I fucking hate you all

I fucking hate you all.

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Yeah? Well fuck you too, Hitmonlee.


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Love you too, user

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Have sex Hincelee

You were never a good fighting type

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Hitmonlee is my favorite pokemon. Did they ever make any change to his design or anything after gen 1?

Lee > Chan > top

When has gf ever made a change to a pokemon's design
other than fat pikachu

me but to all of mankind

Haha i own all these find-it books but im not autistic i swear

They gave it the ability Reckless, which boosts the damage of moves that have recoil by 20%. High Jump Kick gets boosted by Reckless, despite the fact that it only inflicts recoil when missing, so Hitmonlee is a very powerful user of a very powerful move.

That's pretty much everything it has going for it though.


Remind the accuracy of High Jump Kick.

90%. Also 130 power.

I just finished Pokemon Platinum on emulator
Should I play Black White next?

We get it already chill the fuck out.

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Guys I haven't showered in like a month

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Take a shower you filthy animal.



Attached: Bruno's_Hitmonlee_Adventures.png (687x475, 48K)

i havent brushed my teeth in 8 months

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>only 8 months
Try 10+ years

holy fuck. i hope you get the worst diseases so you learn

Y'all niggas nasty as fuck.

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...disgusting disgusting DISGUSTING


Silence filthy human, it is a matter of time before the night takes over your miserable land

do you have any teeth left?

How the fuck do you not shower in month? After 3 days my hair gets so greasy that I can't take it anymore.

At least you acknowledge my existance. Some people pretend that I dont even exist. Fuck those assholes

Even me?

shut up faggot you love us

Looks like the top is at the bottom this time around

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i only shower once a week
i got blessed with nice genes and don't really eat trash food, so i rarely ever expel bad odors, it's usually just neutral

>made it my new year's resolution to brush my teeth every day
>actually did it for 2 months
>absolutely nothing changed

What’s going on here?

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