views went above and beyond, and a lot of his later life correspondence reflects this, though of course he didn't live long enough to truly repent -If he ever was heading that way.
The man had a rough childhood where his plantation romantic grandfather and horribly racist aunts raised him for the most part in lieu of an absent syphilitic father and an insane mother and went from upper middle class comfort to abject poverty before he was 20 that didn't allow for the education and opportunities he desperately craved. Despite all this, he refused to compromise on his career as a writer and as an amateur antiquarian and scientist, going hungry rather than giving up his ink ribbon or chemistry set money. Which is believed to have been the actual cause of his death rather than the "cancer of the intestine" he was diagnosed with post-mortem. I mean, the man was "jokingly" bragging that he could sustain himself on a packet of crackers with cheese throughout a week, with cheep caned food in between which was at least ten times more unhealthy than the FDA approved gunk we get today.

Some walking simulator.

>going hungry rather than giving up his ink ribbon or chemistry set money

Zuckerberg? Just ask him.

Implying Lovecraft wouldn’t make his character a nigger whenever he could.

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All kinds. He would be an avid gamer while simultaneously condemning video games as only being for children/manchildren

middle left looks like keemstar

It's not though

>No In the Mountains of Madness


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well he didnt really like them..cept his black cat..niggerman

The once-holy trinity of desecrated vidya terms
Soulslike is not a genre