When does this game get good? I'm 20 hours in

When does this game get good? I'm 20 hours in.

Attached: xenoblade_logo.jpg (1004x604, 483K)

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About 20 hours in

Seriously, is the “I’m 20 hours in” a meme? How can you play something you find boring for more than 5 hours?

Some of us are willing to play and finish games they start no matter what

At the title screen, you have to start the game in order to get to it.

It doesn't. I played for 42 hours and it never wowed me once. Doesn't help that the writing and characters were dry as a desert. I heard the sequels get better, but I honestly don't care to find out.

I enjoyed it from the start. If you're 20 hours in and not having fun, it's probably never going to get good for you.

Satorl Marsh

Just arrived there

Someone told me they give every single anime at least a 3 episodes chance. It's possible.

There are some shows that barely last 30 sec for most though. A Sister's All You Need is probably the most famous example of this, even though I followed the 3 episode rule for it before dropping it, because it was fucking boring.

I played it for 3 hours so far and it's good

Game gets good right at the start and keeps getting better. You have just shit taste.

>writing and characters were dry as a desert.
The characters are down to earth and well realised

Immediately, stop being a fucking FAGGOT pleb.

you will like it if you like mmorpgs but never make any friends in them

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MMO's wish they had writing like the Xeno games.



gears is my favorite game but even ff11 had a better overarching story than xb1 has

>but even ff11 had a better overarching story than xb1

masato kato from chrono trigger/xenogears had a huge role in it, for a start

come back in a week

Because whenever you go on Yea Forums and say something bad about Xenoblade, or even worse, something bad about Xenoblade2, people lose their shit.

Attached: xb3.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

>masato kato
You mean an absolute hack? There still hasn’t been a single convincing argument ITT that shows how XC1 has a weak story.

>an absolute hack
in what way?

I played it for 25 hours before dropping it.

Killer soundtrack and atmosphere, especially in the first area.

Combat is great for the first 10 hours or so, but gets formulaic and boring soon after.

The story has its moments but I hate the "road trip"-esque pacing of it.

Basically, just play Xeno 2. It's builds upon the combat significantly. It has fully explorable open worlds, and way better pacing, while albeit having a weaker theme.

Most people on Yea Forums rightfully agree that XC2 is shit, but XC1 is a modern classic for many reasons.

Fuck you. XC2 made XC1 look like a fucking joke in comparison.

His work on CT was a fluke and CC was awful. Haven’t played xenogears but his contributions there were minor.

>Basically, just play Xeno 2
Hahahahaha nice joke

>mfw I ruined the enjoyment of this game by my own
I wish I wasn't such an autist about subquests. I heard that some missions became unavailable from a point in the story so I tried to do everything before progressing in.
Because of that I overleveled and got bored of farming materials or killing monsters for the nth time so by the time I tried to get into the main quest I was no longer interested to play

Xenoblade Chronicles has such emotional moments, you guys

Attached: that's just mean.gif (320x180, 903K)

>his contributions there were minor
The team for Xenogears was full of inexperienced developers. How would Kato not be someone senior and have his contributions be "minor"?

How? Considering the gameplay sucks ass with stupid mechanics like spike and the level system, the quest system awful with sidequest being boring, the villains are literally nothing special, prettyuch all the main cast aside from the main character get sidelined with the childhood friend being the most predictable plot device of all time. The story writing takes a massive nosedive in terms of writing after Prison Island too and lore is unexplored.

Anyone with even a bit of taste realises XC2 is shit. In no fucking way does it even stand equal to XC1, let alone improve on it. Most of Yea Forums agrees, and so does any other decent video game community.

>citing higher authority and those "with even a bit of taste"
>'Yea Forums agrees with me'
Thanks for the confirmation that your game doesn't equate.

They let you know which quests are missable. And afaik, they're very minor or replaced with new ones later on.

>story writing takes a massive nosedive in terms of writing after Prison Island
Let me guess, you're that autist who's mad the story wasn't
>Mechon are evil
>Shulk murders them all
>The End

>High Hentia are supossed to be this forgotten civilization
>Just kidding, they actually meet nopons and get married to humans all the time
>the emperor just hides the secrets of their bloodline to Melia for some reason and doesn't do jackshit to stop the clear difference in treatment between the pure breeds and half-breeds

seems like Yea Forums prefers XC2 to 1, but there are a lot who can't stomach its worst parts

>it's a Xenoblade War episode
I feel as though I'm in a minority of people who love them all

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>better combat system, quest system, less spike, stats are actually balanced, actual difficulty, better character models and environments

Look, Kato’s name alone doesn’t justify your argument against it. Actually explain what’s bad about its story.

>the villains are literally nothing special, prettyuch all the main cast aside from the main character get sidelined with the childhood friend being the most predictable plot device of all time. The story writing takes a massive nosedive in terms of writing after Prison Island too and lore is unexplored.
You are literally braindead. The second half of the game provides a satisfying conclusion to every plot point presented in the first half. And imagine being so shit that you struggle with levels.

>seems like Yea Forums prefers XC2 to 1
the ones that prefer xc1 died of old age and/or suicide from being wizards

It got good at Gaur Plains. What did you miss?

There is one mega autist who tries to force a division, probably the same guy that shits up divinity/PoE threads.

I’m not the one who got triggered over the fact that XC1 is better received and in general a way better game.

You clearly weren’t here for release and the months after. XC2fags are just vocal as fuck these days.

Combat is slow as fuck and the characters look like cringe weebshit. Environments are generic as fuck compared to XC1.

Not him, but I was disappointed that the plot was "ACTUALLY the mechon were the good guys! Go kill this evil god!"
It didn't need to stay a revenge plot, but it was all just so predictable. Still a great game, and I liked the plot enough, but it wasn't anything special.

>Hahahahaha nice joke

I'm sorry, i should have known some of you guys didn't get the Switch for Christmas yet

The overarching plot is fairly predictable(by JRPG standards, at least) but there were some neat little subversions that kept it interesting for me. I actually appreciated that the philosophical shit flew under the radar for the most part; it annoys me when games are too heavy-handed with that shit. But given how both fans and non-fans seem to ignore it, perhaps that wasn't the "right" move.

It’s amazing how even fans don’t really get or even notice the philosophical themes.

Yeah this.
We had so many great threads about XC1 over the years. Not even X put a dent into that, but suddenly this once in a lifetime must play RPG is shat on by waifufags because Tales of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 got made and attracted the bottom feeders.

>its another bait thread made by someone flaming the XC1/2 war
yadda yadda bla bla, 2 is okay but just not as outstanding as 1. get over it already.

>combat just running down checkmarks
>removed 2/3 of sidequests
>no more named NPCs with daily schedules
>no more NPC relationships
>no more skill crafting
>no more visible armor changes
>no more slots and armor to set up stats the way you want to
>no more field ability crafting when you want to, instead its locked behind buying out shops which is beyond retarded
>armor slot substitute is only two slots with another 2(3 patch) slots and timed mmo items which are beyond retarded
>blade affinity is just a shitty grind and terrible substitute for slotting
>literal gacha for blades which are essentially passive party members some come with their own quests, which has no place in a 100hr SP rpg
>shitty real time mercenary missions, which don't even count time not spent playing which defies their whole purpose
>world layout is linear as fuck
>world design is shit and tries to substitute space with verticality
>no more field guide to reward exploration(because the linear world doesnt want you to explore)
>materials put into gathering spots instead of being spread out where each material belongs
>literal maid sexbots, blushy crushy, one eyed monster and glaring catgirl eyes meme tier scenes
>literal "male mc touches female mc involuntarily and gets slapped" humor as seen in 23423 animes
>literal Tales of tier writing
>camera literally zooms in on Pyra's tits during reveal and treats her like a piece of meat throughout the game
>premise literally stolen from Erementar Gerad page by page
I feel like everyone defending 2 is banking on nobody playing it. But we all played it, and it was just disappointing.
There's a reason why 1 is rated 92% and 2 is barely scraping 82% together, both with critic and fanscore.
Why can't you just accept that its the poorer game? You can scream and kick as much as you want, or nitpick points and "opinions" but we're done. The verdicts are already in and we've moved on. Deal with it. No reason to get rabid due to anime tits.

I played 2 and I liked it more than 1, which I loved. Sorry if that makes you mad.

It's hard to take the "XB1 isn't a real xeno game!" complaints seriously in light of that