>nip devs still continue ignore the Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
>and Vita
>b-but third party game sell on Switch!
Now that this meme is dead, it's back to business as usual for Nintendo consoles; nothing but first party crap and several month long droughts.
So long as you make either a PS4 or Vita game, you can compile it to both platforms. They have the same architecture. So it takes a total of 0% additional effort to do this.
When we get the game in 2 years there will be a switch version. First first game was Vita exclusive then got a PS4 version later then finally got a PC and switch version when it was released in english
I think games like this unironically sell better on the vita than the switch.
Just goes to show that Nintendofags don’t buy anything but Zelda, Mario and Smash
Why would you was't time putting shit on the Vita?
>DOAX3 sold better on PS4 than on Switch
>despite the censorship
goes to show you only OneAngryIncel and Yea Forumsgaf gives a fuck about censorship
i'm pleasantly surprised that chocobo is selling so well in japan, hopefully that means we'll start getting new games in the series again.
is the moon market THAT lucrative?
>limited Edition
I would guess whatever technology stack they're already using is for sony/ps4. Jap devs who use multiplatform engines make switch versions whenever they can.
>They have the same architecture
No they fucking do not lmao
>Still loyal to Sony even after they censor their games
Fucking based.
Are you mentally retarded or something? "Limited Edition included". The included part means it's regular version + limited edition.
I'm less upset about it not coming to Switch and more shocked that Vita games are still getting released
>Third parties don't sell on Nintendo platforms
>Therefore lets put it on a system with less units sold
This has gotta be a personal dev choice.
The original game was designed for Vita. It's on Vita because they are making a Vita game and porting it to PS4 again
>Vita outlived Switch
Is this a labyrinth of refrain sequel?
That's the PS4 version user.
looks like a spiritual one
Why do you think there are 2 red lines and why do you think the bottom one says [NSW]?
this, the console sold so poorly over here they fucking discontinued it. It had no solid exclusives besides shit like golden (which i doubt atlus is done milking just yet) Switch is literally just a better vita besides "m-muh pockets"
You said Vita not PS4
People that bought the Atelier games originally on the PS isn't going to suddenly switch over to another system user, unless there's some form of exclusivity involved user. But the fact that the numbers are rather close shows there's a budding market for such games in the Switch fanbase.
sony did the same thing EGS does now for years, it just bribes devs to not release their games on switch and even pc
remember how mhw was not on pc and xbone in japan? they always do shit like this
The "Switch"? More like the Vita's Bitch.
Yes, because that's what I'm thinking. My picture only shows that games like this sell poorly on the switch.
Sonygaf defending censorship again.
Neither the PS4 nor the switch had the arland trilogy on them. They were ported later to both systems. The numbers are not close, the PS4 has more than double the sales of the switch version.
that's not how that works user
It's most likely a case of the game already being made for it and didn't want to scrap it to save money.
But there isn't a Vita game on that list, at all
>it just bribes devs to not release their games on switch and even pc
But I thought Sony was on the verge of bankrupcy and couldnt afford anything?
> how mhw was not on pc and xbone in japan
Because the Xbone is a joke in Japan and PCs there are only used for porn
>But I thought Sony was on the verge of bankrupcy and couldnt afford anything?
Who the fuck are you quoting?
>still loyal
Why still? The last game was on Switch.
based as fuck
LoR was one of the best drpgs ive played in a while and probably the best NiS game I've played period
Yea Forums
The fact that youre ignoring the other games put of Switch this year by other thirdparty japanese devs and that this game is coming to vita really shows how much of a faggot you are.
xbox and pc are unpopular in japan because they weren't even allowed to live
most jap developers avoided them due to bribes and threats
>It's most likely a case of the game already being made for it and didn't want to scrap it to save money.
But NIS already announced Switch games that didnt have a Vita version on the works though like that lesbian survival game
Yea Forums is not a hivemind you retard
>original release
>vita - june 23rd 2016
>PS4 - september 28th 2017
>PC/Switch/English - September 18th 2018
>Switch JP - September 27th 2018
Console war retards shitposting about a game they never heard of and will never play.
>Switch owners don't actually buy third parties games
In other news, the sky is blue and the sun rises in the east
What's this? More?
>most jap developers avoided them due to bribes and threats
>literally the only time ps4 version outsold switch version
>media creates was shut down because sony couldn't take being nintendo's bitch in public's eyes for 2 whole years
>like that lesbian survival game
What? Is that real? Never read anything about such a thing on /u/.
>shitposting from half a decade ago
Holy shit dude, get over it
This isn't some large numbers involved here. It's a total of 40k copies. You're making a big correlation over something minor, nevermind the fact that the Atelier games are primarily made for the PS consoles first and ported to other systems later. Prior fans aren't suddenly going to jump ship en masse to buy it on another platform when their own console has it available.
>literally the only time ps4 version outsold switch version
Literally the same week
the easiest way is to check japanese games on steam
most of them don't have japanese language as selectable and are region locked
western pc games don't have japanese localization from the start and they have to pay double for japanese localization DLC
Lydie & Suelle sold better on Switch than Vita.
More like Japanese people don't buy third party games on anything. All those sales are awful
there is none.
japan avoided pc gaming as the west knows it because there wasn't any market for it in japan. first, they had their own alternatives like msx, pc88, fm towns, etc. and by the time those disappeared, everyone was used to playing consoles instead.
microsoft never gets japanese support because it's an american company, xbox always sells like shit in japan, and the xbox playerbase doesn't buy "weeb" games.
>still grasping at the same media creates report that was shut down and likely compromised
>Localized games don't have Japanese language
Shocking, I know
I love how you conveniently cut out Chocobo outselling the PS4 version. Twice.
>What? Is that real?
google 'To All of Mankind'
It's not really full on lesbian but from the screenshots it looks really gay
>japanese gamers literally can't purchase japanese games
sony doesn't give a shit as long as fgo keeps making billions. mobile gacha shit is where the real money's at in japanese gaming these days.
Apparently the Vita and PS4 are easy to port to on another. So basically they just need to make one version
Guess they don't want to make a switch version
Japs don't normally like making a thousand versions of a game
boss "fight" in Labyrinth of Refrain
you go to a massage parlor and have to fight the lower body of a giant demon girl to serve as a massage while she her tail thrashes around in pleasure, later on you can fight her for real and one of her moves is crushing you with her tits
This game is a sequel user. For a game that was originally released on the Vita in 2016. There had to be a game in the works for the Vita during these years and they sure as hell aren't going to scrap all that work just like this.
I cant believe the first game was a vita exclusive that they never released on any other platforms.
the bubble is going to pop and japanese investors are disappointed with how atrociously ps4 is losing to switch
so they got rid of the way for public to know how bad their consoles sell
The user asked for another time a PS4 multiplat beat a Switch version
I see you've been very careful to crop out Chocobo on Switch outselling the PS4 version.
>An adventure game where a group of cheerful girls enjoy a laid-back, girls-only survival life in Tokyo’s Akihabara. Five girls in a long-abandoned Akihabara. With no one else around, the girls must befriend and help each other while living happy days. From the all-necessary tasty cooking to bathing and the occasional relaxation time, the girls are cheerful and honest in any situation, and enjoy themselves to the fullest.
This sounds like a perfect world.
t. in the screencap
Anyone can port a game over to PC. It's easy as fuck. Whether or not it runs like ass is another matter entirely.
Do you have a bad habit of posting stuff without providing source? Also people have been saying gacha will die for years now
I really want to invest the time into getting or fixing up a nice MSX2+ or something. Japanese 8-bit computers were wildly more capable than their Western counterparts.
Imagine having only played on a Vic-20 or Spectrum and then seeing something like Ys on PC-88.
>the bubble is going to pop
i wish, but there's no signs of the gravy train even slowing down, let alone stopping anytime soon.
>Japanese gamers use steam to buy VNs or any games at all
Do uou know comiket is the biggest indie games convention in japan and all the games are for PC
>Can bride small devs
>Can’t afford more than 2 exclusive a year
Biggest revenue generator my ass
ps4 losing to switch is a fact, it already got outsold
it's from the same media creates you've been citing for this entire thread, don't pretend like you don't know it
By "games like this" you mean "games from franchises with long histories on Sony consoles and almost none on nintendo consoles", right?
But where's your source of investors being upset with the PS4 sales in Japan? Same with saying FGO is dying
What are devs going to do after a while? Sony stopped production of PS Vitas this month and no longer allows you to order carts for distribution. This is probably the last bastion of games for it, because Nips will not buy digital only games
indie games are indie games
there are many people in japan interested in westernized pc gaming, and they're being heavily restricted from doing that
they have to use proxy
In other words. The switch version will come te same week as NIS America release the game in the West
maybe Nintendo shouldn't have gone full-retard and made a system that has specs way lower than all the other platforms, meaning every game has to be custom ported + optimized for it?
units sold doesn't mean shit, switchnigger.
nintendies only buy first party trash like breath of the crossdresser and just replay that over and over.
the vita installbase is literally the target audience for games like this, which is why it's also getting anonymous;nine.
stay mad
>handheld console outsells traditional home console in one of the most workaholic countries where people have barely any free time at home
are we supposed to be shocked by this or something?
This argument really doesnt work when the Chocobo games started on Playstation yet the newest one sold better on Switch
>anime avatar
>hates the vita
Nip devs are retarded, more news at 11. You'd think the censorship would get to them, but nope:
investors being upset with atrocious sales is obvious conclusion, stop being moronic
gacha won't survive tokyo world cup
>ps4 losing to switch is a fact
Stop reading there
>custom ported to a system stronger than the PS3 is too much effort
>Instead they port it to a system that is weaker than the PS2
Powerniggers are fucking stupid
>You'd think the censorship would get to them, but nope:
And weep
It's coming out on Vita, you double nigger. Don't pretend this shit needs cutting-edge power.
That eye in the lamp reminds me of something.
>have to wait a year for more Labyrinth
>ps4 was selling for 3x as much time as switch
>still got outsold
how embarrassing
sure thing bud.
So you have no proof gotcha, stay mad at the PS4 for no reason
>Yea Forums is a avatar board
Vita games don't even chart anymore, because Sony literally stopped making them and stopped cart distribution
Even NIS themselves admitted their Switch games sell better
>no longer allows you to order carts for distribution
In the west, not Japan.
>sonyroaches live in their own illusionary world where ps4 is outselling switch in japan
Delete this
No it didn't. Vita sold 7,806 and Switch sold 6,684. Neither charted.
We all know the priority of making switch version isnt usually that not high for every publishers. because of underpowered,annoying gimmicks,audience isnt interest non-nintendo games,too many kids etc
looks like a reskin.
There are many peoples in US interested in weebs games too and have to depend on localization officially or unofficially.
and? the switch fits better with the japanese lifestyle than a traditional home console like the ps4. of course it's going to sell better.
the real embarrassment is that mobile gacha shit is running circles around both of them.
apparently they get a bigger cut from their ps4 profits if they make a vita version. so even if the vita version sells like shit, if the ps4 does well they make more money than just ps4 only. its why we see so many ps4/vita anime titty games.
You're making it sound like comiket is similar to the GDC or some shit. With the advent of digital distribution such as DMM, dlsite, and others, no doujinsoft dev gives a shit about comiket these days.
Only ZUN and his doujin autism really keeps it alive for that purpose.
I'll buy the first one when it's 5€. Any more is too much money given to NISA.
No in Japan as well.
>he writing has been on the wall for the Vita for a while — while a fun and quirky platform for indie games, audiences and major publishers simply haven’t kept up with the device. Sony said that it would end production of the device in 2019, and that it had no plans to release a successor handheld device when it goes, and that it would end production of the physical game cards for the device at the end of the 2018 fiscal year — March 31st, 2019.
Cart distribution stops in 4 days
Okay fine, these particular Jap devs are retarded. Still doesn't change the fact that the console's weak hardware is the reason why Switch gets hardly any games compared to the other platforms
The game doesnt look like its improved much graphically but Ill be satisfied if there are more classes and appearances, and if they tone down the rng a bit
>in the west
>responding to a japanese chart
>Switch is beating PS4*
>*only in japan
>Citation Needed
translation where?
Funny, they left behind one of they best selling platform.
>5,681 on ps4
>Still sell on it
Remember when devs used to put in effort for handheld games? I remember.
Barely, and it had to slash their prices multiple times, sell it in bundles and had to be propped up by the FIFA market in Europe while the Switch sold that much at full price.
lmao ok
seething switchsoi. 8 year old console somehow is still getting a ton of games and thats threatening to tablet cucks for some reason.
>sony is seething so hard that they force close down media creates
>j-just a coincidence bro!
sonyroaches sure are delusional huh?
this entire thread is about japan moron
localization is one thing
straight up ban because greedy corporation wants monopoly is whole another
>biggest convention in japan
>"but its not [insert western garbage here]"
Well, nobody in japan cares about GDC so there's that
And how does that defeat the point of the article?
That's last year you dumb fuck, and only for a damn week
What an uneducated post
>the entire thread is about japan
>sonyroaches are underage faggots that can't even read
as expected
>newest one sold better on Switch
switchsois love their cutesey looking games.
also the console has an n64 tier drought of jrpg exclusives.
as a side note 3D rougelites are fucking trash. I recently beat etrian MD and hated it compared to masterpieces like explorers of the sky and shiren 3
>sony is seething so hard that they force close down media creates
Until you prove Sony is the reason why they are taking down public reports then you're the delusional here
look up statement from media creates yourself retatded newfag
nobody is going to spoonfed you there
>as a side note 3D rougelites are fucking trash. I recently beat etrian MD and hated it compared to masterpieces like explorers of the sky and shiren 3
That had nothing to do with the game being 3D though, it was worse because it did a poor job of combing Etrian and MD mechanics.
>Another NIS dungeon crawler
Hard pass
So Switch will get it a year later. Cool
>stay mad
>he says with a unsolicited angry post
Its an NIS game
>"I only accept facts that are convenient for me"
Grow up please
fact still stands that a then 7 year old system was doing numbers comprable to the fucking ps4.
its still hanging in there and persona 5 will sell great on it
the burden of proof is on you buddy, this is arguments 101
I did, no mention of Sony or anything
>7 year old system was doing numbers comprable to the fucking ps4.
nah they just feel like shit to control and play when it's not spritework.
super mystery dungeon was better than etrian but even red rescue team is much better imo
shiren of course being the apex of this genre
>comes to a thread strictly centered around certain theme and ignores it
it's time to go back
>s-spoonfed me im retarded newfag babby
lurk more
>switch getting nae naed by the vita in japan and ps4 in the west
sony always wins baby
Because we should be comparing amount sold on which year the consoles are based on. Launch numbers vs launch numbers, 2nd year vs 2nd year and so forth.
Duh. How else are they going to get money from the remaining Vita fans as most of them had jumped shit to the Vita 2.0?
a big chunk of catherine FB's sales were vita. same with Ys VIII.
Plus crossdev between vita and ps4 is so easy (espcially for rpgs) vita versions areliterally just extra money.
Jap devs win by making a bit more and I win because even games that don't get localized get english patches from the ps4 quick as fuck.
I'll be playing catherine in bed while you play Wii U port #25 on your tablet.
This. West & East are pretty much opposites.
Case in point: Xs Vlll sold pretty well in the west while it flopped hard in japan, whch explains why Xs VlX is currently Playstation exclusive
>s-spoonfed me im retarded newfag babby
>ad hominems instead of posting source
Aren't we supposed to report console wars threads?
There have been a total of 4 NIS games released since the Switch came out that aren't on the Switch.
Rose in the Twilight (April 11, 2017) PC, Vita
Cladun Returns (June 6 2017) PC PS4
Hakoniwa Company Works (July 13 2017) PS4 JP only
Iwahime: Matsuri (September 7 2017) PS4 JP only
>a big chunk of catherine FB's sales were vita
That is a fucking lie and you know it, motherfucker sold 9,000 on Vita
Also no, you won't be playing Catherine on Vita because its PS4 only in the west
Jesus NIS, you know NISA will need a switch port, why wait? It curb stomped the PS4 version in the West.
>Will still report top 10 without exact numbers
I hate this
I liked the exact numbers
Nintendo doesn't report on sold consoles, only shipped consoles. There are likely hundreds of thousands sitting in warehouses collecting dust.
Sony only reports sold consoles, and they still have better numbers.
Why is sony fanbase full of lonely virgins? shouldn't it be the opposite?
He's shitposting.
Everything on his mind is because Sony
>media create will no longer share data because Sony
>he's a failure in life because Sony
>he don't get laid because Sony
>he hate womans because Sony
>only reports sold
Wrong kiddo
My bet is that they want to charge money for it, information is valuable in the stock market. It said they still gonna release it if you called them directly
it's crazy how hard a simple yellow face broke this board
Lonely virgins should be full of the sony fanbase?
Lets do some math switchsoi
= 0.17831506637851188638
= 17.83150663785118863847
Atlus got almost 18% more sales of the game almost for free. You're retarded if you think that's not a good deal.
Also what's with you tablet cucks not reading posts, is the resolution to small to see that whole thing? Oh, wait. lmao the switch doesn't even have a browser.
Multiple english PS4 games had their scripts ported to japanese vita games. Its relatively simple to do.
That's ok switchnigger, I'm sure running around in circles for the 3rd year now in breath of the cumslut is just as good as getting new games.
It's not a hard and fast rule, but it's generally true. If you build up a fanbase on one system it'll take a while for the franchise to start succeeding elsewhere.
>Ever since launch of ps1 japanese devs have tried their hardest to fuck over Nintendo
>Nintendo is still alive and their games get better reviews, sell more, and make more money than shit from Capcom, Square, etc
>Vita 2.0
You fucking WISH.
call me when you have a library as massive as PS1+PSP+vita on the switch.
Not to mention it will literally never get MGS2 or 3, some of the finest games ever made.
btw here's puyo puyo tetris as a case in point for script porting.
>Ever since launch of ps1 japanese devs have tried their hardest to fuck over Nintendo
to be fair nintendo tried to fuck over all third parties until getting shat on by sony, adopting similar licensing fee practices afterwards
>Ever since launch of ps1 japanese devs have tried their hardest to fuck over Nintendo
Not really. They just stopped caring, vast difference.
I thought you guys said Vita was dead
Last atelier game did 7.5 on vita and 6 on switch. Switch sales doubled and higher than vita, but nice try retard. Audience is growing on switch.
Nigga they both used shipped.
All those warehouse units are still technically sold
Wether the buyer is Mr.William or Walmart LTD it’s sold
>this shit killed the master system
shitendo? Not even once.
>Atlus got almost 18% more sales of the game almost for free.
They had to downscale the game, assets, and all the other parts of it to a console weaker than the PS2. It was not "for free" Even if devs get paid for making Vita ports (Which even if it were true its probably not in effect anymore) it would not offset the costs of downscaling the game. You want your cake to criticize the Switch for being weak but want to eat it too by defending the Vita's weak hardware. It doesn't work that way biased fuccboi
>They just stopped caring, vast difference
No they didn't lol. They still care considering Nintendo is the biggest developer in Japan.
stopped caring how? Explain.
Poor man. I hope he gets his jaundice treated.
1) Don't bring up excuses, ALL platform holders make bundles and discounts. Welcome to competition. At the end of the day sales are sales - and remember that Sony couldn't give much of a shit about profit on hardware (they simply don't lose money on it after the first year or so, but they couldn't care less about making $10 or $50 per unit) What they care about is getting people into Playstation's ecosystem.
2)It's beyond retarded to compare year1 vs year1 and so forth. It doesn't reflect reality at ALL.
Reality is that an almost 6 year old console is outsellinf the new one. Reality is that PS5 will release in 2020 and that will further cut into Switch's sales.
Switch and PS4 don't live in this permanent vacuum where you can "fairly" compare both in their subjective twisted-timeline month-by-month charts. Shit happens when it happens. Nintendo released an abortion with WiiU which swiftly died, and Switch release in the middle of another generation. These things DO matter, in fact they are the only things that matter.
What's next for you once PS5/Xbone2 come out? Are you still going to compare Switch to PS4 sales like a retard just because it'll still take 4+ years for Switch to match PS5's release in your timeline?
Dude are you fucking retarded or can you just not read?
Crossdev between ps4 and vita is fucking simple, its basically cross compiling from x86 to ARM or vice-versa, and snoy released official tools for it to help vita sales.
Vita development is fucking simple as well, since snoy learned from their mistakes with the PSPs MIPS solution.
Even games like Zanki Zero: Last Beginning which was recent as fuck in japland got a vita port (and will be english patched when the ps4 version comes out here).
I can crititicize the switch all I want because the only thing keeping 3rd party support alive, espcially for weebshit, is sony's x86 to ARM tools.
Hence why you see vita games getting ported to the switch like caligula (but it looks worse lmao).
You're either 14 or just seriously mentally challanged considering you don't understand basic economics about software development.
Sony bribed them for exclusivity. Nintendo controlled the environment for the industry to prevent it from turning to shit.. If you complain how video games are shit now and still think 3rd parties moving to Sony for more lenient policies, kys you stupid fucking retards.
No, we'll just compare the only metric that the companies care about, and therefore the only relevant metric.
dumb nigger, sony did the complete opposite of bribing and offered non-cucked license fee costs. They were also smart enough to start using CDs unlike nintendo who's always 10 years behind
>Crossdev between ps4 and vita is fucking simple, its basically cross compiling from x86 to ARM or vice-versa, and snoy released official tools for it to help vita sales.
Prove it.
>Vita development is fucking simple as well, since snoy learned from their mistakes with the PSPs MIPS solution.
>I can crititicize the switch all I want because the only thing keeping 3rd party support alive, espcially for weebshit, is sony's x86 to ARM tools.
Where in the world are you getting all this info from? You claim all this shit but don't have a single thing to back it up. You don't get to shit on Switch for weak power and then defend the Vita
What's with sony's obsession for nintendo? Can somebody explain to me?
>200 posts in a thread for the LoR sequel? This looks like a good thread
>It's just console shitposting
I don't know what I was expecting
Really? Do you live under a rock? Did you leave gaming in general at the end of 4th gen?
Did you not see literally 95% of 3rd party developers leaving Nintendo behind and jumping ship to Sony at the very start of 5th gen, most of them never to return in equal capacity?
Do you not pay attention to all AA Jap releases and notice that well over half that come to PS4 don't come to Switch ever, and the ones that do are often delayed?
Nintendo is in a better position with 3rd parties than it has ever been, but it still falls far behind what Sony gets in the jap AA space. This thread is proof of it, yet another one of countless games that is always guaranteed to be on Sony consoles as a matter of fact, and the Switch release is either dubious or vastly delayed. Also see 4 more games not on Nintendo's platform.
There's another thread up that's free of this at least.
Japanese devs are both the most clever but slow in the head people in gaming
You realise PSN alone last year made more profit than Nintendo AS A WHOLE, right?
So yeah if we're talking about "what matters" I don't see how Sony's in a bad place.
You have no idea what you’re talking about do you?
I somehow missed it, thanks bro
Yeah, everyone come in here for a better thread
The graph is right there, show some numbers if you disagree.
Is Japan retro or just lazy?
the multitudes of PS4+vita releases.
What, you think they're making 2 seperate games zoomzoom?
take your tablet and fuck off
but the first one is on Switch...
>Same developers still cannot live without Nintendo platforms
>Still need to give it games in order to break even
Seems to me they didn't stop caring but are forced to.
and not even on Vita...
Oh my you actually are retarded.
That's not proof user. That's a theory.
A gay theory
The first one was literally a vita exclusive until it got a ps4 version a year later.
Vita is popular in Japan
The Switch doesn’t have any solid exclusives either.
>a Switch version is not planned at this time
sure thing bud
The 9,000 total Catherine [Vita] sales says otherwise
You posted that pic as if you were trying to prove something so yes, you are indeed retarded.
see stupid switchnigger
And no one gave a shit about it untill it got ported to Switch since no one bothered to transalte it untill then.
and by the time we get it there will be a switch version so it doesn't matter for any of us.
lmao you don't need any proof to know that nintendies flagship device uses a 2012 chink android tablet tier screen.
lemme get this straight
>no games
>no browser
>no music player
>no dpad
>over heats
and best of all
>worse contrast ration thatn the fucking 3ds
yikes what an embarrassing post, are you 12?
>yikes what an embarrassing post, are you 12?
Absolutely fucking seething. Love it
>that xbone
have sex
That's a PS4 version, and this chart shows even in this case no Switch would bring sales down 50%.
yeah people love it when companies release poorly ported games
>It doesn't reflect reality
>But momentum based and non momentum based comparisons do.
>Guy post graph of income
>You somehow say PSN alone made more money than Nintendo in it's entirety
>Graph directly contradicts your asinine statement
Do you retards just randomly mash your keyboard without a single shred of thought?
>Sony bribed them for exclusivity
So no different than Nintendo? lol
>Vita outsells Wii U
Holykek I never would've believed it
Nintendo does it to preserve vydia. Sony does it to fuck players ass.
>Nintendo does it to preserve vydia
That's why they caged W101 in a system no one bought, unironically kill yourself
It's on the Wii U and you could be playing it any time if you werent a retarded sonyboy
I'll keep ignoring them then.
Is this a joke? Nintendo are the most anti consumer of them all. Every gen they force you to rebuy your whole digital library
They intended for the game to be on the Wii from the very beginning.
>It's on the Wii U
Exactly, not even the most hardcore Nintendo fanboys defend that thing
>and you could be playing it any time
Not anymore since they stopped making new WiiUs and probably go for a fortune now
rent free
There's your problem
Let's look at recent Vita sales. Yes I'm aware it was just discontinued in Japan but here we go:
Last week: 376
Two weeks ago: 870
Three weeks ago: 3,002
Four weeks ago: 3,287
Five weeks ago: 3,600
Nintendo Switch last week: 56,099
Even if Vita didn't get discontinued this year it'd take well over a year's worth of sales to equal less than a week of Switch's. So ignoring that you can't even buy a new Vita anymore, and that Vita games practically never show up at all in the top 20 anymore these past couple years I really don't think a Vita version instead of Switch was a good idea. The first game launched as a Vita exclusive and that's the only reason why its Vita version outsold the PS4 version that came out well over a year later.
>nin.tendies getting thoroughly annihilated and eviscerated
expect the janitor to step in soon and delete the thread
>IP count didn't go up
>He bought a shitch
That's assuming people don't own more than one system and bought the game for only one of them.
>they think we're not getting a switch version
dumb snoyim just wait next year.
t. nincel weeb
The Vita is still huge in Japan, cope harder
>production stopped
It's over bro, Switch is where it's at now, get over it, free yourself from snoy.
It's really not. Check its weekly sales over the past 3 or 4 years, and its software sales compared to anything else.
Are there really people with a Vita who don't also have a PS4 or Switch?
Vita games are still being made, and selling
If you weren't a weeb jap wannabe, and actually went to Japan, you'll know
>look at all these numbers from these websites! I don't know or live in Japan but look at these numbers!
cope harder that Vita STILL gets games and Switch doesn't
>and selling
No they aren't lol
this is what you get when you don't read the headlines Properly
the word you are using is "profit" when the headline states "revenue" and what you meant to state is "operating income"
Sad and copepilled.
>Literally ignores facts
Typical Vitagen
No matter how much you whine or try to defend your favorite system, the platforms are already announced. The western release will probably have a switch and PC release, so stop behaving like mentally ill children and just accept it you fucking faggots.
Coven is shit anyway, dungeon crawlers in general are garbage and Coven was not the exception
t. western cucks that have opinions on Japan without living in Japan
cope harder
>just wait
Yes that's what every Switch owner does when it comes to games
>Weeb thinks he lives in Japan
Yes keep ignoring the numbers little man.
But.. When is it released on PC is the real question.
The Vita has sold 25k in the past four months, which is less than half of what it sold that time last year, which was already pathetic.
The same time as the english release. Exactly like what happened with the first game.
>t.decapitated in the first floor
Vita should be banned from Yea Forums, it has literally no games so it shouldnt be on Yea Forums in the first place since it's not video game related. The only people who defend the Vita are the most mentally ill weeb losers who defend their garbage handheld with nothing but ports, weebshit and indiegarbage on it.
Out, damned spot!
>There's 25k retards who bought a shita in the past 4 mounts
They're really asking for another nuke.
>shita has no games
>but pls port the vita game to my shitch pls I want so bad
>vita version
This but for the Switch
>4 times the install base
>still only sold twice as much
Is it true that PS4 owners don't buy games?
It wasn't a mistake. A Switch version is planned, they just wasn't supposed to mention it yet.
I love it when switch fags, and by extension Yea Forums gets BTFO.
>switch is the new weeb machine boycott ps4!
I don't know why Nip developers do this. Fate/Extella was announced for the PS4 and Vita only, and only a few months before release the Switch and PC ports were announced
What do you gain from this strategy
Unironically this. NIS is shooting themselves in their foot by releasing it like this instead of everything at once. Unless it gets some major word of mouth, almost no one is going to care in the west when it gets released there.
Getting idiots to think it wasn't coming out for their prefer sysyem before saying otherwise aka double dipping.
>Sony bribed them for exclusivity
wrong - unless you think that NOT charging a $19 nintendo tax qualifies as "bribing."
>Nintendo controlled the environment for the industry to prevent it from turning to shit.
and then they kept their same control-freak mentality long after the industry had already stabilized.
>Nintendo does it to preserve vydia.
is that why they got rid of virtual console and shut down rom sites? because they care so much about game preservation?
if they do port it over, it will be by far the worst version of the game. after putting up with the awful framerate and resolution issues in the caligula port, i'm never buying a nisa game on switch again.
>90 million console version only sells twice as well as 20 million console version
I will just assume you are trolling because you literally can not be this retarded.
This is a sony thread, retard. That image applies to you
Many of the small devs are afraid of angering Sony. Its a culture that's been in place since the PS2 era.
NISA won't release it here without a switch version. Switch is their money maker.