Pander to (((leftists)))

>Pander to (((leftists)))
>Lose money
>Fire people

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I lose my job and they just use it as controversy to hire more people.

Absolute jewery.

Do jews cut their own foreskins off or they only harvest american ones to use as food?

Name one thing that pandered to the alt-right and succeeded.

And no, your kickstarters that haven't been fulfilled yet don't count.

Everything is right with the world because any media that limits itself by being safe ends up being trash as a result

>alt right

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Kingdom Come and Sonic Mania
Checkmate Goldberg

Hatred was pretty good.

Why isn't the whole world right wing? That would save humanity instantly, it's so simple

>Because pandering to alt-right does not work, that somehow means that pandering to left is a good idea

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It's always good for a laugh looking at the review section on steam and see all the christ-cucks seething at the game.

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Million Dollar Extreme presents World Piece had decent ratings on its run. That said, it was just edgy, not alt-right.

>Charls Carroll
>Sign: Taurus.
>Fav. Drug: Cialis
>Fav. Paiting Style: Austrian
>Quote: No one died at Sandy Hook

Because self control and discipline are hard compared to jacking off and getting fat which is easy

>get offered shit loads of money for 2 years to hire diverse staff and embed lefty propaganda in everything you produce
>contract ends
>fire excess staff because you no longer get payed to keep them
that's all that happened

because 80% of kids in western europe and usa were raised by single moms
Single moms = the breed industry of leftism

Tips fedora comment of the week

Yeah, this.

Seething "youre all virgins and incels and I am intellectually superior" cringe comment of the week


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The thing is : you don't need to pander to the right
Just don't bend to politically correct bs, that's all you need to do and what the japanese actually do

Apex did and they killed fortnite.

Spyro 3 and Fortnite


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Don't move the goalposts, retard. Pandering to any side of the political spectrum is terrible for both the quality and sales of a game. Just make a game that keeps people's interest for a while and sells well. This should be priority numero uno.


Bro most people on here and centrists or tolerant liberals, kill yourself idiot.

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Just because the SJWs got triggered and branded the devs as nazis doesn't mean KC is "alt-right". It's just a historic, realistic RPG set in medieval Bohemia. Nothing alt right about that.

A successful b8 post

Thats right goyim buy our (((games)))

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It's to use it to make face softening creme

People dont care about politics, but if this is true why are they so persistent? Look at nuBioware and you'll see every game they've made has failed to meet expectations by miles.

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Red dead redemption 2 lets you punch and feed feminists to aligators and it sold real well

We did, it led to world war 1 and the side that knee jerked the farthest right caused another world war that ended western world domination and began the age of the Middle East and China holding all the cards. Conservatism is suicidal.

Nobody panders to the "alt-right" because that is social suicide. Even if the game sold well, your family would hate you, your friends would hate you, the general public(the ones that give a shit about who makes games anyway) would hate you and if your studio closed doors good luck ever getting another job with the shitstain on your portfolio that your game would be. That being said making pandering to the charlottesville fuckers isn't any good either, you don't stop political pandering to the extreme left by just substituting it by pandering to the extreme right, you just don't use political themes at all unless it's appropriate and don't shittalk your audience just because they don't agree with you. That's all most people ask for.

Nice whataboutism

>pander to political party
>entire game is garbage and unfinished because you've spend most of the deving time writing the story
>the story is entirely built around specific arguments meaning you can't have any diversity, twist or suspense
>story eventually get surreal and abstract to justify an argument that would otherwise fall apart even in the context of its own world
>game cost more than a brand new AAA game

Whats it like to be the thing you hate the most?

>most profitable games, movies, and music are all diverse and varying degrees of lefty.
>market adjusts and now everyone who wants profits go lefty by default.
>g-go woke go broke says an increasingly nervous /pol/fag. As he points to a bad game that failed because it was bad and not diversity.