Why can't Nintendo make good games anymore? Why is this easy mediocre garbage allowed? The original Yoshi's Island wasn't easy for fucks sake.
Why can't Nintendo make good games anymore? Why is this easy mediocre garbage allowed...
Nutendo only cares about kids.
Same score as Woolly World, huh? Sounds good to me, it was the only good Yoshi game beside Island.
The whole yarn line of games needs to fuck off already, none of them are remotely good or interesting
Because you're used to mediocre garbage. Meanwhile I'd be playing a superior game like Sekiro. Fuck Nintendo trash
Does Sekiro play like a Yoshi game, which is what we're talking about here?
>I'm so mature because blood and gore, amiright bro? Fuck baby games like Mario and Yoshi! XD
You have to be 18 to post here, lad.
Yoshi is an actual baby game though. It's so insultingly easy only literal toddlers can find enjoyment in it
>portable mode
like I give a shit
>Fuck baby games like Mario and Yosh
What's wrong with this statement? Do you still watch Teletubbies for instance?
>A literal kids game reviewed by "adults" (never know with the retards in the gaming "journalist" industry).
>OP thinks this is a barometer for all Nintendo experiences
Holy shit you're a fucking moron. Are you even a gamer, or just your average brobox consumerist?
How come the original still holds up and is godly while every other game is shit on the series
Same for star Fox 64 vs all the others.
they need to learn kids can handle difficulty
Wait wait wait, you're not suggesting Suckiro is better than Yoshi's Island, right?
Dude, Yoshi's Island has bigger enemy variety in its first level than all of Suckiro. You can't just jump on everything to win, while you can parry everything in Suckiro's first level. Thus Yoshi's Island is also a better test of your skills.
>576p docked
Gonna look great on your 4k display
The demo for this was so fucking tedious. The "hit shit in the foreground/background" mechanic turned every waking moment of the game into "can I hit THAT? can I hit THAT?" since you need so many things to 100% a level, and 100% is the only way to get to actually challenging levels. Maybe 1/3rd of the time spent was actually spent platforming/ playing the game
It's not built in-house.
Super Mario World 2 wasn't made with the intention of being a kid's game. It was made by the 2D platformer King, Tezuka, and Godfather, Shiggy, in a response to DKC series. They got incredibly pissed that a bunch of britbongs made a platformer than they ever did, and as a result made the best 2D platformer of all time. Competition is good.
When people say PS2 was the golden age, Nintendo thought people meant the resolution.
Ebisu-san already upstaged Ocarina of Time. He doesn't have anything to prove.
Because they don't care. This isn't a Nintendo developed game. It only exists to make sure kids still care about Yoshi.
They have no competition in the "disney/dreamworks/pixar of vidya" category.
Sega's dead ans so's Sonic.
Sony killed Ratchet, Sly, and Jak.
Who's left?--Blinx?! They have that market cornered. It's why their gimped consoles keep selling; they target the alleged innocence of gaming. No one else is anymore. Not in the 'AAA' space anyways.
>why are my baby games made for the under developed mind of a baby
it's depressing to see a boomer fall like this
Good enough for me. If it was like docked, then I'd have an issue.
yeah every nintendo ip is so easy and kiddy, kirby, pokemon, mario etc..
The original Yoshi's Island was made by the main Mario team. The rest of the game in the series were made by shitty developers
>If you don't like colorful and easy babyshit intended for literal toddlers that MUST MEAN SURELY that you like the COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF GORE AND VIOLENCE cause surely that is no inbetween or a healthy natural take on that
This logic is so retarded yet it's all around Yea Forums. If somebody doesn't like what you like, just say that they surely must jump to the alternative. If he's badmouthig MMO garbage that you pay to play every month call him a wowfugee cause he surely must jump from one MMO to another and never playing anything else just like the loser you are do
This officially makes Yoshi the lowest-rated of the big Nintendo franchises. What a sad end to one of my favorite games as a kid.
The original Yoshi's Island wasn't like that you retarded zoomer
Is that what you see when looking at a mirror?
Are you saying Yoshi's Island was hard? Sekiro wasn't hard. Bloodborne wasn't hard. Monster Hunter World wasn't hard. And Yoshi's fucking Island wans't hard. But these games have other things going for them once you look past their falsly percieved difficulty, except Sekiro.
fire emblem and xenoblade are the only good from nintendo
so what you dumbass boomer
you can tell by the fucking cover of this switch game that is baby crap made and locked in a mode literally named "Super Poopy Pants Baby" by nintendo themselves
you're one big retard if you can't tell that
translation: sekiro obliterated my washed out boomer ass and destroyed my narrative of bragging about games having no difficult and saying ">implyings" in real life like the sperg I am, so now I don't know what to do. trying to get good is not an option anymore
Sekiro might become my favorite just for what its doing to the rectums of everyone on Yea Forums munchimg it over and over after spitting it lmao
Kill yourself autistic faggot
You ignorant faggot. I was saying that back in those days Nintendo's platformers had more challenge despite being for kids compared to the trash we get now
I wish literally anyone on this board would explain to me how Sekiro was hard. To me it's the easiest game I've played it a long, long time.
Is it shilling? A way to shut down any argument?
>weeb garbage
Kill yourself retarded weeb
why the fuck do they keep re-using the same theme? did they have a music budget for this
because they are lazy
I can't believe the Goemon team is stuck in hell making these baby platformer yoshi games until the end of time.
you tell me, you're probaby dealing with the damages the game has done to you now, so go ahead and share it with Yea Forums to help others going through a similar PTSD.
how much did you sell it back for btw?
Killing innocent animals>playing suckshi's island
I play mature games for mature people such as myself. I am a gamer.
Why does Nintendo dominance cause you so much butthurt, OP
No fucking way. Ebisu's games were always famous for their excellent, bombastic scores. The entire budget probably went into their weird obsession with Yarn.
I didn't buy it in the first place. I don't support casual garbage.
So, in Sekiro can I eat my enemies alive, poop thier flesh and use it as a projectile?
Yoshi and Kirby are the lazy trash Ninenteo franchises these days. The other ones can be enjoyed by kids and adults, those two can only be enjoyed by babies. And they perform awful on Switch too, however a typical Nintendo game runs in portable mode is how they run in docked mode, maybe even worse.
Nintendo makes a certain amount of dumb easy kids games every generation, this has been the case for every system. It shouldn’t be used as an indication of anything else they do design-wise.
that's your father you brainlet
Garbage like Yoshi gets a million shitty games that any other developer would've given up on a long time ago and yet F-Zero can't get anymore games because of reasons.
majora's mask is garbage compared to ocarina of time
He literally stated the title he considered "non baby" games, user. Don't be upset.
you sound salty
>Yoshi and Kirby are the lazy trash Ninenteo franchises these days. T
no, that's pokemn
It doesn't even look as good as MK8:D. Unreal engine was a mistake
It is since nintendo only makes easy garbage now
>I didn't buy it in the first place
this is why I hate engaging in conversation with anyone standing out as a retard in here
I can just see how big of a manchild OP is, I too played Yoshi's Island, Pokemon, Zelda and Mario but it was when I was a child, if I play a game from one of those IPs nowadays it's purely because of nostalgia, can you imagine being excited for a new game that is marketed towards children when you're like 20 something?
But neither Zelda BoTW or Marioddyssey are Wooly tier. :^)
It was. When nostalgia does it's ok.
>"now I'm grown up! I only play DS clones and shooter xd!"
Nah, fuck off.
>When the dab goes on and on, lasting for decades
Imagine the audacity of releasing a 2D platformer where Tropical Freeze not only exists, but also flopped, TWICE. Your game would not just have to be better, but like twenty times better.
Also Pokemon, in addition to the two.
Damn. How will nintendogaf defend this one?
>The original Yoshi's Island wasn't easy
>the 4k meme
You support casual garbage?
Nintendo doesn't want to compete with itself so Yoshi games are now the toddler game and mario is for the more experimented players.
Mario Odyssey has fucking trash and a 6/10 at best. it's no masterpiece
Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm mister? Yeah uhm that is one biggie Yikes from me!
Wooly World was better than Island in all departments except music and boss battles.
it was hard
nintendo is 60% 2D garbage platformers that once had their glory a dozen hundred years ago, don't know if you noticed this
thats about as high as a 2d platformer can score
It’s the fan base. Blame them.
>Nintendo: Hmmm what if we completely stopped catering to boomers and millennials and focus on children
>violently defended by fan base “HURRR DUURR MUH MATURE GAMES”
>Nintendo: Hmmmm what if we cut quality of games and the consoles themselves to save money while pumping out rehashes
>violently defended by fan base “HUUURRR NOT A REHASH AND IM HAVING FUN YOU HAVE NO GAMES!”
>Nintendo: Hmmmm what if we literally make DLC, censor YouTube videos, and basically copy all the techniques of our competitors. Maybe even make Mario a phone game.
You know the rest. RIP Nintendo you used to be great.
I'm literally emulating the game right now and I'm getting my ass kicked trying to 100% each level. fucking retard
Who says tropical freeze flopped? It did fine.
You must not have played many games recently then.
Even if you are some super leet gamernerd who kills every boss in Sekiro on the first attempt, or even after a few tries, then it doesn't change the fact that Sekiro and other Souls games are objectively difficult.
They require a lot more from the player, the punish you for not reacting to or memorizing patterns, and this punishment is more severe than most other games.
So even if you personally find the game to be super easy, saying it's the easiest game you've played in a long time is just bullshit.
But for your original question, here's what's hard about it
>you kill enemies quickly, but they also kill you quickly
>in the beginning you are not well equipped to deal with multiple enemies at once
>dodging has a very very small i-frame, forcing you to use timed deflects instead
>minibosses require you to read their movements to know if their dangerous attack is a thrust, grab or sweep, and then defend accordingly
>limited healing options
>dying or resting resets all mobs, so you can't use Continue/Checkpoint mechanics to slowly thin out a pack of enemies
Tf sold millions retard
>Why can't Good-Feel make good games anymore?
Because they never did. Everything they make is mediocre at best, but they are probably cheap so they keep getting hired to do games for minor IPs
The composer for the previous game left Good Feel.
>nintendo thread
>toddlers who more than likely can NOT get mommy to pay for a second console discussing a game that they don't even have the option to play
why do you do this
All TVs are 4K today. And unfortunately lower resolution content is gonna look a bit worse because they all use bilinear filtering to upscale instead of nearest neighbor.
Tropical Freeze didn't flop on switch. Total sales (Wii U+Switch) for the game are already at over 4million
Yoshi doesn't have a fanbase and neither does Nintendo. If you haven't noticed, it's all split into subdivisions.
>Radical dude tier
Donkey Kong
Breath of the Wild
Kid Icarus
>Inoffensive faggotry tier
Wind Waker
>Offensive faggotry tier
Etrian Odyssey
Fire Emblem
>Toxic whinefag tier
>Doesn't even fucking play video games tier
Majora's Mask
>Doesn't exist
zooming on youtube screencaps is only going to goes against your own argument.
I have a PS4 and a Switch and I'm buying Sekiro when it's around 30 usd because that's what from games are usually worth
Wooly World had a few a good tunes, I thought
back to your cuckshed souls cuck. respect your father
animal Crossing is the best
You never played Sekiro. Name one other game where after you die (read: fail at kindergarten Simon Says), you can just ressurect for free. Multiple times. How is that punishment?
You know what happens when you "fail to react properly" and fall into a pit in Yoshi? You die and go back to the start.
What makes it casual garbage?
Because review scores dont fucking matter. If you like the game, that is all that is needed.
>Name one other game where after you die (read: fail at kindergarten Simon Says), you can just ressurect for free.
Devil May Cry 5.
And it's not really multiple times. It's once per visit to a shrine, and then another time after killing enough enemies.
Fucking same. And its activision so hopefully itll drop fast.
yes because Yoshi demands the same precision and timing as Sekiro lol
Yoshi's Story was, however, incredibly easy, and is the model for every Yoshi game after it. Yoshi's Island was a proper 2D platformer in the same vein as Super Mario World before it. With Yoshi's Story, they decided to make the Yoshi games braindead garbage for stupid children.
>kirby shit
fuck off kirby fag
because mobile games
In Nioh you can literally cast a spell that revives you AND can be don't multiple times per life.
OH NOOOO next souls game confirmed to have two difficults to choose from
adventure in the baby crib (unlimited estus and stamina, survives every hit with 1hp) and walk in the park with your chihuahua (for people above the first 3 years of age ONLY!
Also an alternative to the chosen undead where you have invincibility frames all of the time 9for those looking to a more relaxing experience)
I'm not saying WW had a bad soundtrack, not in the slightest. Island's is just better. That being said, Wooly World was just overall a much better game than Island.
DMC5 is all about maintaining style and score though. Sekiro is a game about survival where surviving is trivial thanks to literal dozens of healing options and a general inability to die.
I'm asking the questions now. You fuck up in Mario and die. You fuck up in Souls and die. You fuck up in Sekiro and get another chance. How is Sekiro the ahrder game? It's not any easier to fuck up; it's all on you.
This. It's like fags forget that the first Yoshi's Island was the only game in the series made by one of their main teams.
Are you 14 or do you actually think you're funny?
How do I get into Yoshicore?
>It's not any easier to fuck up; it's all on you.
This is where you're wrong though. The reactions needed to not fuck up in Sekiro is a lot higher than the reactions needed to not fuck up in Dark Souls or Mario.
In a Mario game you have several seconds to react to an enemy attack. In Sekiro you have less than one.
Hahaha. People thinking only liking difficult games makes them a gamer.
Yeah well guess what fag? The game came out 20 years ago. Time to move on grandpa
but muh nintendo bonus!!!
Is it difficult or not, damnit. You guys have to agree on something first
Did you forget your image? What is that supposed to even mean.
But Ni-Oh's enemies can't be parried to death.
You just lie more and more with each post. The parry window in Suckiro is like 2 seconds long. Remember the centipede boss? You can almost just mash L1 and get every parry. The parry window in Souls is like a fraction of a second.
>why can't Nintendo make good games anymore
Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Smash Bros Ultimate are good games user
You're allowed to like both.
agree, i'm not excited for any game from switch this year
>But Ni-Oh's enemies can't be parried to death.
Most enemies that pose any danger can't be parried to death either.
>The parry window in Suckiro is like 2 seconds long.
Now who's lying? This is just objectively false I can't even refute it, it's like saying the earth is flat.
Your loss. But to each their own. I only care about mario maker 2. Other than that, nothing if fancy at the moment.
>You're allowed to like both.
no you're not. I have to say [current non-nintendo game] is garbage and praise [current nintendo title] even if in 2 years my stubbornness will have ran out and I'll finally play shekiro dies twice on dad's computer yipeeeeeeeeee
You couldn't even post the picture
Imagine compare Yoshi's games with From Software games. Absolute retard.
Me neither. Thankfully the time between the first announcement and release is surprisingly short on the Switch, so something might pop up.
The parry window in Sekiro is considerably longer than Souls. Dispute this.
Why are you so angry at people liking things
Your comment makes no sense. You post an image filename that has limited reach and expect a person who had no idea what you are talking about to post said image.
Logic on
I'm more concerned by the fact that Nintendo needs to throw whoever composes these baby toy sounding soundtracks into the trash and stay away from them. They've ruined every single game that type of music has been attached to
Yoshi's New Island
Yoshi's Crafted World
I'm afraid that Link's Awakening is going that route too because it has that same baby tone that I cannot stand. What better way to have music that loops in your game than by having instrumentals that are off key and sound like a 13 year old played it
Why are souls niggers so cancerous?
He's miserable
Nigga they literally had to nerf the living fuck out of Resettie and Red; Because Resettie yelled at 6 year olds thus them cry and Red scammed kids harder than Runescape
It’s stupid to have a 1 size fits all video game
another fail for the shitch
Kids love that shit and rarely give a fuck about 100%
surprisingly yes, game wasn't what I was expecting.
it's so he can get around image filters you fucking retard
>This is what you have in stock during this month while other people are having fun with Sekiro
Do you think at some point nintendo fans will lose it and just become a full time snoy? You know what they say about extremists.
Legit feel sorry for people forcing themselves to eat unseasoned crap like this just for the sake of Nintendo's name on the cover while we're all other are having genuine fun with shit like dmc and sekiro
>The original Yoshi's Island wasn't easy for fucks sake.
That's why I didn't play it, but I did play New Island and Wooly World and I will play Crafted. You can keep being mad Nintendo no longer panders to tryhard autists and I will keep enjoying their games.
Why not just be an idort, and get the best of both?
It sold millions you dumb nigger
But Yoshi's island is my favourite game and I can't get into a game with no challenge, why can't they just make difficulty modes?
Reminder that /vint/ exposed console war shitposters as poverty stricken third worlders who cannot afford more than one console.
Hiro needs to enable flags on this board to serve as a reminder.
You say that, but Kirby Star allies was a succes, and is the one of the worst Kirby games ever made
Man I’m not interested in a fucking souls game or anything that just feels like the game version of getting your dick stomped on
I tried Dark souls back in 2013 I still don’t like it and I never will
Fuck off
>autistic zoomer claims game he's never heard of before opening this thread is easy
Yoshi isn't made by Nintendo moron. The next Nintendo developed game releasing is Mario Maker.
Now you said something I really agree with. I don't like hardcore SNES games but why doesn't Nintendo include a mode for people that like that stuff? Even in modern Mario games there's some challenging courses but they're only extra shit that comes as a sort of post-game, which must be frustranting to the people who only care about that. It would pleased a lot more people if they just added difficulty modes you can can get a harder game straight out of the door.
no mony dude, so must go with nintendo first and foremost, always, no matter the generation
Because they denied visual fidelity.
How can a game be good if it does not looks like exactly as real life is?
Then why bother. Fucking pussy cant post intended image makes him a coward.
First day zoomer?
Mm2 is going to be the only good game on switch
No. Way to old to be a zoomer. Been on this site since the 00s. I just do not krep up with fourm bullshit jargin. Waste of brain space.
Based Yoshi dabbing on the NEET console war shitposters.
Review scores dont matter.
>dungeons are much much better
>story and atmosphere are more engaging
>unique and interesting mechanics
>3 day limit adds an element of difficulty
Mario Maker 2, Animal Crossing, Luigis Mansion, Pokemon, Yokai Watch 4 and Crash racing all come out on switch this year. An enhanced Pikmin 3 port is probably coming too.
Different times. Nintendo games have always been aimed at children.
Children nowadays are used to non-existent pandering difficulty on mobile/tablets. You can't make them hard as balls games anymore. Back in the days if you wanted to play, you needed to git gud. Nowadays, if a game is too hard, the kid can just drop it and go to the next game that isn't hard to have fun.
They finally put up image filters?
Thank god sometimes the mods aren’t always complete faggot
Reminder that the cheaper Switch model combined with Animal Crossing and Pokemon is going to ensure 25 million+ Switch sales this year no matter how much the Sony fanboys seethe about it.
Nintendo Bonus is unironically a thing, it's fact. If you deny it, you are a braindead autist fan.
I’m pretty sure it would be borderline board meta to call every 3rd worlder a retard money.
OP's acting like it does, so it's a valid counter-argument to his "point"
>>Inoffensive faggotry tier
what does this even mean?
If it is a fact I'm sure you can provide evidence. And no "this bad game got a high score" is not evidence. "this reviewer got paid to give a Nintendo game a high score" is.
>garbage world design
>shitty padding
>3 day limit is an awful game mechanic
>unironically died more times in OoT due to it being the first 3d Zelda
I would argue it is legimizing his ignorance.
this should be made the banner of Yea Forums. It's perfect to capture the retarded antics of the place that is """""""nintendoGAF"""""""
Hell in japan Dockless Switches go for about 220$
Just a regular price cut is 180$
Throw in a revision to make it even cheaper: 150$
Literally an unbeatable price
Most of the 8.5 and 9/10 reviews are from publications with Nintendo in their name. Hmm...
why are dong freeze fans so autistic? you guys always spam this crap in kirby threads as well.
Because Nintendo fans will always support and buy any Nintendo game matter what anyway so why bother trying.
It exists and the shitposting is minimal because it’s not really popular
The Switch has three of the best modern games with BotW, Mario Odyssey and Smash Ultimate
sonygro in ruins
At least Nintendo still has its own IPs, unlike two other console companies I am not going to name
>garbage world design
>shitty padding
All I can think of is the Zora eggs, but elaborate
>3 day limit is an awful mechanic
If you're too inept to do a bit of forward planning. For normal people it's a cool way to raise stakes and keep tension high while feeding into the oppressive atmosphere of the game
>playing Trashiro
>any year
shiggy diggy
>not on the toxic whinefag tier
it's been two fucking years since nintendo shat that pitiful excuse for a "zelda game" out, and you still can't criticize it at all without a bunch of seething reddit-spaced replies.
already elaborated. stay deluded you retarded majora's mask fanboy
>Why can't Nintendo make good games anymore?
Nintendo's last two flagship games are among the most critically acclaimed games of all time. What are you talking about kiddo?
No you didn't
How is Sekiro easy, it is like the Dark Souls of Dark Souls
from has been taking notes on what NOT to do from nintendo. that's why they're making kino like bloodborne and sekiro while nintendo turns 3d zelda into a glorified far cry mod and 3d mario into one of the blandest collectathons ever made.
heh, fedora cuck
Nintendo didn't make the game you fucking retard.
ffxv lets you use healing and revival items *after* you run out of hp.
respect your superiors, fromsoft subhuman.
>calling games kino
Back to your Yea Forums cuckshed faggot
you mean rockstar?
>Not in Doesn't even fucking play video games tier
Oh fuck off Kirbyfag. Your fanbase is a more autistic version of the people who play Yoshi games because you use MUH LORE to pretend Kirby isn't just a series meant for actual toddlers and parapalegics
you mean cuckstar?
two 97s vs. one 97*. cope.
*nintendo bonus
gamerankings isn't lying, cuckstar kid. don't forget your cuckstar bonus
>not popular
How that 2018 GOTY award going for Rockstar?
are you implying there isn't a ROCKSTAR bonus AND a sony bonus?
i thought metacritic is what mattered? that's the score botw fans usually spam all over the place.
anyway, the xbone version of rdr2 got a 97.44% on your bootleg ranking site. that's still better than either version of botw. so either way, botw stays losing.
Yoshi games haven't been good in like 25 years. A quarter of a century. Being shocked at this score is like your parents being surprised when you brought home D-'s on your report card. They weren't.
I haven't played Crafted World yet, but it's clear from the video reviews that Woolly World has it beaten, from difficulty, to music, to level progression, so it's interesting to see that they've both received the same scores. Although I imagine that it'll be dragged down over time as more people get to experience it.
I do think that the only point of redemption is its charming artstyle and innovative level design/gimmick, which to me, sucks ass because it could be so much more if they're able to come to the realisation that the most dedicated Yoshi fanbase is not children but people who grew up with Yoshi's Island on the SNES. Still stoked to play this, but my expectations are a bit lower now.
why are botw haters so fucking autistic?
Fuck you.
sony gets a penalty, not a bonus.
meanwhile, botw got the 3d zelda bonus and the "we desperately need the switch to succeed" bonus on top of the usual nintendo bonus.
>Review scores don't matter unless they fit my narrative: the thread
Uh, Eric.
Odyssey also got 97.
and the PS4 version is down to 96.45 so when you average both version the number is still down. stay btfo cuckstar negro
>The original Yoshi's Island wasn't easy
I grew up playing it on the GBA and it was very approachable until you get to the secret extra levels. It wasn't as easy as any of the other Yoshi games of course, but come on. Its main gimmick was that you could slow your fall and have a lot of horizontal control. It only starts challenging you 2/3rds through the game, and by then, you've already mastered the controls. Not to mention the functionally infinite lives.
And it was utterly forgotten a week after release...
>sony gets a penalty
For what?
Their recent games don't really have any previous games to compare to and they're complete reviewer bait.
It is jusr being hipster. Botw is popular, so it is cool to hate on it.
It was a great game. And the fact that you could climb anywhere was game changing, but it is not the second coming.
>sony gets a penalty
why are botw fans so fragile? i'm sorry not everyone liked aonuma's far cry 4 mod.
Just like every other game that got a 97?
friendly reminder that nintendo gets automatically deducted 15 points in reviews, because they don't give a fuck about inclusion and focus on objectively good gameplay instead
Based revisionist history.
Now go ahead, go regurgitate Joseph Anderson like a good little drone.
Fuck off, you'd be whining about the framerate if they preferred resolution over 60fps
>For what?
Woolly World is as good of a successor to YI from an entirely different dev team. Good-Feel are far from shitty, they're just not in touch with Yoshi's main demographic. Same applies to Masuda trying so hard to appease kiddies who play mobile gayms and fortnite with LGPE.
i'm sorry that you have to bring the game into discussion for literally no reason in a fucking yoshi thread. stay obsessed you buttmad faggot
What's the Wii U version of BotU on?
odyssey and rdr2 might have been forgotten but certainly not botw
>For what?
for demoting nintendo from industry leader to secondary console in the '90s. a lot of reviewers are hardcore nintendo fanboys who are still mad.
that's also why the media was so gleeful and rubbing it in when the sonic franchise went to shit, since they were still seething at sega too.
Physics and level design was better in the original though, all the new games are too slow and too zoomed in
97.40 so the average still goes up if we go by your stupid logic
>"You can't like what I don't like!"
i'm not the one who brought it up. blame for pretending that botw fans are "radical dudes" and not whiners who can't handle so much as a word of criticism about their game, even when it's coming from other zelda fans.
>for demoting nintendo from industry leader to secondary console in the '90s.
That would net them a bonus if anything else because everyone hated the way Nintendo did things in the west. That and Nintendo are known to be somewhat stingy with reviewers.
>he said while whining like a fucking faggot
Stay obsessed you whiny faggot
Okay. Now THIS is yikes. If you don’t appreciate MM you definitely don’t play vidya, whereas saying you like OoT and Pokemon is just a way to fit in with other boomers.
Games do not get forgotten. By the masses, maybe. But not in general. You will always find fans of a game, no matter how obscure or old.
Yoshi series has always been mediocre.
Fight me.
>The original Yoshi's Island wasn't easy
Right and wrong. It was incredibly easy at the time compared to actually challenging platformers much like Crafted World is incredibly easy now. It's not that Yoshi got easy, everything got easier and Yoshi's relative easiness to other games stayed the same.
This, reviews are part of toxic internet culture. Back in my day, I'd visit my local game store and pick up anything that appealed to me and try it for myself. Nowadays zoomers watch 10 gorillion review videos, try out the demo and base their opinions on that rather than experiencing it first hand.
Damn straight. Prob the loss of renting is what caused this stupid shit.
>and is the one of the worst Kirby games ever made
I would agree on release but the stuff that game after is pretty sweet. Big contender for hardest boss in the series is in this game.
must be a sad life you live
Ksa feels lifeless. Maybe it is age, but it feels so dull.
It is good for kids though.
...that's not what taking notes from someone means.
>it's now at 80
has OP ever been BTFO so hard?
People that only trust review scores are tools. Some of the best games scored like shit back in the day.
I owned it on GBA, retard
Reminder that Famitsu reviewers collectively gave Crafted World 37/40 (same as Sekiro) compared to Woolly World's 34/40.
Smashcuck detected take a shower
>Gets outsold by ARMS
So Smashtranny? How's those MUH SALES argument still going for you?
easy or not, don't matter. it's comfy and better than any western game.
>You have to be 18 to post here
I unironically don’t know if you’re referring to op or manchildren who play games with baby dinosaurs marketed towards toddlers and children.
the challenge comes from 100% stages, which is still more challenging than many games today.
said the smelly xenoblade fag
Your game is literally marketed towards children. It's literally mean for children. Just because someone points that out doesnt mean the play only le edgy m rated game. Please grow up, hit the gym, take a shower, get a clue, move out of you parents basement, have sex, and stop coping.
At least the bonus levels will probably be tougher. Plus I don't see any kind of Badge system, so that's good.
And if not, then hey. Its comfy as fuck. Nothing wrong with that.
For some reason they turned Yoshi games into super easy bullshit
Game looks fine but seriously fuck paying 60 whole bucks.
It is because every nintendo game released in the past 20 years is a literal kids game you dolt.
Nice reddit buzzword you gianormous faggot. Go back to jacking off to cartoonized child porn you weirdo incel
Most nintendo games are made for kids but have some creative ideas or cool level design so that adults can enjoy them too. But the Yoshi series is pure irredeemable babyshit. A blind retarded toddler could beat the game no problem
uh huh let me see your 100% wolly world file you dumb nigger
>adults can enjoy
Name 10
all the 3D mario games plus most zeldas
>3d mario
ah yes because larping as a furry with BING BING WAHOO is really what an adult enjoys
zelda 2 is the only good one
Yoshi games have always been easy on regular play throughs. It's going for full completion that can get tricky. It'll probably be the same here.
>zelda 2 is the only good one
>autistic tripfag
>posts a pic of a random chinese man
Shouldnt you be shilling epic rn
One of them is a GotY and the other isn't.
>The absolute State of Playstation
>Nintendo still wins
Eric completely raped in all holes
Finding all the secrets and collectibles is where the difficulty comes from.
stop jacking off to child porn weird anime nigger
this is pathetic