She killed millions

She killed millions...

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She killed like 18.

I have only played the Questions Arc. Not too tempted to run out and buy the Answers arc, this shit is just so unsatisfying. None of the mysteries are ever solved, only more mysteries are piled on.
And the big answer to it all is "truth is possible to be a point of view before hard evidence is viewed", like wow so deep we needed 60 hours to say this. 25 of Which were Maria crying and screaming.

Magic isn't real

>25 of which were Maria crying and screaming.
Seriously did anyone even like Maria? She's the worst character in all.

I guess you arent meant to like her, but then youre supposed to feel bad for not liking her. You can sympathise with Rosa, but at the same time, you should feel like shit for doing so.

Episode 5 is fucking kino

I've continued reading Answer Arc after a month long pause, caught some serious spoilers here but it's still exciting to read nonetheless. What a great VN.

Yasu made the Stacies and Veronicas pay

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Visual novels are not video games.

Reminder that Erika is a bad detective and got all her holes stretched out by the thick golden truth DICK

Name a cuter character than Lion!

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>implying it's he

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Battler is one lucky guy

She didn't kill anyone though

Sure she's annoying at first but then you realize she was just trying her best to cope

Too bad there are no good lewds of her.

I wouldn't want to lewd a character this great

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fear not! The intellectual rapist has arrived

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He killed himself.

Wow you mean the question arcs, the thing that comes before the answer arcs, don't give you answers but instead raise questions? Wow what a shock

To fuck 4 cousins...

>umineko then
trolling suspense horror
>umineko now
what the fuck happened?

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>couldn't beat an actual retard even when he gave you the easiest win ever

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But the answer is already there. "Truth is what you view it to be" truth can be personal, and because of how you feel, your personal truth is different to other peoples. As for what really happened on the island, i get the feeling the entire point at the end will be "make your own truth". The worst of endings.


What the fuck is wrong with the Japanese. I swear every other anime/game/manga has some stupid character who adds on some stupid sounding noise to the end of their sentences, uuu~uuuuuuuuu.

and Maria kinda deconstructs that archetype because her mother thinks she's fucking anoying and beat the shit out of her for saying it

Should have beaten her more.

But the first four episodes are the best part of Umineko

She's not real and is just the figment of a mentally ill tranny's mind.

So Yea Forums pretends to hate trannies but somehow Yasu gets a pass just because?

Is this supposed to look like something made on NewGrounds?

That's the joke by Ryukishi07. He makes all the cute little girls have a catchphrase.

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>no way fag

Chapter 9 will give everyone a happy ending right?

Reminder that news in 2 days

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ages ago

And that actually makes her say it more.

>reminder that battler scaped the island with yasu after killing everyone but Rosa with the gold on the boat, a few ingots fell into the water, battler dived after them and drowned so he lost his memories. Afterwards Yasu adopted the hachijo tohya name and lived with his vegetable husbando until Ange came along

Basically Rosatrice

>beating the one who actually wrote all forgeries

This. Battler did the ultimate ruse - he wrote himself to be retarded, the advanced form of 'I was only pretending to be retarded'.

I am intrigued. Do tell me, fine gentleman, has this game any yuri? Because if it does I'll buy it. If not I'll pirate it.

>durr Yasu is a guy lol
They literally never mention that. All they say is Yasu's genitalia was damaged, which then caused a hormonal deficiency that utterly stunted their development and made it ambiguous.

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>he fell for it

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She didn't fucking kill anyone.

Yasu was born with a penis, they didn't explicitly call them a guy or male because Yasu felt like a female, had been raised as a female, and thought they were one
Gotta accept this game has trans propaganda (and that's a good thing)

Yes, but as always the lesbos are shit characters who ruin the story.

How can you be so dense when they throw all of the answers in your face?

There's one lesbian couple, yes

It wasn't even him, Yasu wrote first two forgeries because she was seething.
It's so funny that adults actually immediately solve the epitaph and Battler immediately recognizes Yasu even in Beatrice getup.

It does have a canon yuri pairing but you need a special kind of brain damage to go into a mystery novel for the yuri

Why would Natuhi react the way she did to hearing a mans voice on the phone if the baby was a girl? Did Natsuhi not know the gender of that baby?


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>but you need a special kind of brain damage to go into a mystery novel for the yuri
As I said I'll play it anyway but I only pay for things that feature the purest form of love. Nothing else deserves my support.

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yuricucks everyone

Genji is just weird, and decided to raise Yasu as a girl.

>le evil older siblings
>in the end they turn out to be the cutest ones

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Go play Rose Guns Days RIGHT NOW
You have been warned, WTC5 will reference it for sure and you will miss out on a really great VN if you get spoiled too much

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So she could rape billions

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But I already did. Its pretty good.

Make way, best song coming through.

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>baby killer

Her only crime is that she didn't finish it.

best mom and aunt

Then how did they pull off a consistent female voice?
Also it's likely she didn't know considering the circumstances

>Then how did they pull off a consistent female voice?
No balls.

The male voice was the put on voice, you do know if you're castrated you never develop a deep voice right?

Rosa and Maria might be the best written characters in umineko but she sure as hell wasn't the best aunt after the shit she did to Maria
Especially considering Eva exists

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best be trolling

Saku has thorns as the logo. Think it will be edgy?

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>trashing Rosa and defending Eva
both are awful human beings

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Yuri shall conquer the world.

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Oof. And yurifags wonder why no one likes them.

The single bad thing Eva does in the whole VN is killing Natsuhi, and the scene
>isn't 100% reliable regarding what the characters said even if the things that took place are all true
>the gun might have actually be broken, Rudolf's gun was, Yasu experimented with the guns and even modified some for the murder mystery tricks, which might have damaged one of them
>most Eva scenes are either written by Yasu who hated her, by Battler who thought she was the culprit(and after Ep 3 the single time she acts like a bitch is when she fights George over his education which is debateable if she was right or wrong) or scenes witnessed by Ange who hated her for over a decade
>the whole point of Ep 8 is how the entire VN and everything you have been told about the entire family is from people who either didn't know most of them very well or didn't remember how they were
>confirmed to try her hardest to be a good mother to the daughter of the murderers of her family
Overall, she is easily the best aunt

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Great post. The flashback with Krauss teasing Natsuhi was so goddamn cute

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Wasn't male voice Battler?

I can't remember actually, but that sounds right because I remember Battler was coerced into helping in one of the games

A million times.

It was lambda making her voice sound like Battler
This was also added by the voice patch so it might be fully unintentional

fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK why is this so sad
I really hope Umineko 9 will be something to retcon the tragic ending and bypassing the red truths. It's not fucking fair

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>that part where her mom starts trying to beat the anime out of her

It started out funny, but then became really uncomfortable.

Wasn't Bea like tranny or something
swear to God I read a plot of it where it was revealed he was a boy servant who gained magic

>people will defend Rosa and get mad at Maria
>when Maria acting like an autist started because she treated her like shit
>it only got worse when Maria tried to cope with it and force herself to be happy and not think about how poorly her mother treated her out of love to her mom

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>Villain in a rape porn game is secretly waifu of the year


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>Read hours and hours of exposition
>Finally get to the good stuff
>It's over in about an hour and the next chapter is little girl whining

I want to like this VN so bad but I'm not sure I can take it.

>lambda making her voice sound like Battler
Uh-oh. That's fantasy!

The worst Maria parts are in Episode 4, but it'll all be over afterwards.

Moon tourism

Based. As the /biz/ fags say:

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Rosa did nothing wrong though. It's all her husband's fault.