When Vergil gets Devil Sword Vergil, will he give Yamato to Nero? Nero doesn't have a proper Devil Arm yet and they can put the Exceed mechanic to Yamato

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Other urls found in this thread:!yVU3iIBb!x7UFYwevD1PvcLISeyJortt_5yr623Ls1Vuzl-aTKh8

>Actual scratching in Nidhogg's theme

This game is 90s as fuck

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Devil Sword Nero when

What's wrong with is neck?


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Why didn't SDT Dante get a tail bros...

>nero stabs yamato into the ground and tries to rev it because he thinks all swords rev
Vergils face when?


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>vergil face when it actually revs

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he's not part airplane

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Beating Urizen in the prologue or M8 should unlock the devil bringer as an alt skin that disables breakers as a joke bonus

Like he's got the devil bringer back everyone lived happily ever after


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Anyone got any advice for fighting Elder Geryon Knight on HAH without getting hit? Having some trouble S-ranking the mission and I figure the easiest way to do it is to just not get hit, but I always seem to get swiped at least once by one of his teleports, lunges, or time freezes.

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If there's a secret to unlock trimmed Dante, there's must a be a secret to unlock Devil Bringer Nero too.

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Cerberus was ruined with having 3 elements instead of being just ice

>I will never be a cute beautiful twink like V
I hate this

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>Vergil's face when Nero ditches the scabbard and wields it exactly like he did Red Queen

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Absolutely kawaii

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So Rebellion and Sparda are the same right? They lack that triple slash that DSD has and DSD cannot be thrown like the others

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No it's an actually fun weapon now

>nero unga smash combo with yamato

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>no Nero, it's a katana, a delicate yet sharp bla-

shut up you elitist scum

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I think sparda has more range

>playing DMC with a keyboard
nigger what the fuck are you doing

Sparda has a little more range and damage

Nero is a miracle worker.

>you can unlock trimmed Dante

Sparda has more range, Rebellion looks coolest.

Repostan DT backside, wings are all spectral

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god the only thing i want in life is for vergil to kick my ass and call me unworthy

Yamato being a devil arm could probably be yielded like a regular sword

Hold all the shoulder buttons as you select Dante and you'll play as prologue Dante instead.

that's enough of that hair

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Threadly reminder that Vergil is very lewd.

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>we're never getting comfy slice of life dlc cutscenes

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R1+R2+L1+L2 while selecting Dante's costume

He's the only one who lost his virginity canonically. So yeah.

Some people like to suffer

This has a lot of potential. Because his wings are spectral their form could be limited only by Nero's needs/desire/motivation so they have the potential to grow to fucking huge wings, spider legs, dicks, anything really. Think Spawns cape.


>brown nips

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I really see the resemblance yeah in the stupid lips

>that cute nipple

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practical guide for Dante's swords and sword related accessories
utility and combo autism
Smoking Sick Style

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>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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>"Kyrie... I saw a naked woman that wasn't you"

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the one thing Vergil beats Dante in

>When Vergil gets Devil Sword Vergil

Vergil without a katana will look like shit. DSD looks bad enough as it is.

Prologue Dante’s already in the game, Bringer Nero technically isn’t (I mean, his arm mesh still exists because of DT, but he never appears in-game with the bringer)

There’s a mod for it, though.

Vergil would definitely like Kyrie, she is pretty respectful and down to earth


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His lips are life

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So it is written.

please do not insult the best girl

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Kek nero is a good boy

this, the yamato is synonymous with vergil. cant really see him wielding anything else.

>Bringer Nero technically isn’t
Well, there is that garage scene so technically he is in the game

Vergil looks more like James Franco

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>Dante and his childhood twins
At first I thought that was Sparda and his sons.

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Oh shit I actually completely forgot about that, but you’re right.

Damn I just noticed that it's literally Nero's weapons too, is DMC V going to be the most moddable game of the series?

Did you guys look up where the blue orb fragments are?
I've gotten most of them but I'm still missing 3 more bars of health. I tried to find them all but they're hard to find.

Still cute

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>I noticed that you've been reading that book, boy
>how can you even tell...
>the pages are not how I left them
>What does that even mea...
>have you been enjoying it? perhaps we could discuss our favorite lines I could even quote my favorite line if you wish
>I think I'll pa...
>heavy chain that does freeze my bones around
>please stop
>that line gave me my family back

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Ew. Why didn't you put a spoiler on that calamity, why make us suffer. You bad.

Mission 18? Mission 15? Mission 16?

Let's hope Dante can keep Vergil away from Patty.

It could be made to work just fine, as long as DSV was also a katana. That’s what people really expect from Vergil, a katana sharp enough to slice time and space. It doesn’t have to be the same design.


Probably, it's super easy to make and install mods

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They really ARE twins

No ? they do have an air of resemblance but that's all.

Dante gets DSD because he understood the difference between the Rebellion and Yamato.

>In DMC3 Vergil stabs him in the chest with Rebellion, combining him with his demon heritage and unleashing his DT
>In DMC5 he stabs himself and absorbs Sparda and Rebellion to create DSD

Yamato is not like that it's always been about separating shit

I was one fragment away and had to look it up. Though I also had to look up the location of one secret mission if that counts.

Shut the fuck up Lady stop posting this shit in every thread

please let there be functional online bloody palace

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>Rebellion looks coolest.

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Pure church boy

>vergil trying his very best to connect with nero

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The point is more “Dante has become significant enough that he has his own Demon Sword, like his father and all the Devil Arms he’s defeated”. One day, when Dante is dead, heroes of the future will tell tales of the Legendary Devil Hunter Dante and seek out the location of the fabled Demon Sword Dante, which embodies his power and essence.

Vergil’s got a cool sword, but (like Rebellion) it’s cool irrespective of him. The Yamato is the Yamato, it’s not the legend of Vergil.

I'll take playable Vergil over online

Rebellion has always been my favorite sword in DMC but holy shit, I love Sparda's redesign. It never looked cooler.

Good thing they were both replaced by a shitty Monster Hunter clay sword.

Found a bug with DT Nero. Using devil knuckles during the first two hits of his air string cancels his claws from showing up. It also only summons two knuckles instead of four, even if times perfectly. All his other moves summon the knuckles AND claws.

>Vergil ends up having a duel with Nero because it's the only way he knows to express his feelings

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>got the wings wrong
Why does this make me so angry

How is Nero going to deal with the fact that Vergil just mugs people when he needs things?

Reminder that Vergil is hot as fuck. Say something nice to him.

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They look like they're having a dance off instead of fighting.

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>Vergil tries to fake steal Kyrie to bond with his son

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No, in the first game, like Dante in 3, he needed another demon to achiev DT. Now he does not. Giving him the wep back would be a regression of his character; the next step is for him to get a devil sword vergil, not fap with his dads arm.
Besides that his custom made bike sword he made with human ingenuity is >>> every other weapon in the series in terms of versaility and practicality and power combined and him using it rather than demons makes him closer than dante or vergil to a human, fitting shince he is, gentically, more human

>Bug boy

>Dante and Vergil
>Dragon dudes

>Bird boy

>Bird gal


How do demon powers work?

Why did they make nero such a chad but his dt so cute?

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We already know it’s coming

Hopefully both


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>raises another tower to hold her in all so Nero invites Vergil to dinner

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Vergil is literally a wandering hobo

unlike Dante who has an actual house and job

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damn, I miss those exclamations marks

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potato face

Well he would react the same as to the fact that he killed a few thousands of people.

nvm that, look how hawt dante looks in the back

why is he biting the shoes

Is there maybe a window where the timing fails? i.e. if the knuckles come out before the claws, they cancel the claws from appearing, and it’s just more likely to time out that way on his aerial rave 1-2?

For a second I thought you were talking about Cavaliere and had to reread the op.

[YOU CANNOT KILL ME intensifies]

beat DMD last night

Urizen 3 and Vergil were a ride doing no continues

>Urizen is Vergil's demon side
>Urizen mostly uses pussy magic and long range attacks

it makes sense bros

You are a meanie and a liar user.

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>So, what's your mom's name again?
>No, don't recall.

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You the one who suffer device compromised on behave of being handheld.

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Isn't Urizen's final form supposed to be the canned boss Balrog? Which is the reason why Balrog the devil arm looks like final form Urizen.

Devil Sword Vergil wouldn't even make sense. Would it just be a long Sephiroth sword or something?

It runs on the family

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>try DMD
>Get stuck on the empusa queen in the prologue
I beat DMC3 on DMD
Part of me believes I shouldnt be this shit

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Are you speaking English?

>Vergil teleporting with yamato at Nero's house to challenge him to a duel so that he can awkwardly bond with his son becomes a daily occurence, Kyrie prepares a meal every time.
>He never goes fully serious and he mostly try to teach Nero better swordmanship.
>He asks random questions in the middle of the fight like "How was your day?" because that's the only moment for him when it doesn't feel awkward

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But that’s also what V uses

Just finished completing the game for the first time that was well worth the $60 that I paid for and I'm glad that it has sold very well. Games like this is what you need to support because sadly games like Devil May Cry 5 in terms of quality and least in a combat rarely come out so you have to make sure that it's doing good sells why.

I also enjoyed the new characters like Nico & V they had a nice personality to them.

He's a weeb who hates gaijin western things like guns and exemplifies the "teleports behind you, unsheathes katana" meme.
Of course it'd be a super katana.

Thats vergil dummy

Pretty boy demons are in

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I think DSD is his Tail.

if he had POWER he wouldn't rely on a back talking bird

>>>He never goes fully serious and he mostly try to teach Nero better swordmanship.
>Implying mcjobber can teach Nero literally anything
Nero uses a sword that's also a bike and revs it while pulling off more complex motions than literally anything Vergil does
He'd be teaching Vergil

For some reason I never noticed how giant sin dt is

>Mission 5 DMD
>Get hit by DT Judecca
Oh fuck

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I want the full package DMC4 Nero as an unlock, with infinite Break Away on cooldown of some sort.

How 2 ride rocket arm


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that belly button

>HOWS (judgement cut)
>ARE (judgement cut)
>YOU (judgement cut)
>SCU- SORRY, SON (judgement cut)

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Just keep going buddy. If I can do it so can you.

That part gave me some feels first time I saw it

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Hold B / O


>Nero's expression thinking he can handle a katana properly
son i am disappoint

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>Royal Guarded flying Vergil
>RGed his Summon Swords
Godamn this fight is so fun compared to Griffon/Nightmare/Shadow

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Where you guys get the mods? Nexus only?

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Maybe because all the other demons they’re up against are pretty big guys

>Nero finally masters Summoned Swords
>but they look like Rebellion

Just do a different katana design. I could picture a hiltless design with a really long tie ribbon and decorated in the style of his coat.

And/or a summoned sword katana that he draws from empty space in his hand like Exalted Blade

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I'm a piratefag but I gave this one a buy. I agree completely. This is one that deserves the support.

That's what I thought too, but then if that's the case then why can he use both knuckles and claws simultaneously in every other move? Also, if you skip the knuckle timing on the first hit of his aerial rave but resume immediately on the second hit, then it kinda works---the knuckles and claws both come out. The claws will come out regardless on the third hit of aerial rave or roulette.
I tried waiting to use knuckles after the claws come out but that just doesn't work, especially for his air strings since the timing is faster anyways.

Thing is Dante and Vergil are shown to be equals regardless of their swords, and I don’t think Capcom would want Vergil to gain the lead again, which is probably what giving him DSV would do.
They both have Sin DTs which is the main power up DSD allowed Dante.
Also a fair number of people are still complaining about DSD existing, DSV would probably be forged from Yamato and cause similar complaints.

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It still amazing to me how much people still shit on Nero and remember him as "the whiny anime boy replacement" when he has:
1. wrestling moves
2. an air guitar taunt
and has:
Bitten Dante's gun and drop kicked Dante in the face.
If the character has not been established as fucking cool as shit at that point I'm not sure what these people want.

>Nero’s sword model is backward
I noticed this with mods, it happens with the DSS swap too. I guess because it’s a lefty blade it was modeled upside-down relative to the other swords in the game.

Explains why he goes full kickboxing when he actually moves instead of shooting gay lasers.

I was expecting him to grab Yamato and turn it into a giant laser energy sword or a demonic powered version of it.

>Also a fair number of people are still complaining about DSD existing
I only complain because it's ugly as fuck and they purposely gimped the other swords so you have no choice to use it. Give me a Rebellion skin for DSD that isn't a mod for fun and I won't give a fuck anymore.

>still pushing this meme


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>actually it's because Nero is so unga he thinks the right way to hold it is backward

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I assume it’s because the windows are different so you’re more likely to miss the window on the first swing, but I’d have to experiment to figure it out.


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>For the first time in forever Nero achieves something not even Dante could: Send Vergil into a state of absolute rage as he treats the Katana like this.


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The only gimping was the (totally pointless) removal of Drive from Reb/DSS. Which I agree was retarded, but the rest of it was fine.

Wait a minute, you can use photo mode in the void?


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How come Dante is such an ass to Nero in DMC5 but at the same time he's probably the kindest he has been? It is clear that he doesn't want Nero to carry the weight of killing your own family because that pretty much fucked him for years, but did he have to be such an asshole?



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>Vergil meets Kyrie.
>I do not know what it is, but you remind me of the woman i met so many years ago.
>Cue yet another case of the mommy issues running in the family.

Yeah please do and see if you can recreate what I'm seeing. It's not a huge deal but it does lessen Nero's dps by a little when you shouldn't be penalized for actually hitting perfect knuckles.

hey it actually triggered the Bloody Palace taunt
>glowy eyes and blue aura

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DSD lets you “throw” your summon swords, they actually behave like Rebellion/DSS in that they become unavailable until the Round Trips is over.

>Vergils face when he see's Nero's shitty fencing

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How? Is it unlocked after clearing BP? Does this mean I’ll eventually get heart-slick Dante?

catto is dum

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How do I get the V/Vergil EX colors and Nero's gum taunt?

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Post yfw
>Devil Sword Vergil = Yamato + DSD

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don't bully

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playing with mouse & kb feels so good, but the problem is your skills doesn't transfer to the other games all that much

brothers in the dark

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So are devil bringer and buster arm devil breaker functionally the same?

buster arm apparently does more damage

No confirmation, but thats the theory.
Besides the punch kicks, Urizen final also spam ths same attacks from the throne form (which are artemis beams, geryon slowdown, goliath fireballs, and yamato red crystal spike burst)

Buster arm does more damage and has super armor on the charge attack

>Has an actual house and job
Maybe, but he's also broke

>Not posting the second half
don't be a bitch

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he's doing his best

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The comparison of Buster Break Age to Devil Buster damage is ludicrous, Buster break ages are incredibly powerful. They'll one-shot anything that's not a boss and will take about 1/4-1/3 of a boss' health bar on DMD

>Watching all these PCbros playing with mods

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Have we got the remix of those tracks from the recap?

Are we /comfy/ now?

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after clearing and yes

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>your shit head brother is back again, already erecting giant structures in the middle of town
>he beats your ass
>get knocked out
>last thing you see is fucking Nero with no arm rush in to try to help you
>realize your fucking brother ripped off his sons arm for POWER
>Nero gets his ass beat too
>tell him to go away cause he's just going to die like this
>your female friends all get identical raped
>your brother breaks your favorite sword
>cut to black
>wake up
>suddenly there's this goth kid orbiting you
>tfw he tells you that you've been knocked out for an entire month
Dante had every right to be grump as fuck and pissed off
The attacks Urizen 3 does have more in common with Beowulf than Balrog.

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You can Release/Royal Release Flying Vergil right? I have his Summon Swords timing down, practicing his Judgement Cut timing so I usually have a full gauge by then

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I personally want to see Vergil’s reaction to Nero creating a spectral/summoned sword Yamato.
>”Huh, why didn’t I think of that?”
>And from that day forth Vergil gained dual wielded Yamato stance.

Is it very fucking hard to get S rank with Dante in mission 10 or is it just me?

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I'm gonna need a link to this mod.

Fucking hell, Nero is creepy. Does it conflict with his demonic costume?

I like how the "grass" looks like it's absorbing blood as it gets closer to the fleshy ground. Makes it feel like weird hair or feelers rather than grass.

anyone else having problems with V's hedgehog? it just doesnt fucking work for me

>names his kid Yamato

I accidentally cancel it sometimes while rolling.


You gotta hold for a while

Why is it so easy to imagine

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Dante and Vergil

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Where the hell did this actually originate from
It gets me every thread but I've never found out


>It's a "Vergil tries to help Kyrie and judgement cuts the turkey on thanksgiving" episode

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Doesn't need one, he has literally extra limbs, and he can create swords witth his spectrals shit

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i think it would be better if nero didnt have exceed at all

Would 5 Dante be able to defeat 3 Dante and 3 Vergil at the same time?

>implying it won't be Donte and Vorgil

It's not just you. S ranking that mission gives everyone trouble. Have to stall with RG or aim for the no damage bonus.

After some testing it goes deeper than you think. It applies to the first and third hits of the air combo; the second can be done, but if you knuckle the first one in DT, you can't actually knuckle the second hit AT ALL, because the double knuckle from the first hit is still coming out. The third hit it looks like it works (if you skip the first two) because of the delay on the claws from the second, but it doesn't actually get its own claws if you knuckle it.

But it also applies to other stuff as well; for example if you Knuckle the lead-in of a Streak, you will only get one of the two claw slashes when it connects. But you get both if you knuckle the connect itself (where Nero slaps the enemy down and cancels the knockback).

I'm not sure what governs the interactions

Assuming he still has things like doppleganger and quicksilver but we just don't have access to them as players, yeah definitely.

>not Chocolate and Pizza

>implying that's not what Nero would change it to causing a duel to the death with Vergil over middle names

kek this was my exact thought.

>hairs don't clip with Faust on
They know.

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>Vergil offers to mow the lawn
>can't figure out how to use a lawnmower so he just does a judgement cut end, destroying all the fencing and outdoor furniture

His DT looks more demonic than them both. There's look like goddamn transformers, or power rangers megazords.

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shut the fuck up you retarded Neronigger
you're never getting Yamato again!yVU3iIBb!x7UFYwevD1PvcLISeyJortt_5yr623Ls1Vuzl-aTKh8

I'm afraid the taunts are the only "new" thing BP is going to add.

Attached: 1544410971003.png (900x900, 569K)

>Kyrie is impressed and asks Vergil to teach her how to cut meat with such efficiency
>Vergil lends Kyrie the yamato to cook.
>Vergil's face when she pulls off judgement cut on her first try

Attached: 20190309153856_1.jpg (2560x1080, 321K)

>punch, kick and flog Malphas in her own cauldrons' brew while she screams in protest
>beat the every living shit out of her for good
>shoot her right in the face after
>mission ends asking me where the bird part begins
>Lady ass shot for no reason
>tfw like guro
>tfw love monstergirls and Lady
Why is this game taunting me?

Attached: 20190327172639_1.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

>I have Kyrie. If you ever wants to see her again, meet me at the top of the temen ni gru
>Nero climbs it while seething immensely
>There is a dinner table set up, Vergil is sitting there, Kyrie is putting a lot of food fresh out of the oven on the table.
>Vergil asked her to come instead od kidnapping him.
>Vergil was tasked to invite nero to the family dinner
>He technically did

Ehhh with how the powerful demons tend to look, they look appropriate, especially given they're insect demons so it'd make sense for them to have exoskelton like shit going on, where as Nero is only 1/4 demon so he demon elements are going to be less profound.

I'd love to see weaponized wings like Morrigan or Dizzy from GG.

its a 4gig update user, theres definitely more

For EX V you have to kill all enemies during Nero epilogue, Nico must say that you did it, and for Dante's epilogue you have to kill more demons than Vergil. You don't have to pass them both in a row, you can fail one and repeat mission and try again. I don't remember about gum taunt, maybe finishing SoS will do.


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I wouldn't put it past Vergil to get so turned on by that he'd try to fucking steal Kyrie for himself.

>Tfw actually hit that Royal Release
Still died right after but fuck that was satisfying

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Oni > Bugs

>Alright dad, i get you´re bad at this. But was the giant dog guarding the entrance necessary?

What originated the idea of Judgement Cuts in DMC.
What japanese thing had the whole multiple invisible cuts thing that you see around

>El Donte (Full-Length Version)

>Give your Kyrie to me

Attached: KGx3CEc.jpg (1366x2062, 211K)

>Nero spergs out at Vergil and they start fighting while Kyrie finishes up the dinner, happily smiling at Nero spending time with his dad


Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-21 00-10-11-36.jpg (1364x768, 524K)

Do you watch anime?

How do you know that?

holy kek someone draw this autism.

As with Streak, so with Calibur; you knuckle early you get one slash instead of two. You also cancel your slashes if you knuckle a Shuffle.

Actually, it seems like the rule is pretty simple: your bringer arms can each only do one thing at once.

In situations with a double-claw-swipe, a knuckle cancels one swipe and leaves the other. In a situation where your knuckle would come out but another is already present (because the DT double-taps the knuckle) the knuckle is cancelled entirely... UNLESS you hit the knuckle after the second of the double-taps (try this with Nero's 1-2 on the ground; if you knuckle too quick, the second knuckle fails and is a claw swipe; if you delay it until just after the double-tap knuckle from the first hit is leaving, you get both of the second swing's knuckles).

If the move has a knuckle window wide enough to allow you to pop it AFTER the claws have triggered, you can double-knuckle in addition to a full double-claw, but if it's a single claw and it comes out after the knuckle window, you can't trip the knuckle post-claw (this is why you can't get both to work on his air combo 1, but you can make the "choice" on a Streak, since the window is wider).

The "bug" you're encountering is happening because Nero's only got two ghost hands and the game is not allowing them to both claw swipe and knuckle.


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>even urizen has Cerberus

I'm just going by the wiki man,
"In his true form, Sparda was a slightly-larger-than-human-sized, vaguely insectoid demon with clawed hands, a scaly hide, a pair of downward facing ram horns, chiropteran wings with beetle-like wings underneath, hooves for feet, and reptilian spines protruding from his back"
Like all and all he's a bit all over the place but seems insect primarily

>if a mere hound prevents you from being on time, then you didn't deserve to eat

You can earn gum taunt and v color at the same time. Just beat the judecca in nero's credit.

Imagine getting cocky

I like Vergil’s icy looks, but those head exhaust or whatever the fuck look so silly

Nice dude. Such a cool moment, taunting in the face of approaching death and knocking that weeb out of his DT.

When Vergil gets inevitably added, do you think his "sin DT" is just going to be the "regular" DT? Because Vergil has always been overpowered anyways.

>....A Clown? ....Not this again, i thought we got rid of him.
>Vergil excuses himself and goes down the tower to check if there really is another Arkham/Jester running loose.
>Nero is just messing with him after having heard from Dante how the both of them got clown´d years ago.

Vergil was such a power autist and giga-weeb his son’s genetics were somehow altered to match.

Which Judgement Cut effect is better, DMC4SE/DmC or DMC5?

>Nero doesn't have a proper Devil Arm
He does, quite literally in fact.

>Because Vergil has always been overpowered anyways.
He needs more power.

But then what anime? Or what did most anime get inspired by with the multiple cut shit


Using summoned swords against strider's orb is pretty clever.

I quite like it, Vergil looks real aggressive when Sin DT'd.

Attached: dmc5-vergil-sin-devil-trigger.jpg (1100x1100, 154K)

>Vergil is over for dinner
>Nico asks when can they eat
>Kyrie happily mentions she invited Dante as a surprise
>WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAHHHHHHHHHHH followed by crashing sounds from the garage
>Go in to find Dante rammed right through the garage door and wrecked the fucking place

Attached: 20190308210041_1.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

Reminder that DMC2 Dante's outfit would be better as a Vergil outfit

I hope not. SinDT is neat but I like having the option to have the base DT.

No accounting for shit taste.

>i thought we got rid of him.

Oh jesus this game me the weirdest mental image. As if Arkham/Jester lurks in the household of Nero, Kyrie and Vergil. Like he's in the kitchen at night and when you turn on the light he runs like a roach whole going WOOWOOWOOWOOWOO with Vergil going "Oh fuck off already Akrham"

Its a classic type of move you got out of most characters that use swords, hell, cutting things up isn´t even limited to swords if they pull out martial arts.

Attached: 10V5k4h.png (1600x1150, 2.39M)

I want his regular dt because it looks so sleek.

Vergil outfit is perfect and should not be touched

>Arkham got so pissy at Dante/Vergil wrecking his shit at the end that his spirit is now haunting them and their relatives.

>he brought pizza
>all pepperoni
>except for one
>a pineapple one
>has a huge V on top of it

Attached: no4oej0.png (806x4000, 3.07M)

We don't need to replace it user but don't tell that DMC2 Dante doesn't strike you more as Vergil with his hair down

Probably not. Designs for a normal DT exist, and it looks like Vergil's SDT is just as tiring for him as it is for Dante.

I hope we see pic related in the game but i think Vergil is just getting his SDT

Attached: Vergil_DT_concept_DMC5.png (1358x2048, 1.79M)


>Vergil leaves the table
>Uses yamato to teleport into dantes office
>"Lady your dead father is ruining my dinner, now get your ass here and go FINISH YOUR JOB"
>Vergil tosses a confused, screaming and crying lady into a portal to some random part of the tower
>He goes back to the dinner table saying "this should take care of the problem"

Why does he have a Y on his chest? What does it stand for?

>Dante's face when Kyrie tells him she learnt how to make pizza just so she could make one just for him

Attached: 20190308225130_1.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Replace pineapple with olives and you'd have cause for a fight. Pineapple is just nice.

>Nero and Kyrie having romantic babymaking sex
>Suddendly Jester's spirit appears

>Actually, it seems like the rule is pretty simple: your bringer arms can each only do one thing at once
>The bug" you're encountering is happening because Nero's only got two ghost hands and the game is not allowing them to both claw swipe and knuckle

Gotcha, this makes a hell of a lot more sense.

It's a V and that's there because Vergil has to write his name on everything to make it truly his.

>demon STD
The silver makes it infinitely cooler


>Pineapple is just nice

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>Nero suplexes Vergil from the top of the tower

Once you draw a line under the V, it's no longer a V. That there's a Y, son.

>>Nero and Kyrie having romantic babymaking sex
>>Suddendly Arkham's spirit appears

>>Did you impregnate a human woman?

>this is a ploy to get Nero to swear in front of Kyrie

He REALLY likes Yamato.


this as a mod when

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If you're concerned for DPS, my testing (admittedly limited) also shows that in DT, a claw swipe is preferable to a single knuckle swipe in 100% of cases.

Whatever a swing does, the DT claw does 50% of that damage, whereas a knuckle does 30% of that damage. Interestingly, a "double claw" swipe (while it may affect hitbox size, IDK) still only hits one time against an enemy, presumably because of the way hitbox checking is done (I don't know how it works but I assume there's some same-frame gate that prevents an attack from hitting over and over again from the collision checks on the same attack, meaning two frame-simultaneous hits can't register at the same time).

What this means in practice is, in DT, for DPS it's preferable to knuckle if and only if you know you can connect BOTH of the knuckles (for 60% of the base damage dealt) before the knuckle window of the next swing OR you can get the knuckles to come out with one claw still registering (ideal, as this gives between 80% and 110% base damage on the swing depending on whether one or both knuckles connect AFTER the claw).

In a situation where you either get out one knuckle OR the claw, or where the knuckle will connect twice but only at the cost of you losing the knuckle or claw of the follow up (such as the air combo), it's better to take the claws and skip knuckling.

April 1st when?

Attached: 1550189309572.png (1000x1000, 413K)

>not liking pineapple
>being Subhuman
Just what I'd expect from someone who can't flush their own toilet.

Look at the in-game model user. It's a V.

Attached: 008.jpg (1920x1080, 74K)

In 4 days.

On April 1st


Dante and lady need to go and make nero a cousin already.

on april 1st

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2 hours


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Some people are just stupid
>nero is a whiny kid
(What you just said) He mocks and has fun with his enemies. Then his only "family" is put in grave danger, so he has every reason to be emotional about it
>V is a emo twink
Nero is his son. He pushes himself beyond his limits with a sick body. Super motivated. Laughs at jokes and dances in the battlefield even though he is dying.

People are just...stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or they just can't come up with any good reasons to hate on their disliked characters.

So Nero first gets his Devil Bringer and hears echoes of “Need more power”. How does that work? Vergil passes down his autism spiritually?


stop making me laugh with all that vergil having a family bullshit

I am at work I have to pretend I'm doing something

i miss him

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I thought you had modded in a small goatee for a moment

>had to cheese Vergil with Faust for his last quarter of health on SoS

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post cute

Please give Lady a family already

Attached: When you see Dante and Nero get their brother and father back but you realize that your family isn&# (1200x675, 58K)

Faust is OP

>Vergil is the first to show up when it's born due to creating a portal to the hospital room
>Takes one look at the baby
>"Nero is far superior to this... child."
>Quickly leaves through the portal again because Nero and Kyrie are just down the hall and about to come in


So... Griffon was Vergil's nightmare, does it mean griffon is actually a part of vergil's mind?
Is griffon the WOOHOO side of vergil?

I know but fuck after knocking him out of DT he just wrecks me, I can get to that point without getting hit

A final note here, in situations where "both happen at once", it's because the decay on the effects is really long; basically as soon as a swipe happens, the knuckle that would use that hand is valid, even if the claw particle effects are still hovering, because the action is over. Knuckles "chew up" claws more often because they take longer to wind up and actually come out, though once they make their contact and are fading away the next knuckle is acceptable (as long as the game isn't already queueing the follow-up knuckle animation).

This leads to situations like how you can knuckle after the third air strike's claw swipe (sometimes cancelling it if you knuckle too soon), because the claw lingers WELL after the actual hitbox exists and so the knuckle is free to start its windup.

Honestly it's all very thought-out for a system that's basically about shitting out multiple attacks for each attack you do.

Now go layer Exceeds AND summon sword shots into the uninterruptible segments of each attack, that's your real DPS. Hope you enjoy terminal bonitis hands.

I can never stop.

>Vergil asks nero to challenge the baby to a duel to prove that nero is stronger.

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if griffon was just vergils nightmares why did they know so much about hell

>They're stabbing me tonight


>Vergil´s nightmare.
>Loudmouthed and as annoying as Dante.

It checks out.

I'd imagine they'd have a daughter(to kind of counteract vergil having a son), maybe have her focus on the hand to hand weapons like balrog and beowoulf.

While dante would fly through the window to enter the room, since neither brother knows how doors work.

you can stall him out of dt then use dt's stinger/shotgun to take out the doppleganger, this will settle the fight down again for a while and let you get 1 or 2 combos in on him

desu stalling him out is quite boring so i don't blame you

is this a dmc thread?

I thought it was drawing on Vergil's time in Hell and as Nelo Angelo. I figure DMC6 would be Vergil using his knowledge to guide Dante in hell just like the Divine Comedy.

>Nero, Dante's child has just been birthed. I demand you demonstrate your power and prove yourself the superior
>Dad I'm not about to fight a baby
>I see. You're lacking in motivation...
>Vergil starts to walk to kyrie

No it's not

If it's not inside the game then that is the only cut content in the concept art section to make it into the game. I find that unlikely.



Attached: Vergil_BTFO.png (458x937, 398K)

Vergil spent at least 10 years between 3 and 1 in hell.
Even with his mind and memories fucked up, im sure he would absorb info about hell heraerchy and legends.
He also had like 10 more years between 1 and 5 to learn more

why do combo autists favor technically challenging/impressive combos over actually stylish/entertaining to watch combos?

I cheesed vergil with Blue Rose and Punchline kek the only effort I had to put it was twirling around with my beautiful glowy wings as Virgil tried to hit me. The second I cheesed him was with 6 fracture bomb placements and then bustering.

>Kyrie is actually playing along with the Vergil kidnappings because its the one way that seems to work out in having him have some quality time with his dad.
>The only problem is that Vergil is constantly either trying to find new giant demon towers to do these things on or chases everyone out of the closest skyscrapper.

Game's kinda entertaining to watch as it is


Because as you get better at the game, the stuff that is technically challenging looks cooler to you because you've seen all the easy-modo showy shit before.

Her and Nero had a moment, it's gonna happen!

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I cheesed his last quarter of hp with The Luce.

How do I beat Mission 5 on HAH with an S-rank
Familiars die too often during the boss fight to have good enough style to brute force it and since all my familiars are dead half the time it's hard to avoid some of the bosses lunges

Attached: Googly_Moogly.png (698x809, 209K)


no it's a dmc thread, i'm sure of it.

that makes sense actually

Summon and unsummon nightmare non-stop

Read poems
Summon nightmares

I wonder if Capcom will take the chance with the DLC and put someone else as director to test for a new director for the series

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>why pointy stick no go vroom?

>kyrie plays along with vergil's kidnappings because she's a massive slut and actually slept with all the spardas, including daddy sparda.

No, he's not literally a part of Vergil, read the goddamn V manga. He's a fullscale demon with his own mind.

Attached: pizza shadow.jpg (1944x1944, 360K)

>you can play as vergil
>but it's not vergil
Fuck you
Do you enjoy fucking with me?

And why did you ask if you already knew? Are you trying to test us user?


>Be me, Nico ((Goldstein))
>This Negro guy refuses to pay for my masterworks
>i'll show him whos boss by filling the map with nothing but mega busters and shitty pasta breakers


Attached: pepesmoke.jpg (250x203, 6K)

sounds like a good plan, Nightmare isn't really helpful in that fight outside of flopping out of the sky since he so slow anyway.
Should I be using Shadow to dodge his lunges or jumping up high with Griffin?
I always get hit when I read, feels like these a delay when I try to dodge out of reading

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Throwing your body around like a club isn't complex. Vergil is all about precision and technique which Nero lacks.

You're a fucking moron.


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>being a cuck
Your kind aren’t welcome here

>you will never inflict so much pain upon her that she freezes in place
>you will never fuck her throat while in still time for 5 seconds
>which feels like an eternity for you

We finally have footage of Nero's mom.

Dante and Vergil looked like bugs because Sparda was one. Nero should have had some bug like features, and I guess you can kinda stretch that the wings fit that criteria, but it's still a stretch. He should have had some aspects of Vergil's DT in his DT. One thing that caught my eye was Nero's horn things. I can't tell if they're horns or small wings, but those were also present in his 4 DT concept art and for some reason that's the only thing that carried over. Also, you're using Vergil's SDT as a comparison there, there's concept art of Vergil's DT in game.

Not a cuck, kyrie's just a dirty slut.

>Spams aoe's as a result of his sword being able to cut dimensions
>Heh, nuttin personal
His rebelion is as much 'throwing your body around like a club' as Nero's sword is, but without having to exceed it
His Yamato shits out giant hitboxes.
Nothing he does involves any degree of precision and everything he does involves less actual swordskill than both Nero and Dante. Coincidentally, he fucking loses to both, all the time

Never, please.

i'm sorry :( i just wasn't sure that this was a dmc thread.

I fucking love this game photo mode, post screenshots

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So was Agnus just really fucking tan or did he fuck an albino and that balanced it out?

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You can't use hitboxes as a fucking argument about character you fucking retard.

Can you be sure that your life is your own life?

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Y indeed

Cavaliere is surprisingly handsome.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190326213004.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

That's actually true. Before I played any of those games and saw top combo videos, I didn't understand wtf is going on and it didn't really impress me. But when I played DMC a lot, it became clear how hard to pull off that stuff is.

I don't believe you.

Attached: 1529016107374.webm (575x214, 37K)

I just did though? He just vaguely whails his arms around while the giant fuck off dimension bullshit does all the work for him. Its not even really sword play

I would love to but some absolute madman decided to spam cp with a proxy of my shitty country and now i'm cucked out of posting photos.


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It's okay lil user, have a seat, and maybe have some pizza idk

It looks like he stopped seething for a second to be disgusted.

It doesn't make any sense to not give Vergil his DT. SDT is too OP to just be able to use without having to give up DT.

>Nico not behind the wheel


Cavaliere is kinda hot desu

I like playing Nero more than playing Dante in 5

Attached: 1553379333236.png (141x311, 95K)

>Cavaliere looks like a pretty woman more than Trish

Shit, I can't stop looking into this.

A big factor here is that the claw swipe occurs almost entirely AFTER the animation that triggers it. I can also confirm that simultaneous hand actions can occur and the cancellation logic is independent for each hand entity.

What most people experience if they fuck with this is the first swing Nero does on the ground; you can get both knuckles and a claw on that. The reason for this is the way the animations are laid out: the first knuckle is a RIGHT hand knuckle, and it occurs simultaneously with a LEFT hand claw swipe. The second knuckle is a LEFT hand knuckle, and it comes out right as the claw swipe particle effect is occurring, but just as the claw swipe hand animation is ending.

So it looks like you get two knuckles and a swipe simultaneously, but in actual fact, you're getting a left hand swipe with a right-hand punch, and then shortly after a left-hand punch just as the game renders the trails from the swipe.

Honestly trying to manage all of this for maximum strikes per Nero action is probably harder to memorize than MaxACT timings, I would argue when in DT it's almost exclusively better to use knuckles only for their knockback cancelling properties except perhaps on very specific moves.

has anyone tried

>play mission 2
>go through hotel
>come out and see sunrise
>go back through hotel
>go back to start of level
>see if sun has risen

At least he is gone forever now lmao

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190326212556.jpg (1920x1080, 419K)

> he doesn't want to see Vergil's muscles.

He's pretty hot desu

that car is a rental from dante's side business, devil may drive.

>Vergil: Your overconfidence is your weakness.
>Nero: Your fate in your power is yours.

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am i doing okay bros?

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 2019.03.27 - (1280x720, 2.9M)

He's definitely disgusted.

Can't be done. The hotel has a point of no return where the balcony crumbles, I'm pretty sure you get invisible walled off there (as the game is unloading the nighttime city before the hotel).
It’s here

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Hell to the nah with that beetleborgs shit. Have you listened to Devil Trigger? does that sound like a song that describes a bug? fuck no. Nero is an ascended Oni mixed with Nightcrawler mixed with Soul Reaver. Nigga, he not following no bug trend, he's supposed to represent something new and never seen before in the universe, a god amongst insects.

Attached: DUaL1iQVAAAZcLX.jpg (976x1200, 123K)


Gimme more of that good shit, user I require more Cavaliere.

He also specifies that he's his own bird and not owned by anyone in the novel,

Now this is a Handsome Squidward face

You're a fucking idiot. Vergil actually has form to his movements. There's posture involved in his actions. Nero is just haphazardly throwing himself at things.

Holy shit you need to just die dude. I'm sorry but swim with a toaster.


Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190326212206.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

Yeah but you're barely getting any Ex-Acts. Getting a shitload of Max-Acts is hard but Ex-Acting should be happening a lot more frequently.

only if you reduce the resolution of your webm to get a better bitrate.

I like is style in dmc4 where he swings his sword around like he’s legit drunk

That's the good shit

Attached: verghpb.gif (400x206, 1.37M)

>might add more
>expect vergil

Attached: 1552421537602.png (583x203, 185K)

thanks :) i'm really glad this is a dmc thread i wish there were more

Perfection, he looks like a fucking statue I'm all for it.

Its only a massive improvement. I think only three moves were outright dropped while the rest including the old Swordmaster moves were worked into King Cerberus' base kit. You have all the strengths and utility the original provided and so much more if you choose to use it.

Attached: sparda bros.png (1116x967, 1.1M)

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Anyone got a link to the jacket mod?

Responsible uncle Dante will NEVER let these wippersnappers take the wheel. They still got lots to learn.

I'm not sure if you're baiting me or not anymore....there's always been DMC threads these past few days. They get archived quickly cause everyone's going crazy and shit.

All the small details in this game are fucking amazing.

>Kyrie just enjoys spending time with Vergil while they wait on Nero and tells him all about Nero, while Vergil tries desperately to not show how proud he is of Nero

I want a mod that allows us to rotate through Devil Breakers without breaking them.
This would actually turn them into styles.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190326213045.jpg (1920x1080, 269K)

>Missed the Calibur at the end
>No jump cancels
Minor offences, you have potential tho, keep voiding it up and you will be good in no tim-

>Pulling them back in after you have taken them to the ground
Absolutely haram.
If DMC was a real fighting game like we all pretend it is you would have lost your rank right then and there.

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This. Nico can only do a single full flip with her van, whats that amateur shit? According to dante, if all 4 wheels ever touch the ground at the same time, you failed at driving

ask and ye shall receive.

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Yes yes his superior nippon steel sword takes so much more skill to use than a sword that actually has to hit people with the blade you rev while you swing

Considering how they seem to subtly shift form betwween there, him using them as arms and him using them as full wings in some still it seems like his wings are a nice multi tool.
Also expected his legs to have the same scale armor on the back of them as on his shins, didn't expect them to be more bare.

The song doesn't have anything to do with it, it's just about him unlocking his DT. I think Nero's DT should have been more in line with the Sparda family while looking more slender and human because of him being 1/4th demon. His 4 concept art was perfectly fine sans the arm sheathe for Yamato, but that would have gone away since he no longer has it.

Attached: 20180701_185737.jpg (5312x2988, 3.6M)

Only thing i don't like in Vergil's DT are the legs, they could've pulled less from the Kaneko design

Woops meant for

What are you doing to capture video? I keep trying but OBS is crashing my game when I start recording.


You're fast.

that one took me a while
nightmare is a great distraction
save up for full bar of dt then let it rip
also the teleport to enemy is a good tool to recall both summons


>Sparda comes back
>sees Trish
>"Give that to me"

I'm being informed that holding down L1+L2+R1+R2 while selecting Dante's costume lets you use his short hair instead of his long hair, can anyone confirm, my controller is broken.

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Good stuff but dont forget those devil knuckles. Practice till you are able to hit one for every move in Nero's basic string and aerial rave.

I played the OG DMC3 port on a keyboard, and i could get SSS easy

Yeah it's real

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>jacket apart of dt form
Nero is a zoomer why the fuck is he going to have a 1980s ultimate form?

How do I get the timing right for Nero's punches with his devil bringer arms.


>DMC3 port on a keyboard
Oh man, i did to but that was a long time ago. Do you used J to attack too?

>I played the OG DMC3 port on a keyboard
Same, but I was a kid and I fucking suffered. Had to play on easy mode.
I was like 9 when dmc3se was released

Whether or not it does isn't the issue it's the fact that Nero obviously has no technique and just wings it.

Estuans interius
ira vehementi

I use that setup to this day, remapped DMC5 and 4 to be like that.

that straight up looks like a man, man
i think i have some bad news for you

Personally that concep art alway just made me wonder what those things on his shoulders were, and why his horns were above his hood.

He has more technique. That's why he's a winner who can use a sword that actually works like a sword while reving it while Vergil can fail to use a sword which is a borderline glorified ranged wep and loses because he's so shit at it

>Nero obviously has no technique and just wings it.
This. He swings it like a fucking caveman which I don't mind but there's zero skill or finesse behind it, it's raw POWER

Vergil is a classy man. V's outfit is too slutty for him.


The good ol ASDZXC always helps, even if most burgers are too retarded to understand that is easy to pull shit your keyboard is a IBM esque keyboard with fast response and no delay.

as for DMC4, mouse 2 is damn easy because i had a lot of training with other shit, and its fucking perfect in Darksiders 1 and 2

To be fair no technique and nero don't seem to go hand and hand. Are we forgetting this guy in 4 was matching Dante in speed and reaction time WHILE one of his arms was in a cast. That's talent.

It's probably better once you get used to it desu

What the fuck u doing?

You can cycle thought them without destroying them buy canceling the breakaway with a fast enemy step.

Have fun.

Dante was going easy on him.

>nero don't seem to go hand and hand.
>Literally his defining gimmick in 4 was grappling
>Demon astral punches in this
>Also punches in this
>His entirely new gimmick is going hand-to-hand

True but I am torn because I want to see his toned body as well.

Kill yourself. If you have any kids, kill them too.

Too bad, he's going to wear it now that he's accepted himself

Why the FUCK does she look at me like that when I pick up an arm

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Good argument

Because you're using pleb arms

>When you finally understand how to use devil knuckle and enemy hold as protective moves for nero
Breakages, Showdown and Maximum Bet will never get interrupted again

He's talented, sure. But he's also crude. He's essentially Cody, except he reeks of mary sue Bingo's oc

He can still do some precsice and ridiculous things with his blade.
Parrying all those bullets and then slapping them back in 3.
His 4:SE intro where did tricks with the blade and sheathe.
I'm not sure how he compares to Dante and Nero but he seems capable of wielding Yamato better compared to them, but admittedly Vergil basically specialized in using it.

honestly max/ex acting my air taunt is a slight crutch for me but im gonna keep at it and try to ex-act more. i only started doing it in 5 because i couldn't get it down in 4
>If DMC was a real fighting game like we all pretend it is you would have lost your rank right then and there.
its mostly autism
fug off

He also massacred the demons in the inttro with ease, just like that, one hand, left at that, that's talent.

Punchline punchline punchline sweet surrender punchline punchline sweet surrender gerbera

>oh come on user, i know that you want to fuck me, but im behind this screen.

Remember to thank the user who made this gem of a .webm.

I'm not arguing with you anymore because you're a fucking idiot who can't make up his mind on what he's arguing about. So instead I'm telling you to kill yourself because you're insipid and a waste of energy.

I believe they meant "hand in hand".
As they were insinuating that Nero and no technique weren't automatically correlated.

So can Nero. Nero can also do this while his sword is on fire because he rev'd it while swinging it at you. Notably, not vaguely near the direction you are in, actually at you. Like an actual sword.

>its mostly autism

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Post Nero's

You Devil Knuckle immediately after attacking. Too late, you'll just buster/snatch. The timing is like attacking after a JC, it has to be fast.

>when he asks for another buster

Sometimes I'm not sure if DMC5 is a game or a musical.

Attached: 2ungeeopejo21.png (824x473, 96K)

This music is perfect for Dante, holy shit

>his void command prompts aren’t constantly flicking between KB/M and Controller at a seizure-inducing rate
It’s like you don’t even Steam Controller.

>vergil has amazing sword technique
>nero just swings crudly
>vergil still loses
>depite acquiring two powerups in the game

The absolute state of Vergil, seething over getting btfo'd by Dante, now by own son. Get Vergil some therapy, i'm worried.

>if you bought the delux edition you will never be able to compete in speedruns against players who bought the standard editions because nero's levels are polluted with pasta breakers

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new thread

Mod to replace Ex Provocation music when?