ITT villains who were in the right

ITT villains who were in the right

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Other urls found in this thread:

The nazis in wolfenstein

>Elidibus just wants to redress the balance
>basically spectates for the spooks responsible for fucking everything up
>shares secrets with them and everything about planning against you

He has already broken his own set of rules as Zodiark's emissary. Kicking the shit out of him and making him realise how powerful you have become was one of the most satisfying things XIV has done in recent memory.

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Now that it's all over, we can all agree that HW > SB > ARR, right?

Of course, but SB is not far behind HW, even in 4.0.

I mean I guess the SB story could be called better than ARR but after HW it still feels like a bit of a letdown.

At the very least the Stormblood Hildibrand quests are better than Heavensward's.

That was just about "NPCs that weren't already mentioned"; Alisaie and Lyse were. Though you did point out Minfilia.

SB sucked at first but it got better with every patch. The story anyway

any new info on the new NPC trust system?

what can we even use it in? are the NPCs customizable?

The downer for me is kicking the shit out of him and then getting interrupted by a phone call from the Crystal Tower and now everybody thinks the WoL lost.

what are your opinions on solus

4.3 and 4.4 were the highlights of the SB story IMO.

AssCreeds templars


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This. Watching the fucking ala mhigger pow wow was near the peak of horrible lyse moments.

Lavos just wanted a family and didnt even come here by choice.

BASED zenos is going to take the throne, lads


Borderlands 2 showed he was a fucking psycho

Is he alive at the end in someone's body somehow? I don't get it

Elidibus wants Zodiark unsealed. His preferred methods aren't as aggressive as his colleagues, but he wants the Rejoinings just like any other Ascian. His token assistance are mostly when there's a threat to his own plans - like the Warring Triad could have messed up Garlemald if unchecked - and an attempt to woo people to his side (like when he tried to get Urianger to see his logic).

He's still quite happy to see his obstacles eliminated if possible - he told the Warriors of Darkness that all they had to do was kill the Warrior of Light - but he's the sort to try to have multiple irons in the fire at any given moment.

Possessing Zenos's body is a desperation ploy - he's seeing more and more that the Warrior of Light's too good at what they do, and waiting out a natural death may no longer be an option given the current possible outcomes.

he came back, but he couldn't return to his body because eldibus is in it


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Zenos has the Echo.
People with the Echo can do this, it's been established since ARR if not earlier.

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>army of bandits psychos and trannies fighting the only guy who wants to bring civilization to the planet



Jack wanted to bring a fucking dictatorship

Also, lol at bringing up "trannies" when BL2 has none, /pol/

Considering his actions did lead to the liberation of his homeland, yeah.

His consciousness is inside some Elezen Ala Mhigan resistance member's body.

As if Elezen weren't already amazing in FFXIV, they basically made Zenos into one whilst he goes off to hunt for his hijacked body.

Attached: Zenos is perfectly sane.png (1920x1080, 2.79M)

Oh right, right. He's got a fake Echo or something right?

>Jack wanted to bring a fucking dictatorship
what the fuck else would work on a planet run by bloodthirsty and drugged-out murderers, mercenaries, and tribal bandits

fucking cuckold

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Imagine how cute a female Zenos would be haha

Still by far and away XIV's best villain to date.

Every single thing he did was to troll you and he had perfectly justifiable reasons to do every single one of them.

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He didn't even want to troll the WoL, everything he did was in the name of liberating his homeland. And he got just that in the end, even if he never lived to see it.

my man, btw you need an healer bro?

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>everyone wearing the flavor of the month glamour cape


The hero Ala Mhiggo needed.

I wasn't expecting any of the Legates to be hard asses. But both Gaius and Zenos hit me right in the villain boner.

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Are hrothchads villains for stealing all the bunny women? Are they right in doing so?

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>city he lives in abuses it's nanomachines & tech to change literally everything from the color of the sky that particular day, to how their buildings look, to what musical acts they want to watch perform at the jazz bar that night, all by popular vote every single day
>start a group dedicated to undoing that system & letting life progress naturally
>lesbian he lets into their group ruins it all because she wanted to fuck a redhead they wanted to use as a poster girl for their movement

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I've been wanting a chest with a big ass comfy scarf for ages user. Sue me.

His speech in Far Edge of Fate always gets to me because he's sacrificed a lot to save Gyr Abania, yet hardly anyone from there had the spine to join him. He doesn't want to be the villain, but even if he's branded as such he will continue to pursue his goal

Why are FF14 villains so good? They're more likable than the scions

Life sometimes sucks, people are assholes, and sometimes shit just happens. Pretending nothing is wrong and dreaming up fixfic scenarios where everything is "perfect" is not healthy. Especially when you have eldritch forces overlaying reality with a "perfect dream world". The primary dreamers may be happy but it is at the expense of others trapped in the dream.

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>still hasn't been proven wrong to this day
>ShB with Hydaelyn taking over the first shard will just prove him even more right

How can a man be so based?

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>hrothgar taking anything besides other baras

hes not an elezen anymore, hes going to possess that imperial soldier he just killed and bodyhop his way back to the empire.

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Settle down link. We get you just had to go home.

hydaelyn isnt taking over the first
she's a loli being guarded by spankred

In this day and age, just being a villain stands out. Everyone else is either some kind of misunderstood sad boy because girls want to fuck them or they're completely emasculated because they're stand ins for whatever the beta male writer was mad at at the time of writing.
The new Star Wars movies would probably have been a bit more well received is Hux or whatever his name was was more like Grand Moff Tarkin or the like instead of Le white male XD!

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>tfw been dressed for SHAD for half a year already
and i dont look like some kirito-wannabe either, bandwagoners need not apply

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I'll show her a little sun! *unzips duck*


Ilberd's plan worked perfectly and he got everything he wanted, what a Chad he was

I'm still mad I didn't get to be the one to kick that Mhigger square in the nuts until he was dead.

I never wanted to liberate his homeland and I especially didn't want to be the one to catch all the shit for his faggot aspirations.

best girl

Because XIV ultimately suffers from Xenosaga syndrome.

The villains are more challenging and interesting than any of the leading characters. We're around the Scions that much that fall into the background and all except maybe Urianger are pretty much boring.

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Did nothing wrong.

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>tfw no gunberdier job

can someone give me a tl;dr of the story so far?

eldibus has possessed zenos and is manipulating the garleans into attacking ala migo because MUH CHAOS FOR THE CHAOS GOD

i get that part

but what's with the crystal tower?

Except for Varis. Varis was T H I S close to being well written, destroyed the entire Eorzea alliance with FACTS and LOGIC at their hypocrisy. An uneasy alliance could've been forged with both sides scheming to stab the other in the back while they fought the ascians together.

But no, he turns into mass genocider crazy man last minute to prove that the Eorzean alliance are of sound mind and logic. Literally I AM SILLY: the ms paint comic: the villain. I've never been so fucking mad with how bad the story in XIV tanked within two patches.

Go back to sleep you little twat, nobody likes you.

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>i will never get to play 1.0

can they just bring back old 1.0 shit already? they still have the old models, right?

>City has cool shit
>Uses it in accordance with the will of the people
>Autist REES about it

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Neck yourself my brother.

crystal tower may be the key to going to different shards/parallel worlds, think of an interdimensional aetheryte.

First Shard is about to fall which will bring chaos god closer to being not ded and is more relevant to us than Garleans chimping out

>Take the bro route in Tales
>He's obviously a dick but Rhys can take the bants and gives as good as he gets
>Earn his respect, earn his friendship, and earn his trust in that order
>Get a tour of his bitchin office, even lets me sit in his chair, finally offers to let me join him and train me as his successor
>Except Telltale didn't feel like writing two routes and I wasn't supposed to like him so he immediately betrays me for no reason

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>"Yo Varis beastmen are chiller than you"
>"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I came out the top of my peers in the Garlean Succession

Now is the time to wear it since come Shad there will be new shit to wear.

>tfw he still calls you friend and is looking forward to your return

I'm blushing.

Instead you look like virgins first Barbie slut dress-up.

>We're gonna COMBINE the WORLDS
Alright how, without killing everybody
That has yet to happen under any of the past calamities
What the fuck are you even basing this belief on

and how does the warrior of darkness tie into all this?

>gaius: "i hate ascians but im gonna get into this ascian powered weapon for my own ends"
>varis: "i hate ascians but im gonna cause a rejoining even though it benefits them too"
is being stupid a garlean hereditary trait?

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I think it's just typical japan honor bullshit, they're really ashamed of 1.0

Theyre from the first.

They're tundra niggers that got access to
future technology.

I'm still holding out on the idea that he knows he can't do anything about the Ascians right now so he is going to continue the war and create opportunities for the Warrior of Light to fight them.

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Warriors of Darkness came from the First. They were too good at being Warriors of Light and tipped the balance too far, to the point it's now being consumed by a Flood of Light. They were trying to salvage what they could by rejoining their world into our Lifestream.

Now things still aren't fixed, so we're going to fix it by becoming a Warrior of Darkness and bringing the balance back in order.

You'll have to forgive Garleans. Hydaelyn taught them wrong, as a joke.

Retard, people like it so they will wear it.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Garlean's intent. The motivations are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of geopolitical politics, most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Zenos's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. Their citizens understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this strategy, to realize that they're not just good- they are JUST. As a consequence people who dislike the Garlean empire truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wit in Varis's musing "Tis my solemn charge as Emperor to bring the eikons to heel. If this requires the extermination of certain elements, then so be it," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yoshi P's genius intellect unfolds itself on their televisions and monitors. What fools.. how I pity them

So which Ascian is gonna defect first aside from the obvious, and how long until Square brings back Lahabrea for a big tweest?

Varis seems to legitamently hate the ascians too much to just willingly go along with everything. He straight up shot his granddad out of frustration. im banking on this as well. His plan to let the ascians win so he can win later just seems too stupid.

Well Lahabrea got absorbed into the eyes, and the eyes were destroyed by Estinien, so it's looking really unlikely.

He wasn't absorbed into the eyes. He was eaten by Thordan.

There aren't that many left to pick from.

>Lahabrea dead
>Igeyorhm dead
>Mitron dead
>Emerollolth dead
>Nabriales dead
>the two on Gaius's belt are dead
>Emet-Selch is Solus
>Elidibus is Elidibus

That's 9 out of 14 known overlords. Only 5 possible traitors left.

Thordan killed him, and then exploded, so fuck it.

That or he got possessed shortly after shooting Solus. You don't make a seven minute scene of the emperor being told he can't do shit and being angry about it just for him to agree.

Varis is XIV's Golbez, no buts.

Lahabrea is forever dead. He didn't just absorbed as food for Thordan's Primal transformation, he got used as fuel for Shinryu's creation as well.

If there was anything left of him at all, he'd be inside of Estinien's spear which destroyed both eyes in Stormblood's epilogue.

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I like capes and scarves, be happy I'm not wearing the rest of it.

Is this supposed to be Zenos or Elidibus?

Alright, now this is bait.

>his "le epic evil face" at the end of 4.56


You say that like they're not willing to have Estinien get possessed by Lahabrea for "I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW HIS NAME" points.

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What is fucking wrong with this insane genocidal family.

Three generations of them now are blood thirsty war lord madmen.

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This, make Shad's Eureka 1.0's zones and quests. That way people can play it with the modern gameplay AND you save money on assets.

Im sure he'll have a tragic backstory and ultimately agree with you in the end like every other fucking dude not an ascian.

Ascian dickery
>Current Emperor
Confusing, nonsense dickery that also lines up with ascian dickery
He just wants to fight strong things

Theyre engineared to be exactlly that. Solus says as much when he tells you the Garleans are Ascian puppets

Solus has an actual point to his genocide though. He's an Ascian working to return the world to its original form, and setting up a worldwide empire basically gives him the means to set off multiple Calamities. He already brought down Dalamud, and now he's plotting another one using the Black Rose infused with the First's light-burned aether.

So what's the deal with Solus's clones? It's not like Ascians need to posses another body when their current one dies.

>by Lahabrea for "I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW HIS NAME" points.
what the fuck are you trying to say?

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I love how Yoshi-P is like "There's no real bad guys in XIV. Everyone just has a different viewpoint."

And meanwhile, Zenos is over here like "Yeah, I just love mass murdering people for shits and giggles. Really gets the blood flowing."

It's nice to have back-ups, plus he probably needs to grab a new one every time he comes back to this world from another one. Bodies can't travel the Interdimensional Rift normally, which is why Arbert and his party had to commit suicide to free their souls from their bodies.

I still to this day can't tell if Zenos is meant to be a player analogue.

That fans love callbacks and the devs play on this. Same reason they keep dredging Estinien up when they don't know what to do. Fans remember X, so theyll bring it back as a way to generate shallow hype.

Just some population control user.


how was he right? He almost fucked over the entire world for his revenge.

Estinien doesn't really count. It's been established since 4.0 that he's watching over us. They also needed to get Ishgard fresh in your memory because they're getting gassed in 5.0.

I'm am pretty sure he is, that's why he has such a boner for us. We're living weapons that just go from place to place killing shit.

>Hates easy content
>Ignores all non-violent activities
>Bitches and does shitty things (and grinds) until he gets his next fix
>Peaces out when he can't clear content only to return when a few patches pass.
You tell me.

>he didn't notice that he was sabotaging his own plans because he wanted to be free from the starscourge
Nigga just wanted to go to sleep man

They better not be. I already have to fix their shit from the war.

it was his fate to do it

I think Zenos would like to believe he's a player analogue considering his speech at the end of 4.0.

Go away discord tranny

then why invoke the "fuck the world" plan in the first place?

Ardyn just felt pointless and he was also a poorly designed boss fight

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>then why invoke the "fuck the world" plan in the first place?
That was the Starscourge talking

The man lost The Feast grand finals, quit for a year, and came back with a new glam and fantasia'd into an Elezen.

Say that to my face you fucking smurf.

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Comparing the two fights I feel like it's confirmed that Sadu >>>> Elidibus!Zenos

But if he was an actual player he would lose, blame everyone, quit for a few months, then come back fantasia'd as a female miquote or lalafel with a freshly drilled vagina.

1. I like him. 2. Dilate

>That was the Starscourge talking

which is something he spread

He was originally healing it by absorbing it, like Lunafreya does. Then it corrupted him and he was basically just a puppet for the scourge. Unless this was retconned in his DLC.

He didn't though. All he wanted to do was be left alone and rot away underground after he had absolutely everything taken from him and was even removed from history as the true king of his land. His brother just came back from the grave to mentally torture him and goad him into fulfilling his fate according to Bahamut's wishes.

Bahamut and Somnus are essentially the real villains of XV, they basically butchered this poor guy's life into becoming the sacrificial lamb of Noctis. They orchestrated and manipulated history just to destroy the Starscourge that eventually Ardyn embodied.

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>All he wanted to do was be left alone and rot away underground
Wait was that what the post-game dungeons were talking about?

Little bro jumped the gun a bit because he wanted power. Ardyn was still fucked regardless.


is what I am getting from your post.

You are as ignorant and stupid as the "Hitler did nothing wrong" /pol/ards that shit up threads

>lyse knows how the tempered work
>fucking lets them in anyways because the scent of her own farts is in her nostrils

Hitler actually did nothing wrong though

>i didn't play the DLC they just released

Go play or watch and basically find out his brother and his own god fucked him over. They bombard him with visions over killing his own girlfriend, his healing of the masses turned against him, they antagonise him with telling him his role and fate in life and he was fine with it all until Niflheim interferes dragging him up from underground and then the descendants of his brother's children come attempting to kill him all over again.

He only ever decides to try and destroy Lucis towards the end of the DLC when he realises he only has that vendetta left in his life.


>Old motherfucker refuses to join resistance, gets seat of power just because.
>Disrespects a war general who is serving a life sentence and saved his life.

Not an argument

The man was literally cucked so hard and long that he decided to kill everyone. Second biggest cuck in gaming history after Odio.


Where are you even getting this from? He didn't. If anything he didn't want to. He cannot die because the amount of people he cured of the Starscourge by taking their sickness onto himself to save them. He didn't know this and was basically duped, exiled, tortured and made a sacrifice by his family and religion and then finally tossed aside with the promise his suffering COULD end, but only at the hands of their chosen king.

I don't use a parser because I respect the intended obtusiveness by design but I'm still the top DPS in every group and I know it.

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he didn't even get a chair. Dumb bitch had them all sit on the floor in a weird fucking display of "im not like those other leaders"

Yes. They engineered their own version of the echo that they can implant into someone into their eyes. (Zenos got two of them)

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Yes it was retconned. The gods used him to spread the starscourge so that noctis could rid the world of it in the future.

Oersted had a hard life

Why is this game so fucking ugly? Everything is made of playdoh.

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I heard it was full of badly written rectons that try and make him into some sort of tragic villain that tries to justify his actions.

>Where are you even getting this from?
the Starscourge was his doing.

Depends on if you count 2.55 as part of ARR because Before the Dawn is better than the entirety of SB combined.

He did nothing wrong.

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Bitch-ass scrub lesser race detected. Now bow.

>despite how humane and rational this all sounds to see character development in, he still turned out to be Hitler

it's almost like it's a fictional story and not to be taken seriously

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Of getting cucked.

its not like this game gives us all that many good glamour options in the first place.

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>expect to get hrothgar viera porn since there's no male vieras
>end up with gay hrothgar barashit instead
I-I guess this is okay...

>Eorzean Alliance joins with Gyr Abania when it has no infrastructure, a starving populace, a lack of education and the closest thing to a leader is the Army's commander.
Weird shit.


They have Raubahn though and he's basically the best military mind on the continent.

They got my eye!

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The fact that nobody tells Lyse to get her shit together is strange.

Objectively true.


>Its a hidden FF XIV thread
Stick to /vg/ you fucking tranny shits

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get gassed dumb secondary

She only represents one Resistance faction so I imagine she'll lose any influence after that all gets folded into the military. Unless Raubahn is dumb enough to make her an officer.

Its like they are just banking on Lyse figuring it out since her dad and sister did fine. But she just keeps fucking up and proving she just doesn't get it. Honestly if Raubahn wasn't there Ala Mhigo would be fucked.

based and wheelchair pilled


>Curtis and Yda grow up in a nation whose main export is mercenary work, and personally fight in the revolution against Theodoric, giving them plenty of experience in the military
>Lyse grows up in Harry Potter land and still manages to be a fucking retard that can't achieve Archon status, despite her older airhead sister doing so
Bitch has no business being anywhere near a military operation.

The templars during the 18th century were actually the good guys while the assassin's creed colonial brotherhood were straight up fucking evil and just caused destruction and chaos and they literally had to be purged by shay and it took a long time for the brotherhood to finally redeem themselves by connor.

Its the fucking 72x72 textures. Its weird as hell cause not everything has the low texture resolutions but man does it show when you see them. Its left over from the PS3 support and they still have never fixed them and its frustrating as fuck cause the game can easily look so much better with higher resolution textures.

Long ago, they promised an HD texture pack with the DX11 client. The DX11 version got delayed over and over, and when it finally came out, no texture pack. Yoshi claimed in the next live letter that it was cut because "nobody actually cares about textures".

They didn't promise SHIT. Shut the FUCK up.

Yes they did, SBabby

seriously fuck off before you accidentally lose your account

>Refuses to make HD textures
>Simultaneously piles on particle effects that make toasters explode.

S-sorry, Yoshida-san


Textures require time and resources and they're just a small indie team. But they will eventually come in some way shape or form, on the mog station, in small releases. Please look forward to it.

>Implying they even put that much effort into Mogstation items.

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Would be hilarious if he ended up getting a statue at the end

Before I upgraded my computer something about the cloud mount killed my directx constantly.

So of course they put it in a dungeon.

Classic ala mhigger logic and appreciation.

>Shinryu would have razed all of Garlemald if we had just waited a bit longer to activate Omega

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He deserves one.

>Causing a calamity that would have triggered another Rejoining.

Sadly we can't just let them get run over without everyone else getting fucked.

Through the entire negotiation it looked like he was egging the alliance on attacking him and was waiting until they got clued on the fact that the ascians were manipulating the entire Garlean history

Calamities are Eorzea-centric bro. They all have to happen there for some reason

Tbh the part where he outright tells them its them is his way of saying "okay your fucking morons, obviously none of this shit is getting through your skulls so I obviously can't trust you for help. So im going with the original plan because fuck you."

I bet it's because of the Crystal Tower
When Midgarsormr came to Hydaelyn she asked him to protect Mor Dhona of all places

Senator Armstrong just wanted what was best for his country

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Not the Crystal Tower itself, but something to do with Silvertear Lake.

SBR was so damn good.


If he wasn't an insane zealot, I'd agree with you

He was insane, he was right

This confuses the shit out of me. The effects get more outlandish with each expansion with no built in option to tone them down or turn them off, but basic texture quality is too much.
Freedom son

He was right but not IN the right.
The man fucked up an entire county instead of just harboring his followers


Making him evil was so forced and reddit. His character would work so much better if his goal was simply to stabilize Pandora by any means necessary which includes murdering bandit looters like the main character.

coming 2097

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Gotta get the horses just right

Crystal Tower was only built at the tail end of the Allagan Empire.

particle effects don't tank framerate much, it's the ambient occlusion and how many players on screen that murders your toaster.

Fuck the Crystal
Fuck the gods
Fuck """fate"""

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Actually you got it wrong, almost completely.

All he wanted to do was die.
He was a prince born with the gift of healing and actually loved the common folk, while his brother was a war loving fighter who saw his role the same exact way most common folk see it, "im better than all of you because im royalty, now bow down to me for I am better". When the Starscourge hit the world, the first one corrupted was ifrit. He went on a rampage and spread the Starscourge while the gods battled him.

He was finally killed, but the Starscourge had spread to far and wide and they couldnt stop it given how much power they lost killing ifrit. As a quick stopgap, they gave Ardyn the power to remove the Starscourge from all people and keep it in his own body, thus saving people. Ardyn was glad to do this as he loved healing people and wanted a better life for all living creatures.

His brother saw Ardyn as an issue. Not because of his powers, but because of what his powers brought him. The love of the people. His brother wanted the throne badly, and since ardyn was suppose to have it, he challanged his right to rule. He said he was the chosen of the crystal, despite the crystal not choosing anyone, and if Ardyn simply gave up his rights to the throne, he would 'let' him and his fiance get married and live out life peacefully. But to do this, Ardyn had to stop helping people, as he saw it as undermining his rule.

The gods never told Ardyn about how the Starscourge would make him immortal, nor would they allow him into the afterlife (cause the Starscourge would taint the souls and corrupt their heaven). The crystal (the will of the gods), chose the brother rather than him because of his tainted soul that they gave him. His brother announced to the world that Ardyn was the chosen one to lure him in, and attempted to kill him to ensure no one could claim his crown. Instead of killing Ardyn, he killed his fiance infront of him.

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are the colonial brotherhood that bad in the game? Did they deserved getting killed? Someone explain what the assassins did bad in rogue addition

His brother and his 2nd in command and greatest warrior (Gilgamesh) , while Ardyn mourned his dead love, hacked him to bits and watched him regrow his own body. He had ardyn locked away in a deep, single cell prison created solely for him, destroyed the entire thing, buried it, built shit ontop of it and had any record of Ardyn removed from all of history. Anyone who spoke about him was put to death, along with all who heard about him from the speaker. Eventually, the name Ardyn became a myth amongst the royalty of Lucian and everyone else had no clue about him as they never knew he existed.

Yes, he wanted to get revenge on his brothers blood line, but he also still had his original goals of stopping the Starscourge and being able to die. The only one who could do that is the Chosen king. His goals lined up perfectly. He did everything in his power to ruin the life of Noctis and force him to accept that he was the chosen king, going as far as to make the world of darkness. When the chosen king destroyed the Starscourge, that would also include his taint as well, allowing him to finally die and see his fiance. This is why he tipped his hat to Noct when he saw him in the afterlife. He ended his brothers line, saved the world and got to the afterlife.

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>Game runs just fine on LoA/WoD.
>Runs terribly on Ivalice Raids.
>Kugane mob around Eureka runs fine.
>Game nearly freezes when a mob surrounds a hunt mark.
>Runs The Burn just fine and proceeds to shit itself during Mist Dragon cutscene, plays fine in gameplay.
It's the effects.

>the Starscourge was his doing.
Actually the DLC explicitly says that Bahamut created it just to fuck with mankind for some grand Keikaku Doori that gods designed to cull population so they can stay in power.

Based Ardyn

What's some great games where you are the villian?


What's some great games where you play as the villian?

Tales of Berseria

My frame rate dips more in basic combat than when I have lighting and AA on max.

You just know if SBR gets animated they'll make the horses 3D and the whole thing will look like garbage.

wow, that's a lot of added backstory to try and make him look like he was a good guy allllll along.

>Actually the DLC explicitly says
ah, more rectcons to try and justify that asshole's actions.

So much wrong with this post it hurts.

The game explicitly tells you that Ifrit loved mankind at first and gave them fire (like Prometheus) but eventually mankind got superior technologically and decided they no longer needed the gods (Solheim Civilization) which pissed Ifrit off and he descended on the mortal lands to genocide the Solheim civilization for their betrayal and getting uppity.

This event triggered the War of the Astrals where the other gods decided to step in and stop Ifrit before he genocides all of mankind.

The DLC (and loading screens and datalogs in base game) explicitly say Bahamut was the one that killed Ifrit and his corpse fell on the Rock of Ravatogh.

Fast forward to Ardyn DLC, Niflheim finds Ifrits corpse in Ravatogh and realizes that he isn't dead, just asleep and they can't wake him up.
Then they bust Ardyn out from Angelgard and want him to corrupt Ifrit with the Starscourge so that Ardyn can take control over his powers and memories (Ardyn's curse apparently also allows him to inherit the powers and memories of those he melts into Space Aids) but before he can do that, Ifrit wakes up and Ardyn fights him.
Ifrit grabs him which is a mistake, as Ardyn uses the physical contact to infect him with Space Aids, thus taking control over Ifrit and getting all of his memories.
In Ifrit's memories it's explicitly shown on screen that the gods DID IN FACT choose Ardyn as the Chosen King, he was literally chosen as THE Chosen One, he wasn't made into a Starscourge bait from get go, that only came later as a backup plan that Bahamut invented after Somnus made the coup and Ardyn gave in to his own darkness.


>When the Starscourge hit the world, the first one corrupted was ifrit. He went on a rampage and spread the Starscourge while the gods battled him.


>The crystal (the will of the gods), chose the brother rather than him because of his tainted soul that they gave him. His brother announced to the world that Ardyn was the chosen one to lure him in, and attempted to kill him to ensure no one could claim his crown. Instead of killing Ardyn, he killed his fiance infront of him.




>turning Gilgamesh into a super serious business evil villain
Man is there anything about FFXV that isn't completely fucking botched?

At least XIV has the real Gilgamesh

>Man is there anything about FFXV that isn't completely fucking botched?

the cooking?

Gilgamesh in XV isn't as much of a villain as just 100% loyal to Somnus and since Somnus is an irredeemable villain, that in turn makes Gilgamesh an accomplice.

Every other FF does. Even fucking XII which was much more serious than other FF games had classic Gil

>generic collecr ingredients to make item system
The grafics were fine but the system itself was pretty generic

>the cooking?

No, it looks amazing and adds something to collect/flavor I guess but it has almost zero point to be in the game beyond maybe fishing as nothing else is challenging enough to need any of the buffs. Even then there's only 1 buff that really made a difference in fighting, and one for grinding.

The point is that he's a serious character and not Gilgamesh, because FFXV is pretty much a guide on how not to make a videogame

Gilgamesh can be serious, look at 8.


If they're anything like XI's Trusts, they'll each have their own AI pattern to abide by within their given role.

Unlike the current GC AI which are just button-mashing NPCs that burn all cooldowns at all times.

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But Hitler never did anything wrong

um, yeah try and come up with a better argument next time


If you play New Dawn you learn that he wasn't only right he has a direct fucking connection to god and can give superpowers to people if they believe strong enough

>Pick the Tempered are not to be trusted answer
>they let them in anyway

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Ardyn is basically Jesus doing suicide by cop.

British Liberals, everyone

>Implying the GC AI play by the same rules we do
>Implying any AI do in this game where bosses even go off a timeline.

I've literally watched the GC tanks pop rampart 3 times in a row. I have little hope for the trust system in XIV being anything more than a novelty unless they just give them overpowered abilities that they spam.

The monsters in 11 had AI and TP meters with MP which is nothing like how any mobs work in 14 spamming random abilities based on when you pull them.

>if you like something I don’t you are a tranny!

Dumb animu poster

The only reason cooking is in the game is because for product placement

>people are sheep so they'll act like sheep

>"Hey, WoL-kun, we are inviting mind-controlled snakes to our peace talks, is it a good idea?"
>"No, it's not a good idea, you as a scion should know this already"
>"Okay, we are going to go through with it anyway"
>"Oh no, mind controlled snakes summoned a primal, who could have seen this coming?"
>People actually claim that this writing is good or even remotely decent

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>actually a fun duty comes from it which requires team work with NPC bro
>people on official forums complain that it's too hard
>don't get another challenging duty again

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>They make an easy duty with Yshtola
>People still thought it was too hard

People don't press their buttons. Some people thought the Zenos showdowns were too hard.

>You can pass Hien duty by doing literally nothing and avoiding AoE markers
>People STILL think it's too hard

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>people thought the WoL was literally controlling Alphinaud through the power of the Echo
>they can't accept controlling anyone other than the WoL because muh immersion
I hate the forums

>people thought the WoL was literally controlling Alphinaud through the power of the Echo
That's fucking bullshit, I refuse to believe anyone would actually be that stupid.

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Go to the OF and cry

user you're talking about the playerbase that's still confused about who the katana-wielding Elezen is

>Get to control Hien who is know as an excellent Samurai
>he has three attack skills and no combos
Why do they even bother? They should go all out with NPC skills so players can play something they may have never tried.

First half of Y'shtola mission is a bitch depending on your gear and job.
No idea, she's literally a victory lap.

>Odin/Behemot raids back in ARR disconnecting fucking everyone around the zone
Good times.