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at least it contains the tryhards

Looks like overwatch is the better game after all

>he thinks tryhards actually play competitive modes instead of pubstomping scrubs to feel good about themselves

>he thinks ANYBODY plays competitive
Competitive mode never worked

>play competitive
>only get matched with retards who play comp right after they turn level 3
>play casual
>pubstomp again or get my ass rolled by the 50k hour soldier main and his trap bf

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>implying tf2 has a playerbase anymore

>march 2018 average player count: 45k
>july 2012 average player count: 45k
imagine pissing off so many people that they lie on the internet for almost 12 years about you

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Why is casual always so imbalanced. I hardly ever get good matches its always 1 team steam rolling the other simply because one has a cordinated party of people that know how to play

>it has actually been almost 3 years

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because balancing is impossible because the leveling system doesnt reflect a players skill, just how long they've played. the top 3-5 players are usually carrying 3-5 f2p's and a handful of average players because the learning curve of tf2 got even worse with casuals introduction

and matchmaking still sucks complete dick and quickplay STILL hasnt been re-added
who the fuck approved this shitty ass update

Mannconomy was the beginning of the end for TF2 and Valve as a whole

but user where are the twicht viewers?

What does twitch have to do with playerbase?

>fourty-thousand chinese bots and BR children
great playerbase

user, i am not sure what you mean by "twicht" but if you are referring to the popular streaming platform "" then i assure you that it doesn't fucking matter lol

>implying every person that plays a game you dont like is a child or a bot

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Shitty Poll Time

Out of the 9 classes, which ones do you believe are too strong at the moment?

www strawpoll me/17691560

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your link is aids m8

I honestly don't think any class is "too strong" in general at the moment. They all have times where they're bullshit but that's just part of class-based gameplay really. The only one that comes close is Medic but he kind of has to be because of his role in the game so whatever.


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>implying free to play games in general aren't populated primarily with the lowest common denominator

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Casual 6v6 when
I'm burnt on TF2 but having something new like that would bring me back

>beginning of the end

That would be the Sniper vs Spy update where they added hats.

The WAR update and its stalwalt genius decisions like "let's give soldier a weapon that makes him faster than a scout and one shot dudes when he's low on HP" was a further nail in the coffin

The mannconomy update was the point TF2 died. Balance flew out the window with nary a farewell nor tip of its many hats, and then along came Unusuals.

>Casual 6v6 when

For new players to counter? Heavy by far, I've been playing him a LOT in casual recently with me hitting top scoring and 10+ ks without even realizing it because most newer players have no idea how to counter it, and charge in blindly because they see no other option. I assume this is because the game doesn't teach them any other way to counter, but really only sniper, spy, or a well placed uber can take down most heavies, even in more moderate play.

For most players, now? Demoman by far. Demo was one of the only people not hit by the massive waves of nerfs valve let loose on every other character in the game. Since Valve nerfed every weapon into oblivion, stock is the most viable option for every character, with very few exceptions, except it was ALWAYS this way for Demo. The Iron Bomber is almost a direct improvement on the stock grenade launcher, and sticky-spamming is still just as easy as ever. If you're in a close quarters match with a semi-decent Demoman, unless you're a pyro or scout, you will lose.

why would you even get mad enough over a shitty casual game to make this webm

stout shako

for people actully decent at the game

scout and sniper by far

for 2 refined!

i disagree solely because most snipers now are f2ps and most scouts cant aim
there are obvious exceptions to this but i dont find them to be too much trouble because if you can predict their already predictable movements you can kill them really easily

>oh he made a spelling mistake he must be wrong
nice argument here.
how come all the big, successful games with the biggest playerbases all get constant high viewer count on twitch but tf2 does not?
Maybe having a dead game full of idling bots just isn't interesting to watch.

>how come all the big, successful games with biggest playerbases get constantly high viewer count on twitch
user you answered your own question, plus because most zoomers don't want to watch a game that isn't fortnite or brand new

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