Baba is You and Good

>No Baba is You thread
What are you guys bashing your heads against today?
>Unlocked most of map zones
>Go back and finally beat Evaporating River after much being a brainlet
>Unlock Prison, heard so much about it
>Piss easy
This was the level that was patched, right? I think I'm playing unpatched, what changed?

Attached: baba_is_ass_is_hot.png (215x270, 4K)

Ba Is FO

Me is Sad

every month until you like it


user is not cool

leveleditor is when?

Baba is You? More like Baba is Shit!

>beat Evaporating River
throw me a bone. i think i need to use ``water is sink`` blocks to push FLAG to the left, through the skulls, but i just dont know how since i cant use the fucking cog

weaponize the cog



Attached: Untitled.jpg (1027x583, 133K)

>Heavy Cloud
I'm completely stuck as shit

nevermind I got it


you gotta somehow break ROCK IS PUSH after the rock is on the flag

Why is this suddenly getting shilled everywhere?

Attached: Coffee.png (500x375, 244K)

>baba make grass
>grass is defeat
Why don't you instantly lose?

make probably triggers last

People already own the game and they're discussing it on a board for discussing videogames. Unbelievable I know.

Might have been 1 or 2 shills at first who then succeeded. Because I know I saw a lot of exposure to this game, decided to check it out, seemed like the kind of game for me so I got it and now I'm also here in the threads because I'm having fun with the game.

It's how the game command order goes. If there is no grass on the panel before you step in then you pass the defeat check.

How long is this game?
The concept is great but at the same time it could be super short.

IDK man its the jews or EA's doing, should have been Sekiro thread #71

Nevermind I got it, was completely stuck on the WRONG idea, as usual

Same, I even pirated it first.
Also, the dev is pretty cool.

Depending on how good you are and much you like the mechanic honestly. I'm 14 hours in I've barely completed over a hundred levels.

Sounds good to me.

Having enthusiasm for any game is shilling right

I've completely finished the game, took me 45 hours

That's what I thought, too. The skulls are a red herring. Can't really say much more because there's almost nothing to the puzzle apart from the solution. I guess I could say that you only need to think about getting past one skull

Heavy cloud is the sequel, right? Congrats, still stumped by this, think I'm also doing the same non-solution over and over in different variants.

Yeah it's the harder version. I did look up a hint tho, but I solved it myself from there. Just needed to get out of the wrong mindset.

Literally only bought it on the back of one of these threads, and now I have become the shill OP. It's just nice to come across a new and unique puzzle game that goes in fucking raw.

New game gets threads, color me surprised. You can complain about shilling if these threads are still a daily occurrence in 2-3 months like the Celeste shills and falseflaggers long after release.

>game introduces conditionals
Aww fuck I already know this is gonna be brainwracking

>mfw Meta-Extra 3
How the fuck do I even begin with this one?

Attached: I can't even.gif (300x170, 719K)

>Think you got the puzzle solved
>Get blocked by a detail you hadn't noticed
These cheeky fucking devs i swear to god

Attached: 2nqz0ad.jpg.gif (256x195, 3.97M)

level is baba
oh shit

what now?

>Any puzzle where you have to push or pull empty
I hate this.

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>grass is stop and defeat
But then you can't touch the grass...?

>Forget you have to line up ROCK and ON first

All it basically does is prevent you from ever touching your existing path, or using the wait/spacebar feature. If you wait, you're defeated, if you block yourself you're locked in by your grass and have to undo or restart. No wait kind of matters for this one, since you Need to use KEKE to serve as a fuse for a specific thing

It bugs me that I can see this possibility in another level, but can't figure out how to actually solve it that way

the tile was empty when you entered it

Feels good

Attached: PChIbGR[1].png (1920x1080, 69K)


EMPTY is PUSH is simple though. Just push other shit at the end of any horizontal/vertical in the direction you need to go, and remove any attributes from it before doing EMPTY IS PUSH.

Because i fun. I want things i enjoy to succed

Yes, but it doesn't mean it's a bad game.