User, did you have your check-up today?

user, did you have your check-up today?

Attached: 1552621452411.jpg (1050x1680, 886K)

Is she gonna give me a prostate exam


oof this is what i want.

Attached: __florence_nightingale_scathach_and_scathach_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_obiwan__6a5ffd0b6d55d (1000x1414, 764K)

It depends, user. Is there any blood in your stool? Are you suffering any erectile dysfunction? I have an easy solution for either of those symptoms.

Attached: daybpg4-2b821f0e-be52-4eae-b653-328c786b2e8f.png (840x1260, 1000K)

gratitude, health care provider.

now post the official art

Thank's nurse!

It's not THAT bad

Attached: Nightingale1.png (512x724, 275K)

Every user should get a prostate exam, regardless of your stupid waifu

>those hands
>those legs

Attached: 1553180430954.jpg (646x687, 69K)

I just want to get pegged by a cute girl

She looks a bit chunky

Post her eye patch version.

>those colors

Attached: pic.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Attached: Nightingale_official.jpg (807x736, 151K)

Made for BLVCK BVLLS only.


Attached: Nightingale3.png (350x495, 352K)

a bit fatty?

Attached: 65614011_p0.png (512x875, 910K)

Never even touched FGO but I have touched myself an insurmountable amount of times to it.

>That one doujin of /emotionless/ Nightingale relieving her master on camera.
>She starts off completely emotionless but is really subtly and slowly broken down by soft pleasure
10/10 doujin. Most emotionless-sex doujins usually have them breaking down really fast or really exaggeratedly, but in the Nightingale doujin, she breaks down the perfect amount.

This autistic titty nurse refused to respond to my calling. But then again all I threw at her was 10 tickets and nothing else.

Attached: __florence_nightingale_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_mashu_003__49d9a6f8ccd7e7d67df371ef3e017e52 (1302x1842, 1.11M)


My thanks medical practicioner, just what I came here for.

There isn’t any blood in my stool, however I do see a tiny bit when I wipe and my anus aches a bit

>One of the purest historical women
>Portrayed as a skank
Fateshit was a mistake.

Behold a saint so famous for her purity, so touched by the divine that men felt ashamed at even the slightest thought of lewdness toward her.

Attached: 1525019958744.png (1468x1044, 1.43M)

old saint nick?

Joan of Arc. I would kill to see a slutty genderbend of Saint Nicholas in fateshit one day though.

Attached: 1520788238646.jpg (1400x826, 440K)

(C93) [NF121 (みどり葵)] オフパコOK婦長さんと朝までゴムハメ撮影会 (Fate/Grand Order)

getting butthurt over genderbend and/or slutty characters.

Attached: bigdeadalive-dc3gkh2.png.jpg (665x1202, 125K)

What part of that post implies butthurt of any sort?

Attached: 1498258629427.png (1753x1240, 2.22M)

>can't connect to sadpanda
fuck fuck FUCK

Attached: ss+(2019-03-27+at+01.12.18).png (787x494, 27K)

dog just use nhentai if it’s just for that

itou life is a god.

Attached: 005.jpg (1280x1813, 690K)

make way for the better berserker

Attached: cuzilla.png (680x961, 1.12M)

>Karl Magnus Rex was Holy Roman Empire
>Get to True Ending arch
>Literally summoned because the fucking Jews
Thanks Nasu


That dog looks rabid.

Best doujin coming through

Attached: Object.jpg (1410x2024, 1.78M)

was expecting pic related for some reason.

Attached: QEtEmQ8.jpg (1200x1685, 375K)