>make it a Xbox exclusive

What were they thinking?

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Microsoft published it, dude.

Didn't work for Blue Dragon, didn't work for Vesperia.

Microsoft wanted to up their eastern street cred. It didn't work, but it was a good game.

Microsoft actually cemented Xbox 360 as the clear Weeb Station of the generation. Unfortuanately nips and western normie """weebs""" are more interested in the image associated with a console then the games it had.


Shut the fuck up you stupid little faggot

This game was incredible.

It is clear based on the library of games though.

You're insane. Name as many 360 exclusive JRPGs as you can and I will name 3 times as many that were ps3 exclusive.

the ps3 and wii had more japanese games.

>from the guy who nearly killed Squaresoft

What were they thinking, indeed?

Yeah but gud games.
See above

lol no. the 360 had far less good japanese games than either of those consoles.

That same guy is now making a game for Apple Arcade. The man doesn't give up, to his credit.

Literally the only 360 exclusive JRPG I can think of that hasn't already been named in this thread is Enchanted Arms and that's generic garbage, I think that might be the full list though.

I mean games that would meet the bar of "decent" sure there is quantitatively more on PS3. But overal quality of the system as a weebstation, Xbox 360 has PS3 beat. Especially if you count Vesperia.

Oh wait even that was on PS3

>Mein Negroes.

You are brain damaged, all the 360 JRPGs were shit.

they'd all be highly praised if they were the exact same games but were on PS3.

>muh sony boogeyman held microsoft back!

To be fair when LO, Blue Dragon and Vesperia were released, the PS3 had almost nothing. Only around 2010 PS3 started to have more anime shit, in the west at least.

>ni no kuni
>eternal sonata
>white knight chronicles
>valkyria chronicles
>demons souls
>dragon's crown
>persona 5
yeah no

>the best Tales game
>motherfucking Blue Dragon
>artificially limiting this to RPGs

That they had a better game than the same gen Final Fantasy title (honestly not that hard to do given that it's13) and they were right.

>artificially limiting this to RPGs

They were thinking that good games in JRPG genre would help to push Xbox 360 in Japan, actually.

Unfortunately when it comes to console wars good games are trivial, look at how well PS4 is doing without those.

>Look at how well ps4 is doing without those

absolutely seething

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The 360 got some exclusive (among consoles) shmups like Death Smiles

I liked Persona 5 on my PS3

Yeah not all weeb trash is a JRPG. You forget Bullet Witch, DOAX2, Tenchu Z, Ninja Gaiden 2, Onechanbara

Sure you did.

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>last remnant and fucking bullet witch got pc ports
>this and nier 1 don't
its no halo but man

The commercial introduced me to Jefferson Airplane, so that was a positive.

Not to mention exclusive STGs some of which MS funded to develop

>One of the best Naruto games
>One of the best anime games
>One of the best open world games (at least considering its age)
>One of the best Ubisoft games
>Will never leave Xbox 360 imprisonment probably due to some rights bullshit
Fuck bros, it's not fair. Ultimate Ninja Storm is fun and all, but before Ubisoft went to shit they managed to fucking perfect what Namco is still incapable of doing (recent One Piece game)

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Yeah I am not a Schmup guy, but 360 had the market cornered and seemed to lead a renaissance. Still I thought Last Remnant, and Lost Odyssey alone would have cemented my point.
>bullet witch on steam
Did not know this. Neat. Should I buy it or just stick to the 360 version?

Oh well get fucked the finished version is PS4 only, thanks for beta testing.

Finished version is only getting announced.

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Announced for PS4 only.

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its still a garbage game but xseed did put some effort into the port if you're interested in replaying


So far.

So was Crash Racing and Disgaea 5.

That was the point nigger. They were trying to get sales in Japan.

Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled has never been a Playstation exclusive. Are you pretending that it's the same game as CTR for ps1 because it's not, it's a complete remake, people are already reporting gameplay differences that irk them. The best kart racer of all time shall forever remain on ps1.

I wouldn't say it counts. Mistwalker was paid by Xbox to publish on 360 only to try to help its abysmal sales in Japan. Thats 2 of the games listed there that wouldn't have naturally existed by choice. On a side note, of course the fucking retarded japs only cared about Blue Dragon and not based Lost Odyssey.

>Still no Lost Odyssey, Phantom Dust, or Infinite Undiscovery release on PC

Only partly, early on it was definitely due deliberately courting JRPG devs, but as MS stopped giving a fuck to keep their library diverse (and ESPECIALLY when they went full retard with Kinect) PS3 overtook rather easily.

The seventh gen was really interesting in how it developed, particularly the 360 with the rushed early design, and the different approaches, and how they all ended up blending together in a horrible mix by the end of it (Kinect and PS move taking Wagglan from Wii, PS+ taking "Service" from Xbox live, WiiU taking a uncreative naming convention from PS3), This gen is just a wet fart in comparison.

Absolutely seething. Xshits are delusional, enjoy being booted out of the console race

>enjoy being booted out of the console race
But they are coming off the most profitable years their gaming division has literally every seen.

>especially if you count vesperia
why? tales of is a mediocre series even if vesperia is one of the best ones. Demon's souls, persona 5, xenoblade, valkyria chronicles are all far better than anything offered on the 360. vesperia is on the ps3 too btw just not outside jap land

why do xbox fans put LO on a pedestal? it's a slightly above average jRPG at best and part of the reason mistwalker got delegated to mobile shit (the other was xenoblade overshadowing last story). The worst part is they go onto say it's one of the best of last gen when stuff like Demon's Souls, TWEWY, and Xenoblade exist. It's clear these baboons haven't played shit . Fucking obnoxious

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Is this game BC and is it One X enhanced if it is?

Did the devs even make decent money from it then? I can't imagine such a genre selling well on what was at that point the biggest dudebro console of all time before the PS4.

>Did the devs even make decent money from it then?
No. To the surprise of no one, it flopped

Nope, but i bought it and it was one of my main motivators to get a 360 along with MUH RARE, that also did poorly, still i think Early 360 was far better then Early PS3, RROD not withstanding, and i say that as a Idort.

Honestly, considering what a big deal Resistance was back in the day things PS3 wasn't exactly slacking on the Dudebro departement when considering the multiplats, not that people remember Resistance these days, fuck people seem to barely remember MGS4.

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LO wasn't amazing but still nice as a JRPG, but the 1000 years of memories segments make it a 10/10 must-play JRPG tbqh. Amazing shit.

Japan refuses to buy consoles that aren't made in Japan. Simple as that.
Microsoft tried to attract them with nice selection of JRPGs, but failed. I don't know, I just find it funny and pathetic at the same time. I live in Croatia. The standard here is not good, I don't have much money left when I pay my bills, but I always manage to save some money for my hobbies; gaming being one of them. If I see something, like something, I buy it - it is simple as that. Japs would rather eat shit to get a game on their Sony and/or Nintendo system than buy it for non-Japanese system. You call Nintendofags port beggars? Japan begged SquareEnix to release The Last Remnant on PS3 FOR YEARS.

because xbox fans will always be more obnoxious than everyone else, even if they're currently outnumbered by sony and nintendo fans
you know why NG fags constantly shitpost about DMC, bayo and other character action games? because NGB and NG2 still have pseudo-exclusivity thanks to the PS3 ports being gimped

no, they are not. They are good and better than the main game's story but nothing close to 10/10. Nothing by sakaguchi is close to a 10/10. Closest thing to a 10/10 is the soundtrack because of uematsu

Soundtrack wasn't that good, user. Maybe you should judge it by the tunes, not the composer.

yes, it was weak by uematsu standards, but still the best part of the game

I really disliked the combat, to be honest. For a turn based game it just seemed too slow, like I'm playing FF IX all over again.
But I agree with that user that 1000 Years of Memories was the best part; some of those stories were amazing. And Jansen, that guy kicks ass.

It will come out for switch..... they'll make an announcement any day now.....


Sounds like you're just some brainlet retard who has a thing against Sakaguchi for some reason. Well despite whatever console-war-tier autism you have, those short stories weren't written by Sakaguchi, retard.

because sakaguchi is worshiped when all his shit is mediocre. He has good ideas but the execution leaves much to be desired
>those short stories weren't written by Sakaguchi
explains why they're better than the main story

Best JRPG battle theme goes to Lost odyssey.

In terms of RPG mechanics it didn't really revolutionise anything, but the whole immortality concept was interesting and it built an interesting story around it. Albeit it one that ended up with a batshit crazy explanation in the end.

The emotional short stories and a handful of the scenes were pretty brutal too which left an impact.

Yeah unironically the 360 was the JRPG machine for a few years.

I switched sides now because the Xbox one has nothing.

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LO was one of the best JRPGs to come out of that generation. Not up for debate.

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Can someone list all the jrpg 360 exclusives for me? I'd be interested in checking them out

It felt like what FF XIII should've been. Plus it was cool to see an HD JRPG with classic ass gameplay that didn't try to add real-time elements to it or whatever the fuck FF XII attempted.

Basically, it felt like a JRPG and not single-player MMO.

>you're now remembering the Ice Cave boss with a passive that resists magic damage when you're forced to field a team that only does magic damage

Microsoft was pushing hard for Japanese games in the hueg and 360 days. The first SMT game on a 6th gen console was the Xbox's NINE, whose assets were recycled to make Nocturne. We also got some gems like Metal Wolf Chaos out of From Software.
For some reason, all of Cave's STG ports found their way onto the 360 while only Ketsui made it to the PS3.

Because some genius put Hanna's departure as the first Thousand Years of Dreams you unlock.
I was set for an entire evening of gaming, and I had to go lay down after reading that.

>not buffing the shit out of the little guy to smack his ass

That asshole worm duo at the start of the game or the Ancient fiend at the temple were the real bullshit

Blue Dragon
MagnaCarta 2
Infinite Undiscovery

"yes microsoft, we will take your wheelbarrows of money to make a game we weren't going to make otherwise"

i wonder why these didn't come out in japan when plenty of nips like ubisoft games.

Oh no please Kaz Hirai the Xbox is taking away the weaboo games from us

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The Xbox One has a lot of jrpgs, probably more than the 360.

I think I've been spoiled by more modern RPGs. I went back and tried to replay Lost Odyssey a few months ago but I couldn't stomach those encounter rates at all. The fights can take a pretty long time with all the loading times too.

So how likely is it that Lost Odyssey will ever land on the pc or another console? I actually rented out a 360 back in the day in order to play this game. But I could never finish it. Is it really that hard for me to give them money?

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Lost Odyssey, more like the last Final Fantasy game.

It's on the Xbox one

Very very little, the developer is now a defunct mobile game company that puts out very little. Better off modding a 360.

it's the marketing dude, not the overall population


japanese audience

Why are they buying from Sony then? It's a Californian company.

The answer to many questions.

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