High Ground CTF

>High Ground CTF

The most kino map and game-mode combo in the entirety of Halo MP.

You CANNOT prove me wrong.

Attached: High Ground.jpg (1600x900, 389K)

You're right, I can't. Based.

It wasn't in Halo 2 so it could never be the best Halo map

Literally just a worse Zanzibar.

Loved it in the beta but didn't play it much in the full game.

Probably because you were a TDM babby who never played Team Objective.

The map is made for CTF and Territories.

Good times. Is it coming back in MCC or has 343 butchered it?

Attached: 1443192F-AE6F-401F-9BB4-380FDAD40521.png (435x487, 299K)

Coagulation was better on BTB.

Here's literally nine examples that shit on High Ground.

Attached: Halo 2 Maps.png (600x573, 724K)

Right map but infection is the true halo custom kino.
>tfw everyone on dewrito just wants to play fatkid or drive or die 24/7

Attached: 1534110424899.jpg (1000x1000, 78K)

Infection is a meme mode. Anybody who ever played it knows it's nothing more than a novelty.

Not when you forge special areas that requires teamwork to get to that offer protection (like high ground's bunker)

You're fine to have that opinion but of the 10000+ custom games I played in H3 at least 90% of them were infection. It's the gamemode that made forge shine the most and had the most creative premise. Grifball was the novelty mode

Everybody with taste knew Tower of Power was the superior custom game.

Every map including previously PC exclusive Maps for H1+2 is in MCC user. You can also play the remastered H2A maps or classic maps.

Fuck. Can’t wait for Halo xfinity xbros

>Tower of Power
That was in reach too *cough*

They're 90% infection because a few years ago people were absolutely fucking obsessed with zombies. The thing is, Halo 3 infection is just shotguns and swords. It's barely even a gimmick.

>All but one player starts with shotgun
>The other one player (Or zombie) starts with a plasma sword
>Every player the 'zombie' kills turns into a zombie
>So on an so fourth until there's one player left

Infection is fun for a few matches, and that's it.

90% of custom Infection modes extended well beyond this though.

Granted, it was always second fiddle to Juggernaut for being the KING of custom game modes.

CTF was better and more fun with coordinated teamwork.

Juggernaut is lame, no one likes a fag running around with SUPPAPOWAS

user, did you actually play custom games? Nobody uses the default rules, like at all. Jenga was a Juggernaut game mode. HALO was a Juggernaut game mode, Hide and Seek was a Juggernaut game mode.

Most of those people were underaged closet fags at the time ahahaha the days...

Oh fuck off. That's all infection ever was.

If you wanna start talking custom/forge stuff than Reach was the game to play.

It's fine if you don't like infection, but don't try to tell me if I had fun or not. I was the party leader most of the time and had at least 30 different infection types and maps downloaded. Foundry was a godsend
>nobody remade tunnelrats or sharks in dewrito

>That's all infection ever was.
No, it wasn't. I'm sorry you never actually played custom games and you think the base game mode is all people played. I mean you though people played vanilla Juggernaut and not fun shit like Duck Hunt.

Alright. You and your friends made epic infection variants in Halo 3 custom, which you all thought were super fun and really cool. I'm not disputing that.

I'm glad you had fun and hope you continue to do so in the future.

I wish you could have had fun with us user...
There was a time when we were making race maps too. It was surprising what you could do with the engine. I liked reach too but somehow it didn't have the same critical mass