TES VI: TERROR trailer coming out today

Bethesda insider here
we are releasing new trailer for TES VI: TERROR in 6+ hours
stay tuned

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Other urls found in this thread:



Yea Forums insider here 4channel will be deleted in 6 hours

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Setting is of course High Rock and Hammerfell
not featuring stros m'kai tho, that is going to be DLC

As we all know, due to recent mismanagement, Hiroshima is stepping down and moot will retake the ownership position

lol the trailer is coming out in 6 hours
just wait for it

Considering Bethesda's stuff has been leaked/been posted here before, to the point of them filing copyright claims, I have at least maybe 10% faith this will be true.

Attached: undeniable and irrefutable proof game companies shill and damage control on 4chan, you cant say they (817x514, 59K)

uh huh

Attached: todd frown.jpg (1062x1062, 495K)

It's less than 2 years before it releases
and there isn't even a Special edition, a Game of the year edition, a Switch port, or a Bethesda edition yet.
Todd you're slacking

> (OP)
>Yea Forums insider here 4channel will be deleted in 6 hours
God, no. I'm too afraid of freedom

do you think Todd ever browses various Chans and avatarfags as himself?

He created Toddposting even before Yea Forums existed. Someone post the pic.

Nah, he mostly just posts sony wojak.

pls be true

How big is Vivec's dick/clit?

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I'm am Vivec

that’s the best you could come up with?

why tf did you post bicentenntial man?

Clearly fake and gay, they don't like to show games too soon, and Starfield is coming before

Even if OP wasn't full of shit, I still don't care about Bethesda's latest shitfest-cashgrab.

yeah, and im the chairman of the CIA

I just want another TES game because it's always confirmed maximum comfy.

Elder Scrolls Blades comes out in 3 more days

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>6+ hours
he never stated an upper limit, he could be right bros

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Link to the removed post?

wtf I love todd even more now

>circa Sept. 2000
>circa May 2000


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It's Top 10 Most Awaited Games. Can't you read ? None of them were out yet.

rip kc

Based retard

What is it with autistic wishposting and zero creativity? TES titles are extremely unique and are meant to instantly be associated with the franchise. How in the fuck do you go from Oblivion, to Skyrim, to "Terror"?

What kind of marketing strategy is to have a fantasy RPG known simply as "Terror"?

>no chinkshit

chess club tier.

I thought Starfeild was the next title? Why would they release a trailer for a game that's not due out for 4-5 years when it's not the next upcoming game?

Just retarded enough for me to believe.

Are these real?

dwemer cyborgs?

oh shit wolfenstein youngblood (bethesda product) trailer just dropped
he may be right

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No I just made them up.
Yes of course.


Well its TES 25 years anniversary, but OP is a faggot of course

some webm of DOOM multiplayer

>TES VI trailler before starfield trailler
yeah sure

That's nonsense. There is no major place named 'TERROR' in TES.

We're not getting anything more about it until after Starlight is out.

All that trouble for multiplayer nobody gave a shit about in the end
I do have to commend the multiplayer for having bots though.

don't be bait

Blacked insider here
we are releasing new trailer for "OP MOTHER DESTROYED BY 8 HUNG NIGGERS, SHE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THAT TASTY SPERM!" in 6+ hours
stay tuned

Blades is at least three months away. Look for it in July.

>t. Error

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OP Mother's insider here
It's fucking drier than the deserts of Elsweyr in here lol

I can totally see them doing that just for the meme value
Todd is fully aware of their games being associatted with bugs and errors and he probably wants to take advantage out of it
good viral marketing to be honest

Based, I'm going to renew my BLACKED subscription now.

>he doesn't already have it renewed
very unbased

OP is a massive fucking faggot.
It's not going to be a TES VI trailer, it's gonna be a celebratory video compiled from existing TES games with an abstract 10-15 second clip of "what lies ahead" type of thing. It's not going to tell all that much (kind of like the E3 teaser).
Screencap this.

>"what lies ahead?"
>*roll credits*

last gaym of todd confirmed

>young Todd loves Ultima
>creates overrated RPG series that's nothing like Ultima

Hideo Kojima here
Death Standing rereases NOW

Attached: dims?quality=85&image_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogcdn.com%2Fwww.joystiq.com%2Fmedia%2F2011%2F03%2Fk (530x326, 31K)

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that filename is almost exactly what I would expect Kojima to post. if you are Kojima, thanks. if you're not, kill yourself.


They only need to confirm Soule to win me. I like Zur, but he is not the guy for TES.

sankyuu Kojima-sama

Demi Lardner insider here
we are releasing new trailer for Dad's Google History in 6+ hours
stay tuned

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fuck you

OP here
plans have changed and instead of trailer we will be releasing video of Todd Howard shitting on TES and Fallout logo and then masturbate to nude sprites from Daggerfall
stay tuned

even better!

Beth games going to steam + free morrowind was a calculated move to dab on outer worlds

So uncreative it might be true

>masturbate to nude sprites from Daggerfall

Attached: DaggerfallLamia.gif (645x310, 79K)

post the azura one

>Not Azura's

Does anyone have the BBS posts of Todd? The ones above are from Yahoo I think.

whats wrong

don't get my hope up

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Thank you Basedentennial man.

What the fuck kind of title is this? Why would you even pretend like it makes sense?

biccential man is one of my favorite movies of all time
I'm not sure if I trust OP tho

It's terror because not only did they not include spears once again, but they also removed maces

I STILL don't understand what's their problem with spears.

It's called TERROR because after you see it you are going to turn 360 degrees and walk away.

360 is full circle retard

>being this new

luz he fell for it.

>being this retarded

Kojima insider here

theres no Death Stranding inside Kojimas butt

Attached: coming.jpg (356x360, 46K)

god I wish

>newfag still doesn't get it

It adds nothing to gameplay because TES combat is terrible

more like t-error
but seriously fuck t-series

What a great name

>You could have played with or against Todd in TF2

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Here's the track from the new trailer

>if you want actiony show off your computer games buy Diablo


Holy Fuck I'm old

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cant wait

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The game was released in 2008 but it was already expected in 2000? What did it take so long?

a-user I...

Man that was a good movie

big if true

Bethesda outsider here
just wanted to say that the only TES game I ever played was Skyrim, and I though it was pretty alright
stay tuned

Attached: face3.png (700x700, 239K)

Other Insider here, the teaser itself is called “Terror”, not the game.

Is it named after how terrible the game's going to be?

"Terror" is not something that comes to my mind when I think of TES.

it's exactly what comes to mind when I think of yet another Gamebryo game being released in 2020

>there's a steam sale up right now

lol what the entire design philosophy of elder scrolls is based on Ultima.





skyrim was the last shit i will ever touch from that series. and i played oblivion x__x

where's the link?

fuck off Yea Forums your memes are worse than Yea Forumss


Attached: Smug face.png (1600x1000, 110K)

op said 6+ hours
it's only been 3 or so

>- t
I thought this is a finnish thing, and a meme

you are aware this is NSFW right?

So is custer's revenge

>oh no no the advertisers

Get cancer, corporate sterilized cuck.

fuck you
some of us actually work and if my boss saw that I would be fired

Never played any ultima games (though considering trying one out seeing as I've discovered I apparently got some of them for free from GOG at some point), could you explain in more detail what TES inherits?

if you're on fucking Yea Forums at work while on the clock on a company computer then you deserve to be fucking fired you mong

>actually work
>shitposts on Yea Forums

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Valve time.

neck yourself dumb phoneposter

>there are people who actually browse Yea Forums at work, the board where sometimes lolis are on the front page for more than an hour

better than browsing facebook or twitter and getting immediately noticed for slacking off there

Anons boss here. Don't worry I just fired him.

Hey guys I just got a promotion.


It was a DOOM leak. The webm is still in the archive, but aparently I can't post it here because the copyright claim is still active.


Ha, ha!


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you better buy it

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the ultima games were the first games to expand beyond the wizardry type of rpg. in wizardry you just took a party into a dungeon and got loot and repeated that for better loot descending the dungeon to beat the final boss on the last floor.
ultima was the first big series that presented a 3d map and you traversed towns and dungeons. in ultima 3 you could talk to people and steal from them or fight them.
but his biggest influence and the game todd thinks is the best of all time is ultima 7. that game started the hallmarks of elder scrolls and bethesda games. every item that isn't nailed down can be taken or interacted with. the shopkeepers go away at night and lock up. the npcs all have interesting things to say. the main quest is totally optional and you can explore the map in any direction and advance your character just by doing things other than the main quest. you can kill almost anyone.

i dont even understand what entertainment pwople like you get from making up horse shit rumors, absolutely noone believes you

>3d map
Ultima games didn't have 3D maps until Ultima Underworld

Wow, I guess having good taste in vidya won't always make you a good dev.

i meant an overworld.

and yet you replied


In 6+ hours faggot, it's only been 4.

We's right smuckered now bruvs.

Attached: smug Zelda.png (270x388, 66K)

what the fuck is this?


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>two announcements today already
What does it mean?

OP didn't expect thread to be alive for 6 hours and will now have to answer if it isnt true.

I don't think you know how bait threads work.


His favorite game is Morrowind? Could've fuckin fooled me.

Skyrim wasn't out yet.

Oblivion is a pretty generic term for destruction

>takes place on an Aldmeris
>you start out with contempt against the redguards who slowly have started to invade your island
>the goal of the game is to destroy a redguard temple

Why would I go and leak something on an anonymous image board. Best case Noone believes me, worst case I lose my job

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No it's the fact that he's applied almost nothing from what made Morrowind to any of the newer titles.

Don't Zelda and final fantasy games have those? Or did Ultima come first?

if I worked at bethesda I would do it just for lulz and to make todd angry

trips confirm


But OP is a bethesda employee? So you are wrong.

Let's talk about The Elder Scrolls: Blades while we wait.

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>not even Daggerfall
Absolute shit taste.

So... what happened with it? Anyone actually tried it?

1 hour left if OP is not a faggot

OP is gay. Outsider here, please screenshot

You still can't play it despite getting leaked.

Still waiting

I believe I have Ultima 4 already in my library - does that capture what Todd's so excited about, or should I pick up 7?


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7 moreso, although I think that user isn't entirely correct. Ultima Underworld is much, much more influential to TES. Arena is basically an Underworld ripoff

shit back to skyrim i guess i still havent finish the game

Will keep that in mind too, thanks.

I mean, I would play Ultima 4 regardless. It's a great game

I'll start with 7, and if I enjoy it I'll play the others too

Fair enough. It's the easiest to get in to

and the VR compatibility?

One mour hour, OP. If isn't real I'm calling my mod friends to ban you.

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Is this cat?

One question. What did they retcon this time.

Fuck you Pete, I've begged you so many times and you still haven't delivered

kill me pete

I wonder how many people actually have a slight hope that it's real
Because they're about to get bamboozled

>killing nazis get you in the top ten by default

Stopped the butthurt /pol/ack.

I thought the new elder scrolls was going to be called Redfall?

Not even /pol/, virtue signaling this hard is fucking disgusting and since you condone it you're trash too

back then it wasn't virtue signaling, it was being a lightning fucking american dropping his massive fucking dick on the table

It was then and it is now
It's like saying "fuck killers" or "fuck child molesters"
well, no shit?
stop being fucking basic

blow it out your ass

Good. Blue boards are for pussies.

Imagine getting this upset that Todd likes to kill nazi.

Very smart XD
Imagine being this much of a simpleton
Literal NPC

Coming from a guy who can't do anything but throw out buzzwords. Pretty sad.

>Oblivion 2.0

At least the timing makes sense for a pre-E3 announcement.

Said no one ever.
Terror is also not a title that they'd ever pick.

>one buzzword
As said, textbook npc

>todd thinks killing nazis is fun and cool
>wow stop virtue signalling that you're such a good person because you don't like nazis cringe ugh criiinge
christ dude grow a pair you assblasted snowflake

Just bee urself

>i hate nazis therefore i'm a good person
american logic 101
americans were as bad as the germs and the gooks

Kill me Pete

first of all rofl no they weren't
secondly you're the one saying he's signalling that he's a good person, that's what virtue signalling means. dumbfuck euro go cry the americans are picking on the poor nazis somewhere else

It will be a Switch exclusive
t. dad works there

6 hours have passed, leaker confirmed fake.

Where is it?

Lol I was just fucking with you. Have sex.

Also sneed.

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>not even dubs


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first of all, rofl they were
allies did as much shit as the nazis, because it's war and that's the point
but you're a basic bitch that can't stick to the facts
second of all HE IS signaling that he is a good person, doesn't mean he is
amerimutt, i will twerk on your grave


How socially awkward do you have to be to get enjoyment over telling people fake leaks?

When is it coming out? 2025?


hey retard the holocaust happened, hey retard todd isn't morally grandstanding by talking about cool shit he can do in videogames

Somebody screencap this thread

Attached: kekasthrope.jpg (292x256, 33K)

feed and seed
we could tell, try something less obvious next time

gj op

now all the homos can go back to nexus to suck dick

Ex-Bethesda employee here. This is the real leak. It's not the new game but about the future of the series. In many meetings we discuss where the next game will take place and some locations are agreed upon for a mainline game to never take place in.
>Black Marsh
>Summerset Isles

based, keep making these threads
FUCK Yea Forums

why not, they've already been ruined by ESO anyways

BS. TES VI is 100% going to be Orcs rebuilding Orsinium in either the Wrothgarian or Dragontail mountains, in and around the Iliac Bay. Why? Because they're lazy and that's exactly what they would do.

The reasoning was a land filled with non humanoid creatures would not be as marketable along with most of Black Marsh being inaccessible to men and mer. They couldn't justify a proper reasoning to get around this.

As for Summerset they said that similarly to Valenwood the technology just isn't there.

dumb satania poster


Makes sense I guess.
Maybe one day we'll get the entirety of tamriel again.


Fuck you Pete don't you dare kill me, i have much to live for unlike these virgins

TES games besides arena are all named after places. daggerfall is a kingdom within highrock, morrowind is the land of the dark elves, oblivion is the realm of daedra, and skyrim is nord land.

Nirn also means "arena" in Ehlnofex, so it is also named after a place.

What about Blades?

spinoff, we're talking about main series

What a stupid fucking name.
Almost as stupid as you pretending be a Bethesda insider.


Better than Rockstar who just jack up the prices on their games during sales while offering a """75%""" discount.

But Redguard was fucking shit, Todd.
He could've enjoyed a good game with his friends but thanks to you he had to suffer through that garbage.

TES "online" doesn't take place in a province called "online" retart

After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the weight.


I believe you, because no one remembers that fucking movie but me.

No one gives a shit about orcs lol.

>THE worst race
>getting a game
Pick one.

>zenimax online studios
>main series game

>sea dogs
and they say russia made no good games

hahahahhahahahahaha twitter.com/ElderScrolls/status/1110996180568338432

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Lmao so there's actually something. Nice coincidence.

if you get fired for browsing Yea Forums at work you absolutely deserve it you useless retard

It started.

That guy's doing good between those two girls.

>watching unmodded oblivion stream in 2019

Well fuck that, even with wes johnson commenting.

if it aint Nickies I aint watching


>the imperial male/sheogorath VA giving genuinely interesting insights into Sheogorath's accent
Damn, this is actually really cool. And the guy clearly knows the game well too.

>oblivion stream
what did they mean by this?

Attached: thinking.png (455x454, 213K)

>This is the best landscape in the game
>It looks Morrowindy
Lmao Morrowind truly have the best environment.

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Attached: nice.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

This voice actor is fucking based

Attached: 1551328593703.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

>Dude mushrooms lmao
Morrowind was boring


yeah that guys alot cooler than I realized. also was nice to realize who he was in morrowind. like oh shit I've seen that guy so many times now I know who the guy is behind the voice .cool stuff

>Black Marsh is inaccessible to men and mer
>Suddenly it is accessible to men and mer
>Find out why
Pay me to write your stories

spotted the underage that never tried fully modded morrrowind

>dubs on Yea Forums
new as fuck

You don't need mods, that's wrong.
Shit bait but you got a reply so I'll rate 4/10.

>Also sneed.

>dont need mods
oh ok well that explains EVERYTHING about your views on morrowind. you're autistic and unfun

Ahh yes, we've been expecting you.

Attached: 1552661161015.jpg (500x679, 135K)

What ? Don't need =/= not allowing. there's plenty of cool mods. It's just wrong to say that you need mods to enjoy it.
Even though I agree to say that adding more render distance with MGE XE is something you should do everytime you play.

the girl on the right is really cute

I tend to go for engine tweaks and bugfixs along with render distance. also add a few small things like repeatable jobs/quests for small cash and of course a few mods I like that are for seyda neen. I tend to live out of the house of the guy you deal with during that found body quest. I mean hey free house and that's alot of storage early. In fact i'm going to go work on my orc herbalist a bit now while watching the stream

He's in good company.

My sides

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>tfw actually looking forward to TES Blades
i hope it's not total micro transaction cancer

is anyone gonna tell him?

>I tend to go for engine tweaks and bugfixs
MCP is obligatory but it isn't really a mod.
In Seyda Neen, I use the house in front of that one, the guy never come in so it's free to use. You just need to lockpick once.

Please do, idk what to expect of that game.

Ah I know what house you're on about. I like that house but dont use it as much. But I think I might move someone in there and see what I think of it more. I did a custom mod and fixed the interior of fargoths place up. That way if I handle his questline a certain way I always will have that as a backup. Only other town in the game I really enjoy is hla oad and I have a few mods that fix the city up a tiny bit. I camp out there on occasion. Past that I really dont care for alot of the cities for different reasons. Still tho if you wanna play as a out of the way charactor those 2 hamlets are where I tend to end up

>Lucien's voice
i must admit, that shit is creepy if you are alone in the middle of the night and someone whispers that shit in your ear.

Its gonna be microtransation cancer. Sorry user.

Wtf this is the same guy ?

Attached: Wes2009a.jpg (725x525, 47K)

>trans rights

No one gives a shit about your Channel, also your are still banned for life from Magic the Gathering you faggot who got its ass kicekd by a Straight Buff Tranny

People get old user

I like a lot of cities. What your deal with Balmora for example ?

>People get old user
He looks way better now.
Don't give me a link to some shitty youtube video. Just post what you think about it next time.

its hard to believe that he was also him

but then its hard to suspect that Wonder Woman also voices Azura, and her voice is kinda similar to the old VA.

I thought you'd say that. Basically it got leaked that theres gonna be microtransactions. And they're expensive.

>still havent done the twin lamps arc
I really need to get on that. it's one of the few things I havent done yet in the game

Ok we'll see then. I don't really hope anything for that game anyway.
>I thought you'd say that.
Then wtf did you post that shit ? Just the thumbnail is giving me cancer.

What about the "hidden" vampire quests that some NPC give you ?

Because I'm not your personal information broker thats why.

Past 6 hours user here, can confirm OP is a massive fag.

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I actually kinda linked Doom 2016's MP.

It wasn't the best thing in the world but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting with everyone bitching about it.

You're late.

Jeremy go fuck yourself you autistic you powered fat fuck, you lack any type of living moral you piece of shit.


>OP was obviously lying
>this stream happens
a happy coincidence

>Girls, grab my wabbajack.
What did he means by this ?

They Announced Yesterday that the stream would happen, OP is a Faggot
tomorrow is Morrowind KEK!

I'm not Jeremy. Also sentence construction is important. I literally cannot understand what you just said. Less anger more love user. Sounds like someone needs to clean their room.

>tomorrow is Morrowind
Who will be the guest ?

There are no Planes of "Terror" in the elder scrolls. Oblivion is a place in TES, not a "generic term for destruction"

nigga they haven't even released trailers for Starfield yet and that game will be released several years before TES 6. Why do you think you can get away with shitposting about trailers for TES 6?

Black Marsh is a Marsh due to the Hist. The Hist decide they want to be tropical now. Black Marsh is now Hawaii. Aloha landstrider.

Any update on Terror?

Attached: 1553625055947.jpg (716x371, 153K)

Why is the Black Marsh inaccessible anyway. Illness and poison ?

Yes, it's actually a whole new Elder Scrolls game exclusive to google's stadia.

Haha woops, meant to type TES VI: TERRIBLE
You fags will still buy it though cause yall are from reddit

Flesh eating bugs, disease, swamp, aggressive argonian tribes.
>Be Solider
>Walk into swamp
>See bug
>Flayed by bug
It's never been conquered for a reason.

Fuck you Jeremy

There are Terror realms inside the sea of WTF that is oblivion, just look at Vaermina's realm, where your nightmares roams freely, only to be used as ammunition by the Skull of Corruption.

Black Marsh is Yucatan Forest thanks to ESO

Elsweyr is now All of the India and SEA culture including buildings
which is kinda good because you you have Ohmes, Pahmar and Cathay Pahjeet dancers as canon

lucky for you user, you will be locked for atleast a week since its Yea Forums trolling material

Based Linoposter

Correct me if im wrong, Im not that great with elder scrolls lore, But doesn't the hist decide everything about the marsh? Couldn't it ease up on the defenses if there's somehow a threat big enough that it decides needs outside help?

Kill me, Pete


Lusty Argonian luau

Can't wait to hear your review of TERROR

>Black Marsh is Yucatan Forest thanks to ESO
That's not how it works. ESO is literal fanfiction, Todd doesn't have to abide by it.

Shame that they'll never do something interesting with it. It could be a really cool setting.

Attached: jeanlafitteswampcyprusknees.jpg (2816x1880, 3.8M)

canon fanfiction, mind you

Attached: howard.png (1068x1080, 931K)

What so bad about ESO anyway ? I haven't played it.

Todd abides it faggot, its canon and if you hate it you will accept it by force

Anybody who bought ESO should remove themselves from the gene pool.

Are you retarded? Oblivion takes place in Cyrodiil

They'd need some asspull to let you go to the deep marsh though. Let alone see other races in the deep marsh. Unless they have the balls to make the game 99% Argonian with the 1% only being around the border and ports.

It also took place in Oblivion. Hence the name.

this is certainly going in my cringe compilation

ignore the Wowfag, ESO is good, but its WoW classic levels of Slow.

Seethe more chinkfag

>Todd abides it faggot, its canon
Oh yeah? Gimme some proof, tough guy.
You can't. That's because Todd doesn't give a shit. His take on TES is the only that matters.

literally like 30 minutes took place

>Chinese Tencentsidian Bots are now bashing Todd

How am I a chink if I don't buy cashgrab MMOs?

The game could take place at the border of the marsh. Then you would make some pact with the hists to be able to get in. You would see a lot of foreigners outside with all the traders and everything but once inside only argonians. And IIRC there's argonians types that only exist inside and never come out.

What about all those doors you go in.
>ignore the Wowfag, ESO is good, but its WoW classic levels of Slow.
I heard it shits on the lore though.

>I heard it shits on the lore though.
Every single game that's released redoes the lore, but ESO takes the cake for "fuck it" style of writing.

Drink me fag

Is it typical mmo writting ?



>Is it typical mmo writting
Yeah I guess, just imagine ESO was right before Fallout 4 and during the "re-release skyrim 5 times" era. Bethesda was already writing it in at that point

At the border of the marsh, they could do cool stuff with pirates, corrupted imperials, dunmer slavers, ... It's like a big lawless zone.

Attached: LG-cardart-Red_Bramman.png (340x512, 200K)

Battle Royale mode on the marsh.

pick one

I didn't say they're named after the entire place they're located in, just that they're named after places. daggerfall is just a small part of the illiac bay region but you didn't get all huffed up about that.

>Assuming Battle Royale has to be online

I remember reading somewhere that some Redguards were super good with swords it was pretty much magic and they could slice atoms if they wanted to. Am I remembering this right or am I retarded?

Frenchies on suicide watch

are they even involved in the writing? the rest of the game was made by a new studio zenimax formed specifically to make eso.

No you're remembering it right. Sword Singing. It's a lost art now. They could literally create weapons out of willpower and do magic shit with them. Basically it was like Bleach

I mean ESO was in development for 7 years, before even skyrim, so probably.
