Is this game decent?

Is this game decent?

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No. Saved you $60.

its a bad game and there are much better vampire games

No, just want for the new VTM game.

I honestly regret pirating it.
Should have known better since the devs also made life is gay.

>it's a "protagonist in a historical setting has extremely modern views on race and sex" episode

I pirated it two weeks ago and deinstalled after about 4 hours. Extremely boring, combat is shit, the dialogue system is good tho.

Why? I liked it. Lots of story, great vampire mechanic, decent combat. Weapons feel powerful, although some late game enemies tank too many shotguns to the face.

It was alright, but I pirated it. Would never have paid for it.

Thanks guys, I'll just stay away.

I would have given it a shot if I didn't hate the main character's design. Dude needs a fucking cooler haircut and a shave.

it pushes the shitty agenda
>eat people = bad
you shouldn't be punished for acting like a vampire
also no fast travel and the shitty feminist shouting bullshit in middle of the night in a abandoned road

>listening to "it's shit" posts with zero reasons behind them
do yourself a favor and try it out anyway. I really liked it.

>you shouldn't be punished for acting like a vampire
But that's the whole point of the game. Do you want to stay human, go full monster, or hang in the balance? It's not a powertrip game.
>shitty feminist shouting bullshit
Yeah, that was annoying. That's why I killed the shit out of her.

The story is great with some good voice acting, last time I played though the combat was really unsatisfying.

If you want a good vampire story, get this game. If you want a game with good combat though I wouldn't really bother.

Just watch the trailer and see if you like it

What did he mean by this

the worst part about the game is that you can only eat people and only certain characters can be turned into vampires

It really stayed with me when he was about to an hero and he said "Rational thinking only"

Should have a route split at the middle point where you fight your sister.
Mercy killing her because she became a monster when I just finished depopulating a district feels weird.

Which is a real shame, the setting had lots of potential

Name 5 better vampire games. Especially modern ones.

I didn't like it, and I was pretty hyped for it. I also didn't pay anything for it, I torrented it and still ended up uninstalling it after a around the 8 hour mark. It's pretty interesting at first but it becomes pretty bland with the combat feeling incredibly lacking. I'd say it's only worth it if you're paying in the ballpark of $10 - $15, otherwise it's a pass. It looks great in video but it's really (and sadly) a pretty mediocre slog.

Thats not a shitty agenda. Its a literal game mechanic. Its also mainly a bad thing to do because go fucking figure the more people you eat and kill, especially important figures that shit in the district will hit the fan.

To be fair the main driving force behind equality movements back then were, unsurprisingly, rich white liberal intellectuals, just like today.

but its a vampire game
you shouldn't be punished for playing the game and roleplaying as a vampire

Are you really getting punished though?
If you kill people, it negatively affects people who knew that person. Not surprising at all.
If you kill people who had a big stabilizing affect on the local community, it destabilizes the community, again unsurprising.
If you act like a monster who eats people, you get an ending where the MC just shrugs off tragedy around him and goes back to eating people.

Dont listen to these idiots.

The game is a good 7/10 mainly held back by its sub-par combat.
The atmosphere, scenery, environment are on fucking point. The OST is pretty good too and hits some good notes during some of the big scenes in the game.
The story starts out slow with you first becoming a vampire, figuring out your new powers, learning about and getting to know members in the community, to finding out you were sired by an elder vampire and joining a secret society.

Combat is souls-like but janky and unsatisfying. It can be fun using your powers and what not but its mainly a means to an ends. As a vampire game, its pretty stellar, and there are none like it right now. Price is too steep tho, wait for a sale.

What are you considering punishment?

Its a vampire game with morals, its not necessarily a power fantasy but it can be, so why are you complaining?

>eat people
>get stronger


>Act like an evil monster
>You get treated like one
Wow. I bet you play VtM V5, where consent based feeding is encouraged because "muh sexual assault" innuendo, huh?

turning districs into mob filled shitholes is kind of a punishment
the fact that you can't turn other people makes it worse

It's okay. The Bloodline trailer made me pick it up again for a second playthrough. It's sometimes a bit clunky, and the constant back and forth running really stretches playtime but i like the city.

The one thing that really boils my piss though is the combat. In particular the abysmal tracking of enemies. These fuckers slide across the floor or change their transition mid-jump just to get you. They home in on you like heatseeking missiles and it's absolute fucking bullshit.

It's not that good but certainly is goty

>give only the option to eat people instead of turning them into proper vampires
you could have helped the entire hospital by turning them all into vampires

>turning districs into mob filled shitholes is kind of a punishment

So dont just eat anyone without considering the consequences. Ive eaten a ton of people without the district going to shit, and managing to keep up with the levels of the mobs.

If a desitrict drops all the way down into hostile you either killed a pillar of the community or murdered half the people. How is it surprising that that doesn't have a negative effect? Also with so many people murdered, the MC becomes immensly powerfull so it almost feels like the game adjusts to your powerlevel.

Define a proper vampire game.

The game unironically made me think.
Your character is a Doctor who swore to respect and cherish all human life no matter how despicable said human he treats is, and in a pacifist playthrough the same applies.

Attached: laws-and-ethics-of-the-profession-26-638.jpg (638x359, 83K)

I dont think Ive ever dropped a game so quickly. I remember playing the tutorial section, the controls being clunky as fuck and then for no fucking reason you find a "safehouse", no explanation as to how you got it or why theres shit inside just waiting for you to take.

This. I loved the moral conflict involved in a Doctor whose supposed to save lives, becoming a literal monster thats supposed to take them. Struggling between not feeling like an asshole, and not getting your ass kicked was pretty interesting.

>no explanation as to how you got it or why theres shit inside just waiting for you to take.

Its an abandoned district of the city thats in full dues vult purge mode. Theres shit waiting for you inside because the owners are dead af. God damn zoomers are awful.

It had some extremely questionable inclusions and the game wasn't very polished, but I really liked it, I think it was the citizens/neighborhood system, I wish more RPGs were made with stuff like that.

Attached: 1551850918574.jpg (850x1200, 58K)

I really liked it, but it has some massive flaws.

>normal enemies give way too much XP on death so the whole "variable difficulty by how many NPCs you suck dry" mechanic isn't really working
>some skills are blatantly worse than others, some are blatantly better
>weapons are incredibly strong and you get the second best weapon of the game literally after the at the end of the first chapter
Jonathan's VA is top notch, though. Gotta love hearing him speak. Jonathan also sounds like he is some centuries old vampire who knows everything and constantly shits on the knowledge of others. Other vampire games always you have be a buttfucking retard.

When you eat people you get more powerful. What do you want to use that power on? Enemies of course. The game throwing more enemies at you because you are a bloodthirsty bastard, so what exactly is your problem?
I bet you are one of those faggots that cried about Dishonored having more enemies the more you kill, even though the game just gave you what you obviously wanted: fighting.

>Jonathan also sounds like he is some centuries old vampire who knows everything and constantly shits on the knowledge of others

Thats unironically because hes a privileged educated doctor. Whenever you talk about vampires Jonny boy is clearly in the dark.

Him shitting on the knowledge of others wasn't my only point.
True he has no clue about vampires, but the way he talks still makes him sound like some really old vampire with lots of wisdom. There's just no real other vampire game that gives the same feel with the way the MC talks.

I thought the game had some really strong characters in general, also a great soundtrack and atmospheric feel.
I wish either they had a budget or a more experienced dev had the same idea so it could actually be a great game instead of an okay one.

gud goy bourgeois were a thing back then too

>but the way he talks still makes him sound like some really old vampire with lots of wisdom

Ya no that i think about it you're actually right. I still love the VA and I think his style of voice acting Jonny will fit better in a sequel where hes more experienced as a vampire.

dishonored has the issue of not having enough nonlethal options making going nonlethal very boring
meanwhile having huge amounts of fun lethal options

"This door is locked."
"I can't get through this way."
"Locked. Maybe there's another way around."

>be a vampire that can dissolve into mist
>have incredible strengh
>increased intellect

Oh shit a wooden door? BETTER GO AROUND!

It's no VtMB, but it'll do