Animal Crossing

is it dead?

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Shut up and post Cherry.

Literally waiting for the next game to come out later this year.

Probably got canned.

Kys ferret

I hope it's not just New Leaf in HD

A new Animal Crossing was announced earlier, we just need to wait for more info.

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Hopefully, considering a completely incompetent and uncreative developer like Nintendo could never do it justice.

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post the follow up i dare you

also dare you

one may picture, the aroma...

based sacrificial poster

the artstyle is a little too "blotty" imo

>There will never be an animal crossing style game like this

>animal crossing
>a game so flawed any studio could copy it and make a better version
>no one does it

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gonna post it before he does

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Fantasy life did

Would have been funnier if she didn't have a bottom in the other pic as well

Konami tried, but it didn't sell well in the West so we never got the sequels.

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And they wasted it by moving the series to mobile. There was so much potential in the original.

This just looks like a cheap knock-off. I bet it even has that cylindrical effect on the world, that's how soulless it looks.

Howcould it be better? I haven’t played since the first one

>using the magic to know who that person likes on someone
>you appears

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Don't use that version jannies will tell mods on you and give you a 3 day vaycay because they think you're him. source: it happened to me

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What character is this so I can look up porn

If they do rolling log again it's gonna be a hard pass for me. That shit is fucking retarded.
Imagine how different the game would feel just from switching to a regular 3rd person over-the-shoulder camera.

I think it would be difficult to make a good clone, because the art style is a lot of the charm of animal crossing.

For one, they could let you choose where houses drop in your tiwn instead of it being lol random, right in the middle of your orchard.

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Agreed, fuck logfags

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Pretty much. People have a lot of nostalgia value onto AC now and want to see their old animals back.
I'm more confused why isn't there a serious Sims contender. Maybe making a bunch of 3D models is too expensive for a smaller studio I guess.

but user, you get to love your waifu

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Where's the Barneybait?

Need sexy egyptian cat

Any chance of it being ported to PC? I mean, AC never will for obvious reasons, but I would buy it if it was there.

one of the ugliest females in animal crossing memed into sexiness

It lets you learn/use magic when going on quests with your gf. So that is a plus to me.

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>haven't played New Leaf in about six months
I really need to return to my town. I'll fucking scream if Naomi moved away.

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Don't be jealous she got more popularity than your shitty female Sonic the hedgehog dress maker.

I'm not who you replied to but that much happened to me years ago with an image making fun of him.

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