L4D team

>L4D team

What did Valve mean by this? Why would there be a L4D team?

Attached: D2r6-yOW0AEJgYr.png (455x168, 11K)

who even still plays L4D2?

valve really dropped the ball on this game
they created some decent characters, good gameplay, fun scenarios and then let it die

a new official campaign every year would have kept it alive

Retards rallying to boycott and creating tons of bad press killed the series.

L4d2 sold fine and has been one of the top played games on steam for years


they should have just kept going and made a L4D3

The fucked up when they disabled Workshop content on Versus servers after allowing it for literally years. Is there some fucking L4D2 comp scene they need to make it pure for?

With devs still fixing shit, they should add a fucking splitscreen to PC..

This happens all the time even in obscure shit games. I guess they just have a bunch of bored employees

The bad press is why Valve dropped Turtlerock and why they abandoned long-term plans for it.


i get drunk and play l4d2 for several hours literally every friday

Attached: 1549331463661.png (702x815, 64K)

One of the devs got boreout and found a bug to fix to kill his boredom.

There is. If I remember right you need a mod to enable it though.

Valve has a freeform structure, so what probably happened was some devs were playing L4D2, got annoyed about something in the game, fixed it and said "fuck it, might as well ship it as an update".

I hear stories of devs in the past fixing bugs and patching things in old games but not bothering to ship because of how inconsequential it is.

The game deserved bad press. They had promised a ton of post launch support for the first game and then dropped it like a rock and announced a sequel months after the game launched. The only things L4D1 ever got were Crash Course which is like 20 minutes long and a backport of a map they purpose built for L4D2.

Because they didn't want to keep making Left 4 Dead campaigns for ten years. Turtlerock asked to be let go so they go and be all they could be, make Evolve, then go back to working on a Left 4 Dead rip-off.

I was a consolefag in 2008 so I never got to experience peak Left 4 Dead. By the time I switched primarily to PC no one wanted to play it with me.

>I was a consolefag in 2008 so I never got to experience peak Left 4 Dead.
it was on the 360 you brainlet and sold insanely well

>then go back to working on a Left 4 Dead rip-off.
You can't make a "rip-off" of something that you created.

They created it with Valve, I wouldn't consider it a rip-off if they didn't reference Left 4 Dead in the title.

Yeah and I played the shit out of it on 360 at the time but it was still a gimped version. High level hunter jumping with a controller is annoying as shit.

I don't blame him for not playing a shooter designed for PC on a console.

About 8 thousand people at a peak every day

>They created it with Valve
No. They were making a game and Valve bought them out and published it.