Wolfenstein: Youngblood – Official Story Trailer


Coming to PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC on July 26, 2019

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cant wait to kill drumpf nazis

thank you marketeer kun


Seems like it's just as obsessed with pushing an agenda as 2 was.

>game about killing nazis
>uses fashwave

>Along with the newly added co-op system, Youngblood features some newly added RPG elements. Explore Paris and take on the Nazis to level up and unlock new abilities, weapon attachments, gadgets, cosmetics and more.
Yeah keep ruining the franchise jerks.
TNO was so good, how did they fuck it up so bad?

Fuck, the music sounds so familiar, is it carpenter brut?

No counterweight to Swedish cuckery.

The only good part is the return of coop since the last Wolfenstein game to have it was the XBOX version of return to castle Wolfenstein.

turbo killer

Arkane Lyon is working on this game as well bethesda.net/en/article/1Loc4JoQ1qXq4QSsY3GQ2R/wolfenstein-youngblood-release-date-gameplay-trailer
>to Swedish cuckery
They made TNO though

That's it.

confirmed rehashed shit. publishers never release their big guns in summer

Such a great song for such a shitty trailer, damn shame

is that carpenter brut?

I thought they would release 2 games though, one of them is co-op and the other one is normal singleplayer

They made a good one just so they have something to cuck fans with.

i identify myself as a right wing and i'm extremely triggered by the mere existence of this game

It is, track is turbo killer.


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I don't actually care about it that much, it's perfectly fine to make fun of Nazis, but they went so far overboard it just ruins the atmosphere.
Even the first game had this problem, but it wasn't so bad - I always hated that all the tech the Reich has is stolen from Jews, because it makes them look incompetent and undermines them as villains.

gay as fuck. no guns, no new enemies, what a slack. we had different guns and enemy models just for an hour intro in new order. here i see fuckall new content. they just don't give a shit anymore and the writing is pure cringe.

Alright, I'll try it

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So is this shit canon? Completely undermines BJ's struggles when the Nazis are still going 20+ years later.

Looks fucking terrible

it's subtle red pill
nazis always win

Just like in real life with how grandchildren of mutts who fought in WW2 now think they are germans

Oh FUCK yes


good. you be triggered fuck face

I don't really care.

So, more wolfenstein but with co-op this time around?


It's a spinoff not sold for full price lad, relax.

We're still getting Wolfenstein 3.

Their dumb redneck accents are turning me on

Looks like America is liberated but Yurop isn't.

>80's setting
>alternative history
>pseudo 80's electronic music
>awful negress is back
>everything else
I don't fucking understand how the fuck i just watched a short trailer that featured most of the shit i really like and instantly realised that the game is going to be hot garbage

I don't fucking understand how can you fuck up a simple and cool fucking fucking setting of "hey what if nazis won the war and had robots lasers and shit" and turn it into a steaming pike of shit

Fuck western vidya, fuck politics and fuck everything else

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>Wolfenstein 3
with neonazis?

Protags look very generic. And why are they obsessed with those ugly fucking armors? Very meh. They rehased all the weapons, so I doubt they fixed gameplay issues and stuff like really bad ragdolls.

Terrible voice acting from the twins.

I don't want wolf3. Just kill it and bring it back in 10 or 20 years and have a non swedecuck studio make it and keep it in WW2.

can't believe this company once made riddick. what a shit show. lol

>turbo killer
fuck me when that solo fires up i get diamonds every time.

>We're still getting Wolfenstein 3.
Yeah i don't really care after wolf2

No EGS,no buy.

Way to ruin Carpenter Brut for me.

Gonna flop even harder than Wolf 2

I'm honestly not sure what happened between Wolf TNO and Wolf II TNC. It's like they hired random SJWs to come up with character and story.

>daddy daddy daddy
atleast it has synthwave and brut

can't wait for zenijews to go broke

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girl powerrrrr yeahhhhh they managed to ruin this series too! won't play

well the game title is young blood not square chin beefed dude goes killing spreed

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More creative freedom happened.


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>wolfenstein with no occult shit
>shitty ironic le 1980s autistic
>two edgy lesbo jewish/slav cunts
>no WW2 aesthetics

>Nazis were the evil villains!
Getting real tired of this meme.


that's because Arkane is involved

Holy fucking shit, I thought it couldn’t get worse. The last entry was dogshit, but this takes it to a whole other leve. Good god. Will not be playing this cash-in 80s stranger things Le Drumpf nightmare.

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Triggered white supermicists in this thread lmao

>bj is replaced with zoomer sisters

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It's not a meme user


>shitty ironic le 1980s autistic

>you live in a timeline where you get to witness mentally ill incels considering nazis the good guys
interesting shit

This but for real. Stay mad, maybe go suck trump's dick :)

ok nazinigger

Those facial animations are extraordinarily bad.
Also the women act like generic shootan dudes but with tits. Great writing there.

Buy swedish games

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It's a spinoff

God, the future tech idea was such a good spin on Wolfenstein, I'm so mad they fucked up the games by adding stealth, a retarded story, boring walking sections, and all this dumb shit that detracts from the gameplay. Imagine Wolfenstein with a DOOM 2016 style story with occult shit and mechs and stuff. Could have been fucking amazing.
And they could have refined their gameplay too if they let you carry for than 2 weapons and didn't shove shoe-horned stealth into the games.

Its like the Whimp Lo of video games!


>Also the women act like generic shootan dudes but with tits
ironic. what feminists would say about that?

So, I'm assuming Mick isn't writing the soundtrack for this one.

>let the two of us have children
>but not with you
how does that work?

shit, niggers are fucking disgusting.

that's just it, half the game is cutscenes, there was too much story

Yeah I will be capable of being a Dyke nazi killer!

Not made by ID. That’s why.

it's ok when a woman does it

Is this real? What was going through their heads when they decided to do this?

years of liberal brainwashing

TNO wasn't made by id, you dumb retard

TNO wasn't made by id either.

It looks dull. The girls don't have any striking features other than the colour of their hair, even their suits are reused Jewish power armor from TNO (again). The writing paints them as your usual shithead teens akin to formulaic high school jocks without any charm. The gameplay seems to be more of the same only in France with no standouts in the environment. Fucked if I know who's this game is for.


There are so many cool settings for Wolfenstein series. Nazis summoning demons to kill the rebels, inflirating a Nazi base on Antarctica, aliens, fighting Nazis in Egypt and creatures from Egyptian mythology. But they decided to come up with some gay "synthwave" shit. This series is now ruined too, because they moved the timeline forward and BJ is too old to do anything.

TNO order still had way too many cutscenes and boring walking around sections.
Along with a stupid boring story.

I hope for at least for some SDK for custom maps like with RTCW coop but i will definitely buy the deluxe one since i can get it for probably 20 dollars due to the fucked steam prices on third worlds and give the pass to a friend

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It's just a trailer. The in game looks exactly like TNC.


>young feminist women
>the target audience of shooter games

What were they thinking?

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>There are so many cool settings for Wolfenstein series. Nazis summoning demons to kill the rebels, inflirating a Nazi base on Antarctica, aliens, fighting Nazis in Egypt and creatures from Egyptian mythology.
That's for Wolfenstein 3. Gay synthwave shit is a fast cash-in while the series is still hot and it's $30 and co-op so it's gonna find its audience anyway.

RTCW occult nazi zombie setting was, is, and will be the best fantasy nazi setting ever. don't prove me wrong because you can't.

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none of the nuwolf games have been any good btw
enjoy your fucked up hobby

I hope this fails worse than 2. It'll be hilarious

How? isn't it a direct sequel to TNC I mean BJ is gramps now

>More of the same shit except now you're WAHMEN!

kkkk pirating

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why do you fags care about the story if the shooting is fun?

>that dog shit humor
>extremely punchable faces all over the place
What the fuck did they mean by this?

Did you like The Old Blood?

They were thinking about money, and how to turn fat boys even more soft and coerced into feminism.

Another wolf?

But seriously what does this achieve? It just adds complications to parenthood for literally no gain. If he hates himself so much why not just adopt?

So is Wolf 3 old man BJ or is this game gonna end with him entering the fountain of youth?

Hopefully the third game is set in modern times

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honestly never played it, i kinda forgot it existed and had nothing to remind me

Why did BJ have to be part jew?
Seems to fucking pointless because they don't ever specifically address them locking up jews for the holocaust in TNO, it just kinda says there are camps of some kind.

>a beloved hero
>turned into a cuck
>didnt kill hitler when he had the chance
>40 years of struggle
>3 generations of nazis
>allied with the hippies,fags, communists, niggers
>cucked out of delivering finishing blow - nigs and commies did all the job behind scenes

>Arkane Lyon is working on this game as well
What a waste of talent, they should be working on anything else but this game.
For fuck sake, Wolfenstein 2 bombed hard and this sequel isn't gonna sell any better, WHY IN GOD'S NAME WOULD THEY WASTE TALENTED PEOPLE ON IT, FUCK!

I don't know 'bout you guys but the brown haired twin is cute as fuck

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TNO was mediocre


I can't believe that Commander Keen is related to this series anymore.

I don't think I'm woke enough for this shit.

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See you in 2020.

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TNO was shit too

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you just hold forward and press the fire button
such engaging gameplay

>no full gameplay trailers
Christ, why are publishers allergic to actually showing how the gameplay is gonna be?

Different person here, i didn't play it because of the entire megatextures meme the game was like 50gb for 2h of gameplay but i absolutely liked TNO and disliked TNC at least young blood will provide some coop like with the rtcw mod so i can't really complain until i played it

He was part polish part american, but they change it to "polish jew".

Make sure to pick the other one so you could jerk off to her face while playing this in co-op with your buddy. Only $30.

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Why is one girl cute and the other is a butch dyke?

Why do BJs daughters look like mutts when the mom was white?

Didn't the previous wolfestein flop due to excessive virtue signaling?

Shoot every one of these deranged fucks.Just shoot..

That wasn't the real reason it flopped.

Old catacombs with zombies that shoot ghostly skulls scared shit out of young me.

Uuuuuugh wooooomyyyyyn in muh gaems

Can you trannies at least attempt to spell correctly?

>droopy faced jewish/slav mutt mongrel
bruh look at this half negro

The commies and the shit story triggered me Reeee

Same reason Ann from Persona 5 is a blue eyed blonde with the biggest tits despite only being 1/4th white, character designers will design whatever the fuck they want without genetics in mind and the Wolfenstein wanted something to appeal to Amerimutts.

>sign in to confirm your age
into the trash it goes

Is this a full game or another standalone expansion?

Another bites the dust.
Didn't expect them to fuck up more badly than last game though.

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Yeah it did, but Pete said that they don't really care as long as it sells something. They probably lowered their budget this time around to make up for less amount of profit.

>sjw trash

>play as obnoxious cunts

who even is the target audience for this garbage? do they even know?


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And yet we will never get Prey 2... fuck them

We might. Arkane isn't exactly dead. Although I'd very much prefer another dishonored game.

>Wasting Turbo Killer on that shitty trailer

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overrated as hell, most of his tracks are a complete clusterfuck and turbo killer is no exception

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End yourself, pleb

It's similar to what Far Cry New Dawn is to Far Cry 5. My guess is it will set up the third game.

Because it is trash

I hope this triggers the fuck out of /pol/tards.

Storywise, what are they fighting for? The nazi regime has been ruling the world for decades, even if the heroes would manage to overthrow it, you would still have to take into account that not only all the youngest generations born under it knows that only and follows it, but also the fact that in those decades, the nazis would have exterminated most if not all of the "undesirables" by then.
So I ask again who or what are the heroes fighting for? Genuinely curious to see what they gonna go with the plot

Remember that half this thread are 3rd world shitters LARPing as white men, hilarous

What music do you prefer, user?

Not buying the game, last good Wolfenstein was ET
every new iteration has been boring as fuck

>those ugly as fuck character models
oh god why

Yeah I too hated Far Cry when they went with an 80s synthwave techno expansion with Blood Dragon. Tell me, what is it like having 0 taste?

And you can do it while playing as a cute girl.

They're really trying to go for Blood Dragon vibes in the trailer.
But it doesn't even fit the gameplay shown

what the fuck

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quite ironic coming from a synthwave fag
hip hop beats to study/relax to

To make the Switch port easier to do.


It looks like the US was actually liberated in the trailer but they still have control of Europe. Who knows what the nazi's goal actually is now.

What the fuck is their deal with making them ugly as fuck and obnoxious looking women? Seriously, what the fuck, man. I just don't fucking get it.

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What the fuck is wrong with those character models? Holy shit, way to go devs.


great dialogue, makes me tear up.

>Based Bethesda wants you to absolutely hate femisists.

How can they get away with this?

Las goblinas de las Americas

>hip hop beats to study/relax to
I understand why you dislike brut then. It's indeed very different to what you like.

Fuck, meant to link this one >456109759

Buddy Pass seems like a neat idea but I bet they just double the price of the Deluxe Edition to make it not worth it

I played Wolfenstein 2 once, it was meh, way too many dialogs. But how were the DLC ?

I want this to be good, but I remember what a letdown TNC was and this looks like they put a lot of focus on story again, which bogged TNC down to no end with it´s shit writing and characters.

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No it flopped because it was absurdly short.

I thought getting black cucked was just some porno / west coast shit. Its real?


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Its for people who dont play games to circle jerk over.

I dont get it, these are BJ's kid right? They use the same helicopter from the first new wolfenstein and the suit as something amazing. There has been decades, technology surely advanced to make those obsolete. There is no R&D anymore, they are in limbo or something?

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>nazis are bad meme

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Attractive, likable women are a sexist male fantasy, sweaty. This is what a real woman looks like.

Can't wait to kill /pol/ larpers

Why is buddy pass not called sis pass?

Carpenter Brut is THE FUCKING WORST synthwave producer of our time. Unfathomably overrated; only pretentious normies like his shit.
A repetitive clusterfuck of pseudo-atmospheric EDM bullshit for brainlets who think they're too avantgarde to listen to the mainstream.

If you want quality synthwave listen to Lazerhawk GosT and Perturbator.

My guess is the US didn't have much time to innovate while they were rebuilding after their supposed liberation in the trailer and have just been using old nazi tech.

The brunette is cute as hell but the crewcut jock bitch is fucking insufferable. The fucking plot seems like modern Cartoon Network came up with it. And the YIDDISH armor still looks garbage.

Might be fun but they're busting the story hard. Not even a cool nazi to hate or anything. Give us something, throw a nazi pie, anything. Jesus.

After how bad the previous game was, I'm not really much for the Wolfenstein franchise anymore.

They started out good with TNO and The old Blood, but after that it just turned to shit. I wish I could say it was only the story and characters, but why the fuck did the gunplay feel so shit in The New Colossus?

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Womynstein: Cuntblood

looks like pic related but way uglier

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>too avantgarde to listen to the mainstream
>If you want quality synthwave listen to Lazerhawk GosT and Perturbator.

>There is no R&D anymore, they are in limbo or something
i was expecting for them to do something with the reveal of the advanced technology in the first game. Instead they just recycled the suit in 2, no search for other vaults of lost technology, no new weapons, the only thig we got were the choice between the 3 upgrades and nothing else. The scientist they recruited in first game pretty much did nothing like the rest of the cast now that i think about it

Suck my cock.


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>but why the fuck did the gunplay feel so shit in The New Colossus?

It's exactly the same as the other games, user. Wolfenstein was always turbo garbage in the higher difficulties where you're made of wet tissue paper and die after 2 shots.

That would mean the germans could just wipe them out, like colonial england the tribals. If they are a fledling new nation which have to defend itself from the greater threat, getting the upper edge exactly what they would want, otherwise the nazies just nuke the whole continent out of orbit

>when you turn Wolfenstein into the most hated game series of all time

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Considering Set Roth was living under the Nazis nose for fucking years and the Nazis were still in the process of fully extinguishing combatant forces in the US and Africa even into the 60s(to the point they basically just gave up and started walling off major cities like New Orleans to turn into death camps), they're not as good at extermination as they think.
Plus even people too young to even remember the war don't exactly have the best life under or opinion of the regime.

Regardless, the Nazis are still going to hold onto what they can, a resurgent American force that's probably at least liberated a whole-ass continent if not just the US aside.
Honestly I'm just surprised BJ's aged is all. He was 50 in Wolf 2 and looked identical to himself visually in his mid-30s. I figured plugging him into the artificial super-soldier body would've kept him looking young even into the 80s, but I guess that'd be weird.

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/pol/ fags are mad about a decade old game about killing nazis, is about killing nazis. So Yea Forums hasn't actually played video games ever right?

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you kys too

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Why do they have to be so goddamn ugly though?

His head is not artificial. Of course it will age.

yes. I don't get this and never will. it's as if western devs hate pretty looking people. everyone is soo fucking ugly I literally lose all my interest in gameplay.

How can any white human being enjoy this shit? The media wants you people dead, you're own leaders want you dead, the kikes want you replaced and dead. How can you pay money for this shit and play it?

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I'm still willing to give them a shot at the next main game.

Imagine Hitler cloning himself into a perfectly Ubermensch body and duking it out with BJ in a mecha. On Mars. And with Nazis demons too, why the fuck not ?

They killed Deathshead. The Nazis don't have anyone else on par that can reverse-engineer Space-Jew tech. This is a plot point in 2, that their military is facing problems because basically all their big research projects died when they nuked Strasse's base, and they're afraid of what'll happen if they expand the projects too far and people realize where they got the technology from. That's why you see so many Nazis in Manhattan even after BJ's evacuated Grace's group, they're scavenging equipment from the war to recycle.

I would love that.

>leftists copying shit again

I don't see black people where I live like ever, it's cool to see them everywhere in media. America is lucky like that.

>Hey why don't we make Wolfenstein into a co-op shooter with the most obnoxious playable characters ever?
I liked the characters of Wolfenstein but these people aren't likable at all

Why do normies associate Carpenter Brut with 80s? He's just loud.

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No fucking way.

Same concept different presentation is the issue. The parallels people make into this game and the real world is what sickening. And the developers pander to this on purpose to make it worse

how old are those girls meant to be? 14?

I don't think i like Sweden, i think that if an entire group of people were to suddenly die out i'd hope it'd be the swedes.

Wolfenstein has what, like 11 games?

So even after killing and beating the Nazi's in every single game they're somehow still a colossal threat after getting btfo 11 times?

This is the same dumb shit about how The Rebellion somehow toppled one of the most powerful regimes since like Marka Ragnos and established the New Republic, only to get utterly BTFO by Space Hitler Youth in only like 30 goddamn years.

Shit like this is dumb.

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Based and Buddhapilled.

Because according to feminists you can't be a strong female AND beautiful at the same time.


They are making their best to make unattractive characters now. Part of the problem is that the other on is the uncanny valley and how (bad) they do the face scans.

Reminder that all Nu-stein games are complete and utter shit. RTCW was the last good one, let it rest in peace and stop raping the corpse. Nazis are the good guys now, if you did not realize. The times have changed and you lost the game.

Yet feminists do not want violence and handle guns. Are they contradicting themselves here?

Unironically a great idea

thats actually a nice explanation, thanks for the detail. It sounds pretty stupid to have all your researchers in on place when you are a global empire, thats just yell for sabotage and im pretty sure the germans would realise this too though

hotline miami

Remember when people thought this was the lowest the franchise could go?

>tfw it was a solid 7/10 game and the only people that hate it clearly never played it
Also why does Bethesda seem insistent on acting like it never existed when TNO confirmed it as canon

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More like you need to be unattractive to be feminist (not only the look but also the attitude).

If they didn’t try to exploit the Charlotte hyestaria and just made it about killing Natzi and not a coded dog whisle for antifa, normal people would have bought it.

As always, /pol/ is funny and full of irony

oh no no no no

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Are you stupid?
They probably licensed it.

>tfw they even removed it from steam

I like all three, only Gost doesn't scratch my itch.

Now tell me where do I find more artists like Noir Deco or Mega Drive.

I don't know which level it was in tnc but what was in that glowing vault you ride an elevator over in the secret facility?

>double dragon kind of vibe to it
It looks fun. Color me interested.

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Cringe and bluepilled game

not getting a single cent from me ever again

Well it's obviously not the only place they're doing research, considering BJ goes to research bases on Roswell, Venus, the Moon, et al. in the main story and sidequests, but it's clear killing Strasse was a big blow to their ability to progress tech.
Likewise this probably explains why tech stagnated so much and why America has been kind of tepid about liberating Europe, that even if they stole all the Nazis' shit after they kicked them out, that they can't exactly ramp up manufacturing to move and support a massive military force across an ocean.

Why can't I find 198XAD on Yea Forums archives?
I want to download that shit so bad

Post sythwave

Unironically this games looks like absolute shit.

I thought it was more interesting that it put the technojews in a bad light for refusing to help humanity in even small ways (like curing awful diseases/conditions) meanwhile the game Nazis are out exploring planets.

Im not a fan of how the nuWolf games play or the level design, but I do have to admit that the story production values are pretty great.

>A bunch of writers who are incapable of creating anything outside of propaganda try to create a story that 'humanizes' a character that was never meant to really be humanized.
>Expecting anything other than shit.

When the first of the new Wolfenstein games came out I had a feeling they were going to throw everything right into the shit. New Order planted a few seeds that really took root and grew in TNC, Youngblood is simply the logical extension.
Honestly, I feel like they sucked people with nostalgia using BJ, just so they could tell some poorly conceived alternate history stories they couldn't otherwise sell without attaching a recognized brand to it.

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not a meme you autistic sperg

watch the music video he linked

Sorry user, but it was 5.5-6.0 at max, and yes i played it. it was very mediocre, they ran out of ideas back then and it did not get any better. Now it's just political propaganda. You couldn't get me to torrent this shit.

OH NONONO wait till you see the- OHOHOHOOO

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Rage 2 will be the same crap. I don't know about NuDoom, I stopped at #3 (which I liked very much, it was a great horror game, just not a dumb shooter like the new one)


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I'm loving all of these developers committing marketing suicide by trying to appeal to people that don't even play games.

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Can't you torrent that shit if you want it?

what is this, wolfenstein 3?
less cutscenes in my games plx

nuDoom had 2 human characters, some ugly old bitch and the Doomguy
there was no sjw pandering

NuDoom is surprisingly great.

Rage 2 seems based and they have a literal fucking viking that listens to good metal bands working on it.

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>Wolfenstein 2009 ran out of ideas
>When at least half of TNO/TNC were filler missions or cutscenes

>Wolfenstein 2009 is politcal propaganda
Okay Machinegames developer you aren't fooling anyone

DOOM's story is basically fuck the story I'm going to kill demons. If you want muh lore read the journals like a faggot.

Dios mio...

Dunno if this is bait or not.

Those are the biggest cucks
EDMchads are the best

They made not-Trump their villain.

el ogro de las americas...

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Oh right they worked with the commies, what the hell

he's a big guy

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He is a big guy.


Pick one

i had the iso lying around but too many ppl i know with good taste trashed it so i didn't bother.
watched some glitch video of a guy doing speedruns, don't think i missed out there

>it was a great horror game
Doom 3 is the only game that's about horror, but it's a shitty one that emphasizes on jumpscares and on top of that it's not a fun shooter game. In other words, play the nudoom you faggot.

ok so is no one else disappointed that the reich looks the same as 1950s reich? you'd think the style would change considering its 1980.

like, I know cultural shit wouldn't happen like in our time line but are you telling me we cant have nods to 1980s stuff throughout?

Like imagine a Nazi vice squad. all dressed like Miami cops in white blazers and aviators,packing (NOT) uzis with knightrider cars.

Nazis in Afghanistan on the news maybe?

Terminator looking Nazi?

the skies the limit here cuck developer...

or what about a cyberpunk/electro loving hitler youth?

This looks a huge letdown so far.


>watched some glitch video of a guy doing speedruns
>don't think I missed out there
Except literally the whole game.

>ppl i know with good taste
Care to provide examples of said taste?

Oh right that's a good point?
I wonder in this PoS the resistance just goes and reveals that the jews created the basis for the nazi tech and completely discredit them

scandinavians and based dont belong in the same sentence

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Gameplay seemed slow as fuck to me., and glory kills are for the ogre audience, fuck that shit.

Shitskins, fat nigger whamen, minorities, 56%, cringy terrible dialogue full of unfunny quips written by 30+ talentless millenial art college rejects high on avocado toast.
Is this the future of video games?

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glory kills are a no-go and i agree
slooow gameplay
pretty boring from what i've seen

typical toddler game. i fucking hate that guy, won't touch nu-id. to me, they are dead

the last game sold like shit
we can only hope they go bankrupt after this one

>Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
>Wolfenstein: Youngblood

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>We're still getting Wolfenstein 3
Yeah, right after Dishonored 3

It's France.
Also why would any fashion or stuff change in something as culturally stagnant as the Third Reich?

>Is this the future of video games?
It's the future that game developers/publishers want, not the players

lots of good shooter coming soon, not going to waste time on 60+ gig crap which looks and plays like it

name one

I just want a Nu-Wolfenstein game that doesn't drown the pace with shit tons of cutscenes. And fuck playing on higher difficulties, it's like playing as a wet tissue paper, having to hide constantly.

/pol/ is on different site user

Play Wolfenstein 2009

>Like killing Nazis in games because you can go full pulp science with them

>People keep making it like it's political.

This is what you get when people dilute the meaning of words.

>And fuck playing on higher difficulties, it's like playing as a wet tissue paper, having to hide constantly.
I second this, game isn't fun that way.

not to mention level design does not exist. that's the bread and butter of any good fps. they wasted their cash on in-your-face gloryhole shit like all those suit run companies who don't know jack shit about what makes a game good

>Nintendo Switch

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>le drumpf is a nazi XD #nomorenazis

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Man I feel so bad for these guys. They're obviously very talented game devs but their writing team is basically the iceberg for their Titanic.

Then make your own, people been telling fags and shit to make their own shit if they want to be included, so now they are and now you faggots are complaining.

Just make your own content with your shit in there.

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Anyone else forget this game even existed?

reddit is the other way

Not a fan of the blue-and-red compared to how sharp the other three MachineGames' Wolfenstein's cover art looks though.
Still probably get it though.

Attached: Wolfenstein-Youngblood-Box-Art.png (2254x1205, 3.55M)

>Doesnt like /pol/. He must be from reddit

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One of the mega drive's albums? I can upload that shit on mega for you if you want. It's flac though

Because the Reich were just as prone to society change as anyone else?

Or did you forget all the Faux Roman aesthetic was a fad.

>download new colossus demo
>have to chair wheel it on a submarine
>keep getting killed in a maze with microwave doors
Really hope this new game is around 20 GB, shit's getting too big.

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dios mio

How ambiguous is it? The anti Trump hysteria has been milked.

>dude just start a development company and get signed onto a major publisher who will dictate what games you can make anyway lmao
even if you go indie it's all pointless if your game isn't a success

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it will have tons of cringy cutscenes you can't skip so... goty on npctube i'm sure.
not for me though. i don't touch shit games.

Why is BJ kid's black?...

/pol/ is reddit

can you play as the nazis that would be kinda cool

>yfw 6 hour game
>1 day later on youtube: Wolfenstein Youngblood FULL MOVIE
>Length: 3:34:10

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every popular board on Yea Forums is reddit, which inclues Yea Forums /pol/ and Yea Forums and to a lesser extent Yea Forums

After the piece of shit that was the new colossus I did, I'm surprised that they kept the same SJW developers after all the negative feedback that the game received, I would've fired the fuckers and put the guys making the new DOOM games in charge

>what is this, wolfenstein 3?
It's Wolfenstein 2's Old Blood (hence its title "Youngblood").

Why is Bethesda allowing another game to be made when the previous one flopped?

>Implying Rage 1 wasn't crap
Have you even played it, son? I did.
>lackluster story that ends out of nowhere, not even a cliffhanger
>Soulless world and characters
>The "megatexture" bullshit meant that the "overworld section" took forever to load, every single time I had to enter it. Maybe it was better in consoles, but on PC I had to deal with this crap.
Only good part were the races

If your opinions and ideas resonate with the populace you will get the attention you deserve. Youve decided your failure before you even started, start working user, youll never know.

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That's because the addon was most likely already in the production.

I want the game to sell just so I can partake in the shitshow that'll follow. Nothing's more entertaining than making fun of the cockholsters who buy and make this shit. Hyped!

no you play as mixed race communist children fighting the comic book villain nazis

it's just like america under blumpf!

Prepping for wolf 3.

Out of these boards /pol/ has the biggest reddit refugee population because of 2016 elections and /r/the_donald

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Why Yea Forumsincels so triggered by women and nigs?

people who browse /pol/ don't only browse /pol/ you know

>/pol/ is full of milfs

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Why isn't the ancient-jew tech shit common knowledge at that point? That shit's a propaganda Tsar Bomb.

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would you get Yuppies under Fascism?

Fascism doesn't reject capitalism per say right, so its possible?

The box art and the music are going for a neo-80s thing but then the game looks exactly the same as Wolf 2. They needed something more like Far Cry Blood Dragon for this style.

I dunno what they're thinking with this advertising.

The game was removed from Steam because of a rights issue with Activision when Bethesda acquired the IP.

Yeah no shit, this is why Yea Forums got a sudden drop in quality after 2016

Cringy as heck. It's like they put american campus commies in a video game.

fascism is against communism and capitalism because both of those things are tools of jewry user

every white capitalist country on earth is in decline and being replaced with third world hordes

commies like marx even admitted that capitalism was necessary for communism to form

fucking garbage
wolfenstein is dead
Doom is dead
id is dead
>TNO was so good
not it wasn't it's exactly the same shit

How to fully kill a franchies that is already on life support. Kek. These retarded westerners.

I think it's mostly the cringy dialogue and the far left political bullshit that make most people upset that will at 100% certainty ruin any potentially good game.

reddit get rid of like 90% of their right wing subreddits last year so not really

>Shit like this is dumb.
Wolfenstein isn't supposed to be smart. That's part of the appeal. Machine Games want it to be seen as smart though, for whatever reason, although their efforts just result in new entries of the series being dumber than usual.

It's really weird, they got super jew tech and BJ is basically a one man cyborg army by the end of Colossus, they freed the fuck out of the entire US and killed the last competent nazi leader we know of since Hitler is a fucking mess and yet 20 years later everywhere but the US is still under Nazi control? It's a bit weird, but they need the villains to be a huge threat in order for the protags to be the underdogs so I guess the entire world being Nazi controlled whenever it is convinient is just the status quo of the franchise right now.

>le wahmen and minorities kill all da not sees xd
are they just going to keep making these games forever?
Are the nazis literally never defeated in the wolfenstein universe?

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Agreed. Missed opportunity

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If this is canon then I'm done. Unlike most people I was still sort of in with wolfenstein 2. The political leaning of the developers was noticeable in it but I didn't it was that bad.
That trailer though doesn't even have male characters. it is the biggest yikes I've had all week.

they'll keep making these games until white people are extinct

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kek. funny. it bored the fuck out of me, i played about half of it (until you got into that resistance bunker or whatever shit) and never finished it.
megapixel shit was looking good as was the graphics, but the game was simply a boring snoozefest full of cutscenes and button mashing. they should skip pc and sell it to consoleros, they eat shit like that

>the US is still under Nazi control
You can see in the trailer that the US has been Nazi free for some time now.

>based devs taking 80s-90s aesthetics back from the a*t right nazis
day one buy

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I hope there will be hot aryan bitches. Not as old as Engel abd not as fat as Sigrun

>That trailer though doesn't even have male characters.
BJ was in it, though.

Lmao y'all get triggered so easily



Dumb conservicucks

So is this Wolfenstein 3? Also, who is even the main villain now?

>So is this Wolfenstein 3?

>even more cutscenes

TNO was a fine last hooray for the franchise and was clearly made without sequels in mind (since the ending was very definitive and gave absolute conclusion, so they put a deus ex machina out of their ass for the sequel), so why tf do they put them out, no one bought or played the last one.

why did it have to be twins, i don't want to play a game where an ai steal my kills

>I dunno what they're thinking with this advertising.
I doubt they're thinking much. They're still mostly selling it on the Wolfenstein name. The neo-80s shit comes off to me as an afterthought, like they realized the game was set in the 80s so they might as well try and lure in people who liked Blood Dragon.

It's all canon user. You play as a half jew that shot his own dog and murdered his father, that kills white ass fascist nazi pigs so that mixed race communists can take over. You need to get smacked with the reality stick ffs.

>Also, who is even the main villain now?
White ass fascist Nazi pigs.

Of course people get triggered if you do it wrong you mong!

Look at Senran kagura and nier automata. No real gamer went Reee!!

I guess this coming out in July means Doom Eternal isn't out until fall at the soonest. Bummer, was hoping it would be out by June/July.

I think TNO was made by the same people who made Riddick and Darkness and it showed in an extremely positive manner.
This shit looks like they killed all the ex Starbreeze developers and put some SJW media class in charge for the franchise.


Can you at least put some effort into your bait?


Of course incels jump right on this.

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well, for one, Hitler would have died by now of his illness.

So new fuhrer for a start.

New furher, new look. new RAD look is what I was hoping for but oh well.

Also, subcultures can still emerge even under totalitarianism.

See: 80's USSR

Based tranny

Then play co-op.


I for one would welcome a new Fuhrer.

Attached: Fuhrer.png (205x221, 39K)

They'll probably have a new villain like The Old Blood did


i hate coop

ofc killing nazis is bad, they were the good guys retard.

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Looks neat

Shit, I probably worded it wrongly, what I meant to say is the US is nazi free but everywhere is still nazi filled. Even though BJ could probably free the rest of the world in 1-2 years tops if they let him do his thing.

this is gonna be a goldmine lmao

Will there ever be nazi niggers?

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Why do we hate nazi's again?
All they did was kill some jews. It wasn't even half as bad as what the russians did to the kikes.
Why do people hate them so much?

Gay Nazi niggers from outer space

I don't see why that's a surprise. It's not like Bethesda had any "major" releases planned for the fall anyway.

>Yea Forums got a sudden drop in quality

Yea Forums was always shit.

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I'd be fine with it if it wasn't for the cringy dialog.

BJ and Anya both have Polish blood so you do the math.

wow look at those horrible nazis convincing that girl she needs to be killed and then killing her off screen. you can read about it my book "The Holocaust, or How I Stopped Worrying And Loved To Tell The Lie" by Joseph bin Bergensteinblatzowitz


Let me guess 720p 15 fps?

this is the type of shooter i play


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but surely theres a financial district to deal with the Axis Powers? like trade to Japan/ Italy?

Imagine it

>Munich 1980
>Ralph Fienes, Recently graduated Harvard but it didn't mean shit, gets to work at the prestigious Reich corp HQ cos his dad knew Rockwell or some shit.
> goes to office party, its pumping because they sold more Jew gold today
>ralphs friend invites him to an after party at a cool new club playing something called 'New Order Wave'
>say cool, ill bring the Cocaine my uncle got me in Argentina
>get to Club Africana, drinks are free.
Terrorist commie wolf girls blast through
Shootout cut scene from perspective of Ralph, a new, non shit character...

...ill let you imagine the rest.


Even that's being hopeful.

it flopped because it was a bad game
unfun and buggy
I'm starting to believe the devs knew how shit W2 was so they started that whole sjw shit just so they could later deflect their bad sales with "it's the nazi gamers fault this game did badly, not because it was trash!!!"

Hahahaha FUCK YEAH
I was born to kill NAZIS >:)

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holy fucking cringe

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that should be good but I don't do kickstarters
funny how these zero budget indie games blow the AAA consoleshit shooters out of the water

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I pity you, you are not better than those you trying to ridicule

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I wonder why they want us to kill "nazis" so much when in fact they were not responsible for so many civilian deaths compared to their enemies. The people we ought to be celebrating for their "victory". No one was better than the other and all were equally responsible in the battles. Hitler didn't even declare the war and he sent multiple peace treaties and all were refused.
It was only during and after the trial of Nuremberg that the allies wanted to cover their horrors by accusing "nazis" of monstruous crimes against "humanity".

What is the Dresden massacre?
I can name a country dropping two motherfucking nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities.
The death toll of communism is 200 millions worldwide. Do we even have a video game or movies of hate-revenge against those?
Churchill sinking two French boats in Mers-el-kebir during WWII, killing 1200+ people in the process etc. etc. etc.

Why are we selectively chosing the bad guys? What does that tell us about our culture, and who rule us?

me neither, but yes it seems to become "decent". and the reason they are better is that they are made by players in the first place, not just employees.

>epic 80s pop culture references
>carpenter brut
>stonk females
>nerdy black girl sidekick
holy fucking shit what happened between TnO and this garbage? I seriously can't figure out why people are freaking out over VtMB2 when this bullshit is happening to fucking Wolfenstein.

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can't have quality gaming with an aaa title. you either get graphics and budget, or gameplay. usually not both.

i don't give a shit about graphics as long as the gameplay is good so i am easy off. no need for expensive new hardware every year either.

sjws and feminist really sucked out all the fun form gaming. all female characters now look and act the same. there is literally no difference between them anymore.
gaming used to have tons of unquie, likeable and fun characters which all had their own look and personality.
but nowadays all women have to be ugly, men hating marie sues with zero breasts and in sharia approved costumes

All that degeneracy kinda fits the bloodlines universe, so i'm not even mad

We're living the most mediocre cultural era because of these fucks.
We're right there in the hivemind of brain dead ideologies and generic personalities because these assholes project their retarded politics into their ugly characters.

Of course, it's no surprise that if you push women to be "empowered" all the time, all you're gonna get are poorly written female characters that cheer themselves up and kill a bunch of white dudes all the time.

it can have the best graphics in the world, doesn't matter if the gameplay sux and has cutscene every time you hit a baddy. it's like they have no idea how to make a game, they want to make it all cinematic and shit, but this is not movies. learn 2 difference or go broke.

That's only because you millennials have absolutely nothing in their lives beyond movies and videogames.

>made by players
well they are the same people really, it's more about the design philosophy AAA game designers are more interested in showing the player "cool stuff" than having them be engaged.
The old way is just building the game systems and letting the player loose on it

mixing videogames and pc games was the first mistake of this industryy, mixing movie-cutscene crap is the last straw. get that shit out of here

>SJW shit made by Swedish cucks


That leads to point that plot and story has no place in videogames.
You can't make a good story within a videogame, but that's okay, storytelling it's not the point of a videogame, in fact, it's always the weakest link.
Hacks like Kojima are called "geniuses" for a reason.
No videogame that has focused on the plot was ever worth playing and no cutscenes not worth skipping.

that looks like a 2010 game at most.
also why are they all so fucking ugly

you are more than a decade to be whinging about that

old ways are the only legit ways. the "cool stuff" is actually retarded. it adds nothing to the game except making you wait before you can use the mouse again. shit sucks

Feminists, swedish males, israeli's and jews.

They wanted to make the plot dark, depressing and thought-provoking, When it should've remained b-tier action movie insanity beginning to end.

>beloved hero
Fucking no one gave a fuck about this Blazcowhatever, he had literally no lines, no personality and never achieved a status like Doomguy.
Wolfenstein was always the smelly, less popular sibling of Doom.
Even Wolfenstein 3D was instantly forgotten the moment Doom came out.

when smart companies will start reversing that trend, gaming will be great again

As retarded as this "commie" shit is, you faggots are even funnier. Brainwashed to the point you start blindly idolizing enemies of what you hate.

I like how, when a millennial sees something he doesn't like for political reasons, he tries his hardest to shit on it ending up sounding incredibly forced.
As if they are trying to hate it as hard as possible.
Millennials need to be put down like the rabid dogs they all are.

and if not, then enjoy getting fewer and fewer sales and eventually bankrupt over time because this shit won't sell


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Well it will play like the last 2, so worse gameplay than Doom 2016

gamers don't change, only companies.
give them something good, and the rest will follow.

Obviously that has to happen if you've played wolfenstein 3d and return to castle wolfenstein and so on. I want ubermensch hitler in a mech with miniguns for hands and nazi undead/demon summoning rituals.

>Carpenter Brut is THE FUCKING WORST synthwave producer of our time
shut the fuck up
>lazerhawk is mainstream
no, he was one of the originators of the genre alongside power glove and actraizer but he is not mainstream

German soldiers were just normal people doing a job. Why do we glorify mass murdering them?

>tfw they LITERALLY did this with a Wolfenstein game with Wolf 2004
>nufags don't remember this

I don't, I glorify the killing of all 60 million who died in WWII.
They all deserved to die.

Will we ever get new singleplayer quake? with Sascha Dikiciyan as a composer

Oh boy, a 1/10 instead of a 2/10.
I don't know why Bethesda keeps pretending they can make FPS games.

The holocaust didn't happen. But it should've.

I don't care if there's a female protag but damn they both had really cringy lines and not even in a satisfying cheesy way.

very original and very funny!

because the devs are creatively bankrupt

there's so many awesome things they could do with wolfenstein but we get this uninspired cheap cashgrab garbage

I don't give a fuck, i'm talking about all the soldiers, civilians and retards who got involved in WWII.
If they died, it's because they deserved it.

>Will we ever get new singleplayer quake?

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give them a shit sandwich....
well, enjoy ze new wolfenstain

very true

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>Wolf 2004
rtcw didn't have that shit, 09 didn't have that shit

fuck this game is ruined

>meanwhile commie devs are committing thousands of work hours towards making their games political

Wow jimbo you know what the world sure is crazy sometimes, for instance were you aware that the six million figure was in circulation in the western media as early as the late 1800s? Truly wacky jim jim!

Mite b kool.

I'm willing to give it a shot. Hopefully its back to New Order levels of awesomeness; the Co-Op option is nice to see as well. I really enjoyed The Old Blood and The New Order and even enjoyed most of The New Colossus, but the shitty map-finding submarine post game, no-story ending, and crappy expansions were a problem. If they can fix this, I'm onboard.

Nice that the Deluxe Edition gives not just cosmetics but (if reasonably priced) also lets you invite a friend who doesn't own the game to play the full thing co-op somehow.

I don't see the bitching about RPG features, given that ALL modern Wolf titles have had them to some amount - kill enough people X way and you unlock Y upgrade. No problem there. Not to mention how especially in TNC you had differing health and play styles between different 'body" styles and items (ie Chair vs Majin Jew Suit vs Ubermensch Body Plus Upgrades . So yeah, I'm glad they brought back the suits, but admittedly I'd like to play as Billy himself and hope they have GOOD expansions and other content.


Does anyone else think it was shitty that Hitler was the weakest, wimpiest version that we expect from our timeline? I would expect him to have a body like Billy's or better, using the best tech the Reich would provide.

Doom 2016 was fine, best FPS I have played other than Titanfall 2 in a while. Honestly though FPS is kinda dead for me, I loved playing them back in the day but they really have had no evolution in the past 10 years.

the problem as i see it, is that this became a multi-billion dorrar business and it started out as a fringe hobby. something had to give, so we can't have nice things any longer. too much money at stake so they play it safe. and safe is just another turd sandwich.

Oh no, Wolfenstein, a franchise that had literally one decent game out of like 10.
What will we do without Wolfenstein.

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yes it's real

Sweden is not a meme

Reminder: this was a actual audience member reaction when they showed this at E3.

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better curb your expectations now and enjoy the indie apocal

RPG features are fine. I thought the stealth was very basic and underwhelming in the last 2 games.

>western game
>cute game
Choose one, user

Dream Wolfenstein game.
>B-Plot about alternative history
>Samurai robots
>Nazi mechs
>Cyborg Ninjas
>Gorilla with a scientist brain
>Final boss is super saiyan mecha Hitler fighting on the rings of Jupiter while the universe collapses around you

I FUN and over the top, we have the technology, so fucking give to me.

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Damn, one person.

>a couple people trying to cash in by exaggerating their experiences means that this incredibly well documented event is a hoax

i pretty severely doubt carpenter brut is a fascist

Wolf 3d was amazing for its time.
2009 was pretty fun as well.
The original was obviously good enough to get a sequel to.

Carpenter Brut is absolute fucking garbage listen to some decent industrial music you fucking turbo pleb.

Dream Wolfenstein game
>no plot
>multiplayer is Wolfenstein ET2


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Well it wasn't super involved but I thought that having the various mobility tools (ie through pipe, extend-o-legs etc..) was useful and being able to quietly assassinate officers was both rewarded and rewarding. Of course, they did all this without stepping on the toes of those who wanted to play iit guns blazing the whole time, because if they made it seriously stealthy they'd get bitched at rightly or wrongly for "mandatory stealth".

I don't mind if they do the same thing again or try to go a bit beyond in mechanics. Also, if Arkane is involved they have lots of info on good stealth gameplay and RPG/upgrades, given the Dishonored titles and Prey.

>a couple

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This video shows me how broken the game becomes once you play at a high level because ... i hate to say it ... its a console game. The game has a lot of magnetism and automatism and millions of other small controller friendly tweaks. Playing it like this makes the game look barren, with hardly any enemies that pose no threat. Playing it like this shows the many deficiencies of the game, it doesnt thrill me.

You watch a classic Doom or Quake or Blood or any classic PC designed shooter and when playing like this the game keeps up with you. Its not broken, they actually look designed to be played like this. You're not breezing through the game like this guy does with no challenge, you're sweating your ass off and wonder how lesser players are managing.

And give the Wolfenstein series to iD to develop it instead

>They made
No they didnt. A different team comprised of different humans did, before blompfdbbit activated their sleeper agent subroutines.

Did you ever beat mien leben vee?

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The original?
The original was Castle Wolfenstein which wasn't even an FPS.
Wolfenstein 3D wasn't good, it was simply the first FPS ever, the levels were all samey and the graphics engine so clunky that you constantly got lost in it's labyrinth maps to the point of it being an annoyance.
2009 was the epitome of generic brown and grey 7th gen shooter.

RTCW was the good one.

Just because Wolfenstein didn't take itself seriously it doesn't mean it was Reddit: The Videogame, you stupid posers.

I admit that I would like to see an expansion that actually let you play as a Nazi super soldier of some sort. There have been plenty of games that let you see the story from another side and or play a "bad guy", and the New Wolfenstein universe could be set up to allow such a thing. It would be cool to see the whole evil empire pagentry and whatnot (ie being honored in the Volkshalle), but I don't believe that we're in a place where this will be possible.

no plot
no gimmick shit
non gimped idtech
levels that are actual levels instead of a bunch of setpieces connected by corridors
mecha hitler
It's not fucking hard

>alrighty we need a music for the trailer, what do kids listen to these days
>well my kid likes to listen to carpenter something
>yeah we'll go with that sounds hip

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Even more important though a reason to buy - Wolfenstein Youngblood and other Bethesda titles WILL be coming to Steam, not only on their shitstorm Bethesda launcher or worse crapped exclusively from the poisonous anus that is the Epic store.

On that alone I have to give them credit. Hope the game is good!

Nazis probably didn't get the body-transplant stuff right yet which is why they just happened to have bodies lying around for the Resistance to steal, but you don't see anyone else besides BJ and the monkey-cat with a transplant.
Plus they didn't quite bring him back right after BJ killed him the first time. There's a reason they just keep him on Venus fucking around with his movies rather than waste resources trying to make him some immortal god emperor or something.

Doom Eternal's trailer shows how much it panders to the console demographic:

No, it's boring and tedious as shit.
>Hide behind a cover
>Lean out
nudoom's ultranightmare is more fun than that garbage, not to mention TNC makes you sit through these fucking opening cutscenes and do that wheelchair sequence again and again.

sluggy. sloo, and shite.
pretty sums it up

>Wolfenstein 3D wasn't good, it was simply the first FPS ever
it wasn't the first fps ever, even id made fps games before it like catacomb and hovertank and it was great for the time but Doom was such a big step up it basically made wolf 3d redundant

Industrial, huh.

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I can't wait for BJ to turn evil because he's a FUCKING WHITE MALE

So which daughter will be a lesbian a,d which one will date a black guy? At least one of these things will happen.

Since this is a progressive game, can we please have incest?

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TNO wasn't good.
There, I said it.
No weight to the guns, unsatisfying combat, shitty movement. Really ugly game as well.

Is this a spinoff or Wolfenstein 3? Is Wolfenstein 3 coming?

I'm still trying to find this video.

>enemy hp and damage multiplier

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Is this the notorious Aussie senator?

and pedophilia?

>Swedish dev
>WOKE Arkane Studios
Yeah no

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I wasn't going to buy this, but then I heard synthwave music

basically. synthwave music = automatically good game

>No weight to the guns
that's not true, the animations are way exaggerated
you're right about everything else though

Incest is only good if it's between brother and sister.
Between girls is boring.

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Yeah that's the guy.

All german soldiers were not evil monsters, the vast majority were just fighting for their pride and homeland. Having said that it's obvious why the nazis were vilified you fucking mongoloid. We vilify the soviets for the nasty shit they did too but you faggots seem to conveniently ignore that so you can play the poor little nazi victim every time.

Couldn't care less about the politics but the face models + animations are trash tier.

>Arkane doing level design
>Carpenter Brut(maybe)

As long as the most leftist thing they do is simply feature female protags, then it mite be cool. TNC was pretty bad but they might redeem themselves with a budget title.

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Shit taste.

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Give me Enemy Territory: Wolfenstein 2. I'll even accept your bullshit political rhetoric, just give me something I love.

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>O-oh Kool blaskavits is old now this might not be as bad as wolf 2...
>his daughters are mixed race and the mcs
Fuck this shit.
2nd game sucked arse and bombed horrifically
How did we get to this? I couldn't even play it because there was fuck all gsmeplay
First two games where fantastic the fuck this looks beyond cringe
How dare they smear shit all over carpenter brut and the 80s with this derivative gurl power drivel

The devs who made ET are the ones who made Dirty Bomb.

The 80s deserve to be shat on solely because millennials like it.

Thank SCIENCE we beat Hitler. Hail Neo Weimar Republic, hail Babylon, and hail Saturn. Amirite, fellow mutts, trannies, and sterile goyim?

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What i dont like is edgy protagonist(s)
Everything else is fine.
The old blood is still the god tier though.

>his daughters are mixed race and the mcs
No they aren't, their mother was polish.

>bombed horrifically
Did it?

>First two games
Which first two?

I guess that's possible, but then having a lab-grown super body (with spots of mods that can be found in the world) seems a bit odd.

I didn't think that BJ killed Hitler at all in this continuity? I though the New Order was a totally different timestream from the old Wolf3D games and whatnot. In fact, I think there's a letter in TNC near the end where the original Wolf3D boss fight was a dream that "A. H." had, defeating terror-billy and that they should be able to do something better in real life etc.

There are obviously other forms of bio-engineering (ie In Old Blood we see the supernatural-inspired old magic giant thing, in New Order everything Totenkopf does including putting brains in robot bodies, all the various super soldiers etc..) so I would think Hitler would have the best of all of it, given the scenario where the Nazi won the war and are tech superior. Maybe they don't yet have the special tech that saved Billy, but its at least possible or close to it - creating lab grown super soldier human style bodies are considered to be way more rare and special than the machine-style ones we see elsewhere in the game.

Reminder BJ body is replaced with new one so he techically still arround 50s in this spinoff

I thought the 2nd game sold really poorly, why are they doing another?

First video game nazi slayer is enough for this title.

is there more where that came from?


His daughters are fucking cringe
> I hope x works how the fuck should I know
Their voice actresses ate terrible as well
Yes it bombed
The 2013 and 2014 games

Black ops was good, mk ultra and shit.

I want them to say this.

>Yes it bombed

>The 2013 and 2014 games
Those weren't the first Wolfenstein games, they were the new, part of this cancerous movieWolfenstein franchise that has almostn othing to do with previous games beyond killing nazis.

Every Wolfenstein game is still canon. BJ did infiltrate a Castle Wolfenstein(considering there's like 50 different castles with that name in this world) and square off with Hitler and in Old Blood soldiers talk about how when they shook Hitler's hand he felt really cold, and you can even find a propaganda newspaper about an assassination attempt being thwarted.
There is a letter in TNC about it, but it's mostly talking about how Deathshead built Hitler's mecha suit.

>this game was good
>because le story
Kill yourself.

They've already ruined 80-00s
Now 50-70s is all cool again
Fuck sake why do we keep reliving this same period
201x's is so dull

She looks retarded here.

>RTCW was the good one.
I didn't mention rtcw because I assume that was the one good one user was talking about.

But it was better than most games from the series.