Senran Kagurra creator leaves due to censorship

>Senran Kagurra creator leaves due to censorship
>DOAXVV not released to the west
Why do people pretend its only California and Sony that are against sexiness in videogames when in fact its the whole western world.

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>muh west
back to /pol/ please

i don't get it
what was the ad

Joey is a cuck name.


2 girls were playing DoA 6 touching eachothers tits and messed around in photo mode looking at lewd poses. The stream then cut to an MK commercial where people were getting their faces torn off



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liberals are the new puritans

>It's the whole western world
No it's not. It's a small but extremely vocal minority who have set themselves up as the gatekeepers to western markets and have dreams of remaking western culture as some sort of leftist-puritan utopia.

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Classic American logic.

Isn't it funny how American leftists are now doing the exact same things, only on steroids, as they used to protest when conservative evangelicals had all the power?

it's america's fault

Just the wonderful hypocrisy. Like when Sweeney warned about how Microsoft was gonna be a monopoly and Steam is a monopoly and that's why Epic Games has to use completely fucking anti-consumer monopolistic behavior, to "stop the monopolies"
they're just a bunch of powerhungry totalitarian fuckoffs

more players than artifact oh no no no no no

Venus sold better than DoA6 wtf. lol
And even with the free to ply version those online numbers won't improve... Or maybe people just don't know about it?

Venus is free-to-play, but it's clearly more successful than Dead on Arrival 6, considering the region locking.

Most of those likely are the ftp players. TN and KT have developed a bit of a reputation and anyone who would buy the vanilla version of a modern doa game is either new to the series, an idiot, or a FSD shill

Is Dead or Alive sexist? It's my girlfriend's favorite game series.

DOA6 doesn’t even have fucking LOBBIES. This is some D list Cyberconnect anime game tier shit

>artifact is taking up so much space in his brain that he posts about it every time he sees a screenshot from steamstats now

Here's a concept: what if Twitch went back to not slipstreaming ads into streams. Then everyone worth a damn would've blocked the ad and it wouldn't have hurt your pretty princess feelings.

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No surprise considering the state of DOA5 on PC.

rip the west

I wouldn't say lefties but bar lefties. Somehow the far left became the dominant ideology. When you speak to lefties or right wingers closer to the center you realize they have similar goals but want to achieve it through different methods. But the farther you go to the right or left the more both are into authoritarianism. This is why there's so much in-fighting within the American Democratic party. The liberals and progressives are clashing pretty hard right now and the media only backs the far lefties like Ocacio Cortez and Pocahontas while writing hit pieces on Tulsi and Wang and their supposed ties to the alt-right.

both are shit either way

>wah why aren't there tiddies in my vidya games
Just watch porn

>garbage 3/10 games that only sell for meme tits are on the decline
Nothing of value was lost

Spotted the Snoyfag

It's not the West, it's mostly gay men. They won't tell you they're gay, but just look at what notorious forum pushes back the most against it and you'll see the correlation. More and more you'll see "Kano looks hot". "Zangief looks daddy as fuck!" in these very places.

Nothing wrong with it, but you gotta remember a lot of gay men don't wanna see that in games and they won't explicitly tell you it's 'cause they're actual homosexuals. They don't think it's relevant to the subject, but it is.

Then because other men assume these are just other straight men trying to be pc, they start agreeing with it, being completely unaware some gay guys are hiding behind -decency- to get sexy women in games.

*get sexy women -out- of games.

But what if I don't want to watch porn?

>be gay man
>completely unphased by sexy women in games cause I know I'm the minority audience

Dunno why other faggots can't seem to get the memo. Those sorts of things aren't aimed at us in the slightest and we shouldn't get a say in it.

I hate Snoy faggot, if I wanted to jack off, I'd just look up porn vids or Rule 34, those aren't going away anything soon

>waa there should be no tiddies in vidya games and people should go look at porn if they want tiddies
it's like you absolute retards think that anons should always be masturbating and fucking, instead of playing vidya games if they enjoy the human flesh
just die already, you're regressively basic and stupid, your mere existence pollutes the gene pool of humanity

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Get triggered faggot. Sorry you wasted money on an obvious dumpster fire.

fighting game culture is an american culture, just like their school shooting culture.
don't combine the whole western world please filthy globalist

Everyone who's not retarded knows that the problem is white people.
As soon as they're gone, this won't be a problem anymore.

This is a joke, right?
10 years from now the world will be run by Chinks, Hindus and Islam, and guess what, none of this shit will fly.

I'm fine with characters with big tiddies, but I would rather enjoy a game with actual effort instead of cheap cash-ins.

Get me porn of characters that I like which is on model and on character. Go on, I'm waiting.

Yea, there are definitely no fan service games with sexy women in tight clothing in China, huh?

>can't find the tweet
>no news about this
did i get baited

Don't post this image.

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Nah it was deleted because he caught alot of shit for it, rightfully.

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Look up the "Beautiful Girl" tag on TapTap, China's main mobile game distribution service. Can't link to that site because it triggers the spam filter.

Since OPs Pic is somewhat related too fighting games. Just wanted to remind everyone Arc Sissy Works completely cucked out and cancelled the Senran Kagura characters that were planned for more regurgitated sprites.
You Senran Bros should go after also Arc Sissy Works for sucking off SNOY since most Arc Sissys are SNOYfags.

>Becomes free to play after one week
the absolute state of the FGCucks of saying buy Dead on Arival 6

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who even likes senran kagura other than pathetic losers lol nothing of value was lost

certainly not people who live their lives being contrarian on an anonymous image board

god damn why are SJWs such prudes lmao

I thought it was right-wingers that were against nuidity but okay with violence? Especially considering how cucked the ESRB, MPAA, and the FCC is towards female exposure and how conservative these orgs are?

It's liked by the usual bunch of hopeless white men as shown in this picture.

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west? just America started this shit and Europe followed because they are stupid and want to please jews

The absolute state of roasies

female nudity is empowering, unless its actually beautiful women getting naked/sexy

then it becomes "objectifying" and "pandering to the male gaze"

It's true that conservatives tend to prefer violent action games but the left much more commonly partake in activism. The reason fanservice is screwed is because the left is vocally campaigning against it while the right does nothing to oppose them on it because they don't want it either.

>"It's not Sony!"
>one of the things listed is because of Sony
Sonyfags are such fucking retards.

engage in heterosexual intercourse

have sex with normal humans, tranny

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how do you spend all that time making little details like the fingers under the spandex and the indentations in the ass and completely miss that you've got the left and right hands switched?


Easy excuse is she’s elastigirl

It's Sony and retarded Japanese devs that won't just release their games on the Xbox, Switch, and PC and call it a day. Japs really need to start having a backbone and stop taking it in the ass all the time.

This is a liberal vs conservative issue. Lefties aren't always liberal and righties aren't always conservative on every issue. Sometimes they are facist.

They're probably the children of the no fun allowed christcucks in the past.

No faggot, stop posting


At least DoAx3 scarlet is uncensored on Switch.

As for Senran, takaki was a moron who thought Nintendo censors 3rd party games even though the first senran game was uncensored on 3DS and all these lewd waifu games on switch aren’t fucked with. He was a Sony dick sucker, even though Sony hates lewd waifu games now.

Americans: furries good but REEEE sexy ladies bad!

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it's because elastigirl is extremely flexible

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Then just don’t buy or play the game then you sperg
>REEEE stop playing games I don’t like
that’s you

>the far left and far right are concerned with censoring titties in videogames
Shadilay my fellow kekistani, you tell those white niggers. It's totally not just about cutting content to improve overall sales by dodging controversy associated with the company, it's the authoritarian culture war. Smash that like button, click the bell and subscribe to my patre-subscribestar.

Would you push the button, anons?

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my wife has a nice ass

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That's not Shadman, are you blind?

Without hesitation

Surprising amount of black guys

It's fucking Atlanta, what did you expect?

>tits are controversial
Based puritanical retard.

black guys are huge weebs, ever notice when someone posts their game collections here and it’s a stack of weeb games with a black hand on top? Black guys are just closet mega weebs.

>there are no restrictions against women going topless in public anywhere in the world
Based delusional basementdweller

>when conservative evangelicals had all the power?
this literally never happened. even in the bush years when bible-thumpers were strong politically, the left still had the news media, pop culture, academia and institutions on their side.
go back and look at the previous attempts to censor games in the '90s and 2000s and you'll find that they were always led by democrat politicians. bible-thumpers just whined about content that offended them while liberal democrats were the ones actually bringing the gaming industry into congressional hearings on a regular basis.

His first image is Shadman.

They are, but that's because they see video games as things for children. The left knows that isn't true, but wants to deny sexual content to adults as well as a method of social engineering.

When did censorship become progressive

Don't like it don't buy it.
Why go out of your way to make thirsty nerds miserable? Why does everything need to be accessible to everyone?

Do we need to start advertising tampons for men? Fleshlights for women?

Yeah but I don't even care about sexiness in games, I have porn for that, I just want to kill all cutscene shit

This is why we need the electoral college.

California should not be allowed to decide for the rest of us.

maybe they should just abandon Snoy and release the Senran games on xbox,switch and PC. Maybe release a sony version called "the snoy censorship version" with a disclaimer stating you are not getting the full game because of Sony and then a list of all the Sony executives and people of influence with their addresses and phone numbers so people can complain or torch their children alive. I don't care because censorship is anti democracy and therefore anyone in favor is the enemy of human civilization and deserves every horrible thing thrown at them.

But in the end devs just need to abandon Sony and make their games multiplat with the white washed Disney version on Sony consoles although at some point it may not be worth it to release at all.

since progressivism became a thing. the original "progressive movement" banned alcohol and imposed strict censorship on the film industry. it's always been about controlling everyone else while pretending they're making life better for the working class.

Snoy isn't censoring just tits though. They are censoring girls wearing regular bikinis and even censoring tummies. Its a fucking joke and I can literally go to the beach and see tons of girls wearing clothes just like that. And many of those girls are also way underage in the 12 year old age group. pic fucking related

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>Senran Kagurra creator leaves due to censorship
California's fault.
>DOAXVV not released to the west
Also Cali's fault. Your point?


>Also Cali's fault
Valve is in Cali, now?

It wasn't one of those kind of ads.

It was a livestream advertising the game with producers and voice actoresses of the game IIRC.

Yes, but I clearly cited examples of things that are exclusively used to certain groups.
Senran Kagura from day 1 had a specific intended audience (men and the one or two women who likes to dress up the girls). The devs never laughed at people who aren't interested in it and the games didn't stop other kinds of games from existing.

So why actually CHEER a franchise never meant for you is going away? You could simply not play it and move on.

Really, we need an platform exclusive for weeb games.
This moralism is like a plague.

liberals are the new jack thompson

Jack had good intentions.

No he didn't. Just a dumb old fuck that thinks old good new bad.
No one liked him back in the day so you're retard for defending him unironically