
he is right bros...what....went wrong?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (587x108, 28K)

>new thing bad
I'm sure he and everyone like him said the same thing about Bloodborne in regards to Dark Souls, and Demon Souls when they were playing Dark Souls

Yeah but the difference is bloodborne is actually good

I still don't get why people like bloodborne so much. It's a pretty good game but in the end it's just a retarded version of dark souls with ayyyyliens.

I feel the opposite. Bloodborne isn't as fun after Sekiro.

git gud

People fucking loved BB on launch

completely agree. Went back and played bloodborne and it just stuck with me better than sekiro. I guess its preference

It takes roll spam to the logical conclusion of being the only thing you can do

He's a mega faggot, user.

>loli porn BAD

Clemps is a massive fucking faggot and I say that as a man who is into cock. Dude has the most entry level taste possible and always whines about shit being problematic. He's a spastic editor and thanks to his shitty videos, we get retarded bandwagoners who pretend to have played Nier and Drakengard.

Who is that?

Literally fucking who


Attached: soyverdose.png (497x519, 395K)

I am literally fucking done with this site. You faggots will discuss anything except video games.

Fuck off newfag. Bloodborne was somehow even more shitposted than Sekiro


Not even referring to this shit website. I'm referring to better ones like reddit, twitch and YouTube

>Bloodborne was somehow even more shitposted than Sekiro
Because it was a ps4 exclusive

You should probably stay on those websites, I mean they are better

Another british fag that "ironically" dresses like a girl

Attached: 1550593477140.png (623x523, 23K)

>reddit, twitch and YouTube
Fuck off back there then

Unsubbed and blocked.

Bloodborne is good because PC faggots can't play it.
Prove me wrong.

Not overly found of Bloodborne. I'll admit. I've got the feeling it'll grow on me, but all I think when I play it is "Man i miss Dark Souls."


I like sekiro more than bloodborne, but I still think dark souls 1 is the best in the series

ok then play bloodborne :)

It is a dumbed down dark souls after all.

user please, the game is great but it would be far better with a good frame rate. Anyone that isn't a child can afford a PS4, it's a disgrace that the game is locked into such shit hardware.

>loli porn BAD
Well... it is

>dumbed down version of dark souls
>slaps on havels and face tanks the entire game
wow very hard very complex vidja u got there

I don't know who that is but from this thread I have learn that this man hate loli? Sound like a faggot redditera leftist faggot.

Sekiro is clunky compared to bloodborne