What the fuck happened to Overwatch?

What the fuck happened to Overwatch?

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i dunno i just jack off to the porn

It sucks

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literally nothing, that's why it's still a bad game

Too many whites.

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I'd argue the opposite, the changes are what people complain about

Would you "use" it?

Unironically killed Blizzard. It's the game exposed a lof of people to how generic and crowdsourced Blizzard's philosophy of game design is. They only care about attracting the most amount of players at the expense of their games having any unique identity.

Balance changes don't change the game enough to keep it fresh. The game is like 3 years old and has yet to see a major content drop of any kind. Every event is recycled and all they ever add are new poorly designed maps, new heroes that bloat the roster and fuck the balance even more, and shitty cosmetics.

Who the fuck cares?

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Not enough big tiddy girls.

Obsession with the wrong goals, they worried about inclusion and toxicity instead of good gameplay. Also, the lazy "it's your turn to be OP" balance philosophy of Warcraft.

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Does mercy killing count as using?


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Is D.va retarded? Why is she drooling everywhere...?

She's on molly

This, all the content is on a drip feed and cosmetics alone sure as fuck aren't worth logging in for.

I would only be able to get pleasured by it if I knew she was still sentient but had no control of her body as I did it.


Or more seriously, bad balance choices and additions and people moving on the the new shiny toy (IE: PUBG and the Fortnite).

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The gameplay stayed the exact same stale garbage since launch day. Balance patches can't fix the inherently bad flow of the game. OW is not enjoyable because it's the exact same garbage every match, just on different maps that all play very similarly with one or two exceptions.
They tried to make a competitive game for a casual audience. Needless to say that's like mixing water and oil. Now all the casuals got bored and left, and the "competitive" players are stuck with some gross MOBA/FPS hybrid creature that moves at a snail's pace.
The game's not fun. It never was. The launch period was neat because of the artificial hype, and that was it. That's what happened.

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Something I hate about the game is that if your team sucks you can't do anything, in team fortress 2 a good player could go on a fucking rampage but it's not the same with Overwatch.

Fans barely talk about the game
They prefer to either make 3d smut of Phara futafucking Mercy or complain about Ashe not being a stereotypically black woman

This is the biggest thing for me in Overwatch. If you're good enough at the game you should be able to wipe the floor with whoever the fuck you'd like but with Overwatch you HAVE to depend on teammates 99% of the time. You can't pull off anything cool if your teammates aren't totally on board with the plan which they never will be.

this, got really tired playing with kids
i guess they all went to fortnite

Spoken like a fellow boomer. This game was incredibly fun in the first month playing with friends, but we quickly found out how shallow it was, and just went full retard to squeeze out all the fun we could before completing dropping it.

yer ugleh

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Literally this

why do americans sound so girly and gay

It's in the water. They're making the frogs gay!

Blizzard is incompetent as all hell and thought lootboxes, diversity, and turning characters gay on a whim was good game design.

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It's not his first time experiencing this shit, why the fuck do he keep playing this garbage?

>play any mode
>all of your team mates ignore objectives and play useless dps/sniper classes and generally act like brainlets
>healers hardly actually heal
>everyone in the chat cries constantly "IT'S EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT THAT WE'RE LOSING NOT MINE"
>latency is fucking terrible and you'll die even when behind cover and get constant lag spikes
>community is mostly teenagers with autism

>"Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power. Also, fuck niggers."

>Jeff "Tigole Bitties" Kaplan

>playing overwatch post doomfist release

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Honestly, it was the hard push on Ebin-sports that fucked the game into oblivion.

The focus could have been towards 12v12 integration or PvE, something or anything that would keep it fresh. Top that with that esports are not designed to be fresh by concept, but to maintain consistency in gameplay with high skill caps. OW somehow failed on all aspects in attempt to appeal to everybody.
>Gameplay is not fresh (high level games still revolve around chokepoint stalemates or press q-to-win metas)
>Competitive is inconsistent (change who OP, Mercy's 5-man-res to gunship mode, adding Brig to the game)
>Low skill cap (for massive general audiences, only skill that matters is fucking coordination and not tilting).

It fucking sucks, it sucking fucks, and I don't like it.

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And you can't even carry teams if you're good enough, that's just not right

6v6 in a game with close to 40 something heroes is just a waste. 6v6 in general is just retarded MOBA bullshit

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Overwatch should’ve been a movie

Blizzturd cares about the OWL more than OW itself. The silent majority doesn't give two shits about anything but the skin tokens you get from watching the streams, they just want to be more heroes, modes, and maps. Instead we get more balance patches that nerf a hero to the ground while overtuning a few other previously weak ones.

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So you play at a low rank/have low MMR and have shit internet speeds? The game is dogshit but those aren't universal problems. Quick Play is mostly used for fucking around though, people just use it to practice usually, even then I always have people playing the objective.

nope and nope, it's the same on every mode, including arcade and quick play. the game is full of fucking brainlets and the netcode is dog shit

>play tf2
>choose map and gamemode you want to play, people enjoying themselves, bantering, dancing, nobody gives a fuck about anything
>play overwatch
>get matched with 5 random kids on a random map
>they all immediately look up your profile to shittalk you if your rank isn't high enough

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in no particular order:
>character design too rigid to make your own style of play
>updates are the same thing every fucking year
>Ultimates are way to powerful especially with how easy most of them are to pull off
>blizzard's narrow-sighted focus on E-sports was too early an unnatural
>heroes are too easy to learn how to play effectively, nothing about learning a new hero is rewarding.
>it's impossible to carry a team no matter how good you are
>balancing is appalling at best
>lootboxes in a paid game
It's no wonder Overwatch was the largest casualty of the Battle Royale invasion, the only leg it had to stand on was mass marketing popularity, the moment something else became the next big thing that leg would shatter to pieces.
Overwatch deserved this fate though. After all the shit it caused TF2/Paladins fans to go through as well as unjustly killing the best Hero Shooter on the market, Gigantic.

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God, why does every single one of them looks so strange? Bet they make more money in 1 month than i can make in 1 year, FUCK E-sports

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I don't like how this pic makes me feel

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So what is your rank? Even on my deranked account at Gold/Plat I was getting QP games of peopke playing the objective last time I played. And I genuinely have no issues with latency, 20ms ping is probably the worst it gets.

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>mainly play moira
>never heal
>every match get 5 retard 13 year olds demanding that i be their personal healer for the match
>just say "no" over and over
>have had people screaming at me in voice chat over it

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Bad decisions.
Also timing since the whole battle royale thing took over.

why do they all have pussy boy greasy haircuts? why does nobody have a normal buzzcut?

Agreed. Played it when it first came out and repeatedly ran into this issue. Played it again a month ago and the game was exactly the same.

If you don't have near perfect teamwork, every character essentially falls apart.

>shit game design and balance from the start
>Can't play the characters you want to play because the meta is fucked
>lazy map design with tons of retarded chokepoints
>ultimate ability bullshit that has way too much impact on the game
>no way to prevent ults, dying doesn't even affect the meter
>shit movement
>shit kill confirms
>DPS heroes do less damage than tanks
>garbage players can get to high ranks by solely playing braindead "hold lmb" characters

Lol I'm gold, high rank or low rank most of the players in OW are retarded 14 year old's user. I play with 4 friends with fairly fast internet speeds and they often get random bad latency during matches too. Maybe it's just difference between EU and US.

whats the story behind this pic?

but timmy will be invalidated if individual skill is allowed to shine

>arena shooter
>no ammo pickups
>everyone has unlimited ammo

makes turtling way too easy

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This. It feels like I'm playing a rpg or moba where numbers are being counted down


>white child
>clown mask

I dare say we live in a society

it also means that good aim isn't required, as you can just spam like a brainlet and hope your shots hit

>I was getting QP games of peopke playing the objective last time I played
Most QP or arcade matches I've played everyone plays useless dps characters and refuse to fight on the point or move the payload because they're busy having 1v1 sniping matches as widowmakers or just trying to get easy kills with their ult so they can jerk off over their potg. These are the same players that will insult everyone else when they've outright caused your team to lose the match because they weren't paying attention to the objectives.

Dallas got taken into custody

some kid dressed up as payday guy for halloween, burger police force arrests him