Why are low skill Nintendo games the most popular ones for speedruns?
Why are low skill Nintendo games the most popular ones for speedruns?
Because even speedrunners value fun
Because they can be played quickly I assume.
>why are easier games to do fast popular to for doing them fast.
Why wouldn't they be?
They have the most competition, and more competition in a domain like speedrunning means higher ceiling. What was indeed a pretty casual experience has often turned into a hell hole of tricks to shave off seconds.
Because they might be fast
Because if you're not having fun why would you spend thousands of hours playing the game?
Low skill floor, but high skill ceiling
Why did OP ask such a retarded fucking question?
Once you get decent times the level of competition is insane, it's anything but low skill. As to why mario's are popular they focus on gameplay so there is no time wasted and it also dates from the early days of speedrunning popularity as in "look this guy finished Super Mario Bros in under 5minutes!" and it remained a tradition.
It's much more logical for speedrunning than favoring hard games, they have smaller runner scenes and less active communities.
Did you have a stroke writing this
>they're more popular because they're more popular
Nintendo logic
Because they're fun
If you're 6
smo speedrun requires insane execution, you're a mongoloid
You're a nigger
It's definitely anything but low skill at the competitive level. Also Mario games are perfect for speed running, it's all about the gameplay with very little fluff or story you just jump in and get right to it.
ur 2 slow
>Growup with Crash
>Play mature games like Grand Theft Auto
>Play Demon's Souls because just like College, you need challenge in your life
>Meet Mary and start a relation ship
>Buy a house and get a PS4 to watch netflix with Mary while still being able to enjoy amazing games like Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne in your free time
>Grow up with Mario 64
>huh I love Mario 64
>College? Mom, I want to stay home playing videogames!
>W-who needs a GF I'm the Mario 64 world record
>Maybe if I become a tranny someone'll have sex with me...
I'm impressed, I've only played odyssey a few times though
Have sex
>low skill
sure the game is easy but the mechanics are flexible and allow you to play technically at a high level, it's the complete opposite to modern game designers who just want to show you something cool and let the game essentially play itself
>plays video games
>shitposts on Yea Forums about how his toy is better than yours
>crys himself to sleep while pretending he's successful on the internet
>play video games
>has fun
OP here. I actually just wanted a thread about how Nintendo games tend to be inherently mechanically very sound with low skill floors and high skill ceilings. I also wanted to laugh if any Sony niggers agreed
Literally seething.
My job here is done, enjoy virginity Nintendo s0iboys
>you can't make a thread in good faith on Yea Forums and need to make a falseflag shitpost in order to attract attention
I fucking hate that place
Aren't you that guy from State of Play?
Mario games have low completion and success requirements but a near infinite ceiling for platforming tech and ways to take the mechanics further. It's why people still mine Mario 4 to this day.
Banter aside the reality is that a game's casual difficulty has nothing to do with its speedrun difficulty. A game can be incredibly hard by casual standards but easy to speedrun because it lacks depth so the skill gap between casual players and speedrunners is tiny. Precision platformers are examples of this to an extent though they usually do give avenues for optimization. Meanwhile a completely casual game designed as more of a playground can become incredibly difficult when speedrunning it because all those useless systems suddenly come into play. There's also the fact that speedrunning will be completely outside of the range of playstyles the designers considered so any kind of difficulty balancing goes completely out the window.
the absolute state of snoy...
>people who don't worship my brand are virgin and I'm beautiful
You think like a woman, something definitely didn't go that well in you life
Because speedrunners are infantile
You catch more Yea Forumsirgins with Braps than with honey
So(n)yponies haven't paid enough for all the console war shitposting they brought upon this board
More suffering is required
Games with less RNG make for better speedruns. Losing time because of dumb shit you can't control isn't fun. Nintendo games have good consistency so only your input usually matters.
>Go into "Hardest boss fight" thread on Yea Forums
>It's literally all jarpig nintendo shit
>Mention Hibachi
>No one knows
Gaming is fucking dead
That Super Mario Sunshine documentary was actually pretty interesting.
Organized speedrunning seems like a great way to bugfix a game.
You know the world record for bloodborne is almost the same time as this, right?
When this board become the HQ for bugmen? Is it cause it's fucking springbreak over in ZOG? There are about 20 different threads on this piece of shit, which makes you a bugman by default. All you fuckers are missing is the picture with your mouth wide open showing primal fear. And not a SINGLE goddam thread to do with anything PC.
Say it with me B U G M A N-C E N T R A L. Off to infinti
making a thread about speedrunning in good faith on Yea Forums invites literally nothing but tranny shitposting
>shmup autists
>Being good at a game is bad
The west has truly fallen
I didn't call you good at anything.
>He doesn't even know how to reach Hibachi
Holy shit
>shmup autists
Whose talking about the Chinese right now though?
That was a perfectly understandable sentence. Are you sub 80iq?
Just because a sentence is "understandable" doesn't make it coherent or written correctly.